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Carmel School,

Unit Test-Diversity in Living Organisms
To be answered under parent supervision
Time ± 1hour Marks ±40
1. Give the biological terms for the following: [10]
i) Root like structures found in mosses.
ii) Hollow air-filled bones in birds.
iii) Band of glandular tissue in mature earthworms.
iv) Solid, elastic, skeletal supporting rod in all chordates.
v) The central cavity in Sycon.
vi) Blood filled cavity in Arthropods.
vii) Mouth parts used for sucking in butterfly.
viii) Body divided into similar segments arranged in a linear series along the axis of the
body in leech.
ix) Locomotory structures found in Neries.
x) Orgamisms with false body cavity.
2. Distinguish between the following based on the criteria given in brackets: [8]
i) Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton (definition)
ii) Saprophytic nutrition and Parasitic nutrition (Examples)
iii) Butterfly and Sepia (Body division)
iv) Male ascaris and Female ascaris (Structure)
v) Frog and crocodile (locomotory structure)
vi) Cartiligenous fish and Bony fish (position of mouth)
vii) Planaria and Brittle star (Symmetry)
viii) Octopus and Platypus (Body temperature)
3. Pick the odd one with reasons: [5]
i) Cycas, Fir, Liverworts, Pine
ii) Bread mould, Chlamydomonas, Yeast, Toadstool
iii) Hydra, Sycon, Corals, Physalia
iv) Mycota, Mollusca, Annelida, Arthropoda
v) Whale, Seal, Shark, Dolphin
4. Observe the diagram given below and answer the questions : [2]

i) Name the class to which the above

organism belong to.
Give reason to support your answer.
ii) Mention the structure that separates the thorax and the
5. Give reason for the following: [3]
i. Earthworms are considered as farmer’s friend.
ii. Fish have backwardly overlapping slimy scales.
iii. Hydra is placed in phylum Cnidaria.
6. What are the following? [7]
i. Osculum ii. Ecdysis iii. Aestivation iv. Vertebrates
v. Species vi. Haemocoel Vii. Bilateral symmetry

7. Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. Do not copy the
questions. Write the correct answer only. [5]
i. Which of the following statement is true with respect to Phylum Cnidaria.
a) Triploblastic, head is absent, pentamerous, calcareous, ossicles
b) Diploblastic, radial symmetry, cnidoblasts, tentacles around mouth
c) Triploblastic, unsegmented body, no distinct head, pseudocoelom
d) Triploblastic, acoelomate, dorsoventrally flattened body
ii) Assertion: Algae belongs to Kingdom Mycota.
Reason : Algae is a multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic organism.
a) Assertion and reason both are true.
b) Assertion is correct but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
c) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation
of assertion.
d) If both assertion and reason are false.
iii)An organism which does not possess backbone.
a) Snake b) Fish c) Silver fish d) Bat
iv) The first plant group to develop vascular tissues is
a) Thallophytes b) Pteridophytes c) Angiosperms d) Bryophytes
v) Arthropods differ from Annelids in
a) Having jointed legs b) presence of exoskeleton
c) Respiration is by trachea d) All of the above


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