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1. Is it important to learn English?

Yes, it is.

2. Why English is important to you?

Because English is a global language.
- Studying English can help you read English books, communication
with foreigners, travel around the world, get a good job…

3. When did you start learning English?

I started learning English when I was 5 years old.

4. Who is your inspiration to learn English?

My mother is my inspiration to learn English

5. Did you experience having difficulties in learning English? Tell me

about it.
Yes, I did.
I had a weakness in speaking English like Vietnamese.
I was a shy girl. I was not confident of myself.

6. Who are the people that help you learn the English language?
My mother and the teachers of the Pantado Center

7. What are the advantages of studying at Pantado English Center?

1/ Firstly, my mother will not have to think about the time to pick me
up from school.
2/ Secondly, the study time is very flexible. You can study when you
are free, if you are busy one day you can arrange to study another day
3/ Thirdly, with one-on-one tutoring with teachers, you will be
corrected for pronunciation errors, and can communicate directly with
teachers for 45 minutes.
4/ Fourthly, I can participate in some online activities at the center
like this Speak up contest.
8. In your opinion, what are the important things to do to study
English and learn English?
The important things to do to study English and learn English are:
- I need to be maintain and pratice every day, must be disciplined in
learning English

9. How did you learn English?

- I learned English by watching videos, listening to music, reading
books and newspapers, chatting with friends in English.
- Participating in English speaking contests.

10. How to learn listening

- Listen to the radio
- Watch English TV

11. How to learn speaking

- Talk to yourself. Talk about anything and everything
- Record your own voice
- Always have an English-English dictionary nearby

12. How to learn writing and spelling

- Keep a diary/journal
- Write emails in English
- Rewrite your local news in English
- Learn important spelling rules

13. Are you confident in speaking English now?

Yes, I am

10. What can you say to everyone or other children that who wants to
learn English?
My English skills are not perfect, but I always try my very best.
I can do it, you can do it.

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