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Name: ____________________________________________ Date: ____/____/______

Company Culture Adaptation

1. Describe a time when you questioned your choice of engineering as a career or major.

2. Describe an occasion when you worked on a team and something did not go well. How did you

3. Share a situation when a project or proposal of yours met resistance or was not adopted in a timely
fashion. How did you handle this dilemma?

Personal Attributes

4. What strengths make you a good engineer?

5. What makes you unique?

6. Are you able to multi-task? Can you give me some examples?

7. What do you consider your strengths? What do you consider your weaknesses?

8. How do you handle failure?

9. Describe a time when you received criticism from a supervisor or professor. How did you respond?
10. What is an example of a problem where you had to think on your feet?

11. What are your interests and hobbies outside of work?

12. What are your interests and hobbies outside of work?

Career Trajectory

13. Why are you currently unemployed?

14. What have you accomplished outside of school and work that you are proud of?

15. Describe something you omitted from your resume and how that would make you a good fit for the

Computation Aptitudes Evaluation

Below is an illustration of a retaining wall to be constructed on a certain project, located at

Sta. 0+020 – 0+070 RL. Compute for the:

1. volume of concrete (in cu.m.)

2. quantity of cement (in bags)
3. quantity of reinforcing steel bar (in pcs)(indicated quantities per size)
4. quantity of PVC weep holes (in pcs) (consider standard length of pvc pipe(3”) = 3m)
Supposed you were given a road concreting project having a net length of 675 m with width of 6.7m
both lane and a thickness 0.28m. (Refer to the given details of two lane pavement below).
Compute for the:
1. area of PCCP
2. quantity of cement (in bags)
3. quantity of reinforcing steel bar (in pcs)(indicated quantities per size)

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