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Intern First & Last Name

Lauren Cook

Mentor Teacher Name, Grade Level, School Site

Anne Power
Brentwood Elementary

Date of Lesson Plan: When will you teach this lesson in your mentor’s classroom?
Friday February 16, 2024

Lesson Plan Project

Lesson Goals or Learning Targets (Word these as measurable student outcomes.)

The students will be able to spell three letter words.

Lesson Objectives or Success Criteria (Word these as student actions, use verbs.)

The students will actively listen.

The students will be engaged.
The students will write out each word.
The students will be quiet.

Lesson Plan Content (Written narrative paragraph about the lesson content.)

In this lesson, all students will sit on the carpet with a whiteboard, pen, and an eraser. The
class will be shown a photo that they are expected to spell out on their boards. One student
will be called up to the pocket chart, so they can pick and arrange the letters in the chart.
Once done they will hold up their boards and sound out the word. This will be repeated
multiple times with different words and after the lesson they will be asked about their
understanding through thumbs up, middle, or down.
CCSS Rationale (Describe the specific Common Core State Standards addressed during the teaching
of this lesson plan.)

- Students follow agreed-upon rules for discussions

- Able to continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
- Common Core Standard: RF.K.2 (Phonological Awareness)

The students will address these standards during this lesson because they are expected to
follow the rules of being quiet and raising their hand to add to the conversation. They must
only write out the word on the board and listen to the instructor for when or if they are asked
to put the letters together on the board. Also, they will be given the chance to add and
continue their conversations about each word and their sound through multiple students
talking and adding upon each other's statements. Also, the lesson is supposed to show their
awareness of sounds and spelling of grade level appropriate words.

Instructional Procedures

• Focusing Event (Describe how you will get students to focus attention on your teaching.)

My focus event will be the sound of the bell that is used daily in the classroom. It gains
their attention and lets them know the teacher is going to say something important
regarding their next lesson.

• Instructional Strategies (Describe each of the instructional methods you will employ during the

The instructional strategies I used were direct instruction because I am speaking to

them asking them to spell out each word and asking them about the sounds of their
letters. Also, experimental learning because they are doing a hands-on activity where
they are writing on their white boards and showing them to me so I can check their
spelling. Lastly, some interactive learning when they are given the chance to interact
with classmates and help each other.

• Student Participation (How will you engage students and get them on board to participate?)
I will get the students to engage by leading with an example. One student will be
asked to spell out each word with the letters provided, so the class will have an
example to follow. Also, I will be watching over to make sure they are on task and ask
them to refocus if needed.

• Formative Check (How will you check that all students are involved and engaged in the lesson?

My formative checks this lesson will be through my mentor teacher, and I check each
board to see if most students are getting their spelling correct. Also making sure that
students are corrected if wrong and word is gone over. Lastly if a student is struggling
a lot, they will be asked to do extra board time one on one or in a small group.

• Closure (How will you end the lesson purposefully, with intentionality?)

The closing event is asking the students to write their favorite word on the board and
asking them to show their peers, so they can end the lesson with something
meaningful yet impactful for the lesson.

• Assessment (How will you assess that students achieved the lesson goals or learning targets?)

I will assess the students throughout their lesson by either me or my mentor walking
around to see if they are writing out the word on their own and if they need extra
assistance. After the lesson they will also be asked about their understanding with
thumbs up meaning “I got it,” middle meaning “I'm getting there” and thumbs down
meaning “I am lost.”

Lesson Plan Materials (Include everything needed to successfully complete the lesson with
the full class. Remember to include all supplies, as well as technology, whiteboard space,
classroom space, etc.)

• White Boards
• Markers
• Easers
• Pocket Chart
• Letters for Chart
• Images for each Word
Mentor Signature & Date (Verification you taught this lesson with their class)

Optional Feedback Notes

Common Core State Standards for California
Instructional Strategies
Ideas for focusing event.
Closure ideas for ending lesson.

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