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New 9/11 Footage: New Angles Unlocked

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If you’re on Instagram and follow any conspiracy-related pages, you might have noticed a sudden uptick in
comments about purportedly new 9/11 footage that was released, and how the footage depicts new, never
before seen angles of the attacks. At the same time, interspersed amidst these comments are the inquiries
from a multitude of other users asking about the sudden prevalence of 9/11 footage on their newsfeed, with
many of them asserting that their algorithms are inundating them with not only just 9/11 footage, but with new
9/11 footage. Below are two screenshots to show you what I mean:

What prompted this curious phenomenon? I use Instagram pretty frequently because it serves as an extension
of my Youtube channel, and I follow several different 9/11 pages (some more conspiratorial than others) and
without fail, these types of comments appeared en masse under many of the 9/11 videos on those pages. I
began seeing enough of these comments that it finally got me curious to go searching for the origin of it all.
Was there actually new 9/11 footage released? Or are all these comments the product of a joke or some type
of troll job?
I was first made aware of this phenomenon through a discussion thread on /r/Conspiracy made by u/icyme20
who was asking why there were so many new pieces of 9/11 footage surfacing on social media in recent days -
a thread title that very much mirrors the style of the comments themselves. The thread was made on Thurs,
February 1st, and I didn’t see it until earlier this past week. After I read through it though, I became interested
enough that I decided to head over to Instagram myself to see if there really was new 9/11 footage circulating
anywhere, and if it was all nonsense, where that nonsense was coming from, and why. When I started looking
around from last Monday to Tuesday, at that time, a lot of the comments didn’t follow the same type of format
they do only a week later. Most of them weren’t funny at all, and were primarily just plain questions about why
they were seeing all this 9/11 footage on their feeds all of the sudden, or remarks about how they had never
seen the clip before. It could be that simply asking the question could be the “joke” itself, but I get the
impression that many people really did get bombarded with 9/11 content by their algorithms and were
genuinely asking in the comments why it was happening.

It’s hard to say, though. Either way, it was an interesting little dive, because out of this apparent algorithmic
anomaly spawned the very rapid formation of - and likely fleeting existence of - a new “meme”, so to speak.
Essentially, within a short timeframe, the volume of inquiries regarding the source of the footage grew rapidly
across social media, and over the span of just a few days, the influx of comments reached such a crescendo
across social media/Instagram that it reached a tipping point - that pivotal moment where a topical subject
being discussed online transforms into a fully-fledged memetic phenomenon with viral potential. As days
passed and these comments continued to proliferate beneath virtually every 9/11 video I encountered on
Instagram, they gradually coalesced into the meme we now know, which is simply posting “new angle
unlocked” in different forms under every 9/11 video.

The "new angle unlocked" meme isn’t entirely new, and from what I can tell, it appears that it actually merged
with an older meme that uses the word “unlocked” as a point of humor. I began looking into it and I think it’s the
“wake up babe” meme that I’m referring to here, which you can read about on KnowYourMeme here. This is
what they say about it:

“Wake Up Babe or Wake Up Babe, New X Just Dropped refers to a

catchphrase and series of exploitable image macros and reaction
images showing a man waking up his sleeping partner to tell her that
a new piece of content (such as a song, post, etc.) has dropped. The
memes often use the phrasal template "wake up babe, new X
dropped," with "X" being the new piece of content. The format became
popularized around May 2020 and remained prevalent over the
following years, particularly in reference to musicians.”

As for its origins:

“The earliest known meme to use the phrase "wake up babe" in

reference to someone dropping new content was posted on July 31st,
2019, on the /r/sadboys[1] subreddit by a now-deleted Redditor. The
meme shows a man waking his sleeping wife up, captioned, "Niggas
be like wake up babe! New Bladee" and garnered around 190 upvotes
in four years (shown below, left). On May 7th, 2020, Twitter[2] user
@DeehsarZ posted a similar meme using a different stock image
under a now-deleted Lil Uzi Vert tweet, captioned, "Wake up babe,
new Uzi tweet," garnering just one like in three years. This is the
earliest known meme to use the image, which would become the most
common in the format going forward.”

So, I guess that solves that. There was no singular piece of 9/11 footage - newly released or otherwise - that
sparked this random onslaught of questions about 9/11 videos inundating people’s feeds and the eventual
formation of a new “9/11 meme” with “new angle unlocked”. I think the most likely culprit here is that the
algorithms really did start pushing 9/11 video clips into people’s feeds more, likely as a result of Israel’s actions
against Palestine in recent months, and Middle East tensions taking on a larger presence in the broader
cultural Zeitgeist. However, when the algorithms did that, they were pushing 9/11 videos to people that are
likely very young, and whose understanding of the attacks come from what their taught about it in school; its
likely that many of them have never seen extended, raw video footage of the 9/11 attacks, so when they finally
did as a result of Instagram’s algorithm pushing it on them, it could be that they took the footage for new since
they had never seen it, and because the content was pushed onto them. Typically, content is suggested to you
for a reason - either you frequently view similar content on the platform, or the suggested content has some
other sort of value, such as being a trending news story or something happening in that moment.

With my pointless curiosities satiated, I want to now move on to the information of actual value. My little detour
there with the 9/11 meme and its origins didn’t turn out to be a total waste of time in the end, because as I was
in the process, I decided to do the legwork myself to actually confirm what the most recent 9/11 video footage
is, and when it was released. What I found was that, in the last two years, there have been two new videos of
the 9/11 attacks that were released. The first video was posted to Youtube by a man named Kevin Westley in
early 2022, and the second video was one recorded by Chris Bos and only uploaded to Youtube for the first
time just a few weeks ago.

Let’s review the footage together.


For individuals such as you and me, the notion that someone might have recorded the 9/11 attacks and then
kept the footage to themselves is perplexing. Surely, everyone recognizes the historical weight new footage
carries, right? It's difficult for me to fathom allowing VHS tapes of such a pivotal moment to languish in an attic,
exposed to the elements and the crushing weight of time. Yet, not everyone shares our perspective, and for
most people, it’s all too simple to glance at the plethora of existing footage and dismiss the need for more, or
deem it lacking in value. In the case of the most recent 9/11 footage shot by Chris Bos, that appears to have
been his mindset until he was contacted and motivated to share his footage online.

We should all be very thankful that he did, because as it turns out, his footage proved to be quite valuable. It
was recorded at ground level not far from the base of the World Trade Center towers, and the footage captures
the moments leading up to the impact of the second plane. The footage is important because it actually fills in
significant blanks we have in terms of video archives of the event - there are very few pieces of footage that
capture the reaction of the crowd near the towers following the impact of the second plane with full audio and
video intact. What sets this footage apart from the others, though, is its visceral portrayal of the event's
intensity. Unlike the distant perspectives typically seen from helicopter cameras or handheld camcorders, Bos'
camera was uncomfortably close to the unfolding tragedy. While we are unable to see the towers or the plane
strike directly, the proximity alone - in addition to him being in the middle of a street overcrowded with panicked
onlookers - was enough to grant viewers a startlingly clear perspective of the chaos. The footage vividly
captures the cacophony of destruction, and really allows us to grasp the sheer force and intensity in which the
planes hit those buildings. The thunderous roar of the airplane flying in overhead, the deafening explosion as it
collided with the tower and the subsequent eruption of glass, debris, and steel raining down upon the chaotic
streets below…all of it was captured in excruciating detail; detail that is already rare to see, and isn’t always
seen in other rare pieces of footage taken from similar vantage points on that day.

I first learned about the Chris Bos footage from /r/911archive, a place to discuss video footage and media of
the attacks (a great resource for those of you that collect images and videos of important events). The thread
didn’t get much interaction, but it was posted on January 26th, 2024, and entitled “Chris Bos Youtube
reupload”. OP doesn’t provide much detail about the video or its origins, but states that it was shot by Chris
Bos and “recently re-uploaded”. It can be viewed here.

The video’s description also doesn’t provide much, but it does give us additional information. It reads:

“Video is in a subpar quality 360p so the video occasionally looks

fuzzy, in addition to how the Double FPS works. This footage had also
been unlisted in 2012 before.

@randallross4436 contacted Chris this year for the footage. So, all
the credit goes to Randall here.”

So, technically, I suppose I can’t refer to the Bos footage as “new” exactly, being as the description says that it
was first posted and unlisted in 2012. However, it isn’t clear how widely viewed this video was back in 2012
when it was posted as an “unlisted” video; it very well could be that it was uploaded to Youtube and unlisted for
the purpose of convenient viewing for Bos and his friends and family. When you post an “unlisted” video on
Youtube, your changing the video settings from the video being a “public” video (aka viewable by everyone on
Youtube) to a video that is viewable to anyone on Youtube so long as they have the direct link to it. In other
words, anybody searching Youtube for 9/11 footage - even if they search for the exact name of Bos’ video back
in 2012 when it was unlisted - will be unable to view Chris Bos’ unlisted footage; only those who were sent a
direct link to the video by Bos or whomever uploaded the video can. So technically there’s some confusion
around that point, at least for me, but I guess it really doesn’t matter. The fact is that almost everybody that has
seen this footage in the last few days have stated that it was new. To be safe, I wanted to check into it further.

After I found the above thread that provided me with the link to Bos’ new(?) footage, I searched /r/911archive
for any other mentions about the footage so I could further verify the facts around it. This search eventually led
me to the following comment by Reddit user @Beznia who was discussing “lost 9/11 media” and the chances
of unseen footage sitting around untouched in an attic somewhere. They wrote:

“It's certain that there is unreleased footage. If it's kept in a ‘collection’

is up for debate, but there are recordings that show people holding
camcorders who are recording angles which definitely haven't been
seen. It's likely most of these people were just normal people who
happened to have their cameras, not professional
videographers/journalists. There's footage and photos already
found this year and they weren't released simply because the
people who recorded them never really thought to make them
more widely distributed than maybe their Facebook page.”

When a user asked him to clarify the above statement in bold and whether new footage was released in the
last five weeks or so, @Beznia responds:

“Yep. Chris Bos was a big one.

People in the Discord are reaching out to those who are known to
have recorded or taken photos during 9/11 but haven't shared
(whether purposefully not shared, or they just never thought about
sharing them).”

So, here we have this user - an active member of the 911archive subreddit, who usually have a pretty firm
grasp on how much footage exists and what footage is lost - stating the Bos footage is actually new, and never
before seen. If any community on Reddit would know whether a video clip of 9/11 was new or old, it would be
this one. Anyway, if you want to watch the rest of the footage Bos captured on 9/11, go to my Youtube channel
and click on the playlists tab - I have a bunch of different playlists that I have curated over the years and made
available for you guys, and the Bos footage should be there. However, here’s a direct link to the Bos playlist
just in case.

The Bos footage may have been the only new footage of 9/11 to come out this year, but for those of you paying
attention, you will know that we also received brand new footage from a man named Kevin Westley in early
2022 as well. The story of Kevin Westley and his incredible video of the 2nd plane’s approach is not without
some mystery though, as there seems to be a bit of confusion around when Kevin first posted the video online,
and why he waited over twenty years to make it available to the public.


On February 24th, 2022, Kevin Westley posted an entirely new piece of 9/11 footage to his personal Youtube
account, which can be viewed here. The consensus around this footage is that it is indeed new, which is stated
plainly in this Yahoo article about it. The article states:

“An astonishing 9/11 video that was ‘kept private’ on YouTube for 20
years emerged on the platform showing the September 11 attacks in
clear detail. The near nine-minute long clip, which surfaced decades
after the atrocity, shows a previously unseen angle of the second
plane hitting the World Trade Center’s South Tower.”

Interesting, maybe this footage was also uploaded many years ago but left unlisted or private before finally
being reuploaded years later like in Bos’ situation?

When you begin digging into the Kevin Westley footage, things become very strange very quickly. This was
actually the last thing I expected to encounter when investigating the origin of his footage, but literally within
just a few minutes of clicking around, I began encountering a multitude of suspicious and curious details
surrounding the video, the timing of its release, and the mysterious Kevin Westley himself.

Let’s start off with the basics. The attentive reader, in fact, may have already caught on to one of those strange
details. Let’s revisit the Yahoo article I linked above - how did that start off again?

“An astonishing 9/11 video that was ‘kept private’ on YouTube for 20

A video kept private on Youtube for 20 years? Youtube was not even created at that point, so it would be
technically impossible for Kevin Westley to have uploaded this video to Youtube that many years ago. Now, if
this discrepancy was limited only to this particular article, I’d write it off as an error made by the reporter who
wrote it. No big deal. As it turns out though, an entire conspiracy theory would spawn from this seemingly small
discrepancy, and the sleuths trying to find more information on the matter uncovered some very interesting
information about Westley in the process.

As a teaser, I think @shookya6976 on Youtube broke down the Kevin Westley situation the best:

“The guy who worked for the Pentagon and then went on to work for
other defense departments and became the chief engineer of Boeing
just happened to be in New York during the worst attack on American
soil with the perfect vantage point to film the 2nd plane hitting the
tower and dropped the footage 20 years later along with other cryptic
videos during the largest international conflict since the War on Terror,
there’s nothing weird about this”

…*sigh*. Here we go again.


The above Youtube comment by @shookya6976 definitely paints Kevin Westley in a sketchy light when the
details are arranged in that way, and of course one’s natural reaction to such a remark would be to immediately
wonder if any of it is true. So, I decided to take the time to verify whether those claims are true, or just
complete nonsense. It didn’t take very long for me to confirm with 100% confidence that every detail in his
comment is true, and I have the evidence to support that, which you will soon see. That doesn’t really matter
though, that’s the thing - the real question we should be asking is if those details do matter, how do they

I want to make one thing clear before I proceed, though, because as I was looking into Westley’s video footage
and people’s reactions to it, I saw many, many comments left on nearly all the videos he’s uploaded to his
channel over the last ten years that are straight up hateful and even sometimes threatening toward Westley. I
don’t want to condone any of that, because frankly I simply don’t know enough about Westley and I don’t
indulge in harassing 9/11 eyewitnesses in my downtime. While I totally understand where the “conspiracies”
and the suspicion about Westley are coming from, I just can’t get behind the hate and the suspicion, as even
with the details we do have - no matter how sketchy they are - we are unable to tell for certain whether
Westley was involved in anything nefarious regarding 9/11, or had foreknowledge of the attacks as people are
insinuating. Plus, the guy is a veteran - he has spent his entire life serving the nation, so let’s give him the
benefit of the doubt. However, as you all know, the “benefit of the doubt” does not make one immune from very
thorough examination by ya boy memoryhold, so lets get into it.

Let’s start with trying to confirm whether or not Westley really did work for the Defense Department or the
Pentagon or any other related organization at any time. A very, very brief search of “Kevin Westley” on Google
gives us his LinkedIn page, which is actually way more intriguing than I anticipated. Needless to say, Reynolds
has seen some shit, and likely has had his hands in a ton of classified activity and intelligence that people like
us would kill to know about.

From what I can learn about Westley from publicly available information, he’s definitely a seasoned
professional with extensive experience in engineering, program management, and military service. He has a
background in the U.S. Air Force, and has been in roles ranging from test & evaluation to international policy
development, where he consistently demonstrated leadership and technical prowess in complex environments.
Westley operates both inside and outside of the military, with extensive experience in the private sector as well.
In the aerospace industry, Westley has held key positions at Boeing, driving product development and
innovation. Currently, he is Chief Engineer at Boeing. Previously, he was Deputy Director of Engineering at
Kirtland Air Force Base, and oversaw the handling of nuclear weapons storage and employment.

This is all very impressive, and - I’ll say it again - totally unexpected. Also, the irony of his fairly lengthy
employment at Boeing and the military coupled with his experience in flight testing software and his presence
in New York City on 9/11 at the perfect vantage point is not lost on me. It’s worth noting that Westley isn’t just a
career military guy - from what we can tell from his publicly available career history and LinkedIn, his ties to
and involvement in the military industrial superstructure is significant, as his service history suggests
involvement in secretive and classified projects. On top of that, there are a few very specific roles that he has
held over the years - and locations he has been posted to - that suggests he may have even been involved in
UFO-related programs (if they exist), as well as top secret engineering programs.

For one, he identified himself on LinkedIn as being a “Military commissioned officer” in the Air Force from 1991
to June of 2003, holding posts at Los Angeles AFB, Kirtland AFB, and Nellis AFB. For those of you that are
familiar with UFO lore, Kirtland and Nellis should jump out to you immediately; Nellis was the sight of a very
famous UFO incident that was recorded by military sensors and cameras and then released to the public, and
Kirtland is cemented permanently in UFO history due to its deep ties to the UFO phenomenon, especially
through Project Blue Book. The base’ notable position in UFO history is also due to its association with several
UFO sightings, as well as its role in the investigation of such phenomena. The base was the site of a
well-documented UFO sighting in 1957, where two Civil Aeronautics Administration controllers reported
observing an unidentified flying object, which was also tracked on radar. This incident, among others,
contributed to Kirtland AFB's reputation within UFO circles. Additionally, the base's connection to the Air Force
Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and its involvement in Project Blue Book, the Air Force's study of
UFOs, further cement the base's place in UFO history. Project Blue Book, which included investigations of
UFO reports from across the United States, had some of its activities centered at Kirtland AFB. As we know,
however, Blue Book was mostly a cover-up campaign - a “front” organization that served as a distraction and
debunking vessel to the public, while the significant reports were siphoned off to a different organization for
study. At the time, this was their way of squashing public fears and curiosity around UFOs.

All of this may seem irrelevant, but with Westley’s experience in Flight Testing and software, his time spent
working in private aerospace industry on top of his work in the military, as well as his work in the government,
this type of career trajectory could very well place him in a position to be brushing shoulders with - if not
straight up participating in or overseeing - people involved in UFO-related programs.

By now, we've essentially confirmed all the assertions made in that initial YouTube comment. Westley indeed
served in the military, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and boasts extensive expertise in flight testing
and flight software. Much of his career has been spent collaborating with or within the private aerospace
sector. Regarding the UFO aspect of this, it obviously remains speculative, and it could be that they have no
relevance to Kevin Westley and this story at all. However, what I’m trying to get at here is 1) Due to Westley’s
extensive career experience in flight training in military and private aerospace, it would probably have put him
in close contact with people that either know something about or are directly involved in UFO programs of one
type or another, and 2) If 9/11 really was perpetrated by bad actors inside our own government, it’s likely that
the most clandestine factions of our intelligence apparatus were involved, which would mean the operation
would likely be folded into the same SAP framework or organization. In other words, given Westley’s career
experience, it is likely he works very closely with or is in contact with people that were involved in both UFOs
and the 9/11 attacks (IF the attacks truly were engineered from inside the US government, of course).

Perhaps it's best to let one of Westley’s colleagues describe his career experience for you. I don’t know this
person’s name, but it comes from a speech he gave at Westley’s retirement ceremony - a video you can watch
yourself, as it is a video he uploaded to his channel many years ago. His speech includes the following about
“When you consider what he did…led things, combat mission over in
Iraq, stuff that even I dont know about. Special access programs
that he was the lead engineer for, he was the person that made
things happen.”

That’s quite the career. Well, there’s our confirmation of Westley’s involvement in the same type of SAPs I was
literally just referring to.

All of this information, though, isn’t really what’s strange. It’s definitely unexpected, and most certainly unusual
in that it isn’t everyday you run into someone with this type of career. What people did find strange, though,
were the circumstances around the upload of Westley’s 9/11 video, which was uploaded or made public the
day that Russia invaded Ukraine - the day where people are least likely to even know it was posted.

People honed in on these odd details very quickly, which is no surprise, as Westley pretty much made it easy
for them. For example, read his Youtube description - the first part of it states:

“I posted this video in the 2000's but accidently left it private until now.” On top of the discrepancy about his
stated upload time and the fact Youtube did not exist at that point, people also questioned why someone would
upload a video like this and go more than two decades before realizing that the historic footage was
accidentally set to “private” for two decades. This isn’t even introducing the questions people had about the
video description he chose to include for the new footage, but before we get to that, I want to cover the weird
time discrepancy about the upload date of the video a little more in depth.

As I was investigating this video, I came across a few different Twitter threads that were conducting their own
investigation into Westley and his video. The first Twitter account I came across was this one - Rap Game
Edward Bernays (@Edward__Bernays). He attached a screenshot of what is purported to be Westley’s very
first version of the video description, which barely differs from the description that’s there now, except for the
dates. @Edward__Bernays on X wrote:

“9-11 Kevin updated the title & description of his video. Bruh YouTube wasn’t deployed on the public until 2005”

Okay, now this piece of information - if true - changes things. Remember, when we read that Yahoo article
about Westley’s 9/11 footage and how it was uploaded more than 20 years ago but accidentally set to “private”
all this time, it’s fair to assume that this was an error on part of the reporter writing the article. However,
Bernays here states that the original video description, the very first one that Westley wrote for the video when
it was made available, actually specified the year in which he uploaded it: 2001.

According to Bernays, he states that Westley’s original video description didn’t say it was first uploaded in the
early 2000s and left on private (that in and of itself being problematic due to the time discrepancy), but rather
straight up states that Westley uploaded the footage to Youtube in 2001. Bernays attaches a screenshot to the
twitter thread, which you can see below:
Needless to say, that’s a little strange. Nobody is perfect, and I myself often slip up and maybe use the wrong
language or attribute the wrong year to some event in passing, but in my opinion, this little slip up is a bit more
unlikely than your ordinary slip up, and I’ll explain why.

For one, Bernays is right - Youtube wasn’t available to the public until 2005, and even then it would be a few
more years until it was widely used. The prospect that Westley could have misremembered uploading this
video to the Youtube platform a full four years before the creation of Youtube is a stretch. Someone might
argue that Westley made this mistake because he was mixing up his timeframe with when he uploaded this
video to some other website. It’s easy to lose track of when you uploaded videos to where, especially if you’re
uploading the same video to multiple different platforms (I would know, each of my videos have to be posted to
multiple video platforms and its a pain in the ass!). For example, perhaps he uploaded it to a bunch of different
sites online at different times, and simply misattributed one of the upload dates to this one. It isn’t like there
weren’t other places to post the footage online in 2001 (although his options were far more limited than they
are today, of course). Sounds reasonable enough, except for the fact that Westley didn’t upload this video
anywhere else online except for his Youtube channel, so there would be no possibility of him misattributing the
wrong date to his Youtube video.

Additionally, think about the amount of steps that it takes to actually upload a video before it even gets
published to the public, or even in an “unlisted” or “private” status. Westley would have had to dragged the file
into the upload box (or selected the file from his PC directory), filled in the empty title, filled in the video
description (which was extremely lengthy and would’ve taken 15-20 minutes by itself), checked off a few
additional boxes, and then sat there and waited for it to upload.

However, this process did not exist before 2005 because Youtube did not exist until 2005, and the chances that
Westley misremembered doing all of the above and taking all of those steps on a platform that did not yet exist
in 2001 is suspect to me. On top of that, the upload process for videos varies by website - the process one
must go through to upload a video to sites like Vimeo or Dailymotion, while similar, will not use the exact same
format that Youtube does when uploading a video there. Regardless, the process is long enough where most
people would not typically make such an egregious error in timing like Westley did. I know as one ages our
memory declines significantly (let alone the effects general wear n’ tear in life does to it on top of that), but it’s
strange to me that one can misremember so inaccurately.

Adding to the mystery is the fact that, when someone called him out for his strange timeline discrepancy in the
comments under his video, he didn’t acknowledge it, and instead quietly edited the description to what it is now
(“I first uploaded this in the early 2000s” instead of “in 2001”). Obviously he is under no obligation to respond
to any user’s comments regardless of whether or not they are right, but researchers noted that detail down
anyway. From X user @DevonGraham311:

Considering Westley's purported claim of uploading his 9/11 video in 2001, as stated in the original version of
his video description, it presents a peculiar scenario, at least from my perspective. I’m not saying this timeline
discrepancy is crucial data and a piece of incredibly damning information, but it’s worth sharing because it’s
just another example of the many strange occurrences we see appear over and over again as we navigate
these unusual rabbit holes.

I fully acknowledge, however, that the timeline discrepancy and also everything we know about Westley could
mean absolutely nothing, at least not when it comes to 9/11 conspiracy theories. Even if all of the information in
this article and elsewhere about Westley is true, it technically does not prove any of our assertions, and does
little more than serve as a point of intrigue in the absence of further information. Since it’s impossible to know
what Westley’s intentions and thoughts were when writing the description, we can never know for certain
whether this discrepancy was truly the result of an honest mistake, or if Westley was being deceptive about the
video’s history for some reason. Without knowing any of that, we can’t take any of our claims and curiosities
and assertions any further, because most people when confronted with that detail will always chalk it up to an
honest mistake, which it very likely could be.

Regardless, we know for certain that his assertion not only involves uploading a video to a non-existent
platform that wouldn’t be available for multiple more years (which is an unusually(?) large margin of error for a
video he supposedly shared not long after the horrible, tragic attacks he just witnessed up close), but also
implies utilizing video visibility functionalities that were unavailable at the time as well, functionalities that would
not be available until Youtube came about in 2005.

So, to break it down:

• Westley claimed to upload a video to a website that didn’t exist for another four years
• Westley claimed to utilize video visibility functions (functions such as changing a video to public, private, or
unlisted to restrict viewership) that also did not exist yet, as it wasn’t until Youtube came along in 2005 that
visibility toggling was even a thing, let alone adopted by other video-sharing websites
• Westley apparently mis-remembered when he uploaded the video and was off by at least four years (very
large margin of error for something relatively easy to remember, especially with 9/11 being so impactful, and
him having witnessed it)
• The lack of any acknowledgement to comments, specifically the comment calling him out for the time
discrepancy (despite the fact it’s very likely it was that comment that prompted him to change the description to
say “early 2000s” to correct the timeline)
• Then there’s the oddities around his career
- Led special access programs - very highly classified (SAPs are the type of program that is also likely
illegal. MK-Ultra was a SAP, and also highly illegal. No congressional oversight)
- Over 30 year career serving in both the Air Force, Government, and private sector aerospace industry
- A lot of experience in flight testing software
- Saw combat in Iraq

The issue is that if that time discrepancy wasn’t a result of an honest mistake on Westley’s part, though, that
would indicate something else: deception. If Westley really did claim to have uploaded the video in 2001 and
accidentally left it on private for twenty years, there is a reason he provided that specific time as opposed to
any other time, and there is also a reason that he chose to claim not that he forgot or didn’t upload the video at
all, but that he did upload it, but just forgot to make it public. Once again, even though many video-sharing
platforms offer users the options to toggle visibility for the videos they post now, this function was not as widely
available in the timeframe that Westley claims to have utilized it. In other words, not only did he say he
uploaded the video to a site that didn’t exist at that time, but he took it one step further by claiming to have
made a mistake by leaving it on private, then switching it to public in 2022, which is a function of Youtube that
did not yet exist on Youtube or anywhere else online at that time, thus rendering his stated actions impossible
once again.

I don’t want to go on much longer about such a seemingly small detail, especially one that very likely is an
honest mistake; it's just that I can’t shake the fact that he’d have to misremember a lot of information most
people world ordinarily remember fine in order to believe that he uploaded a video to Youtube before it existed
in 2001 when in reality he actually uploaded it four or five years later (a very large margin of error). There’s just
something weird about it, and I think the reason I wanted to touch on it here like I am is because if it turns out
that it wasn’t an honest mistake, as I said before, I think these details would then become not just deceptive,
but of significant importance, because it would indicate that there was a reason that Westlely chose that
specific timeframe to use for his lie.

In a way, arguing over this doesn’t really matter because we haven’t yet authenticated whether or not Westley’s
video description ever said what they’re claiming it did, and if it appeared the way it was shown in the
screencap shared on X. That screenshot could have easily been photoshopped and made to look as if the
description reads “I first uploaded this in 2001” instead of “I first uploaded this in the early 2000s”, and spread
online for malicious reasons such as disinformation. Being as his video description now says the latter, we
must find a way to see whether or not we can peer into the past and take a look at what his video description
looked like upon the video’s upload. To do that, we’ll have to utilize and the Wayback Machine. Let’s
start with and see if there are any snapshots of the webpage from the time immediately following its

I plugged in the URL for Westley’s video and got a hit - they have a snapshot from February 28th, 2022, which
is four days after Westley posted or made his video public (February 24th). Here are the results showing that
this snapshot is the only one that exists for the video on
And here is the snapshot itself showing how it appeared on February 28th, four days after the video was

As you can see, the video description is partially visible and states “My video from 9-11”, but we are unable to
see any text beneath it, and nothing similar to what was depicted in that X user’s post. Westley’s video was first
posted/first became public on February 24th, 2022. The above snapshot is from February 28th. With that
timeline, that would mean that the twitter user’s screenshot (showing Westley saying he uploaded the video in
2001) would have to have been taken between the 24th and the 28th, because by the time the 28th rolled
around, the description appeared how it appears in the above screenshot. However, that is only true if the
above screenshot actually displays all of the text in the video description; since we can’t click any buttons on
the screenshot, we can’t use the “show more” and “show less” buttons to see what else might be in the
description. However, when I look at it, it appears to me that ”my video from 9-11” is the only text there in the
description, but I can’t be certain.

Using Wayback, there’s only one screenshot of the video available, which was taken February 28th, 2022, just
like the’ screenshot of the video. Fortunately, with Wayback we’re able to click buttons and interact
with the webpage more directly even if it is navigating a deleted page, so we can now click the “show more”
button to confirm if “my video from 9011” is the only text in the description. I can confirm that it is:
At this point, we hit a dead end, I think. We have exhausted and Wayback Machine, with both only
having a single snapshot of the video from four days after it was uploaded, showing a video description that
included only the text “My Video from 9-11”. Unfortunately, this means that I am unable to authenticate the
veracity of the screencap posted on X, or the claim that Westley’s original video description said the video was
uploaded in 2001. Unless there is another method to recover archived snapshots of what Youtube videos from
two years looked like (or, rather, what they looked like on February 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th, specifically),
there isn’t any method that I can think of that can go back in time to prove whether the screencap was real or
not. Once again, this is precisely the reason why I tell everyone to ARCHIVE EVERYTHING. Don’t just take
screenshots, ARCHIVE IT. All it takes is one webpage or one video being removed from the Internet, and an
entire foundation of legitimate research can be toppled. For example, this entire portion of the article was about
the “posted in 2001” claim, whether it was likely that he made a mistake, etc when it really doesn’t matter
because we can’t authenticate whether his description ever said that to begin with. It’s unfortunate, because I
want to know.

Well, whatever - like I said, there’s really nothing that this particular detail proves, though it is undoubtedly a
strange instance in what I expected to be a very unremarkable background search into a 9/11 witness.
However, it does get stranger.


Navigate to Westley’s video and read the video description with me. Rather than try to explain it here, let me
just paste it to you in its entirety:

“Copyright 2001 & 2023

I posted this video in the 2000's but accidently left it private for until
now. I gave a Sunday Service on a scout trip to Shiloh battlefield
about one of my religious journeys and showed this video (stop before
swearing). I noticed the video was private and made it public. Here's
the message notes for the sermon I wrote. I am an engineer not a
pastor, so don't expect the message to be awesome.
As a combat veteran, when they spoke of going to Shiloh, the last
place I wanted to visit was a battlefield. However, I could tell that it
meant a lot to the adults planning the trip. As we were packing up to
leave the house, it was a struggle. For you this is a visit with history.
For me this is a return to Hell.
As I prayed about what to share, I decided I would share this struggle
from my own personal devotion. Sermon notes below:
Read 1 Chronicles 22:7 - 10
When I became a Christian in the early 90’s I read through bible
I focused on Military verses as a young officer
What does this mean? God asked David to fight these wars, why was
he punishing him?
My journey to find the meaning of this passage is painful, but I would
like to share it with you.
I had a tough flight test job. It was dangerous, with test crew often lost
Vacation to relax. Go to NYC. See the shows.
In an instant I saw 2,763 die. 25,000 injured
Comparison. Shiloh 3,500 dead, 16,500 injured over two days
As I was caught in the dust cloud of the collapse, I remember seeing a
picture of a child about your age. From a desk of their mom or dad
and wondering if I now orphaned
This was what I thought would be the worst time of my life. Little did I
know this was the first day of what would become about about a year
in various combat zones around the world
A few years later on valentines day, I told Kristen I was selected to be
an aircraft commander and fly combat missions in Iraq. I was leaving
for training in two weeks and then flying out on her birthday in May.
When I flew the rotater into Iraq, the guy that sat next to me died in a
mortar attack the next day. That was my welcome to Iraq.
I then worked about three months straight from 6pm to 6am, planning
and flying combat missions. Here are some samples of my days.
Walking the mile to work over 135 degree tarmac one day one of my
squadron mates was waving for me. I couldn’t hear the shell warning
siren over the F-16’s taxing. I saw him hit the deck and did too.
Some days my sleep was interrupted by incoming mortar fire, with
one time gravel spraying against my tent woke me up.
As one of the officers, I would often draw funerary detail. As they
wheeled the coffins into or out of the aircraft, I would wonder did they
have a wife? Kids? Have their parents been notified yet?
Day after day was all the same, except on Sunday, I would go to
chapel before reporting for duty. It would be a respite from the Hell
outside the chapel tent. Worshiping God. We are fortunate to have a
couple philosophers in our unit. One of them asked during scouting
Sunday why I was smiling. I told him that it is because I can leave my
worries outside. He told me you leave it hung up on a tree and then
pick it back up when you leave and some of them have blown away. It
reminded me of that chapel tent in Iraq where the love of Christ brings
joy to my heart.
Even after experiencing combat, I still did not understand 1 Cor.
Several years later I was reading the last Harry Potter novel and God
used this following passage to make the lightbulb go off.
Extract from passage:
Snape raised his eyebrows and his tone was sardonic as he asked,
“Are you intending to let him kill you?” “Certainly not. You must kill
me.” There was a long silence, broken only by an odd clicking noise.
Fawkes the phoenix was gnawing a bit of cuttlebone. “Would you like
me to do it now?” asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. “Or would
you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?” “Oh, not quite yet,”
said Dumbledore, smiling. “I daresay the moment will present itself in
due course. Given what has happened tonight,” he indicated his
withered hand, “we can be sure that it will happen within a year.” “If
you don’t mind dying,” said Snape roughly, “why not let Draco do it?”
“That boy’s soul is not yet so damaged,” said Dumbledore. “I would
not have it ripped apart on my account.” “And my soul, Dumbledore?
And at last, I knew the truth of David in 1 Chr 22…. A wave of pain,
sadness and great loss crashed over me. God. God. What about my
soul? I asked.
In war a piece of our soul is lost on the battlefield and it can never be
replaced in this life. That is why David could not build the temple. But
David’s hope was that in the next life God restores our soul. We know
that in Christ our body and soul will rise again perfected.
Let us Pray. God we pray for those some 3000 that died on these
fields as their life blood flowed out. Also we pray for those 100,000
who spilled that life blood and left a piece of their soul on this
battlefield. Amen”

Alright, that’s a lot to take in. Westley clearly put a lot of thought into this video description, and for reasons not
entirely clear, he decided to include all of this underneath his video of the second plane striking the WTC. The
way it's written gives me the impression that he was or is going through a fairly intense or profound
transformation in life, or perhaps something happened or he hit a point in his life that prompted him to reflect
on his life, his career in the military, the combat experiences. Telling from his Youtube channel, it appears that
he also retired within the last decade, too, marking an end of a very rich career by all accounts - that could be
another explanation for the very emotional tone beneath the words of this text.

One thing that stands out from the other details in the video description is his reference to a bible verse, 1
Chronicles 22:7-10. The verse 1 Chronicles 22:7-10 is about David's desire to build a temple for the Lord, but
God tells him that because he has been a warrior and has shed much blood, he is not the one chosen for this
task. Instead, it is David's son Solomon who will be granted peace and rest from his enemies and will be the
one to build the temple. Once again we see the theme of combat here - like David, Westley has seen combat
and likely “shed much blood”.

The verse 1 Chronicles 22:7-10 says:

"David said to Solomon: 'My son, I had it in my heart to build a house

for the Name of the Lord my God. But this word of the
Lord came to me: ‘You have shed much blood and have
fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my
Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth
in my sight. But you will have a son who will be a man of
peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his
enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I
will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. He is the
one who will build a house for my Name. He will be my
son, and I will be his father. And I will establish the throne
of his kingdom over Israel forever.'"

To summarize the verse, David is speaking to Solomon, and recounts how God communicated with him. David
tells Solomon that he had initially wanted to build a temple for the Lord, but God informed him that he wasn't
the right person for the task due to the previous wars he fought in and the blood he shed. Instead, God
promised that Solomon would be the one to build the temple and would experience peace and rest from his
enemies during his reign. That temple would become known as the “First Temple” or “Solomon’s Temple”.
The Wikipedia page on it provides the following information on its origins:
“Solomon's Temple, also known as the First Temple (Hebrew:
ָ ‫הִַּמ ְקָּד ׁש‬-‫ֵּב ית‬‎, Bēṯ hamMīqdāš hāRīʾšōn, transl. 'First House of
‫ה ִראׁשֹון‬
the Sanctum'), was a biblical Temple in Jerusalem believed to have
existed between the 10th and 6th centuries BCE. Its description is
largely based on narratives in the Hebrew Bible, in which it was
commissioned by biblical king Solomon before being destroyed
during the Siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of the
Neo-Babylonian Empire in 587 BCE.”

I’ve always been transparent about my lack of knowledge around matters of religion, but when it comes to
matters of the occult, I’m familiar with the basics. So, for people like me, we may
struggle to find any connection between the bible verse cited by Westley and the
September 11th attacks. Even after reading the verse, the connection or relevancy
isn’t immediately clear to me, and I don’t think it would be clear to anyone else with
my level of knowledge, either. However, over the years I have familiarized myself
with all sorts of conspiracy theories around the 9/11 attacks, and among them are
the theories that 9/11 was not just a terrorist attack, but also a massive and complex
occult ritual. I learned a lot about occult symbolism through the information shared
in this circles, and it was through that route that I was able to recognize the possible
significance in Westley’s particular choice of bible verse for the video description of
his infamous 9/11 footage. The bible verse Westley decided to use was about the
construction of Solomon’s Temple, a structure that figures heavily in Freemasonic
symbolism and has been associated with the World Trade Center in the past.

Solomon’s Temple was commissioned by biblical king Solomon before being destroyed during the Siege of
Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 587 BCE. Historians note that, standing on
either side of the entrance of the temple were two massive pillars that are known as Boaz and Jachin, a very
prominent symbol in Freemasonry, Kabbalah, and other occult systems of belief. The image above and to the
right depicts the classic Freemasonic illustration of the two pillars.

In Kabbalah, a branch of ancient Jewish mysticism, they view the design of Solomon’s Temple as…:

“...representative of the metaphysical world and the descending light

of the creator through Sefirot of the Tree of Life. The levels of the
outer, inner and priest's courts represent three lower worlds of
Kabbalah. The Boaz and Jachin pillars at the entrance of the temple
represent the active and passive elements of the world of Atziluth.
The original menorah and its seven branches represent the seven
lower Sephirot of the Tree of Life. The veil of the Holy of Holies and
the inner part of the temple represent the Veil of the Abyss on the
Tree of Life, behind which the Shekhinah or Divine Presence hovers.”

If you’re still confused, I’ll cut to the chase here: the Twin Towers have been associated with the biblical pillars
of Boaz and Jachin both in conspiratorial circles and in more mainline historical treatments equally. In other
words, the Twin Towers being depicted as symbolic representations of Boaz and Jachin is not an idea that
originated within the world of conspiracy theories. It makes sense; after all, the two gigantic towers looked like
two pillars standing next to each other, and just like the pillars were seen as symbols of strength, stability, and
beauty, the World Trade Center towers symbolized globalization and America’s economic power and
Further than mere symbolic connections though between the bible verse Westley cited and the events of 9/11,
you may recall that World Trade center 7 was also known as the “Salomon Brothers Building”, and because it
sat only 350-600 feet away from the Twin Towers (pillars), I suppose one could say that the Twin Towers (two
pillars) sat on the porch of WTC 7, also known as the Salomon Brothers Buildings - Solomon’s Temple.

It’s a lot to take in, and make no mistake, a lot of the occult angles of 9/11 research are definitely a bit wacky,
or at least can be. I’m not saying it’s a waste of time to look into though, and to be honest with you, I’m not
entirely sure it's as outrageous as it sounds. Regardless, I needed to provide that context for you to understand
why people were even more sketched out by the bible verse in the video description. What only adds to the
intrigue is that Westley seems to be in the midst of some profoundly transformative and reflective moment in
his life


At the end of his lengthy video description, Westley references the human soul, evoking a poignant scene from
the fantasy series Harry Potter where Dumbledore and Snape are talking about damage done to the human
soul. In it, Dumbledore is speaking to Severus Snape and asking Snape to assist him with a dangerous task,
knowing it may endanger Snape’s soul. Dumbledore acknowledges Snape’s concern for the well-being of
others - a trait reflected by his earlier concern about Draco Malfoy’s soul not yet being too damaged. Snape
questions Dumbledore about the potential harm that may be inflicted upon his own soul if he aids him, and
Dumbledore responds by emphasizing Snape’s agency and personal responsibility in deciding whether to help
him. Despite the grave circumstances, Dumbledore maintains a sense of humor throughout the conversation,
comparing his impending death to the predictable failures of the Chudley Cannons in the Quidditch league,
while also expressing his preference for a swift and painless demise over a prolonged and gruesome one at
the hands of Voldemort's allies like Fenrir Greyback and Bellatrix Lestrange. In general, the overarching
themes of this particular passage are themes of sacrifice, moral ambiguity, and the weight of personal choices
in impending danger - all very heavy motifs for a Youtube video description.

What is noteworthy to me is that Westley states that he did not understand 1 Cor. until he read the above
passage from Harry Potter. While he does not overtly state what it was that brought about the “light bulb”
moment he suddenly understood about 1 Cor., it’s obvious that the themes explored in that passage of the
book are extremely relevant to Westley’s life in some way. Given his career experience, the fact he saw
combat, and was also bore witness to the 9/11 attacks, there’s a number of ways that this passage could be
relevant, and depending on how you view all of this information, some of those ways could be a bit unsettling.
When I read it, I wondered if Westley was insinuating that he was concerned about the state of his own soul,
since he’s seen combat, perhaps taken lives, and maybe even participated in things that aren’t so great while
occupying the shadowy, dark money circles his career has put him in.

I think this part of the text reflects that perfectly:

“And at last, I knew the truth of David in 1 Chr 22…. A wave of pain,
sadness and great loss crashed over me. God. God. What about my
soul? I asked.
In war a piece of our soul is lost on the battlefield and it can never be
replaced in this life. That is why David could not build the temple. But
David’s hope was that in the next life God restores our soul.”
I suppose that, like the 9/11 attacks themselves, Kevin Westley and his very shadowy career in the military
overseeing Special Access Programs will likely forever remain a mystery. As for whether or not Westley himself
will ever speak again, or acknowledge any of the many questions we have for him, it’s impossible to say. As
with everything else in this game, we once again must close the door on this investigation, leaving with more
questions than answers. Until next time!


Main imgur:

Lt Col Kevin Westley YouTube channel
- Today, we got a new drop of 9/11 plane hitting the towers. I ask you to check out the YouTube channel
of the man posting it

- Retired lt col Kevin Westley. His most recent video titled horned Owl appears to be a compilation of his
time in Iraq set to green day, time of your life
- However, horned Owl brings up a peculiar event in 2021. A plane crash of an unmanned secretive,
silent spy drone in Iraq unmasked the program great horned Owl used by us intelligence. Link as


- The exact images of the drone I could not find but it models off of the plane shown in that link

- An image of the plane in the hanger in Kevin's Great Owl video:


- Could he have been part of this secret military program? Why the reveal now?

Why are there new 9/11 videos and camera angles

Kevin Westley’s NEW 9/11 footage (from his channel)


Kevin Westley Conspiracy

Kevin Westley’s Retirement Ceremony:

9/11 video of plane crash that only emerged 20 years after Twin Tower attacks - shows impact in clear detail
- Archive:

If anyone has WTC CCTV, It’s Probably AirWorld

LOL Superman Megathread

Kevin Westley, High-Ranking Air Force member and his recent uploads.
- Archive:
- Kevin Westley “Program” Video: (“He's posted his service history here:Service History”)
- Kevin Westley’s Retirement Ceremony Video (“More is made of his service history in a video that recorded his
graduation ceremony. Long, but worth watching. It feels very "off".)

- [AI Summary of comments section of above video]
Kevin Westley, a man with a significant government service record, recently released a new video of the
second tower explosion on 9/11, captured while he was in New York on that day. (Date: 9/11) - Westley's
service history includes involvement in experimental test flights, top-secret clearances, and directing Nuclear
Systems, indicating his ties to sensitive government sectors. (Date: Unknown) - His graduation ceremony
video further emphasizes his influential role, with references to his leadership in undisclosed projects and

special access programs within the Air Force and Department of Defense. (Date: Unknown)
- Westley's video showcases remarkable camera work, but his reactions during the recording are peculiar
and his identification of the plane as a United Airlines flight raises questions. (Date: 9/11) - Despite the
quality of the footage, Westley's voice appears rehearsed, prompting speculation about the authenticity of
his reactions and the circumstances surrounding his presence during the event. (Date: Unknown) - The
timing of the video's release, years after the event, invites scrutiny and prompts viewers to analyze the
motives behind its emergence into the public domain. (Date: Current)
- Summary: Kevin Westley, a figure with extensive ties to government sectors, including the Air Force and
Department of Defense, has unveiled a new video capturing the second tower explosion on 9/11. His service
history suggests involvement in secretive projects, adding complexity to the context of his footage. While the
video's quality is notable, Westley's behavior raises suspicions, prompting viewers to question the
authenticity of his reactions and the timing of the video's release.

Kevin Westley Conspiracy Thread

Kevin Westlely - LinkedIn
- Archive:

Kevin Westley Resume (anti-gravity vehicles?)

Kevin Westley “Program” Video:

How Searching Kevin Westley’s 9/11 Footage in Wayback Appears*/
- First ever snapshot of Westley’s youtube video, February 27th 2022:
- Description of first snapshot simply says “My 9-11 footage”
As early as March 2022, Westley edited the video description from “uploaded in 2001” to “uploaded in the early
2000s” (if the screencap is to believed)

Kevin Westley 9/11 Footage: Vid Description Discrepancy

- In the original Youtube video description, Kevin wrote that he "first uploaded this video in 2001, but
forgot to make it public until now" (2022). Except Youtube wasn't in existence in 2001, so what's he talking

Kevin Westley, High-Ranking Air Force member and his recent uploads.
- Archive:

Kevin Westley Conspiracy Thread

9/11 Mass Ritual

Kevin Westlely - LinkedIn
- Archive:

Kevin Westley Resume (anti-gravity vehicles?)


Chris Bos 9/11 footage [NEW](Jan. 20th, 2024)

- Channel: Erebus 6788

Full Chris Bos 9/11 footage playlist [NEW]


Video Description:

Video is in a subpar quality 360p so the video occasionally looks fuzzy, in addition to how the Double FPS
works. This footage had also been unlisted in 2012 before

/ @randallross4436 contacted Chris this year for the footage. So, all the credit goes to Randall here.



All my links:

Uncensored Videos



- 🎥 Sudden Surge in 9/11 Footage on Instagram:

- Many Instagram users noticed a sudden increase in 9/11 footage on their feeds, accompanied by comments
about new angles.
- Users questioned if this surge was due to newly released footage or a joke/troll job, leading to speculation
and curiosity.

- 🕵️‍♂️ Curiosity Spurs Investigation:

- A Reddit thread on /r/Conspiracy highlighted the influx of new 9/11 footage on social media.
- Users investigated to find the source of the footage and the reason behind its sudden prevalence on social
media platforms.

- 📈 Formation of a New Meme:

- The surge in inquiries led to the rapid formation of a new meme, "new angle unlocked," spreading across
social media.
- This meme merged with an older one, "wake up babe," creating a new iteration of internet humor.

- 📹 Confirmation of New Footage:

- Recent years saw the release of two new 9/11 videos, one by Kevin Westley in early 2022 and another by
Chris Bos a few weeks ago.
- Chris Bos' footage, recorded near the World Trade Center towers, offers a unique and intense perspective of
the attacks.

- 🛠️ Investigation into Kevin Westley:

- Kevin Westley's 9/11 footage sparked controversy due to discrepancies in its upload date and his
- Westley's extensive career in the military and aerospace industry raised questions about his involvement in
classified programs and potential connections to the events of 9/11.

- 🔍 Unraveling the Mystery:

- Inconsistencies in Westley's video description and his career history led to further scrutiny and conspiracy
- The timing of the footage's release, coinciding with significant events like the Russia-Ukraine conflict, added
to the intrigue surrounding Westley's motives.

- 🤔Speculation vs. Evidence:

- While suspicions about Westley abound, concrete evidence linking him to nefarious activities remains
- Despite the uncertainties, Westley's career trajectory and the circumstances of his video's release continue
to fuel speculation and debate online.

Formatting this for a video could involve displaying each bulletpoint alongside relevant visuals, such as
screenshots of social media posts, clips from the 9/11 footage, and images of Kevin Westley's LinkedIn profile.
Interspersing commentary or narration between bulletpoints could provide additional context and engagement
for viewers.

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