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‘‘An argument without an End’’ Dutch Written sources- these are the published
Historian Geyl materials such as books, magazines,
sanctions, articles and more.
‘‘Every generation write its own history
using the same sources’’ Division of History
Theodoro Agoncillo  Period where no written records exist
or when the writings of people were
‘‘Ang kasaysayan ay salaysay na may not preserved.
sanaysay sa sinasalaysayang salinglahi’’
 Analyzed through fossils and artifacts
Zeus Salazar by archaeologists and anthropologists.

History/kasaysayan History

 Derived from the Greek noun iotopia  A period when man started to write
(historia) means learning and inquiry. and record events using the system of
 The study of past events, writing.
chronological record of the significant Role of Historians
 History is not a one branch but  To look at the available sources and
integrated/variations. select the most relevant for history and
 It is multidimensional/different subject of study.
perspectives.  Organized the past that is being
 Wide talk which can be written, oral, created.
visual and combination.  To seek the meaning, recovering the
past, to let people see continuing
Filipino term about history/kasaysayan relevance of memories (historical
Salalysay- narrative/story understanding).

Saysay- meaning/essence History as a Social Science

Kasaysayan  Economics
 Political science
As a narrative (Which can be written,  Sociology
visual, oral or a combination of all three)  Anthropology
about past events that has meaning to a
 Philosophy
certain group of people in a given time and
 Geography
 Psychology
 Salaysay and saysay are Importance of History
 Without both you cannot have true  To unite a nation
history  To legitimize regime & forge a sense
Passing history through direct of collective identity
experiences  To make sense of the present
 To not repeat mistakes on the past
 Pantayong pananaw- pilipino ay  To inspire
 Pansilang pananaw- iba ang nagsulat
Historical revisionism- revised facts  Writing of history (Historical Writing)
 Based on critical examination of
Historical distortion- nilalayo sa facts sources selection of particular details
from authentic materials in those
Historical Sources- materials used for sources and the synthesis of those
the writing of history details into narrative.

 Done through a Historical Research Another type of classifications:

with the aid of Historical Methodology.
1. written and non-written,
History as reconstruction 2. published or unpublished,
3. textual, oral or visual sources
 Historian is many times removed from Written Sources
the events under investigation
 They rely on surviving records 1. Published materials

Historical Method Books, magazines, journals,

Historians have to verify sources, to date Travelogue

them, locate their place of origin and  transcription of speech
identify their intended functions.
2. Manuscript [any handwritten or
History means interpretation typed record that has not been printed]
 Interpretation by evidence  Archival materials
2 kinds of interpretation  Memoirs, diary
1. Historical interpretation- it is written Non- written Sources
evidence and subjective to challenge
because they have various Oral history, Artifact, Ruins, Fossils, Art
interpretations. works, Video recordings, Audio recordings
Opinion- it is a subjective your own
opinion only. Primary Source
2. Traditional History- it requires written  Materials produced by people or
evidences to prove that your groups directly involved in the event or
knowledge is true, it is also observing topic being studied.
facts.  They are either participants or
Mantra- no document, no history  These sources range from eyewitness
Historical Sources accounts, diaries, letters, legal
documents, and official documents
 These are objects from the past or (government or private) and even
testimonies concerning the past on photographs
which historians depend in order to What are Primary Sources?
create their own depiction of that past.
Howell and Prevenier, From Reliable  Testimony of an eyewitness
Sources an Introduction to Historical  A primary source must have been
Method produced by a contemporary of the
event it narrates -Louis Gottschalk,
 ‘‘Tangible remains of the past’’ Understanding History
Anthony Brundage, Going to
Sources Four Main Categories of Primary
Historical Sources
1. Written sources
 materials used for the writing of 2. Images
history. 3. Artifacts
4. Oral testimony
They are classified into two:
What are Secondary Sources?
1. Primary Sources
o A secondary source interprets and
2. Secondary Sources
analyzes primary sources. These

sources are one or more steps 1. Identification of the author

removed from the event.
o Secondary sources may have pictures, Eg. To determine his reliability; mental
processes, personal attitudes.
quotes or graphics of primary sources
in them. 2. Determination of the approximate date
3. Ability to tell the truth
• Nearness of the event, competence of
o History textbook witness, degree of attention.
o Printed materials (serials, periodicals 4. Willingness to tell the truth
which interprets previous research) • To determine if the author consciously
or unconsciously tells falsehoods.
Historical Criticism 5. Corroboration
• Eg. Historical facts- particulars which
in order for a source to be used as
rest upon the independent testimony
evidence I history, basic matters about its
of two or more reliable witness.
form and content must be settled.
Corroboration of one statement to
• Each source of evidence has varying another statemen, there’s a similarity.
degrees of reliability depending on the
Anachronistic- particularly in date
historical problem
• A trained historian will know how to 2 types of External criticism
perform authentication and credibility information
tests on each source before its
usefulness is accepted Disinformation- twisting of information or
• Some of the procedures of historians distortion
are to verify the authenticity of the Missed information- lack of information
source material first by checking if the about something you really don’t know
content is original. about.
• To test the authenticity of evidences,
the historian uses the related tools and FIRST VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD
techniques of other sciences. - Antonio Pigafetta
External criticism ANTONIO PIGAFETTA (1491– C.1534)
• The problem of authenticity In the battle of Mactan, he was the
• To spot fabricated, forged, and faked eyewitness of all events. So, he wrote a
documents journal.
• To distinguish a hoax or
misinterpretation ■ Born sometime in 1491 in Vicenza, a
town about a hundred kilometers west
*Only after the tests on authenticity or of Venice, Italy.
external criticism can the historian
■ Eldest son of Giovanni Pigafetta to
evaluate the credibility and reliability of the
second wife Angela Zoga.
work of an author, in terms of criteria of
willingness and ability to tell the truth. ■ Studied astronomy, geography and
Internal criticism (author, account, dates
etc.) ■ worked in the ships owned by the
Knights of Rhodes.
• The problem of credibility
• Relevant particulars in the document ■ Joined the delegation of Monsignor
• Verisimilar- as close as what really Francesco Chieregati when he was
happened from a critical assigned as Papal Nuncio to Spain in
examination of best available 1519.
sources. ■ In the same year, he became
acquainted with the lucrative spice
Test of Credibility
trade and heard the news of the

voyage to be undertaken by Ferdinand became naturalized U.S. citizens after

Magellan. relocating to Corry in 1866.
■ Presented his credentials to Magellan 1923: Gained a position as professor
and to the Casa de la Contratacion, at Stetson University in DeLand, Florida,
the office in charge of voyages to New and lectured there for the next ten years.
1935: Moved to Annapolis, Maryland as
New world- to discover new things. the archivist for the Maryland State
Archives' Hall of Records.
■ He was admitted as one of the
sobresalientes (supernumeraries)* 1902: Robertson became involved in the
compilation of a massive multivolume
■ Survived the challenges and
work on the history of the Philippines,
catastrophes that the expedition
initially called The Philippine Islands,
encountered along the way and he
even got wounded in the Battle of
Mactan. Spices- became the most expensive and
in demand commodity among Europeans.
■ Returned to Spain on September 6,
1522 aboard the Victoria with Juan Purpose:
Sebastian Elcano and more than a
• For medicinal
dozen more survivors.
• And to served foods
■ Presented himself to Charles V (now
Reasons of Invading the Philippines:
Holy Roman Emperor), a book
written by his own hand, in which • Age of exploration;
were set down the things that • Spices; and
happened from day to day during their • Expanding territory
Silk Road or the Arabian-Italian trade
■ Now known as Magellan's Voyage. A route (country who are in the blue lines)
Narrative Account of the First
Circumnavigation, a detailed tale of • China
exploration and exotica. • Turkey
• Iran
■ Emperor Charles was apparently not • Italy
impressed, and Pigafetta received no • Afghanistan
honor beyond his wages. • Russia
■ he passed by Portugal and France and • Eastern Europe
shared to the people the things he Portugal and Spain
knew about Magellan’s expedition.
• Crashing the route and affected the
■ In Italy the Pope was impressed trading
enough to give him residence while he • The rivalry between Spain and
prepared his manuscript for Portugal in the Iberian Peninsula was
publication. exacerbated by trade as both were
■ *Joined the Knights of St. John of interested in exploring and developing
Jerusalem in its battle against the trade.
Turks. • Both were located in ideal places to
start exploring Africa and to start
■ Died sometime in 1534. thinking about trying to round Africa
James Alexander Robertson and find a way to the Spice Islands in
Born 1873 in Corry, Pennsylvania. • had to get the pope to divide up the
Sixth of eight children born to Canadian New World into parts that would be
parents, John McGregor Robertson and Spanish and parts that would be
Elizabeth Borrowman Robertson, who Portuguese.

Africa colonized by Europe  Later, Beinecke Rare Book bought it

and it is now kept in the Manuscript
Prince Henry- put up a maritime school
Library of Yale University in New
that trained sailors who would later
discover a sea route going to Southeast
Asia via the Atlantic and Indian Ocean.  The fourth copy was written in
This route enabled them to trade directly mixed Italian, Spanish and
with the producers of spices and other Venetian language and could be
oriental goods. found in Ambrosian Library in
Royal Crown of Spain- supported the
plan of Ferdinand Magellan to go to the  In 1800, Carlo Amoretti published
east by sailing westward, a proposal that an Italian version of it and the
was not supported by Portugal. following year a French version
came out in Paris.
King of Portugal- never supported the
plan of Magellan.  Pinkerton of his part translated it to
English and published it in 1819.
 Along the way the expedition suffered
natural and man-made challenges and  James A. Richardson made his
out of the five ships that left Spain only own English version of the
three reached the Philippines. Ambrosian copy and it appeared in
The Philippine Islands.
Magellan’s voyage- was instrumental in
introducing Christianity in the Philippines  This is the copy the is widely
but it also cost his life after the Spaniards circulated in the Philippines.
lost in the Battle of Mactan.
 Pigafetta’s travelogue contributed
Two ships, the survivors of Magellan immensely to the enrichment of
were able to reach the Spice Island and Philippine historiography.
on September 7, 1522, Juan Sebastian
Elcano and 17 more mighty survivors  His writing described vividly the
arrived in Spain aboard the ship Victoria. physical appearance, social life,
religious beliefs and cultural
ABOUT THE BOOK (FIRST VOYAGE practices of the people they
AROUND THE WORLD) 1519-1522- A encountered in the islands of
secondary source which interpreted by Samar, Leyte and Cebu.
many sources.  His account also contains
information about the economic
 Antonio Pigafetta- was one of the
activities of the local folks and the
survivors who kept a journal that
goods they offered for trade.
became the main source about the
first encounter of the Spaniards and  He got all this information through
the Filipinos. the help Enrique de Malaccca,
Magellan’s slave/interpreter.
 The original journal of Pigafetta-did
not survive in history and what was  Lastly, Pigafetta gave us an
handed down to us are copies of the eyewitness account of the Battle of
manuscript that never came out of the Mactan which resulted to the death of
press during his life time. (The book is Magellan and him getting wounded.
secondary source)
 Three of them were in French and two
(Personal touch of the book)
are kept in the Bibliotheque Nationale
in Paris. Ferdinand Magellan (Portugese – Fernao
de Magalhaes) – captain-general (leader)
 British Collector Sir Thomas
of the expedition. Goes in the Philippines
Phillipp. - The third one was originally
in 1521.

Antonio Pigafetta (Italian) – official March 31, 1521 (Easter Sunday) – they
chronicler of the expedition went ashore to say mass and set up cross
on the summit of the mountain
Raia Colambu (Raja Kulambu) – king of
Mazaua (Limasawa) April 7, 1521 (Sunday) – they entered the
port of Zubu (Cebu)
Raia Siaui (Raja Siagu) – king of Butuan
Monday – their notary together with their
Raia Humabon – king of Zubu (Cebu)
interpreter went ashore to meet with the
Raia Cilapulapu and Raia Zula -chiefs king of Zubu
(kings) of Matan (Mactan)
Tuesday – the king of Mazaua and later
---------------------------------------------------- the prince of Zubu went aboard their ship
Latitudes and Leagues! Wednesday – they consecrated the place
(Geographical Position of the Islands) and buried their two dead crews
Zamal – three hundred leagues from the Friday – they showed our ancestors with
islands of Ladroni different merchandise
Mazaua – (latitude) nine (degrees) and
April 14, 1521 (Sunday) – they baptized
two-thirds degrees toward the Arctic Pole,
our ancestors from Zubu and few from
(longitude) one hundred and sixty-two
neighboring islands
degrees from the line of demarcation, and
twenty-five leagues from the Acquada April 26, 1521 (Friday) – Raia Zula came
(Humunu-Homonhon) to seek help to fight the other chief of
Twenty leagues from Mazaua to Gatighan Matan, Cilapulapu

Fifteen leagues from Gatighan to Zubu April 27, 1521 (Saturday) – the Spaniards
(Cebu) wave ashore in the island of Matan and
fighting commenced between them and
Of Suns, Moons and Bloods! men of Raia Cilapulapu and led to the
(Chronology of Dates) death of Magallanes
March 16, 1521 (dawn of Saturday) the
May 1, 1521 (Wednesday) – 21 Spaniards
Spanish colonizers arrived at Zamal
were massacred by the Zubuanos thus
forcing the remaining Spaniards to depart
March 17, 1521 – their captain-general Zubu immediately.
desired to land at Humunu (Homonhon)
and which he named, Acquada da li buoni Description of Ancestors
Segnialli (“the Watering-place of Good Seignior (king/chief)
Signs) and later the entire group of islands
as Archepalago of St. Lazaro.  Matured (old man in some encounters)
March 18, 1521 – they met and  Some are bit larger than his men and
exchanged goods with our ancestor from the finest looking man
the island of Zuluan  Some are painted (tattooed)
 Wore gold earrings
March 25, 1521 – they weight anchored
 Some have black hair and hung to
and changed course toward west
 Head covered with silk (kerchiefs)
March 28, 1521, they anchored near the  Wore cotton cloth all embroidered with
island of Mazaua (Limasawa) and they silk which covered him from the waist
met the king who came in balanghai to the knees
 Some have spots of gold on every
March 29, 1521 (Holy Friday) – they
finally met the king who entered their ship
 Some are perfumed with storax and

 Wore armlets and other rings for the • One can have many wives as they
feet wish but one of them is the principal
 Wore necklace of great value wife

Others (men)

 Naked, with cloth woven from a bark

of a tree about (cover) their privies
 Dark, fat and painted (tattooed) Customs, Traditions and more
 Anointed with their bodies with
coconut and beneseed oil as a ■ Trade
protection against sun and wind
 Some have dark hair that hung to the • Our ancestor has a custom that all
waist ships that will enter their port should
 Have their penises pierced from one pay tribute
side to the other near the head with a
gold or tin bolt as large as a goose o Festivities
• Our ancestor are heavy drinkers
Others (Women)
• Before the king drinks, he raised his
clasped hands towards the sky and
 Clad in tree cloth from waist down then towards the person he is drinking
 Hair is black and reaches the with and the former extends his fist of
ground the left hand towards the latter
 They are as white and as large as • Sometimes they have a meal that
the Spaniards would last for six hours
 Holes on their ears which are filled
with gold (earrings)
■ Entertainment
 Constantly chewing a fruit which
they call areca which resembles a
pear, cut into four and wrapped • Our ancestor played musical
with betre (betel) leaves instruments like drums, metallic discs,
 Women age six upward have their gongs and bells
vaginas gradually opened because • Also, our ancestors can dance
of the men’s penises
o Religion

The Cultural Milieu • Our ancestors don’t have formal

(Customs, Traditions and more…) religion but they have God which
they call “Abba”
 Thanksgiving/Gratitude • Although, no religion they have
idols made of wood, hollow and
• Raised clasped hands and face lack of back parts
towards the sky and then turned to
others ■ Food

 Friendship (casi-casi) • Our ancestors eat umay (rice),

coconut, meat and fish, and drink
• A ritual of friendship wherein one has uraca (arrack) – a wine taken from
to shed a drop of his blood from his palm (coconut)
right arm and the other will do the
same and partake each other’s’ blood ■ Animals and Other Produce

 Marriage

• Dogs, cats, swine, fowls, goats, rice, enhancing the knowledge of

ginger, coconuts, figs (banana), cartography at that time.
oranges, lemons, millet, panicum, ■ The chronicle contributed immensely
sorgo, wax and gold to European historiography because it
preserved and popularized the
o Dwellings achievements of the Magellan-Elcano
• Built up from the ground on huge posts
of wood and thatched with fig and Economics and Trade
palm leaves ■ There was an evidence of agricultural
activities based on their produce.
Word Game! ■ They engaged in trade with
(Terminologies) neighboring countries such as China.

Arts, customs, traditions and religion

• uraca (arrack) – palm wine, this
■ As described, Filipinos have their
resembles tuba at present
unique musical instruments;
• (h)umay – rice
■ They have arts as seen in their bodies
• caphri – heathen
being tattooed (in some villages);
• anime – a gum of a tree wrapped in
■ Performed rituals during dining and
palm or fig (banana) leaves for lights
some gatherings;
• baloto – small boat
■ They have a lot of burial practices;
• balanghai – big boat (resembles fusta
■ Worship of anitos (wooden idols) and
in Spanish)
ritual for healing of ill persons.
• aghon – gongs (resembles bells in
On the other hand, the document also
• laghan – a large sea snails which kills
narrated the status (inferiority) of the
whales by eating whale’s heart
Filipinos in some ways such as;
(Christian Names given to our ■ Warfare - weapons
Ancestors) ■ Manner of dressing
■ System of writing
Conversion of our Ancestors
On Christianization
 Raia Humabon – Don Carlos ■ The documents narrated the
 Son of Raia Humabon (prince)– conversion of early Filipinos into
Fernando Christianity
 Raia Culambo – Johanni
 A Muslim - Christoforo ■ at present
 Queen (Amihan) – Johanna textbook writers use his book as
 her daughter (wife of the prince)- their source of historical information every
Catherina time they discuss the beginning of
 Queen of Mazaua - Lisabeta Christianity in the Philippines. Their
accounts about the first mass in the
Philippines, the conversion of Rajah
Contribution and relevance of Humabon and his wife and the story of the
pigafetta’s document image of the Sto. Nino were mostly taken
from Pigafetta’s book.
■ The Pigafetta document gave a
detailed chronicle of the significant
events of the exploration of Ferdinand
■ It provided a description, location and
distances of the places visited thereby

Tayabas, Calilaya, Lucban, Mahayhay,

Nagcarlang, Lilio, Pila, Sta. Cruz,
Lumbang, Pangil, Siniloan, Morong,
Antipolo, Taytay, and Meycauayan.

Relacion de las Costumbres de Los

Tagalos (Customs of the Tagalogs,
(1589)-He writes a book entitled because
his continuous interaction with the people
he converted to Christianity, it describes
the political, social, economic and cultural
Customs of the Tagalogs practices of the Filipinos before they were
Juan de Plasensia, O.F.M. Christianized.

Primary source- He personally witnessed  His biggest challenge was how to

the events and observations that he make the articles of faith
discussed in his account. (Note: His work comprehensible to people who have
is narrated in the first person.) never heard of Christ nor the Catholic
Fray Juan de Plasensia (real name is Church.
Joan de Puerto Carrero) is one of the In 1593 -He published the book Doctrina
seven children of Pedro Puerto Carrero, a Christiana en Lengua Espanola Y
Spanish boatman who had travelled Tagala, the first printed book in the
around the Mediterranean Sea. Philippines.
 He grew up in Plasensia, in the region  He used it as reading material for
of Extremadura during the Golden Age those Filipinos who wanted to deepen
(Siglo de Oro) of Spain. their faith in the newly accepted
 He belonged to the Franciscan Order religion.
established by St. Francis of Assisi Venerable -The Franciscan Order
and came together with the first batch honored him with the title.
of Franciscan missionaries Casa de la  He died in Liliw, Laguna in 1590.
Contratacion of Seville (21 May
1577) Fray Joan de Puerto de Carrero Historical Background
del Convento de Villanueva dela  In the first century of Spanish rule,
Serena was included in the said list. colonial officials had the hard time
24 June 1577- The group left the port of running local politics because of the
San Luca de Barrameda for Mexico and limited number of Spaniards who
arrived in the following month of wanted to live outside Intramuros, the
September. Walled City.
15 March 1578- They left the port of  This situation forced them to allow
Acapulco and passed by Marianas or Filipinos to hold the position of
Ladrones Islands for supplies, and gobernadorcillo.
reached the port of Cavite on 2 July  To ensure that they would remain loyal
1578. to the Crown, they instructed the friars
After two months upon arrival in the assigned in the parishes to supervise
Philippines, he and Fray Diego de and monitor the activities of the
Oropresa were assigned to do mission gobernadorcillo. Hence, the friars
works in Southern Tagalog area by ended up performing the
converting souls to the Catholic faith. administrative duties that colonial
officials should have been doing in the
 Aside from performing sacerdotal and local level.
missionary functions, he also helped in  They supervised the election of the
the foundation and organization of local executives, helped in the
numerous provinces, such as Bulacan, collection of taxes, directly involved in
Morong (now Rizal), Tayabas (now educating the youth (subject of
Quezon), Laguna, and towns such as,
10 | P a g e J O H N M A R K Z I N G A P A N BS-EDUCATION

religion) and performed other civic Most of the important data and information
duties. had been found in most of the
 As years went by, the friars ended up communities in the country though it is not
the most knowledgeable and influential always true that they are generally similar
figure in the pueblo. to one another.
Duties of Friars It proves that these occurrences, beliefs,
events, and practices had been existing
 inform periodically their superiors of long before the arrival of Spain, hence, it
what was going on in their respective is just appropriate to debunk the western
assignments. depiction of the islands as barbaric,
 report the number of natives they uncivilized and uncultured when they
converted, the people’s way of life, arrived. The period of Islamization of the
their socio-economic situation and the southern part of the country had also
problems they encountered. contributed much to the development of
 submitted short letters while others culture and some sort of civility in these
who were keen observers and gifted places.
writers wrote long dispatches, they
also shared their personal Barangay – tribal gathering ruled by
observations and experiences. (Eg. chiefs
Plasensia’s Relacion de las  It is called a “barangay” because they
Costumbres de Los Tagalos (Customs associate themselves with the “Malay”
of the Tagalog, 1589) who are one of the first people to
arrive in the Philippines through a boat
in which they call “barangay” or
The work of Plasensia is considered by Balangay.
many historians as an example of a friar
Datu- the chiefs of the village; they
account, is one of the most
governed the people as captains even in
contemporaneous accounts during the
wars, were obeyed, and revered; any
early part of the Spanish period.
subject who committed any offense
Archivo General de Indias (A.G.I.) in against them, or spoke to their wives and
Seville, Spain - Original text of children, were severely punished.
Plasensia’s Customs of the Tagalogs.
Social Hierarchy
Archivo Franciscano Ibero-Oriental
Three status/castes within a barangay:
(A.F.I.O.), in Madrid, Spain- A duplicate
copy 1. Maharlica (Nobles) are those who are
born free;
English version (volume VII) of the Blair
2. Aliping Namamahay (Commoners)
and Robertson collections- Philippines
3. are those who serve their masters
pre-Hispanic Philippines of the however, they can have their own
Filipiniana Book Guild series by Mauro properties
Garcia -English translation was published 4. Aliping sa Guiguilir (Slaves) are
as part of the volume. those considered to be slaves who
serve their masters or can be sold off.
Content Presentation and Analysis
The contents of the writings of Fray Juan
He would keep their status for a lifetime
de Plasencia depicts the ancient or pre-
however, this can be taken if he/she
colonial life of the Filipinos before and
marries a slave and the kids would be
upon the arrival of Spain as embodied in
divided and they would inherit the status of
Plasencia’s detailed narration of how life
their mother or father.
was in this period.
11 | P a g e J O H N M A R K Z I N G A P A N BS-EDUCATION

 bribe for the relatives called sambon

Status of women (frequent practice among the Zambals)
Women in pre-colonial Philippine society
Once he had settled all of the above
had the right to inherit property, engage in
requirements, he brings his parents to
trade and industry, and succeed to the
meet with the bride-to-be’s parents to
chieftainship of the barangay in the
haggle and make the final arrangements;
absence of a male heir.
this is called pamamalae or
*They also had the exclusive right to name
pamamanhikan or pamumulungan.
their children.
*The men walked behind them as a sign of
The wedding ceremonies vary depending
on the status of the couple; but normally,
those from the upper class, a go-between
The land area was divided among the
was employed.
whole barangay, especially the irrigated
Weddings are officiated by the priestess or
No one from a different barangay could
cultivate land unless they inherit or buy the
Uncooked rice is then thrown on the
The lands on the tingues, or mountain
couple after the wedding ceremony.
ridges, are not divided but owned by the
barangay as a whole. Politics
Any individual (regardless of their Government
barangay) that starts to clear any land
area may sow in it.  unit of government was the barangay,
which consisted of from 30 to 100
Fisheries of chiefs had established limits, families. The term came from the
and sections of the rivers for markets and Malay word balangay, meaning boat
if you were a member of the chief’s
barangay, which owns such rivers and Datu- barangays were headed, the chief
water systems, you had to pay for the or Datu was the chief executive, the
privilege of fishing or selling in the chiefs’ legislator, and the judge; he was also the
fisheries. supreme commander in times of war.
 the subjects served their chieftain
Marriage Customs during wars, voyages, planting and
Men were in general, monogamous; while harvest, and when his house needs to
their wives are called asawa, while be built or repaired; they also paid
concubines are called “friends” tributes called buwis

In order to win the hand of his lady, the Sangduguan- Alliances among
man has to show his patience and barangays were common and these were
dedication to both the lady and her formalized in a ritual.
parents *Conflicts between or among barangays
Courtship usually begins with were settled by violence; those who win by
paninilbihan force is always right.

If the man wins the trust of the parents, he Legislation

does not immediately marry the woman, Datu- before laws are made, he consults
but he has to satisfy several conditions: with a council of elders who approved of
 give a dowry or bigay-kaya his plan.
 pay the panghihimuyat Umalohokan- who explains the law to
 pay the parents himaraw everyone, they are not immediately
12 | P a g e J O H N M A R K Z I N G A P A N BS-EDUCATION

enforced until the new legislation is Simbahan- A place to worship which is

announced to the village. constructed at a large house of the chief
where people of the tribe go to celebrate
festivals (aka pandot or worship).
Customary (handed down from
Nagaanitos - worship; (anito - soul or
generation to generation orally) or Written
spirit of ancestors)
(promulgated from time to time as
necessity arose) dealt with various Sibi - a temporary shed, made on each
subjects such as inheritance, property side of the chief’s house, for the
rights, divorce, usury, family relations, assembled people.
divorce, adoption, loans, etc.
Bathala - one of their many idols, whom
Judicial Process they specially worshipped.
Arbiter-a board made up of elders from sun - almost universally respected and
neutral barangays, disputes between honored because of its beauty;
individuals were settled by a court made
moon - they would rejoice, especially
up of the village chief and the council of
when new
elders; between barangays.
stars - they did not name them except for
Trial by Ordeal
the morning star, which they called Tala
He is made to go through a number of
“Seven little goats” - the Pleiades; a star
ordeals which he must pass, to determine
the innocence of an accused. (Eg. Dipping
one’s hand in boiling water, holding a Balatic - the Greater Bear constellation
lighted candle that must not be
extinguished.) Mapolon - the change of seasons

Religious Beliefs lic-ha - idols; images with different

Pre-colonial Filipinos believed in the
existence of a number of gods whom they Dian masalanta - an idol; patron of lovers
worship and made offerings to according and generation
to rank Lacapati and Idianale - idols; patrons of
 i.e. Bathalang Maykapal (Creator), the cultivated lands and husbandry;

 Idinayale (god of agriculture), Buaya - crocodiles; were respected by the

Tagalogs due to their fear of being harmed
 Sidapa (god of death), by them; they offered a portion of what
 Balangaw (rainbow god), they carried in their boats to them.

 Mandarangan (war god), babaylan/ baylana or katalona- who

acted as mediums to communicate with
 Agni (fire god) these spirits.
 Lalahon (goddess of harvest), ‘12 Priests of the Devil’
 Siginarugan (god of hell), 1. Catolonan
 Diyan Masalanta (goddess of love) o Priest from a people of rank

Worship and Belief (Religion) o Officiates the offering sacrifice for a

feast and the food to be eaten being
 no temples or sacred places in which offered to the devil
Filipinos would worship
13 | P a g e J O H N M A R K Z I N G A P A N BS-EDUCATION

2. Mangagauay Plasensia - referred to certain ‘devil-ish

belief’s e.g. the mangagauay and
o They pretend to heal the sick in order
to deceive others
3. Manyisalat
They find omens in events they witness
o They can cast remedies to couples for
them to abandon one another  (i.e. when someone sneezed, met on
their way a rat or serpent, or the
4. Mancocolam
Tigmamanuguin bird sang they would
o Can emit fire from himself which go home in fear that evil would befall
cannot be extinguished them if they continued their journey)
5. Hocloban The Tigmamanuguin bird’s (a blue bird as
o Much more powerful than a large as a turtle-dove) song had two
mangagauay in which they can kill forms: a good omen, and a bad omen.
anyone without the use of any Burial Practices/Beliefs
medicine. They can also heal those
who are ill.  Pre-colonial Filipinos venerated the
dead by keeping alive their memory
6. Silagan
through the carving of idols of stone,
o They would tear out and eat the gold or ivory called likha or larawan;
liver of those they saw were food, wine and other things were also
wearing white shared with the dead
7. Magtatangal  The dead was placed in a wooden
coffin and buried under the house
o They would go out at night without
complete with cloth, gold and other
their heads and put it back into their
valuable things
bodies before the sun rise
 The bones of dead ancestors were
8. Osuang
placed under the house in order to
o Tribesmen reported that they saw the ward off would-be robbers/thieves
“osuang” who can fly and murdered a (Taytay, Palawan)
man and ate his flesh. Laraw- Mourning for a dead chief, this
9. Mangagayoma was accompanied by certain prohibitions
like engaging in petty quarrels, wars,
o They would seduce their partners
carrying daggers with hilts in the normal
with charms and other accessories position, singing in boats coming from the
so they can deceive them. sea or river, and wearing loud clothes.
10. Sonat
Pasiyam- The celebration held on the
o This devil helped people to die. They ninth night after the death of the person.
can also know if the soul they helped
to die can either be saved or not. Tibaw- is a staged to honor the dead.

11. Pangatahojan Relatives of the dead who was murdered

would not end their mourning until they
o They can predict the future. have exacted vengeance or balata.
12. Bayoguin  In burying the dead, the corpse would
o These are men who are in the nature be placed beside its house and be
of a woman. mourned at for 4 days.
14 | P a g e J O H N M A R K Z I N G A P A N BS-EDUCATION

 It will then be laid on a boat which Philippines before it was tainted with
serves as a coffin which is guarded by Spanish and Christian influences.
a slave.
Scholars like it because it covered
 The grief of the relatives of the
numerous topics that are relevant in many
deceased is followed by eating and
Political scientists for instance find it useful
Divination/Belief in Magic Charms
because it contains a lot of information
 Ancient Filipinos are quite about the social classes, political
superstitious and put much value stratifications and legal system of the
into certain unexplained events or Tagalog region.
occurrences, and the magic
Many of what we know about the duties
and responsibilities of the Datus,
 they interpreted signs in nature like maharlikas and alipins came from
the flight of birds, the barking of Plasensia’s account.
dogs, the singing of lizards, and
Plasensia also preserved and popularized
the like, as good or bad omens
the unwritten customs, traditions, religious
depending on the circumstances
and superstitious beliefs of the Filipinos.
 there was also the belief in the
One can also say that our historical
existence of aswang,
knowledge about the manananggal,
mangkukulam, manggagaway,
aswang, hukluban, gayuma, etc. came
tiyanak, and the tikbalang
from Plasensia’s works, in addition to oral
 amulets and charms were also histories.
used by the ancients like the
Priests and missionaries also read
anting-anting, gayuma, odom or
Plasensia’s Customs of the Tagalogs and
tagabulag, wiga or sagabe, and
Doctrina Christiana because they get a lot
of insights that help and inspire them to
Contribution and Relevance of the become effective evangelizers.
Document in Understanding of the
One insight they got from Plasensia is the
Grand Narrative of Philippine History
the realization that one needs to master
The document CUSTOMS OF THE the local language and study the culture of
TAGALOGS had contributed much to the the people if you want to be a successful
understanding of the culture and heritage missionary.
of the Filipinos. In a way, it has mainly
They also learned from him that preaching
provided us with significant and
should be accompanied with reading
meaningful information to better
materials that contain the basic elements
appreciate and be proud of the cultural
of faith.
legacy from our forebears. It was able to
instill in us a sense of oneness and These readings serve as their guide and
nationhood that befits a rich culture that is reference when the missionaries are no
of the Filipinos’ and as a result would be longer around.
able to move forward to progress hopefully
with everyone supporting one another in All these insights from Plasensia are
the process. applicable not only to missionaries but to
other professions as well.
Plasensia’s Customs of the Tagalogs is a
very popular primary source because it Plasensia’s historical writings also
vividly described the situation of the disprove the claim of some Spaniards and
15 | P a g e J O H N M A R K Z I N G A P A N BS-EDUCATION

other historians that when they arrived in

the Philippines, Filipinos were still
uncivilized and lacking in culture.
It is clear in the excerpts quoted above
that at the time Plasensia was assigned in
the Tagalog region Filipinos were already
politically and economically organized.
They have a functioning government, tax
system, set of laws, criminal justice
system, indigenous calendar and long-
standing customs and traditions.
Moreover, they have already a concept of
supreme being (Bathala), practiced burial
customs and believed in life after death.
Lastly, Plasensia also mentioned that the
people he met were wearing garments,
gold ornaments and their houses were
decorated with idols.
All of these lead to the conclusion that
prior to the coming of the Spaniards,
Filipinos were already civilized and
maintained a lifestyle that was at par or
even better than other countries in
Southeast Asia.

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