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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I work for “ABC Deliveries” and my company focuses on food delivery as well as
convience, we’re planning a big project to become a top alcohol delivery app. As a
Project Manager within the supply chain team, I handle projects and daily warehouse
issues. Due to my experience, I believe I will have a chance to be involved in this new
alcohol delivery endeavor.

My company is changing how the Supply Chain team works to focus on alcohol delivery.
Our previous competitor recently stopped alcohol delivery which gives us a chance to
capitalize on this new opening. Our team is choosing people based on merit, and not
factoring seniority. In a previous meeting with the Senior Manager it was emphasized
that skills matter more than seniority.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

In ABC Deliveries shift in focus to alcohol delivery there coincided a shift in team
member selection based on skill set rather than tenure having weight. The shift does align
with the company’s value titled “and, not either/or” that exemplifies the need to design
solutions to include the best of both options available. Focusing on merit over seniority
means the org aims to make sure that the most qualified individuals are being chosen to
bring success to the new alcohol project. This decision must be made with the mindset of
maintaining maintaining said core values.

In the implementation of this change, the organization’s symbolic practice of possessing

key core values relay a story that depict the struggle in creating solutions for problems
that ensure all members of the organization are treated fairly. The depiction of this value
does craft a story for the org that can be retold in future discussions on the matter as a

method of instilling a sense of legitimacy in the action that is considered controversial
(Bolman & Deal 2021).

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

To improve ABC Deliveries case, I would use the preexisting set of values to emphasize
the importance of both skill, and tenure. In this case I would use ceremonies such as
award ceremonies, to recognize team members for the outstanding achievements over the
course of their time with the company. This act would ensure that employees feel valued
for their tenure, even if that trait is not the sole point of decision making for selection on
the special project.

Additionally, we could implement simple additions to company recognition rewards such

as titles that could help distinguish peoples skill and tenure status. For example,
providing a special title denotation for those who have been with the company for a
certain period of time, as well as a description of their skill set with customized badges.
These symbols can help provide a sense of community with the organization. These
symbols can further demonstrate that the organization honors both merit, and experience.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

From what I’ve learned form this module pertaining to the symbolic frame, I would be in
favor of using more symbolic gesutures to provide consolation to the employees who
were not considered primarily on tenure for this project. I would ensure that there are
rituals in place to celebrate the their contributions to the organization prior to the
implementation of this new selection process.

In addition, I would focus on open communication and transparency to make sure that all
team members understand the decision making process behind this new change. I would
host regular meetings and Q&A sessions to provise some semblance of transparencey for
all those feeling confused about the change. This would not only prevent future
frustration, but also instill a sense of company culture that honors employee feedback.
The symbolism of providing answers to questions in a personalized setting ensures
employees feel validated, and even demonstrates that there is no secrecy within the
selection process that can be scrutinized.

Bolman L. G. & Deal T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations artistry choice and leadership (7th
ed.). Jossey-Bass.

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