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On Demand App: Find Near by Service Provider

In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key. And with On Demand
Applications, providing convenience has never been easier! Our on demand service
provider app is designed to make life easier for both customers and service
providers. With just a few clicks on their smart phones, customers can hire any
kind of service provider, from mechanics to beauticians, electricians to plumbers,
and more. Plus, both customers and service providers can enjoy guaranteed
transparency on pricing, timing, and quality of work. So if you're looking to offer
your customers an easy and convenient way to hire service providers, look no
further than On demand Services Applications.
System Specifications

Hardware Requirements:-

Processor : Intel 5

Installed memory (RAM) : 4 GB

Hard Disk : 500 GB

Operating System : Windows

Software Requirements: -
Front End: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap

Back End: PHP 8.1, MYSQL

Control End: Angular Java Script

Android Tools:

IDE: Android Studio

Android Emulator


PHP Tools:

Existing Solution:

One of the key role in the existing system it can be difficult to find services
that are nearby and can help you when you need it the most. User tried to finding
reliable service providers. It increases the human work and user could not easily
identify the services details.

Disadvantages of Existing System:

 Some users may prefer to use traditional methods of finding services, such
as word-of-mouth recommendations or online searches, over relying on a
specific application.
 While the application vets service providers, there is still a risk of
encountering unreliable or unsatisfactory services.
 The on demand services application may not be available in all areas,
limiting its accessibility to some users.

Proposed Solution:
One of the key benefits of the proposed system is its convenience. Instead of
spending hours researching and calling different service providers, you can simply
open the app and browse through a list of vetted professionals who have been pre-
screened for quality and reliability. This not only saves you time but also ensures
that you are getting the best possible services.

Advantages of Proposed System:

 Using the on demand services application makes it easy to search for the
services you need, saving you time and effort.
 The application ensures high quality by vetting all service providers and
allowing you to rate their services, promoting accountability and excellence.
 With a wide range of services available on the application, you can easily
find what you need, whether it's a plumber, a mechanic, or electrician.
System Modules

o Registration
o Login
o Create Services
 Name, Price, Category, Description, Service Images, Portfolio
image, website link (optional)
o Update/Delete Services
o My Services Request
 Accept or Reject
 View User Google Map Location
o My Profile

o Registration
o Login
o Search Near By Services
 Call Now
 Send Request
o My Request
 Update Geo Location
 Check Status
o My Profile
o Login
o Manage Services
 Approve New Services
o Manage User
o View Services
o Logout
Module Description

The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the
following modules Servicer, Administrator and User.


 Register – Servicer has to register their basic details to get access with this
application service.
 Login – Once they have registered they need to login to avail the service at
the needy time.
 Create Services–In this module create a new services. The service include
name, price, category, description, service images, portfolio image, and
website link.
 Update/Delete Services–Servicer will manage the updating and deleting
particular services in the application.
 My Service Request – The servicer manage the requests by accepting or
rejecting them and view user Google map locations for service requests
 My Profile – Manage your own profiles in the application.
 Login –In the admin login to the application.
 Manage Seller– In the admin manage seller details. And approving new
 Manage Users –Once user can registered, the admin will manage the user
 View Services –Once servicer can create the service, the admin will view
the available services.
 Register – At first every User has to register their details with the particular
 Login – Registered users can login to the application.
 Search Nearby services – The user will search the nearby services based on
the servicer information.
 My Request – users can request the service. Update their geo location and
check the status.
 My Profile – Manage your own profiles in the application.

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