Inside Caliper 2

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Flat FileIt

is used to file surfaces that are flat. It is also the most common type of file for all kinds of
workexcept inside curves, the flat file tapers towards the head both in width and thickness. There
aresingle cut and double cut flat files, but the double cut bastard is the most common type.

Half Round File

The half-round file is the most helpful of all documents, combining round and flat
filecharacteristics. One side is rounded and one flat, making it possible to use the tool on
flat,concave and convex surfaces. It files wood and metal as well. Use it on bigger circular fields for
Half Round File

It is used to file round holes or surfaces that are curved. The round file tapers towards the pointand
is used for widening or smooth round openings and finishing concave surfaces. Small roundfile
variants are sometimes referred to as rat-tail records. Use the round file on tiny circularopenings;
for bigger round fields, the half round file is best

Hand File

It's a filing for general purposes. The hand file differs slightly from other documents. It is flat incross
section but has parallel sides straight up to the tip, only tapering in density

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