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(1) FS1- The School Environment

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the students
learning and development? Why?
Office of the It’s neat, organized, has a good Yes, it will ensure the students’
Principal / ambiance, and is well ventilated. programs and activities are organized
and well planned to ensure the
implementation of their talent, skills,
and learning.
Library The books are well organized, and past Yes, they can acquire knowledge and
modules and learning materials are accommodate peace in this facility.
/ present for the students to review. It’s They can read and browse books and
not that well ventilated, but the review their past lessons in peace.
ambiance is good and can
accommodate not less than 15 students
as its space is quite large.
Counselling Room The room was quite spacious, but in Yes, this facility will provide for the
/ need of improvisation as it was not that development of the mental health of the
ventilated and the room did not have students, which will enrich and
the vibe of a counseling room like the enhance their learning capabilities as
others. they receive successful counseling.
Canteen/Cafeteria It’s quite spacious but unorganized, and Yes, they will need food to fully
they are so lacking with employees that energize their body and mind. It will
/ the students can’t have their food on ensure their physical and mental health
time, though they do not need that is stable, as it is needed for their
many workers, but 1 or 2 canteen development and learning.
workers wasn’t much.
Medical Clinic The clinic was really in need of Yes, it ensures the development of
improvement as it was lacking in space, physical health and the absence of
/ equipment, and ventilation. sickness. It also offers emergency care
for the students and informs them of
health precautions such as dos and
Audio Visual/
Learning Center
Science Laboratory It’s quite a good room with different Yes, they will have hands-on learning,
/ equipment to try and test by the which they will develop through
students; though it is not that well personal experience.
ventilated, it was quite organized as it
Gymnasium X
Auditorium X
Outdoor/Garden / It was present and maintained; you can Yes, it helps the students to have a
see that the plants and trees are in good comfortable environment with natural
condition. ventilation, which enhances their
learning in outdoor activities.

Home Economics / There are three rooms that was Yes, they will be fully equipped
Room accommodated by the home learners, as they will experience and
economics, it was the hotel room, food learn things personally in this room. It
and beverage room, and the beauty care will help them become more oriented
room. Those rooms are fully equipped and developed learners.
and can accommodate at least 20
Industrial Workshop X
PTA Office X
Comfort Room for / It was present on every floor, and it is Yes, as all of the boy students and
Boys usable, but it needs some cleanliness as professors have toilet needs, they
there is a lot of dirt and a stinky smell. should acquire things like this to
gradually think right when times occur.
Comfort Room for / The same is true of the previous table; Yes, as girls really need this room as
Girls it is present on every floor, though it they acquired things such as
also needs some cleanliness, but unlike menstruation that need such a room,
the men's, the girls’ room is quite clean this also sets up as their powder room
and good. to be presentable as part of their
development as women.
Others: Supply Room / It was neat and organized, and the list Yes, this stored their tools and
of supplies that they received was equipment for their studies, such as
presented with transparency. It was not instructional materials and so on.
as well ventilated as it should be
because they use it as their storage

Observation Guide
1. There are organizations, teams, people, and institutions that are partnered with the school, which are called
stakeholders and part of the school community. They are enriched in a good environment through natural
living such as trees and plants, which provide good ventilation to the school and students. They have a
quiet, peaceful, and respectable neighborhood, which shows a good community behind it.
2. The school grounds have a good ambiance and a feeling of peace, which is good for the students learning
and development. The building was not that large, but it surely fit all of the students that want to learn
technical, vocational, and accounting (based on what their courses offer). They have separated buildings,
such as lecture buildings, and laboratories, which create more diverse and well-equipped training rooms for
the students. Although you might see some cracks, which are really in need of improvement, as they said,
the renovations are coming through. There are a lot of colors you can see, but most of them were green,
beige, and white.
3. As I passed by the offices, they were quite pleasing to the eye because of the neat and organized rooms they
had. They were also accommodating to the concerns of the students, parents, professors, and guests.
4. They have good facilities such as libraries, canteens, halls, lecture rooms, and laboratories that the students
can accommodate fully and safely. As I said, the school has good ventilation outside because of the trees
and plants that make their environment good. Though their canteen was a bit unorganized, they can
accommodate your basic needs, such as water and food. For more information, they are not selling
carbonated drinks such as soft drinks, as it is not good for the students’ health.
1. The walls are painted nicely but you can see that it was used ages ago and there were no posted things on
the wall because of the new rules of the DEPED, it needed to be plain and colored.
2. The chairs and tables are well organized, in a good condition, and it was comfortable to sit. The chairs of
the students are located at the center facing the board where the table of their teacher was located.
3. They do have black board for the professor to write down the needed learnings and they have television as
most of the lecture are presented through power point presentation and video recorded learnings.
4. The students are quite organizing and neat as most of them are wearing proper uniform and listening to
their teacher although they occupy the room with 50 students.
5. It was not that ventilated as there are two electric fans which cannot accommodate the 50 students per
Classroom Facilities Matrix
Facilities Description
(Location, Number, Arrangement, Condition)
Wall Displays There was no display all over the wall, but the condition of the wall was in good
condition and had a good color for the eyes.
Teacher’s Table It’s in good condition and well organized; it is located up front, where the students
can completely see the teacher.
Learners Desk It’s in good condition and quite large, with 30 chairs that can accommodate up to 60
students. It was located all over the room in an organized
Black Board It’s in good condition and clean, and of course it was located in front of everyone.
Learning Materials/ The teacher used a laptop and TV for the presentation of the lectures. There are
Visual Aids televisions that are usable and in good condition, which both students and teachers
can see and use.


I have observed every corner of the school, and I saw its perseverance and dedication to provide the utmost
for their learners, such as comfortability, safety, and organizing community. The school was in a good state for
everyone as it provided the basic needs, such as room for lectures and laboratories, and a good environment that
showed cleanliness and fresh ventilation. Throughout my visit, I saw the willingness of the students with their
lessons as it was presented well through support lecture materials, which is the television; thus, these supporting
materials, such as chairs, tables, and even the wall they have seen all day, have an effect on their academic
performance. They are really grateful, as the school provides for all of their needs with studies to make it easier and

1. The classroom is a big part of the students learning as it influences the learner’s comfortability, which can
affect their learning. It is a part of their support learning materials, which provide a positive and effective
atmosphere in which both teachers and students can acquire proficiency in learning and teaching with ease.
It may not be visible, but the classroom also affects and improves the academic performances of the
2. With the help of the classroom, the students are categorized based on their age and learnings, which are
part of the child's and adolescent's development. Starting in their childhood, they will learn basic skills such
as reading and writing, and from that, they will enhance, develop, and improve their educational growth.
With that execution, the facilitation will be easier, as they will directly point out what is next needed for the
educational growth of the students and organize the strategies that are fit for their students. For example, if
the teacher is facilitating a grade 10, where the age range is around 14–15, these learners are hitting
puberty, which is considered middle childhood or early adolescence, and they are more likely to think in
abstract ways. With that information, the facilitator should have a lecture ready and fit for them.
1. Yes, it was a good school to teach at after all, and even though it’s lacking in something, it will be great for
me to challenge my capabilities.
2. A conducive school has the ability to provide freedom of interaction for the students in their designated
skills they want to learn; it’s a kind of giving them their own respected time to learn new skills for their
own improvement and growth as students. The kind of school that prioritizes the students learning and
provides the best school environment, such as being free from outside disruptions and having a neat
environment, is one that is conducive to learning.
3. The classroom must have a positive impact on student academic performances; it should be coated with
color inspiration so that it creates a good ambiance for their learning. There might be good and bad
regarding the wall display, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t give some aspiration and motivation to the
students. In this sense, it can be conducive to learning if it does make a positive impact on the student’s
educational growth.
4. I will achieve it through planning and implementing it in accordance with the law. I may say that I can do
anything with my freedom, but always in accordance with the rules of the school, the community, and the
country. As of now, the wall display inside the classroom was prohibited; they saw it as unnecessary and
lowly affecting the learners' motivation; they saw it as a negative for the students’ academic performances.
Regarding this, I will achieve a classroom that is conducive to learning with the strategy that is fitted to my
students, which will become student-centered, where they will express more of themselves and guide them
to their designated path.

Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS
1. There’s only one board display, and it’s the “Transparency Board.”
2. I found it outside of the principal office; it is visible to everyone as it was placed in the hall where everyone
3. It’s all about the reports, records, donations, and data for the transparency of what they received and used
monthly. There’s a lot of color in the board display, but most of it was blue and white, which is a good
combination of colors. They used their school logo as a second background, a spiral made of colored paper
as a design, and a blue background underneath all those. The letter was a bit enlarged, and you can see that
it needs some work out with the design, though they presented the file well enough to be visible and
4. They used cartolina, colored paper, printed letters, and glue or tape to paste them all. The borders are
present on the sides, and they make it colorful as they put some designs on it.
5. It was error-free.
6. Yes, they use basic words to make it easily understood by the students and staff.
7. I’m expecting that board display, as the school needs transparency regarding their budgets and reports of
the materials they have received.

When I entered the school, it told us to go into the office of the principal for orientation. I had my eyes directly on
the board displays, as they were located near the door, outside of the room, where you could see them firsthand
clearly, and the color of them would attract eyes and minds as you would have curiosity about what’s written on
them. It’s quite pleasing to the eye, but it needs some design replacement to make it better, although it’s readable
and has a good choice of color.

Evaluation form

Effective Communication 3 It was easy to understand and

conveyed well.
Attractiveness 3 It has a good choice of color, and the
design is in great shape, though it
needs a more structured design to
create more variations of
Balances 3 It has a good color balance but needs
to create more arrangements of colors.
Unity 3 They have it on the borders, which is a
good spring shape to completely
express the border they want to show.
Interactivity 3 There wasn’t that much involvement
other than reading the reports.
Legibility 4 It has a good size and font that can be
read from a distance.
Correctness 4 It was free from grammatical errors
and misspelled words.
Durability 2 The words weren’t pasted well, and
some of the paper reports are

The transparency bulletin board

The reports, data, donation list, and materials bulletin board are presented with white and blue background colors.
It needs maintenance every week as they change the papers (reports, data, and donation list) so that it will have good
durability over time. Nonetheless, it was a good bulletin board for the school.
Description of the bulletin board layout
Strength: It has good variables such as data, reports, and a donation list that show a good purpose for the students
and staff.
Weaknesses: There wasn’t an eye-catching structure to catch the attention of the students and staff.
Evaluation of educational content and other aspects
Strengths: It was free from grammatical errors and misspelled words, and as it was a transparency board display, it
presented the needed materials completely.
Weaknesses: The color orientation and design should complement both the words and designs they are showing.
Fixing the damaged portions of the board display so that it will be maintained and always be good.

1. The purpose of the bulletin that I made was to remind them of what is happening on this day, next week,
and next month. They can use this as their guideline as it announces events and provides information.

2. Yes, considering their likes with shapes and colors may attract their interest and make them look at the
bulletin board always.

3. Yes, it needs to be understandable to all the students and teachers. There should be a basic word to fully
understand the bulletin board, and with that, they will be more attracted to it.

4. Yes, it shows as inspiration and motivation for their studies. With the bulletin board, they will be updated
as there was an announcement and an honor list.

5. They should have worked with the design, as they should have considered the interests and likes of the
audience or the students. It should also be free from grammatical errors and misspelled words, and it should
have understandable content.

My proposed display
Theme: Appreciation, Motivation, and Inspiration Bulletin Board
Board title: Innovative Bulletin Board

Rationale: Its main purpose was to show the students an update regarding the events, the honor list, and their works
and ideas. It’s for the students to engage fully academically, creatively, and by enhancing their personal skills. It was
intended for the students to increase their productivity, as this will inspire and motivate them.

 Convey the message successfully through an announcement.
 Maximizing their skills and talents through posting their ideas and works
 Appreciating the creativity of the works of the students.

The best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement are:

 The design was considered with the interest and likes of the students, as the colors were kind of at best simple.
 It is also readable from afar, and we make sure that it is free from grammatical errors and misspelled words.
 It was also interactive with the students, as they could submit their own works, ideas, and suggestions.

Content resources:
 Students work, and creative output refers to the product that students produce. create during a task that requires
them to use language.
 The Events Calendar serves as a reminder of important events for students, instructors, and staff during the
academic year and semester.
 Honor list refers to the ranking of the student based on their academic performances or general weighted
 Class officers are a set of students who are elected within their class; they will be an organization inside the
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
Colored paper, cartolina, painting materials, and double-sided tape.

1. First was creativity; this should be applied as it will be the first thing to see on a board display. Every color,
shape, design, and everything you put on the board should have creativity. The second skill was resourcefulness,
which refers to the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome challenges when building the board display.
The third skill is originality, as they should be aware of the uniqueness of it. The fourth skill was communication
skills, as the board content should be comprehensible, and the last one was strategic planning, as they should first
take a map and plan the process for making the board display.

2. In my experience, when we did the bulletin board, we executed the skills mentioned well. We share some
suggestions, come up with the plan, and begin the process. We take notes on all the possible designs needed for a
better outcome, which shows our creativity and artistic ability, and as resourcefulness was part of the criteria for
judging at that time, we intend to make it from natural resources and recycle materials into a creative part.

3. I think it’s the originality, as we tend to look for better pieces of design that are presented on YouTube, and it
makes our work easier. Although part of originality is developing one’s work, I just need to improve my developing
skills, which, with the help of my creative skills, I think I can do.


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