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Leader: Jehan Franz B. Primo

Jherry Mae Malangit
Rachel Tabiosas
Isabelle Correa


Video Conference Camera

While meeting and collaborating over video is becoming increasingly popular, video
conferences can come with their share of disruptions and frustrations. People fumbling
around with cameras, zooming in on participants and making sure the speaker is in the
display interrupts the natural flow of a meeting. Video conference camera is of great help in
making any video conference be efficient and easy.

Use of the device

A video conference camera automatically tracks speakers in a room and dynamically
switches between a controlled, people-view camera and a fixed, room-view camera. When
no one is speaking, the apparatus shows the room view to the far-end. When there is a
dominant speaker in the room, the apparatus directs the people-view camera at the
dominant speaker and switches from the room-view camera to the people-view camera.
When there is a new speaker in the room, the apparatus switches to the room-view camera
first, directs the people-view camera at the new speaker, and then switches to the
people-view camera directed at the new speaker. When there are two near-end speakers
engaged in a conversation, the apparatus tracks and zooms-in the people-view camera so
that both speakers are in view.

Frequency of Use
With increase advances in technology and need for devices to be used for virtual
commitments, people use virtual conference camera as a major devices that is unnecessary
especially during this time of pandemic. The members of our group said that they use video
conferencing camera for 1 and a half hour for 3 days in a week during online class and 30
minutes for virtual general assembly. They said that, they often use this also for presentation
which is already held twice in a month

Experience using it
Video conferencing provides a fast and secure way to communicate with other person.
Especially during this pandemic were most of us are not allowed to attend to gatherings or
important events, however video conferencing, enables us to increase communication
reliability. The members of our group said that using a video conferencing camera might be
complicated. They said, at first it was hard to contemplate how to set up the camera
together with the pc. The method of installing the device into the pc is quite easy yet takes
time. First, they installed a software on their pc which is directly and wirelessly connected to
the camera by entering its Port Id. According to them, It was easy to use for small group of
people however, much more complicated when being use for large group of people due to
traffic data that caused delay and unstable connectivity and resulted to unclear screen
display and audio. Nevertheless, it was a great experience for them to use a video
conferencing camera for their online classes.


Firm: BDO Alba Romeo & Co.


1.1 Brief History/ Mandate of the Company

BDO Alba Romeo & Co., CPAs is a general professional partnership established in 1995
and is the Philippine Member Firm of BDO International Ltd. The Firm is composed of
partners whose competence and expertise are well known by the business community for
more than thirty years. BDO International Ltd is a worldwide network of public accounting
firms, called BDO Member Firms, serving international clients.
Each Member Firm is an independent legal entity in its own country. BDO is present in
144 countries, with more than 1,200 offices worldwide. BDO stands for BINDER, DIJKER and
OTTE, names of the founders of BDO.

1.2 Mission and Vision Statement

Vision Statement

“We shall be at the forefront of the leasing and financing industry in the Philippines and
in the Asia Pacific Region. We shall have the most extensive market reach and shall be
composed of highly trained, technically competent and upright professionals working as a
team and contributing to the growth of the nation and the communities we serve.
Recognizing that the customer is the focus of our activities, we shall lead the industry by
providing modern and relevant financial services which exceed their expectations.”

Mission Statement

“We are in business for our customers, shareholders and employees. We shall deliver
creatively innovative products and cross-sell the BDO Unibank Group’s services supported by
procedures, systems and processes which will ensure utmost customer satisfaction. We shall
recognize and reward excellence in our employees and shall provide an environment
conducive to maximizing their potentials as we work cohesively as a team. We shall generate
consistently high returns for our shareholders.”

1.3 Services provided by the company

As one of the leading providers of audit, accounting, tax and consulting services in the
Philippines, Alba Romeo & Co. has clients that operate in all sectors of business ranging from
single proprietorship to multinational companies. The Firm maintains offices in Metro

Manila and in the key cities of Bacolod, Cagayan de Oro and Metro Cebu. The following are
some of their services:

 Accounting Consultations

BDO Alba Romeo and Co. assist companies in the proper applications of
accounting principles and provide awareness of new accounting principles that will
become effective. These services generally include reports on the application of
accounting principles, reports on accounting position through technical research, and
accounting updates seminars.

 Extended Audit Services

They provide customized assurance services beyond the traditional external audit
scope, such as services on branch project audit, audit of specific account, and fixed
asset count.

 Accounting Advisory and Consultation Services on Deal Structuring

They advise on the accounting impact of the deal structuring transaction on the
financial statements and alternative treatments that might be relevant. This will assist
companies in maintaining appropriate market valuation, managing financial reporting
risks, understanding sources and timing of earnings and cash flow performance, and
determining accounting impact of the transaction structure.

The BDO network’s special skills lie in its application of local knowledge, and it ’ s
experience and understanding of the international context to provide an integrated global
service. At BDO Alba Romeo & Co., CPAs, common operating and quality control procedures
are not a constraint to innovation and independence of thought, but the starting point. It is a
vigorous organization committed to exceptional client service.


2.1 IT infrastructure employed in BDO Alba Romeo and Co.

 Server Location: The firm continue to host the majority of their servers and
applications within their own offices in a traditional network environment.

 Streaming Backup: The firm still utilize tape backups which have found to be time
consuming and expensive compared to today’s digital processes.

 Workstation Dominance: The BDO Alba Romeo and Co. firm consistently selected
three brands for the majority of desktop (62%-Dell, 23%-HP, 9%-Lenovo) and laptop
(58%-Dell, 20%-HP, 17%-Lenovo) purchases.

 OS Configurations: There is an improvement on the firm’s productivity when all
personnel utilized the same operating system applications.

2.2 Use of Technology in Delivering Services

BDO Alba Romeo & Co. Application and Software used:

 Microsoft Office (Spreadsheet & Excell) – BDO Alba Romeo and Co uses basic simple
spreadsheet to keep and maintain books of accounts and then extract the financial
statement from it. This software has made the process of preparing financial
statement as simple as inputting data and then clicking a single button. ERP SAP
system for example will automatically generate accounting report by the click of few

 Developed Financial Apps & Software- BDO Alba Romeo and Co. developed
financial apps and software for delivering financial services and advice to their
clients through use the internet. Thus, these application and software s are exclusive
only for the use of firm’s employees. The reason for developing a financial apps is
due to the fact that this medium of delivering financial and accounting services even
more attractive for more clients and increases the productivity of employees in this
certain area of accounting.

 Cloud – BDO Alba Romeo and Co. use the internet and technology to give clients
easy access to their information on demand specifically cloud accounting services,
through these accountants let their clients remotely use their accounting software
that they could not have otherwise afforded to buy.

2.3 Digital Safety and Security Measures Employed in to Protect their Clients and their Data

There are several measures BDO Alba Romeo & Co takes to mitigate data risk and
manage their security. They are responsible for tax identification numbers, social security
numbers, financial account numbers, and additional data which can threaten the identity
and financial security of clients if compromised.

 Regular security and data assessments

Businesses cannot determine where their network security holes exist without
performing a thorough assessment of its security measures and company data use habits.
But a single review will not suffice.
BDO Alba Romeo & Co regularly evaluate their security strategies and schedule
periodic reviews to understand how data is used and stored throughout the organization.

Although it may be impossible to fix everything at once, an outlined IT strategy can help
safeguard a their network and prepare the organization for any challenges that may
accompany pending changes.

BDO Alba Romeo & Co also evaluate the following aspects of its operations to determine
what aspects of its IT environment need to be adjusted.

 Its data security roles assigned to individuals within, or associated with, the
 Confidentiality agreements are in place to ensure the firm's contractors/external
entities maintain the organization's security and privacy standards.
 Regular performance risk assessments.
 Security policy in place.
 Its business-critical data backed up regularly.
 Firewalls and security software are in place and are updated.

 Technical Security

A majority of business operations occur through the transfer and the use of data
and BDO Alba Romeo & Co’s credibility is based upon its ability to protect this information.
In connection with this, the firm has a business-grade firewall installed at the forefront of
its network. Anti-malware, antivirus, and standard email filtering software are also vital
components of a their defense against a network intrusion.
Along with sufficient hardware and software, the firm also require their
employees to understand and practice security protocols. Multi-factor authentication,
data encryption, data backup, a disaster recovery plan, and a business continuity solution
can help protect them against a network breach and allow the organization to continue
operations in the face of a data disaster.

 Physical Security

Even the physical security of the firm’s facility helps prevent intruders from threatening
its operations and reputation. Employee key cards, visitor logs, badges, and controlled
access to areas where business-critical information is stored enable BDO Alba Romeo & Co
to monitor and control foot traffic throughout the site. A faulty key card scanner or an
open-access data center can leave the organization vulnerable to attack and liable for a
number of resulting penalties.

 Administrative Security

Employee access to sensitive data should align with the individual’s role within the
organization. As unregulated access to data increases the risk of a network compromise,
intentional or not. An employee may accidentally email a sensitive file to someone outside
of the organization, thus jeopardizing the security and reputation of the firm. With suitable

access controls in place, BDO Alba Romeo & Co is able to control who views, edits, and
shares data throughout the organization. These controls are regularly updated to reflect any
role changes that occur.

 Employee training and education

The most vital element of BDO Alba Romeo & Co’s data security efforts is employee
training education. An employee’s awareness of the methods hackers use to acquire
information is critical. Even all the protocols and policies are in place, suppose an employee
clicks on the wrong website or opens the wrong file because they were enticed by hackers or
social engineering phishing attempts, the end result of failing to protect secure data may still
result, hence employee training and education is their priority. For BDO Alba Romeo & Co
it’s important for them to frequently educate and update their employees regarding security
and device best practices.



Subject: AEC8- IT Application Tools in Business Accountancy
Semester/School Year: 1st – SY 2020-2021
Group: 5
Class Schedule: T/F 7:30 - 9:00

Table of Role Participation

Student Name Activity Done (Extent of Remarks

Participation/Role Done)
1. Jehan Franz Primo  Editor/Proofreader Given information:
(Leader)  Provide Information Part 1: Video Conferencing
 Revised the document  Frequency of use
 Experience using

Part 2: SGV and CO

 Use of Technology in Delivering
3. Jherry Mae Manlagñit  Encoder Given information:
(Member)  Provide information Part 1: Video Conferencing
 Definition of Video conferencing w/
 Use of the device

Part 2: SGV and Co

 History
 Services provided
4. Rachel Tabiosas  Provide information Given Information:
(Member) Part 2: SGV and Co.
 Digital safety and measures
5. Isabelle Victoria Correa  Provide information Given information:
(Member) Part 2: SGV and Co
 IT infrastructure employed

Table for Revised Document

Suggestion Portion with suggestions Action Done Page
Discuss how often the
 Elaborated how often the member
members of the group Part 1: Frequency of use 2
use video conferencing camera
use the device
 Discussed the experience while
Discuss the group’s
using video conferencing, however,
experience in using the Part 1: Experience using it 3
only one member has been able to
experience it
 Observed proper line spacing of
Observe proper line 1.15 and First line indention each
History and Mandates 4
and spacing paragraph
 Briefly discuss the history
Specify the Use of technology in delivering  Specified the technology and
technology, services application or software used by the

application or software company
Discuss how the
following safety  Discussed the safety measures
Digital Safety and security 6-8
measures are being employed in the company
Add the table of role  Included the table of role
Table of role participation 9
participation participation in the document


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