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Activity 6: Let’s Ponder!

Instructions: Kindly answer the following questions as an application on what you have
learned from the last module.

1. What do you think are the major contributions of science and technology to Philippine
 Science and technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation.
Therefore, I believe that new knowledge and the use of that knowledge to improve human
well-being are the major contributions of science and technology to Philippine nation-
building. Moreover, communication, transportation, agriculture, construction,
education, health, wealth creation, improvement of the quality of life and real economic
growth and transformation in any society also contributed a lot in nation-building.

2. Trace the development of science and technology from the pre-colonial times up to the
present. What have you observed?
 After a thorough observation with regards to the improvement of science and technology
from pre-colonial times up to the present. I have realized how much technology and
science has changed. In the past, we are required to ride a boat or horse-carriage enable
to reach a certain destination but, now there are tons of ships, buses, jeepneys and even
airplanes that are more advanced compared to the other one. Indeed, it has upgraded and
evolved to the highest extent that really helps people in their daily activities in a fastest,
comfortable and easiest way possible. I admire the resourcefulness and how adaptive
Filipinos are. We do not settle for less and always aims for more or to put simply we are
thirst for greatness.

3. What specific government policy do you like the most in terms of contributing to the
development of science and technology in the Philippines?
 As for me, the specific government policy that I like the most is R.A No. 2067 “An Act to
Promote Scientific, Engineering and Technological Research, Invention and
Development”. The said policy encourages our scientists for innovation in technological
advancement for the purpose of the public. It guides scientific, engineering and
technological efforts towards filling the basic and immediate needs of the people. It will
solve issues like insufficient electrical distribution, low internet connectivity, lack of
medical equipment’s and etc.

4. What policies do you want the government to implement in the near future?
 The policies that I want the government to implement in the near future is to have an
equality as well as an equity for every individual when it comes to the benefits of science
and technology. Despite the advantages of S & T, discrimination is still evident for the
reason that not everyone is given the equal access to it. Hence, I wanted to make sure
that everyone is benefitted of it no matter what their state of life, rich or poor, old and
young, girl or boy. And, if it is also possible to prioritize the person who needs it more or
to strengthen the so called “equity” then, I would probably ask the government about it.

5. Identify some achievements in the field of science and technology under the
administration after Marcos and trace how they helped shape the Philippines as a nation.
 During Corazon Aquino’s presidency, National Science and Technology Authority was
renamed as Department of Science and Technology, giving science and technology a
representation in the cabinet. She had created the Presidential Task Force for Science
and Technology, alleviating and envisioning the status of the Philippines to be the next
industrialized country. Her great accomplishment was Executive Order No. 128
otherwise known as Reorganizing the National Science and Technology Authority.
Additionally, R.A. 6655 or the Free Public Secondary Education Act opened doors to free
education up to the secondary level, implemented in the education system together with
the “Science for the Masses Program” which aimed at scientific and technological
literacy among Filipinos. Indeed, the Aquino administration recognized the importance
of science and technology to the development of the Philippines into a newly
industrialized country. The said achievements or contributions itself help shape the
Philippines as a nation. I believe that the best way for a nation to succeed is by having S
& T as it helps the Philippines to be the best.

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