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Môn thi: English for Tourism and Hospitality

Lớp học phần: 2121101045701 - 2121101045704

Đề: 01
Thời gian làm bài: 3 ngày

Họ và tên người học: Văn Lê Diệu Thư Lớp học phần: 2121101045701

Mã sinh viên: 1921003342 Số báo danh...........

1. Outline:
- Geographical and natural features: above sea level in the Truong Son Mountains west of
Danang, spectacular mountain
- Climate: cool and fresh air, unique weather (4 seasons in 1 day)
- Accommodation: modern hotels
- Accessibility: cable car, coach, bus, motorbike, taxi
- Activities: playing exciting games (explore the dinosaur park; enjoy modern cinema
- Amenities: eating Quang noodle; enjoy Carnival Festival, Wine Festival
- Attractions: Golden Bridge, Fantasy Park

- Climate: Cool year-round climate and unique weather in 1 day is very special that
makes tourist pleasant and interested when visiting here
- Accommodation: British ways of living is tidy, convenient and noble, they don’t like
cheap things
- Activities: British people like adventurous activities
- Amenities: British tourist like to enjoy new flavours and unique dishes. Besides, they
very love music and excitement activities like dancing, singing and dringking alcohol is a
big part of socialising in the UK.
- Attractions: When traveling, British people like to choose the type of cultural tourism
and entertainment tourism to relieve psychological stress caused by the industrial
3. Verbs: bring, have
Descriptive adjectives: majestic, spectacular, colorful, four-season, vibrant, high-quality
4. Brochure
Ba Na Hills is known as the "Green Lung of the Central Region" and "The Climate Pearl
of Vietnam”. At an altitude of nearly 1,500m above sea level in the Truong Son
Mountains west of Danang, Ba Na Hills brings unique experiences that makes you
unforgettable when you come here.
It is located about 40km from the city center, you can move Ba Na Hills by bus,
motorbike, taxi or coach. To reach Ba Na tourist area, you will get a cable car. You will
be immersed in majestic nature, admire spectacular mountains and the colorful nature
picture of forest.
If this is the first time in Vietnam especially in Ba Na, you will be surprised since
Vietnam has so many fascinating things. The weather is cool all year round, especially
you will experience four-season climate in a day. Besides you will admire a masterpiece
of Vietnam – Golden Bridge. Taking a stroll around the Golden Bridge is like a walk on
the clouds across the hands of the God of Mountain.

An event that cannot be missed in summers is Wine Festival – an opportunity for you to
enjoy relaxing moments when you taste excellent wine flavors and immerse in music. Or
in Du Dome Square, French village, you will get a vibrant air of the Carnival Festival.
Futhermore, you will play hundreds of exciting games at Fantasy Park - castle in the
journey of fairy dreams like exploring the dinosaur park, or losting into the new world
with the modern cinema system and other interesting things waiting for you to explore.
If you have the opportunity to come here, do not miss the special dishes of Danang -
Quang noodle with large noodles, yellow nursery combined with slices of meat, chan
little bit of sweet water.
Ba Na Hills has many high-quality services at the high-class hotel system. They are 4 star
hotels with all kinds of deluxe and deluxe rooms with full facilities: swimming pool, spa,
gyms, cafe, restaurant, .. romantic time, can not forget.

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