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Questions 1-3 refer to the following talk.

We'll have 15 minutes there to walk along the river and take photographs.
Who most likely is the speaker?
Who most likely is the speaker?
What will the speaker probably do next?
Questions 4-6 refer to the following talk.
Welcome to Mountain Creek Historical Village.
My name is Jane and I'll be your guide for the next hour.
During this tour I will show you the homes and shops of the first residents of the
As you may know, this town has been here for nearly 120 years.
The Historical Society purchased the property three years ago and renovated it to
appear exactly as it did in the past.
If you'd like to learn more about the history of this fascinating area, I'd like to
recommend the book Beautiful Mountain Creek.
It is available in the gift shop which will be the last stop on our tour today.
How long is the tour?
What does the woman say about the village?
According to the talk, what is available in the gift shop?
We will now be entering the gallery named Gold Hall.
For this next part of our tour, I ask that you please refrain from taking pictures.
The first painting here on our right is The Look, arguably the most famous painting
by Esmeralda Blanchard.
Now, I get asked this question a lot.
What exactly is the woman in the painting looking at?
Well, if you guessed the gardener by the pond, you are correct.
Historians have recently confirmed this through a letter Blanchard wrote to her
You can read more about the correspondence in Blanchard's Gaze, a souvenir book
which is available in the gift shop and gives details on all the paintings in our
Where does the speaker most likely work?
8-What does the speaker imply when she says?
I get asked this question a lot.
9-What is Blanchard's Gaze?
10-12 Refer to the following talk.
Let's stop our tour here for a moment.
So far in today's tour of the icy ice cream factory, we've seen how the separate
ingredients are prepared and then blended together to make a cream base.
In this room you can see how we add the flavors to the basic mixture.
For example, the large machine right in front of you is adding strawberries to the
See how it blends everything together?
Now, for the next step in our factory tour, we'll move on to the freezer room.
That's where the mixture is cooled and mixed with air to get just the right
temperature and texture of ice cream that people love.
Please follow me and I'll show you how this is done.
10-Where does the talk take place?
11-What is being demonstrated?
12-What will the speaker talk about next?
13-15 Refer to the following tour information and brochure.
Welcome to the Megahurst Art Gallery.
You've chosen a very exciting time to visit our museum because we just joined the
Greater European Art Union.
Our membership in this union means our galleries will regularly feature new
exhibits from private and public art collections around Europe.
To see a complete list of where our various exhibits are from, take a look in your
Also, notice that there is a 20% off coupon in your brochure that you can use at
the Megahurst Food Court or Gift Shop.
Now, let's start our tour and enter the first exhibit, which is on loan to us from
the Amsterdam collection. Please follow me.
13-What did the Megahurst Art Gallery recently do?
14-What is included with the brochure?
15-What exhibit will the tour group visit first?

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