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Daily Routine and workout


Time To do
4:30am Wake up and workout
6:00am Prep for school
7:00am Class 7-5
5:00pm Do house chores
6:00pm Cook Dinner & Eat Dinner
7:00pm Do School works
8:00pm Guitar Practice
9:00pm Evening Routine
10:00pm Sleep

Day Workout
Monday Push Workout Weights
Tuesday Pull Weights
Wednesday Push Calisthenics
Thursday Leg & Core
Friday Chest X Back
Saturday Arms
Sunday Legs & Core
Daily Routine and workout

Monday Push Day Tuesday Pull Day

Wednesday Calisthenics
Handstand Push ups 12x4 Pull ups 4 Variations x 15x4
HS push ups 12x4
Incline Bench press 12x4 Row 4 variation 12x4 Pseudo Push ups 12x4
Flat Bench Press 12x4 Rear Delt Flys 12x8 Dips 20x4
Dips 12x4 face pulls 12x4 Planche leans 10x4
Lateral raises 12x12 Curls 2 variation 12x8 Planch Leans holds 15 secs
Tricep Exercises 4 sets Lat pull over till failure x4

Thursday Legs & Core Friday Chest & Back Sunday Legs & Core
Squats 12x4 Push ups 20 reps x 5 Squats 12x4
Deadlift 12x4 Pull ups 15 reps x 5 Deadlift 12x4
Split squats 12x4 Incline Bench Press 12x4 Split squats 12x4
Legs raises 12x4 Goodshit Lat pull down Legs raises 12x4
legs extension 12x4 12x4
legs extension 12x4
Hamstring Curls 12x4 Dips 20x4
Hamstring Curls 12x4
Hip thrust 12x4 over hand lat pull down
12x4 Hip thrust 12x4

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