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SINABAN Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Grade 12 – HUMSS - Austen

Activity 4 – Writing a Topic Proposal

General Instructions: Write a three to five-page topic proposal containing the following
main components: the background of the study. The statement of the research problem, and
the objectives of the study.
1. In eight to 10 sentences, write the background of the study. Include a discussion on
the general background of the topic, context, and other important information to
introduce the topic. Cite no less than three relevant sources.
2. In three to five sentences, make a statement of the research problem. It must contain
the research topic, the research question, and the significance of pursuing the research
3. Formulate one general and no less than two specific objectives of the study.
4. Use font size 12, 1.5 line spacing, and a citation stye (i.e. APA, MLA, or Chicago
Manual of Style). Include a reference list, works cited, or bibliography section at the
end of the topic proposal.
5. You may follow the general topic proposal format indicated.

Name: Edelver P. Sinaban

Short title of the topic proposal:
Social Media Use of Senior High School Students and its Effects to their Mental Health
Background of the study:

Social media has become a staple in most people’s daily lives. With Philippines ranking 7 th
globally in internet accessibility (OOSGA, 2023), it is one of the most active social media
communities among Southeast Asian countries. Data shows that there are around Eighty-
tree percent (83%) active internet users in which Ninety-nine percent (99%) of this are
social media users (DICT as cited by Clapano, 2023), with which most of it use these
platforms via mobile devices.

With the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter, now
called X, people have been spending time with their socials through their mobile devices.
Khalaf (2023) stated that the rapid emergence of social networking sites in the past 10
years has led to some significant changes in how people connect and communicate.
Because of this, people have been spending so much time with their devices. The
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT, 2023) stated that the
EDELVER P. SINABAN Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Grade 12 – HUMSS - Austen
world average is only around six hours (of internet use daily). In the Philippines, we have
more than 10 hours exposure. This means that Filipinos spend more time in the web as
compared to the rest of the world.

Students are no exception in using social media platforms. Adolescents tend to spend as
much time in social media as much as adults. Khalaf et. al. (2023) states that “adolescents
increasingly find it difficult to picture their lives without social media. Practitioners need to
be able to assess risk, and social media may be a new component to consider. Although
there is limited empirical evidence to support the claim, the perception of the link between
social media and mental health is heavily influenced by teenage and professional
perspectives. Privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and bad effects on schooling and mental
health are all risks associated with this population's usage of social media.”

Karim (2020) discusses that mental health is represented as a state of well-being in which
individuals recognize their potential, successfully navigate daily challenges, perform
effectively at work, and make a substantial difference in the lives of others. Moreover,
Martinsen (2008) states that “there is currently debate over the benefits and drawbacks of
social media on mental health. Social networking is an important part of safeguarding our
mental health. Mental health, health behavior, physical health, and mortality risk are all
affected by the quantity and quality of social contacts”.

Koehler (2020) states that social media’s impact on mental health complicates social
service delivery on the micro level due to the significant growth of mental health
symptoms. As more individuals are presenting with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem,
etc. due to their social media use, increased service providers are needed. Mental health
service providers need to be aware of social media’s impact on mental health to better
serve individuals affected by this issue. There is also a need for further training on how to
assess for social media use and the potential impacts on mental health. Having an increased
understanding of the impacts of social media use will lead to more efficient and effective
treatment for clients.

With these assumptions and existing researches, this research had come to mind. Senior
EDELVER P. SINABAN Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Grade 12 – HUMSS - Austen
High School Students, with the amount of academic, familial, and peer pressure, can be
affected by different mental health issues. This study has been thought of to determine if
social media use affects the students’ mental health status and potentially bring about
reinforcements that parents, school administrators, and teachers in conjunction to giving
students sound mental health environment both in school and their homes.

Statement of the research problem:

This study aims to determine the frequency of social media use of senior high school
students of Luciano Millan National High School and the status of their mental health.
Objectives of the Study:

General objective:
To determine the frequency of social media use of senior high school students and their
mental health status.
Specific objectives:
1. To identify the impact of social media use to the students’ mental health.
2. To identify the impact of social media on students’ learning.

References/ Works Cited/ Bibliography:

Bandara KMNTK, Hettiwaththege, CR (2023). The Impact of Social Media on Student

Mental Health and Learning – A Mini Review. International Journal of Research
Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 1912-1915

Clapano JR (2023). DICT: 83% of Pinoys are internet users, but… PhilStar Global – The
Philippine Star. June 4, 2023

Khalaf AM., Alubied AA, Khalaf AM, et al. (2023) The Impact of Social Media on the
Mental Health of Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Cureus 15(8):
e42990. doi:10.7759/cureus.42990
EDELVER P. SINABAN Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion
Grade 12 – HUMSS - Austen
Koehler SN, Parrell BR (2020). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A
Mixed-Methods Research of Service Providers’ Awareness. Electronic Theses, Projects,
and Dissertations. 1012.

Nazari A, Hosseinnia M, Torkian S, Garmaroudi G (2023). Social Media and Mental

Health in Students: A Cross-Sectional Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. BMC
Psychiatry 23, 458 (2023).
OOSGA (2023). Social Media in Philippines – 2023 Stats and Platform Trends.'s%20User

Vaingankar JA, van Dam RM, Samari E, Chang S, Seow E, Chua YC, Luo N, Verma S,
Subramaniam M (2022). Social Media–Driven Routes to Positive Mental Health
Among Youth: Qualitative Enquiry and Concept Mapping Study. JMIR Pediatrics and
Parenting 2022; 5(1): e32758 URL:

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