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Questioned Document Laboratory

I. Course Code: CQUESDOCL

II. Course Name: Questioned Document Laboratory
III. Course Description: This course deals on the actual document examination commonly associated with examinations of handwriting, hand
printing, typewriting, printing and other closely related matters. These examinations consist for the most part of a side comparison of
questioned evidence with known standards for the purpose of establishing the identity of the writer. Aside from this, students will also be
exposed on different techniques of questioned document examination
IV. Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO1: Conduct Criminological research on importance and application of the concept of the different standard documents and common
characteristics used in determining the known samples in investigation and detection crimes and criminal justice.
CLO2: Demonstrate procedures in questioned document in crime detection and investigation.
CLO3: Apply the principles of jurisprudence procedure in presenting questioned document in court proceeding.
CLO4: Collaborate the questioned document techniques effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
CLO5: Engage in lifelong learning and understanding on the development of questioned document as a field in criminology.
CLO6: Apply professional, social, and ethical standards in the practice of questioned document examiner.
V. No. of Units: Lec: 0 Lab: 1
VI. Co-Requisite: CQUESDOC
VII. No. of Hours Per Week: 3
VIII. Course Outline:
 Introduction To Questioned Documents
 Document And Questioned Document Examination
 Kinds of Alteration; Erasure, Addition Subtraction, Interlineation, Substitution, and Obliteration.
 Investigation And Detailed Exam Of Signatories
 Money Counterfieting Examination
 Equipment And Apparatus In Questioned Document Examination
IX. References:
 Camara, Richard T. (2016 Questioned document examination : an instructional material for criminology students with laboratory
 Inbau, Fred E. (et al.) (2015) Essentials of the reid technique : criminal interrogation and confessions 2nd ed
 Lewis, Jane A. (2014)Forensic document examination : fundamentals and current trends
 Ellen, David.( 2018)Scientific examination of documents : methods and techniques 4th ed
 Harralson, Heidi H. (2018) Huber and Headrick's handwriting identification : facts and fundamentals
 Camara, Richard T. (2016) Questioned document examination : an instructional material for criminology students with laboratory
X. Requirements: Comply and pass all academic requirements
XI. Computation of Grades: The passing score is 50% of the total items in the examinations, while the passing grade for the semester is 75%
or 3.00. The basis for the computation of the semester grade is as follows:
Midterm grade: 70% Class standing and 30% midterm examination
Final Grade: 70% Class standing and 30% final examination
Semester grade: 50% midterm grade and 50% final grade

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