Traditional Debate

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Debate -Traditional Living-

-Maddie, Luci and Kiera-

1. Kiera -Intro and argument-
2. Maddie -rebut and argument-
3. Luci -rebut, argument and summarise- :Check with Luci:
‘Have 2-3 minutes to argue with’

1. Knowledge of Traditions
2. Family Connection
3. Survival skills and fitness

Argument Information/Backing

1. Knowledge of Traditions
Fables and stories were passed down more
- Knew more about the people who lived there first
- Respect the land around them more
- More familiar with the traditions of their people

2. Family Connection
- If you need help you know everyone so easy access to help
- Extended family can help raise kids if needed
- If in a bad position can go to someone else for help around you
- Well connected to family due to no technology
- Gets more done due to little distractions

3. Survival Skills and Fitness

- Knows which plants can be used as medication
- Knows how to use the stuff/land around them
- No cars so walk everywhere meaning they are more fit
- Will be able to find help wherever they are due to knowledge of land around them
- Outside more meaning they are more familiar with their land

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