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Peru is famous around the world for its tasty food.

In this country you can find many types of

food, such as: food from the highlands of Peru, sea food, food from the jungle and of course,
northern food, from regions like Lambayeque and La Libertad.
Now, I will talk about a type of food that if you come to Peru, you must try, this is northern
food, which has a diversity of dishes and styles. The northern sea offers the best seafood and
fresh marine species of unique quality. The valleys offer the best lemons, limo peppers,
excellent quality cassava and bellaco banannas, classics in tradiEonal dishes.
It is not necessary to travel outside of Lima to try these wonderful dishes, in Lima there are
many restaurants that sell this food, but now, we will talk about two, for me two of the best.
The first is Fiesta Gourmet, its main chef is Hector Solis, who is from Chiclayo and has four
locaEons in the country, but now we will talk about the restaurant in Lima, located in
The first is Fiesta Gourmet, its main chef is Hector Solis, who is from Chiclayo and has four
locaEons in the country, but now we will talk about the restaurant in Lima, located in
Miraflores. The other restaurant is Pueblo Viejo, led by chef Cecilia Rios.
Fiesta is more tradiEonal than Pueblo Viejo, an example are the “torEtas de choclo”, in Fiesta
they look like coral, and in Pueblo viejo in a tradiEonal way, as they eat in Chiclayo. The first
restaurant is more elegant and has more drink opEons. Pueblo Viejo has more tradiEonal
dishes than Fiesta. At Fiesta you can find more food opEons, like lomo saltado, which is my
favorite, in Pueblo Viejo there is only northern food. And finally, Fiesta is more expensive
than Pueblo Viejo, but that does not mean that the last restaurant is cheap.

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