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Fuel Cell LW iizgaientop = Historical Notes = Types of Fuel Cells = Fuel Cell Electrochemistry = Advantages of Fuel Cells = Applications of Fuel Cells = Advanced Hydrogen Production OTe Oe a(AS m Advanced Hydrogen Transport and Storage IL Te Tae a TAY 5-1 Introduction Wrzat is a Fuel Cell LPS taco lea lsenoe noel clay lentil combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as its by-product. 5-2 Historical Notes rinally Coming of Aye = In 1839, Sir William Grove reasoned that it should be possible to react hydrogen with oxygen to generate electricity. = In 1889, fuel cell was coined by Ludwig Mond and Charles Langer, who attempted to build the first practical device using air and coal gas. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally Coming of Age Tn early 20th Century, fuel cells were forgot A lack of understanding of materials and electrode kinetics. Internal combustion engine was developed. Petroleum was discovered and rapidly exploited. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age =m In 1932, the first successful fuel cell device was built by engineer Francis Bacon. = He improved on the expensive platinum catalysts employed by Mond and Langer with a hydrogen- oxygen cell using a less corrosive alkaline electrolyte and inexpensive nickel electrodes. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age = Until 1959, Bacon and his coworkers were able to demonstrate a practical five-kilowatt system capable of powering a welding machine. = In October of that same year, Harry Karl Ihrig of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company demonstrated his famous 20-horsepower fuel cell-powered tractor. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age Tn the late of 1950s, fuel cells were noticed NASA began to search some electricity generator for space mission. Nuclear reactors as too risky, batteries as too heavy and short live, and solar power as cumbersome, NASA turned to fuel cells. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age = In 1960s, fuel cells would be the panacea to the world energy problem. The some qualities that make fuel cells idea for space exploration were considered. (ex. Small size, high efficiency, low emission.) = Nearly 30 years US$1 billion in research have been devote to address the barriers to the use of fuel cells for stationary application. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age = Fortunately A A number of manufacturers have supported numerous demonstration initiatives and ongoing research and development into stationary application. J aileysouerolCMiONe Pi ote oTee commercially, and more advanced designs, such as carbonate fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells, are the focus of major electric technologies. Full-sized (commercial) cells and full-height stacks have been successfully demonstrated for the carbonate fuel cell design. 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age = It has taken more than 150 years to develop the basic science and to realize the necessary materials improvement for fuel cells to become a commercial reality. SUP KO Perl aeoiToeon 5-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age H— HONDA AMBM haitas 3-2 Historical Notes Finally of Coming Age 5-5) Iydes of suel Cells Overview of Fuel Cells = Fuel Cells generate electricity through an electrochemical process in which the energy stored in a fuel is converted directly into DC electricity. Lea) cere Monouavemuonorelteemyslinoiie combusting fuel, so fuel cells are extremely attractive from an environmental stand point. SEMA MOM RU MeIhs Overview of Fuel Cells Attractive fuel cell characteristic High energy conversion efficiency Modular design Very low chemical and acoustical pollution elu) pilo.elo)le Cogeneration capability Rapid load response 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Overview of Fuel Cells Basic operating principle of fuel cells An input fuel is catalytically reacted in fuel cell to create an electric current. The input fuel passed over the anode where it catalytically splits into ions and electrons. The electrons go through an external circuit to serve an electric load while the ions move through the electrolyte toward the oppositely charge electrode. At electrode, ions combine to create by- products, primarily water and CO). 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Oveasesmonuolh@alls AIR 5 ica, — 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells me of Fuel Cells: PB ot O21 Type [Electrolyte charge [Operating fuel IEfficiency, Power Carrier _[Temp, °C { Mo ange AFC OH H- 60~120 Pure Ha B5~ 55 K 5 kW PEMFC [solid Polymer + 50 ~120 ure Ha 4 ~ 45 ~ 20 KW fee aos IOMFC [Solid Polymer F 50 ~80 aethianol bo 100 W AFC PhosphoricAcid tso~ 210 Fue Ha ko 00 kW pee C02, C0) 1CFC Lithium & O3-- — |eo0~ 650 3, CO2z,CxHy p50 00 KW ~ Potassium tolerates C02) w lc arbonate OFC [Solid Oxide a 900~ 1200 CO, CaHy b 50 Ww ~MW yttria zirconia) Pacer 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Overview of Fuel Cells £A8R aw He iG HL He Ww OS RRO oe i, # (Transportation) PEMFC so~iooKw 20 USD fe ER Hea Be LEVEE HR WG ek Ee ed , ' kW (Stationary Power PEMFC? PAFC?) 1 osouw L200 USD/E BE Ub ME > Gh me Sr He MCFC> SOFC REERUB Generation) i aa GRRE KES 2-20 USDAW FD ER FH (Portable power = PEMFC > DMFC/] 0.1 ~100W KML Generation) R= RH ERRAKSATAPLTRHBEBRA SEMA MOM mu MeIhs Overview of Fuel Cells Four primary types of fuel cells which are based on electrolyte employed Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell | We ELECTROLYTE OPERATING (TEMPERATURE FUELS REFORMING OXIDANT EFFICIENCY 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Ov~enemonuol@alls PAFC Phosphoric Acid 375°F (190°C) Fydrogen(ti) [Reformate fExtemal (0,/Air [40-50% MCFC ‘Molten Carbonate Salt 1200°F (650°C) HyCO/ Reformate Extemal/Intemal (COO, Air 50-60% cell types: SOFC Ceramic 1830°F (1000°C) Hy/COn/CHy ‘Reformate External/Internal 0,/Aur [45-55% PEMFC Polymer 175°F (80°C) IH Reformate Extemal O¥/Air 40-50% 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Overview of Fuel Cells = Fuel cells are typical grouped three section HEATAND WATER SSA VMOU Ruel Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells The most mature fuel cell technology Among low temperature fuel cell, it was showed relative tolerance for reformed hydrocarbon fuels. It could have widespread applicability in the Sera UNO 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PAFE Design an Operation = = The sketch of PAFC operation 2 =Load Depleted Depleted Oxidant » Anode Electrolyte Cathode 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PAFC Design an Operation The components of PAFC Electrolyte : liquid of acid Electrolyte carriers ; Teflon bonded silicone carbide matrix (pore structure—capillary action to keep liquid electrolyte in place) Anode : platinum catalyzed, porous carbon Cathode : platinum catalyzed, porous carbon Bipolar plate : complex carbon plate SEARO M mu MeIhs PAFC Design an Operation = The most designs of PAFC iL The plates are “bi-polar” in that they have grooves on both side — one side supplies fuel to anode of one cell, and the other side supplies air or oxygen to the HLUeCO MU ClRectl mee tb 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PARC Design an Operation m The PAFC reactions Anode : H, > 2H* + 2e Cathode : 4 O, + 2H*+2e — H,O 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PAFC Design an Operation m The characteristics of PAFC operation 1, Some acid may be entrained in fuel! or oxidant streams and addition of acid may be after many hours of operation. 2. The water removed as steam on the cathode by flowing excess oxidant past the back of electrodes. SEMA VMOU mu MeIhs PAFC Design an Operation = ‘The temperature effect to PAFC The product water removal procedure required that the system operated at temperature around 375 F (~190'C). 1. At lower temperature : the water will dissolve in the electrolyte and not be removed as steam. 2. At high temperature (approximately 410°F~ (~210°C) : the phosphoric acid begins to decompose. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PAFC Design an Operation How does excess heat be removed Proved carbon plates containing cooling channels. Air or liquid coolant, can be passed through these channels to remove heat. SEARO M mu MeIhs PAFC Design an Operation PAFC performance characteristics Power density : 160 to 175 watts/ft? Thermal energy supplied at : ~ 150 F (only a portion at 250 F to 300 F) Suber With pressurized reactants : 36% to 42% (HHV) Supply usable thermal energy : 31% to 37% (HHV) 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) = The introduction of PEMFC PEMEC has higher power density than any other fuel cell system. PEMEFC has comparable performance with the advanced aerospace AFC. PEMEC can operate on reformed hydrocarbon ih PEMFC uses a solid polymer electrolyte eliminates the corrosion. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells = The introduction of PEMFC 5. Its low operating temperature (70-85 °C): a. provides instant start up: 50 % maximum power immediately at room T & full operating OM OUA WV bemepcoEEn b. require no thermal shielding to protect personnel. 6. Advances in performance and designs offer the possibility of lower cost. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PEMEC Designs and! Operation! = The sketch of PEMFC operation Anode reaction: H, —* 2H" + 2e~ Cathode reaction: O, —* 4H* + 4e~ — 2H,0 ep Load NO Depleted jeptoted Oxident atirpee > and Product Gases _ (#20) Out Ho fe S02 | + H20} Fuetin p> <— vider i Pans ‘Anode Electrolyte Cathode 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells EVI OIDestagnsenrelO)yorloronl = The sketch of PEMFC operation 02 Hf ~-—"_]o2 Hz je] [+] .) (| eC AULA: Ft Bie egeaaatae le] [e| Bg an H20 gscamaa: [lle = aman 2H* 44/2 02 +2e7 3H20 le] [| aes Hp +412 02 340 : Bm By oe Pytah R= RF RAMEE RCEMPOST HREM SEMA VMOU ROMO PEMIFEC Designs and! Operation The components of PEMFC Electrolyte : polymer membrane. Anode ; thin sheet of porous, graphitized' paper. (water-proofed with PTFE or Teflon, with one surface being applied with a small amount of Pt-black) Cathode : (the same as above). Bipolar plate : graphite. SSA VMOU MU Me Is PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation The features of the electrolyte Electronic insulator, but an excellent conductor of hydrogen ions. The acid molecules are fixed to the polymer, but the protons on these acid groups are free to migrate through the membrane. Solid polymer electrolyte—electrolyte loss is not an issue with regard to stack life. Be handled easily and safely. SEARO mu MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation Ucn ection sey Ine The electrolyte is sandwiched between the anode and cathode, and the three components are sealed together under heat and pressure to product a single “membrane/electrode assembly’ (MEA, < Imm thick). SEARO M mu MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation The features of the bipolar plates The bipolar plates are called “flow field jo etree They make electrical contact with the back of the electrodes and conduct the current to the external circle. They supply fuel to the anode and oxidant to the cathode. SEARO UOMO PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation Useable fuel for PEMFC Pure hydrogen Reformed Hydrocarbon fuels; Without removal or recirculation of by- product CO,. The traces of CO produced during the reforming process must be converted to CO, (a simple catalytic process). 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells PEMFC Designs and Operation m The PEMFC reactions Anode : H, > 2H* + 2e Cathode : O, — 4H*+ 4e — 2H,O SEARO M mu MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation The characteristics of REMFC operation The electrode reactions are analogous to those in PAFC. The PEMEFE operates at about 175'F (80°C). The water is produced as liquid water and is carried out the fuel cell by excess oxidant flow. Fully operating power is available within about 3 minute under normal condition. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells EVI OIDestgnsenrelO)yor-loronl & S Pa t | an orate oy ane °. ' “\ ' 1 ' 000 0.10 020 ak 060 0.70 O80 O90 GARR (Alem?) Ha KHEHCROTASLARA SOMA VoMOM RU MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation m ‘The performance of PEMFC recently 1, At0.7V/cell on hydrogen and oxygen, 65psia : 850A/ft? (~0.91 A/cm?) 2. At0.7V/cell on hydrogen and air, 65psia : S00A/ft? (~0.54 A/em?) SEARO M RU MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation The performance of Ballard/Dow PEMFC At 0.7V/cell: At 65psia, hydrogen/oxygen : 2000A/ft? At 65psia, hydrogen/air : 1OO0A/ft? At 0.5V/cell, : At 65psia, hydrogen/oxygen : 4000A/ft? u 2000 W/ft? SEARO M mu MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation The power density of PEMFC a factor of 10 greater than other FC systems > a significant reduction in stack size and cost. In 5kW production fuel cell stacks, 0.7V at 650 A/ft? on hydrogen/air at 45psi, stack dimensions 9.8 * 9.8 * 16.7 in: stack-only power density of over 5.4 awe pice 1.25 kW/ft on hydrogen/air at 45psi, if including fuel/oxidant controls, cooling, product water removal Approaching 14.2 kW/ft? are certainly feasible. SEMA VMOU mu MeIhs PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation When HC/air are to be used) higher T FC, the MCEFC, SOFC, and to some extent, PAFC, have an efficiency advantage over PEMFC. t waste heat can be used to drive air compressors, reforming of HC fuels, electric generation or other thermal load SEMA oMOM RU MeIhs PEMFE€ Designs and! Operation = Using either air or liquid cooling | a compact power generator and the excess heat of PEMFC is to be used for I. space heating or residential hot water 2. utility cogeneration applications SEMA VMOU mu MeIhs PEMIFC€ Designs and! Operation The pressure effects to all fuel cells Performance is improve by pressuring the air. Find an balance about the energy and financial cost associated with compressing air and the improved performance. Rule of thumb: < 45 psia PEMFC uses a solid electrolyte -. a Significant pressure differential can be maintained across the electrolyte—low P fuel & higher P air SEMA VMOU RU MeIhy PEMIFE€ Designs and! Operation A yety significant cost penalty of PEMFC as compared with PAFC The PEMEC uses platinum at both the anode and cathode. presently, 0.001 oz/in? ~0.6 oz/kW for H./air Los Alamos National Lab & Texas A &M Univ., 0.00007 oz/in? ~0.042 0z/kW for H,/air or ~0.021 0z/kW for H,/ O, Be expected to reduce platinum requirement to 0.035 oz/kW (1 g/kW) or about $2/kW. SEARO M mu MOIhs Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells The goals of developing MCFC In 1960's: operating directly on coal— but that seems less likely today. Operation on coal-derived fuel gases or natural gas is viable. Sob VeKonausn eels Molten Carbonate Fue! Cells RP AEM 1-13 BELA eITee 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells: weet TRAE BRR (RBSR) ERAS Plug Power 7kW HH BA PEMFC PAFC UTC Power 00 kW MC kW 1 AW Siemens Westinghouse 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fue! Cells STER—IRATZ PC2Z5™C WRN (FAKE UTC Fuel Cells GRE + Hit #1-9 UTC Fuel Cells 2 PC25™C 8! PAFC + Ss itis kW 40% WRT «273 42% «= 100 3x3 x5.5 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel! Cells +5044 3 Fuel Cell Today uc #Q4K09 250kW PEMFC M816 ( 3 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel! Cells WE / % 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fue! Cells wv Fike Oa FAR MAN Rit OR Ra ATS) (SOFC) ¥:#R(SOFCIGT hybrid} RAR (ATS) HEL 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel| Cells: i 2 Be Ba 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells: 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fue! Cells @ 1-32 * MRR (Helios CVEtKRAROAR 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells Molten Carbonate Fuel| Cells: M 1-33 WAR MEH ee+ Dow h eno avoeelky MCFC Design and Operation = The sketch of MCFC operation eo —» Load fe Depleted Oxidant Depletes Fuet Out © and Product Gases: H20) Out ‘Oxidant In SEARO M RU MOIhy MCFC Design and Operation The components of MCFC Electrolyte : a molten carbonate salt mixture, usually consists of lithium carbonate and potassium carbonate. Electrolyte carriers : a porous, insulating and chemically inert ceramic (LiAIO,) matrix. Anode : a highly porous sintered nickel powder, alloyed with chromium to prevent agglomeration and creep at operating T. Cathode : a porous nickel oxide material doped with lithium. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells MCFC Design and Operation = The MCFC reactions Anode : H, + CO,;*— H,0 + CO, + 2e CO + CO,;? > 2CO, + 2e Cathode : O, + 2CO, + 4e: — 2CO,;? 4 * require a system for collecting CO, from the anode exhaust and mixing it with the cathode feed stream SEARO M RU MOIy MCFC Design and Operation = The MCFC reactions * before CO, is collected, any residual H, in the spent fuel stream must be burned. * Future systems may incorporate membrane separators to remove H, for recirculation back to the fuel stream. SEARO M RU MOIy MCFC Design and Operation MCEC y.s. PAFC Coyoleeclul aloe MINI aent nee nouLeHI Moe rtNeranxe)lerxeberel the maximum theoretical fuel efficiency for a MCFC ie On the other hand, operating T ¢, the rate of electro- chemical and thus current at a given voltage 7. {(net effect) The operating voltage of the MCFC is higher than the PAFC at the same current density. (higher fuel efficiency) As size and cost scale roughly with electrode area, a MCEFC should be smaller and less expansive than a “comparable” PAFC. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells MCFC Design and Operation The high operating T characteristics of MCFC Operating at between 1110 F(600°C) and 1200°F(650°C) necessary to achieve sufficient conductivity of the electrolyte To maintain this operating T, a higher volume of air is passed through the cathode for cooling purposes. In combined cycle operation, electrical efficiencies are in excess of 60%(HHY). The T of excess heat is high enough to yield high P steam—turbine At the high operating T, MCFC could operate directly on the gaseous HC fuels such as natural gas would RCE ce mCOmM CCM som VNTR B IO mel Bl te SEARO M RU MeIy MCFC Design and Operation The high operating T characteristics of MCFC 4, At high operating temperature(1200 F/650 C), noble metal catalysts are not required. At high operating temperature(1200 F), the salt mixture is liquid and is a good ionic conductor. . The cell performance is sensitive to operating temperature. A change in cell T from 1200°F to 1110°F results in a drop in voltage ~15%. (ionic and electric resistancet & electrode kinetics| 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells MCFC Design and Operation The high operating T characteristics of MCFC The electrolyte boil-off has an insignificant impact on cell stack life. A more significant factor of life expectancy has to do with corrosion of the cathode. SEMA VMOU mu MeIhs Solid Oxide fuel cells The introductions of the SOFC uses a ceramic, solid-phase electrolyte which reduces Lye res IMAM Co eALULO METER NNEC Ne) electrolyte management problems associated with the liquid electrolyte fuel cells. To achieve adequate ionic conductivity in such a ceramic—must operate at about 1830 ‘F (1000 °C). At that T, internal reforming of carbonaceous fuels should be possible, and the waste heat would be easily utilized by conventional thermal electricity generating plants to yield excellent fuel efficiency. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and Operation m The sketch of SOFC operation e-—» Load ovo Depleted Depleted Oxidant Fuet Our <—— ——}> and Product Gases (H20) Out Anode Electrolyte | Cathode 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and! Operation = The SOFC reactions Anode : H, + O? > H,O + 2e CO +0? CO, + 2e CH, +402 2H,0 + CO, + 8 Cathode : O, + 4e — 207 = It is significant that the SOFC can use CO as its direct fuel. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and! Operation The components of the SOFC Electrolyte : solid ceramic. Materials : dense yttria( 4.4642)-stabilized zirconia( 4.464 )—an excellent conductor of negatively charged oxygen (oxide) at high T. Anode : a porous nickel/zirconia cermet Cathode : Sr-doped (48, strontium) EVivieteto Levene) wrnruoeebovlel cme | ep) 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and! Operation =m ‘The components of the SOFC — SOFC is a solid state device and shares certain properties and fabrication techniques with semi- conductor devices. — The Westinghouse cell design: the FC around a porous Zirconia support tube through which air is supplied to the cathode which is deposited on the outside of the tube. A layer of electrolyte is then deposited on the outside of the cathode and finally a layer of anode is deposited over the electrolyte. — Anumber of cells are connected together by high T semiconductor contacts. 5-3 liypes of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and Operation 5-3 liypes of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and Operation COFLOW CROSSFLOW Figure 4-78. Monolithic Design designed by Allied-Signal (Courtesy of Allied-Signa SEMA VMOU mu MeIhs SOFC Design and! Operation =m ‘he components of the SOFC — The anode consists of metallic Ni and Y,O,- stablized ZrO, skeleton, which serves to inhibit sintering of the metal particles and to provide a thermal expansion coefficient comparable to those of the other fuel materials. — The most common cathode material (a p-type conductor): Sr-doped (4%, strontium) lanthanum manganite (Lal-xSrxMnO,, x=0.10-0.15 — Both anode and cathode structures are fabricated with a porosity of 20-40 % to facilitate mass transport of reactant and product gases. SEMA NoMOM mu MeIhs SOFC Design and! Operation SOFC performance characteristics 0.6V/cell at about 232 A/ft? Lifetimes are over 30000(hrs). The efficiencies of unpressurized SOFCs : 45% (HHV) The efficiencies of pressurized SOFCs : 60% (HHV) Bottoming cycle, using the high T waste heat, could add another few % to the fuel efficiency. PEO Voom uel SOFC Design and! Operation m temperature management— maintain proper volume of the air stream into the cell. 5-3 Types of Fuel Cells SOFC Design and! Operation high operating T characteristics of SOFCs The SOFC operates at approximately 1830 F CKCCOKSS The high operating temperature offers the possibility of internal reforming. As in MCFCs, CO does not act as a poison and can be used directly as a fuel. The SOFC can tolerant several orders of magnitude more sulfur than other fuel cells. The SOFC requires a significant start-up time. SEARO mu MeIhs SOFC Design and! Operation a high operating T characteristics of SOFCs 6, The cell performance is very sensitive to operating T. a. A 10% drop in T — 12% drop in cell performance due to the increase in internal resistance to the flow of oxygen ions. 7. The high T also demands that the system include significant thermal shielding to protect personnel and to retain heat. —-not for transportation applications. 5-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Internal Reforming = In a conventional fuel cell system, a carbonaceous fuel is fed to a fuel processor where it is steam reformed to produce H, (as well as CO &CO,). = Ni reforming catalyst is extremely sensitive to sulfur in the feed gas. 3-4 Fuel Cell! Electrochemistry Internal! Reforming = Internal reforming in MCFC & SOFC at high T> eliminate external fuel reformers —highly efficient, simple, reliable and cost effective = 2 alternative approaches to internal reforming: — Indirect Internal reforming (IIR) — Direct Internal reforming (DIR) = Methane and steam reforming reaction: (750-900 °C) CH,+ H,O — CO + 3H, (endothermic, AH= ee 87 kcal/mol, favored by high T & low P, P< 5 atm) 5-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Internal Reforming = IIR: reformer section is separated, but adjacent to the anode. — Advantage: 1.the exthermic heat of the cell can be used for the endothermic reforming reaction Paves m Me Moyne HERO TE have a direct physical effect on each hiiton — Disadvantage: the conversion of methane to hydrogen is not promoted as well as in the DIR. 5-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Internal Reforming = DIR: hydrogen consumption reduces its partial pressure— driving the methane reforming reaction to the right. = For MCEC, one developer’s approach where IIR & DIR have been combined. 5-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Internal Reforming = A supported Ni catalyst (e.g. Ni supported on MgO or LiAIO,) provides sufficient catalytic activity to sustain the steam reforming reaction at 650 °C to produce sufficient H,. At open circuit, about 83% CH, —H, (~equilibrium concentration at 650 °C ) = When current is drawn from the cell, H, is consumed and H,Ois produced — CH, conversion t and approaches 100% at H, utilization > ~50% 4 Thermal management and adjustment of H, utilization is important to the internal reforming of MCFC stacks 5-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry Internal Reforming = Currently, the concept of internal reforming has been successfully demonstrated for 10,000 hrs. in 2-3 kW stacks and for 250 hrs in a 100 kW stack. 3-4 Fuel Cell Electrochemistry MCFC The electrochemical reactions occurring in MCFCs Anode : H, + CO,? > H,O + CO, + 2e Cathode : 42 O, + CO, + 2e°— CO,” Overall : H, + ¥% O, + CO, (cathode) > H,O + CO, (anode) The reversible potential equation : E=E + RT/2F InyP9,/P50) + RT/2F In(Pco,,/Pco,,,) ; F=96500 Columb/mol.

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