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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Symbolic Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the symbolic frame
2. Apply the symbolic frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

I am a rideshare driver driving for Uber. As a driver for Uber, the role is an external one,
as rideshare drivers are regarded as independent contractors. In driving for Uber for over
six years, I attained its highest designation of Uber Pro Diamond. As a diamond Uber
Pro, you become part of mentor program as a mentor. you are paired with new drivers
who are referred to as “learners.” It requires you to be available to them to provide advice
and guidance on maximizing their driving experience, like where and when to drive, tips
and tricks to earn the most, and handling yourself in difficult situations, all based on your
experiences as a highly rated driver. The situation here is how I present such advice and
guidance to the learner that is viewed as morally sound to both the organization and the
learner. For instance, in this situation of advising a ”learner” driver on the tips and tricks
to earn the most, it became an issue of the impact of how I advised the learner to decline
every requested trip that doesn’t help them realize their earning goal for the day. To the
learner, the tip sounded like an effective one, but to the organization, that will seem
counterproductive to it and its mission. In reality, it is a common, effective learning
strategy for rideshare drivers.

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

According to Bolman & Deal (2021), it proposes the symbolic frame as one of the four
perspectives to understand and improve organizations. The symbolic frame focuses on
how the organization creates and communicates a sense of meaning and purpose for its
people and its mission. The symbolic frame assumes that people need to believe that their
personal work and the work of the organization are important and meaningful. From this
perspective, the symbols of Uber influence the situation I presented in several ways, such
as the Uber app: The Uber app is the main symbol of Uber, as it is the platform that
connects the drivers, the customers, and the organization. The Uber app has many
features and icons that represent the values and culture of Uber, such as innovation,
convenience, and quality (Uber, n.d.). For example, the Uber logo is a stylized letter U
that resembles a bit, a unit of digital information, which reflects Uber’s technological and
disruptive nature (Uber, n.d.). My advice to the Uber "learner " driver may portray Uber's
symbol in a negative light, as it may dilute the brand and reputation of Uber and create a
gap between the expectations and realities of Uber.

The Uber stories: The Uber stories are another symbol of Uber, as they are narratives that
emerge from the organization and its people and reflect the norms, values, and culture of
Uber. The Uber stories can be positive or negative, depending on the experiences and
perspectives of the drivers, the customers, and the organization. Some of the positive
Uber stories are about the drivers who have achieved success, satisfaction, and
recognition through Uber, such as the driver who became a millionaire, the driver who
saved a passenger’s life, or the driver who received a generous tip. Some of the negative
Uber stories are about the drivers who have faced challenges, controversies, and crises
through Uber, such as the driver who was assaulted by a passenger, the driver who was
deactivated for no reason, or the driver who was involved in a scandal (Shutterstock,
n.d.). The Uber stories reflect the values and culture of Uber, such as vision, revolution,
and impact. in view of this, my advice to the "learner" driver may be taken as a positive
experience from the perspective of the Uber "learner" driver.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

According to Bolman & Deal (2021), the symbolic frame, being one of the four
perspectives to understand and improve organizations, has traditions, ceremonies, rituals,
and stories that are significant to the symbolic frame as they convey the organization's
values, culture, and identity. From this perspective, some ways I would recommend using
Uber's organizational symbols for an alternative course of action regarding the situation I
presented are:

Use the Uber app to provide more information and feedback to the learner driver: The
Uber app is the main symbol of Uber, as it is the platform that connects the drivers, the
customers, and the organization. The Uber app has many features and icons that represent
Uber's values and culture, such as innovation, convenience, and quality. As a mentor, I
could use the Uber app to provide more information and feedback to the learner driver,
such as showing them the surge pricing areas, the customer ratings, and the incentives
and rewards. I could also use the Uber app to communicate effectively and respectfully
with the learner driver, such as sending them messages, tips, and compliments.

Use the Uber Pro program to encourage and motivate the learner driver: The Uber Pro
program is another symbol of Uber, as it is a reward system that recognizes and motivates
the drivers based on their performance and ratings. The Uber Pro program has four

levels: Blue, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond, which reflect the status and benefits of the
drivers. As a mentor, I would use the Uber Pro program to encourage and motivate the
learner driver, such as showing them the benefits and perks of each level, the criteria and
requirements to achieve them, and the progress and achievements of other drivers. I
would recommend to Uber to use the Uber Pro program to acknowledge and reward the
learner driver, such as giving them badges, certificates, and gifts.

Use the Uber stories to inspire and educate the learner driver: The Uber stories are
narratives that emerge from the organization and reflect the norms, values, and culture of
Uber. As a mentor, I could use the Uber stories to inspire and educate the learner driver,
such as sharing the stories of the drivers who have achieved success, satisfaction, and
recognition through Uber, the stories of the customers who have enjoyed and appreciated
the service of Uber, and the stories of the organization that have shown its vision,
mission, and impact. I would also use the Uber stories to warn and guide the learner
driver, such as sharing the stories of the drivers who have faced challenges, controversies,
and crises through Uber, the stories of the customers who have complained and criticized
the service of Uber, and its stories in which it has faced scandals, lawsuits, and protests.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Reading and assimilating the learning outcomes from chapters 12, 13, and 14 of the
course textbook has given me a different perspective on Uber's organizational symbols.
From what I have learned thus far, in hindsight, my advice to the Uber "learner" driver
would have been different. As a mentor, I would not advise the learner driver to decline
every requested trip that doesn't help them realize their earning goal for the day, as this
may be seen as harmful to the image of the Uber organization by the customers. Instead, I
would suggest some alternative strategies, such as choosing the best times and locations
to drive, using surge pricing and promotions, diversifying the services and platforms, and
providing excellent customer service. I would also explain the potential consequences of
declining too many trips, such as lower ratings, fewer incentives, and less trust from Uber
and its customers.

As a mentor, I would not model and reinforce the behaviors and values that Uber and the
customers do not expect and appreciate from the drivers, such as declining too many
trips, providing poor service, and communicating ineffectively and disrespectfully.
Instead, I would demonstrate and exemplify the behaviors and values that the
organization and the customers expect and appreciate from the drivers, such as providing
inspiring and enlightening stories, providing quality and consistent service, handling
difficult situations, and communicating effectively and respectfully. I would also show

the learner driver how to appreciate and acknowledge the feedback and support from
Uber and the customers and how to improve and grow from them.


About us | uber. (n.d.).

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership
(7th ed.)

Shutterstock. (n.d.). 3,866 uber logo images, stock photos, 3D objects, & vectors.

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