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You asked:

how can i change the default audio track in a video

Shako says:

To change the default audio track in a video using Panda Chat, you can use the
`media` library in JavaScript to access the video element and modify its `src`
attribute. Here is an example of how you could do this:

text Copy

1 const video = document.querySelector('video');

3 // Get the current audio track
4 const currentAudioTrack = video.audioTracks[0];
6 // Get the desired audio track
7 const desiredAudioTrack = video.audioTracks[1];
9 // Set the desired audio track as the default
10 video.defaultMuted = false;
11 video.src = desiredAudioTrack.src;

You can then use the `defaultMuted` property of the `video` object to determine if
the desired audio track is currently the default track. If it is, the `src` attribute of the
`video` element will be set to the `src` attribute of the desired audio track, and the
`defaultMuted` property will be set to `false`. If it is not, the `src` attribute will
remain unchanged and the `defaultMuted` property will be set to `true`.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

You asked: 0/2048

I want to do this batch i mean By
alot ofthis
using files at once
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Shako says:

To change the default audio track in a batch of videos using Panda Chat, you can use
the `media` library in JavaScript to access the `video` elements in the batch of
videos and modify their `src` attributes in parallel. Here is an example of how you
could do this:

text Copy

1 const videoElements = document.querySelectorAll('video');

3 // Get the current audio track for each video
4 const currentAudioTracks = [];
5 videoElements.forEach(element => {
6 currentAudioTracks.push(element.audioTracks[0]);
7 });
9 // Get the desired audio track for each video
10 const desiredAudioTracks = [];
11 videoElements.forEach(element => {
12 desiredAudioTracks.push(element.audioTracks[1]);
13 });
15 // Set the desired audio track as the default for each video
16 videoElements.forEach(element => {
17 element.defaultMuted = false;
18 element.src = desiredAudioTracks[0].src;
19 });

This code will iterate over all of the `video` elements in the batch of videos and, for
each element, it will get the current audio track and the desired audio track. It will then
set the desired audio track as the default and set the `defaultMuted` property to

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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You asked:

So Tell me this with complete steps so i can do it

Shako says:

To change the default audio track in a batch of videos using Panda Chat, you can follow
these steps:

1. Open a new terminal window and navigate to the directory where the batch of
videos is located.

2. Use the `find` command to find all of the `video` elements in the batch of
videos. For example, you could use the following command:

text Copy

1 find . -name 'video.mp4'


This will find all `.mp4` files in the current directory and its subdirectories and print
their names to the terminal.
3. Use the `grep` command to find all of the `audio` elements in the batch of
videos. For example, you could use the following command:

text Copy

1 find . -name 'video.mp4' | grep -o -P '(?<=video|audio).*?(?=mp4)'


This will find all `.mp4` files in the current directory and its subdirectories that contain
the string "video" or "audio" in their names.
4. Use the `media` library in JavaScript to access the `video` elements in the batch
of videos and modify their `src` attributes in parallel. For example, you could use the
following code:

text Copy

1 const videoElements = document.querySelectorAll('video');

3 // Get the current audio track for each video
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4 const currentAudioTracks = [];
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5 videoElements.forEach(element => {
6 currentAudioTracks.push(element.audioTracks[0]);
7 });
9 // Get the desired audio track for each video
10 const desiredAudioTracks = [];
11 videoElements.forEach(element => {
12 desiredAudioTracks.push(element.audioTracks[1]);
13 });
15 // Set the desired audio track as the default for each video
16 videoElements.forEach(element => {
17 element.defaultMuted = false;
18 element.src = desiredAudioTracks[0].src;
19 });

This code will iterate over all of the `video` elements in the batch of videos and, for
each element, it will get the current audio track and the desired audio track. It will then
set the desired audio track as the default and set the `defaultMuted` property to

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

You asked:

Thank you btw how can i open terminal window

Shako says:

To open a terminal window, you can follow these steps:

1. Click on the Windows Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen.

2. In the search box that appears, type "Command Prompt" and press Enter. This will
open the Command Prompt.

3. Alternatively, you can also open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows
key + R, typing `cmd` and pressing Enter.

Once the Command Prompt window is open, you can enter commands to perform tasks
By using this service you agree to our
on your computer. For example,
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Use can use Policy
Privacy the `find`
Contentand `grep` commands to
search for files in a directory, and the `media` library in JavaScript to access the
`video` elements in a batch of videos and modify their `src` attributes.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

You asked:

i want to save this chat how can i do it

Shako says:

To save this chat, you can use the `copy` and `paste` commands in your terminal.

1. Select the text that you want to save by clicking and dragging your mouse over it, or
by using the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl + A` to select all of the text.

2. Copy the selected text by using the `copy` command. For example, you can use
the following command:

text Copy

1 echo "Selected text:" | pbcopy


This will copy the selected text to your clipboard.

3. Paste the copied text into the location where you want to save it. For example, you
can use the `nano` editor to create a new file and paste the text into it by using the
following commands:

text Copy

1 nano myfile.txt
2 echo "Saved text:" | pbcopy
3 cat myfile.txt | pbpaste

This will create a new file called `myfile.txt` in the current directory, and it will
paste the copied text into the file.

Alternatively, you can also use a text editor or word processor to save the chat as a file.
By using this
For example, you can use the `vim` service
editor to you agree a
create tonew
our file called `mychat.txt`
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and paste the chat into it by using the following commands:

text Copy

1 vim mychat.txt
2 echo "Saved chat:" | pbcopy
3 cat mychat.txt | pbpaste

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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