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United Nations Organization Simulation Exercise

In light of the prevailing socio-economic and political exigencies, we endeavor to orchestrate a
United Nations Simulation Exercise. This endeavor aims to fortify the younger generation's
capacity to navigate and proffer solutions to the intricate issues confronting our world. We
firmly believe this event shall serve as a pivotal platform for youth enlightenment, enabling
them to grasp the gravity of prevailing crises and cultivate a profound sense of responsibility
toward the future. The event seeks to instill a sense of global citizenship amongst participants,
fostering empathy and engendering a proactive disposition towards effectuating resolutions to
pressing global quandaries. It is our conviction that this initiative will empower our youth to
emerge as astute leaders, adept at navigating the intricate web of global challenges with
sagacity and diplomacy.

We solicit your support and collaboration in this endeavor to prepare and embolden the
youth for their forthcoming event.


1. To develop a deeper understanding of the role of the United Nations Organization.

2. To strengthen the values of global citizenship among the young generation.

3. To highlight the most pressing challenges faced by the world.

4. To seek collaborative diplomatic wisdom aimed at resolving the issues faced by the world

5. To develop critical thinking among students


First session UNGA (“Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the
2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress, and
sustainability for all.” (Reference: 78th UNGA Session).

a) Policy statement by the head of state

b) Draft resolution by the respective representative

Second session COP (Climate Action for Sustainable Development)

a. Policy statement by the representative for climate

b. A draft resolution by the respective representative

1. Students are required to adhere to the assigned theme and cannot deviate from it
2. Students are required to conclude their dialogue within 5 minutes.
3. English shall be the designated language for the session.
4. Any form of interruption during the session will result in a deduction of marks.
5. Dialogues must be conducted in a manner befitting civility.


Day Date Details

1 23rd February, 2024 Arrival by 3:00 PM
Training session
Cultural night
2 24th February, 2024 Opening ceremony
Formal sessions
First session UNGA Theme: “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity’’
Second session COP Theme: Climate Action for Sustainable Development


 Certificates of participation
 Best team award
 Best diplomat award
 Best policy paper award

The performance of the students will be judged upon the following criteria:

Best Policy Statement/Paper: 1. Quality content presentation

2. Understanding of the theme
3. Knowledge of own state
4. Knowledge about member’s states
5. Use of formal language
Best Presentation: 1. Confidence
2. Presentation
3. Less use of paper reading
4. Time-bound
5. Communication skills
Best Diplomat: 1. Convincing power
2. Diplomatic language
3. Role in intervention sessions
4. Personality impact throughout the
Best Team: Overall average of the above indicators

Hostel accommodation
Three-time meal
Tea and snacks


Formal dress along with the badges of the country


IBA Public School Sukkur, Military Road Sukkur


Delegates are expected to exhibit the cultural dress of their respective country
Informal diplomatic talk will also be interviewed.
Followed by executive dinner.

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