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Mega study circle Any one (1x3=3)

1. Explain energy stored in capacitor?
+2 second yr 2. Write properties of equipotential surface?
Sub –Physics Mark – 40
Time -1 hr Date- 4/6/2023
Long type question? (7x1=7)
A. multiple choice question (1x5=5) 1. Obtain an expression for capacitance of parallel plate capacitor when the space
in between its two plates is
1. the electric potential of the surface of an atomic nucleus (z=50) of radius i. filled with air ii. Filled , partially with di- electric medium
9.0x10-15m ________ 2. Derive expression for the equivalent capacitance of a group capacitor joined in
i.80v ii.8x106v iii.9v iv.9x105 v series and parallel?
2.The electric potential V at any point x,y,z in space is given by v=4x2 volt . the
electric field at a point (1m,0,2m) in volt meter-1_____
i. 8 along negative x axis ii. 8 along positive x axis
iii. 16 along negative x axis iv. 8 along positive x axis
3. when the distance between the plate of a parallel condenser is decrease the
capacity of condenser is_______
i. increased ii. Decreased iii. Not changed iv. None of the above
4. Two capacitor of capacitance 50 µ f is charged 10 volt its energy is equal to __
i. 2.3x 10 -8 joule ii. 1.4x 10 -4 joule iii. 25x 10 -4 joule
iv. 4x10 -8 joule
5. unit of capacitor of capacitance
i. hennery ii.hertz ii. Farad iv.tesla
1.For which physical quantity unit is farad meter ?
2.The capacity of parallel plate air capacitor is decreased by filling the space
between the capacitor plates by mica dust (write yes or no)?
3.Draw equipotential surface due to a point charge?
4. Name the unit of capacitance in S.I?
5.Which quantity has same value for a group of capacitor conduct in series?
C. Write any five
1. How far apart should the two electron be placed if the force each exerts on the
other is equal to the weight of an electron? 5. 1000 small drops of a liquid
coalesce to form a charge drop. How dose the capacity of the drop change?
2. Will a solid metal sphere hold a large electric charge then a hollow sphere of
same diameter? Where does the charge reside in each case?
3. What is the capacitance of a short circuit capacitor? Answer with reason?

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