Tech and HR Essay

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Tech and HR Essay

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Tech and HR Essay

Technology has significantly transformed talent management, moving away from manual and

administrative methods that have been used in the past. Organizations now fully appreciate the

value of finding, developing, and keeping excellent people in today's fast-paced and fiercely

competitive business environment. The widespread use of several technical tools and solutions as

a result of this understanding has sparked a dramatic change in the way that talent is discovered,

developed, and optimized. Along with improving operational effectiveness, the seamless

integration of technology into human management procedures has also opened up new

opportunities for business growth, more employee involvement, and more strategic decision-


When it comes to embracing and adjusting to new technology, learning management is perhaps

the second most advanced field. The early developments are in the field of digitalization, much

like with hiring and other procedures, with social software applications following. The rising

usage of self-paced online learning platforms and eLearning is one of the most evident effects of

the digital age. Additionally, there are a ton of free and paid instructional films available online

that cover an almost infinite number of topics (Frankl, 2017). Not to mention the massive, open,

online courses (MOOCs) that have exploded in popularity over the past several years. Many

firms are now utilizing tablets and other mobile devices for learning, as well as simulations and

games, to assist staff in developing certain skills.

Companies are increasingly adopting a variety of digital technologies for evaluating employees'

abilities in addition to providing training through various multimedia channels. They are also

giving workers a bigger say in determining their most important skill sets and training

requirements, and they can even let them design their own development and training strategies.

Organizations may build and maintain a more full and accurate knowledge and skill database,

allowing them to maximize the value of the workforce they have already invested in. This is

made possible by allowing people to take a more active part in their own learning and skills


Performance management is changing as a result of social and digital technology. Although

many businesses have already gone paperless, further changes are taking place. Performance

review in particular no longer needs to be a time-consuming, bureaucratic operation carried out

only once or twice a year thanks to technological advancements. Due to management's ability to

provide feedback nearly constantly, employees are always aware of how they are doing and

where they stand. Informed by this unofficial input, the formal performance management process

may become more accurate and complete while containing surprises. These solutions automate

the performance review process and provide managers the ability to create goals, give immediate

feedback, and monitor performance over time (Eksandy et al., 2021). Performance management

software assists in identifying strong performers, identifying areas for development, and building

an environment of accountability and progress through data-driven insights. Business

intelligence and data analytics have expanded beyond their usual functions to influence

personnel management plans. Organizations may pinpoint skill shortages, anticipate attrition

risks, and match personnel acquisition with future business requirements by monitoring

workforce trends and patterns. Talent management success is increasingly fuelled by data-driven

decision-making, which enables businesses to proactively solve problems and seize


The use of new social technologies can strengthen an organization's efforts to support staff in

managing their careers and professional development. Organizations are better equipped to

analyze the skills of their workforces and build more sophisticated methods to planning, staffing,

and career pathing with a fuller and more accurate skills database, employees with better tools,

and employees who are more motivated to engage. More efficient systems that are better

supplied with up-to-date and accurate personnel data provide businesses a firmer base on which

to build more dependable and adaptable succession plans. By utilizing additional data points,

doing complex analysis, and removing the biases and inaccuracies that might result from relying

solely on human judgment, social and digital technologies also help businesses find high

potential employees.

Utilizing new social technologies can help an organization be more effective in assisting

personnel in managing their professional growth and careers. With a more complete and accurate

skills a database, people with superior resources, and employees who are more engaged,

organizations are better able to examine the abilities of their workforces and develop more

complex ways for planning, staffing, and career pathing. Businesses have a stronger foundation

on which to develop more stable and flexible succession plans thanks to more effective processes

that are effectively supplied with current and accurate personnel data (Gamoran, 2018). Social

and digital technology assist companies in hiring high potential people by using more data

points, doing complicated analysis, and avoiding biases and errors that may arise from depending

just on human judgment.

Using data that AI and predictive analytics have obtained from sources other than their intuition,

business leaders may benchmark compensation, identify employees who are in risk of quitting,

and decide on pay hikes. In order to gain insights into their workforce and foster strong

employee engagement, companies must possess information about the factors that motivate

employees to remain loyal, the elements contributing to their achievements, and the strategies to

cultivate essential organizational qualities such as effective leadership, creativity, and

exceptional customer service among the staff (Charlwood, 2021). This will come from reliable

people analytics. individuals’ analytics studies highly important data about individuals in order

to address specific business concerns such as sales efficiency, customer satisfaction, and

employee experience. The talent-management strategy will benefit from predictive analytics'

structure, consistency, increased insight, and increased accuracy.

As the foundation of modern recruiting tactics, applicant tracking systems (ATS) have in fact

transformed how businesses find and hire top talent. The importance of ATS cannot be

emphasized in a society that is marked by a flood of job applications and a cutthroat employment

market. These cutting-edge platforms provide an all-encompassing method of hiring

professionals (Nawaz, 2020). With the help of ATS, businesses can easily manage a variety of

tasks, from creating engaging job advertising to quickly sorting through a large pool of

applicants. With the use of configurable filters and keyword optimization, recruiters can easily

find the best prospects, greatly speeding up the recruiting process. ATS functions as a live store

of insightful data. The gathered information provides a comprehensive picture of hiring patterns,

applicant sources, and candidate qualities. Informed judgments that are in line with the

organization's long-term talent goals may be made by recruiters and HR professionals as a result

of the plethora of information available to them. Beyond recruiting, it fosters connections and

makes it possible to take a pro-active approach to personnel management. ATS will certainly

stay at the forefront as technology develops further, changing to meet organizational demands

and influencing how businesses interact with potential employees in the future. The

incorporation of ATS is evidence of the dynamic interplay between technology and human

capital management in an era where talent is a strategic asset.

In-depth research and reporting are made possible by technology as well, giving managers

greater and more up-to-date information to help them decide how to effectively motivate the

workers they are in charge of. Top performers may be developed for leadership positions using

analysis tools and metrics, reducing the need for external applicants and freeing up the

company's resources. A firm that fails to develop from within runs the danger of losing out on

future development and market domination by failing to hold on to its finest assets and attract the

best new talent in a global market that continues to produce more competition for the best talent.

Any company has high demands when it comes to effective talent management (Frankl, 2017).

Using technology increases the likelihood of a successful strategy significantly due to the scale

of the task. For each aspect of talent management, the majority of firms have historically used

distinct stand-alone software. In these circumstances, it is typical to store these applications and

the data they generate to each user's laptop or the network servers of the business.

The use of technology to talent management has fundamentally changed how businesses handle

the recruitment, training, and retention of their employees. What was previously a manual and

administrative procedure has become a data-driven, strategic initiative that ties human capital to

corporate goals. Technology has responded to the need for agility in the modern corporate

environment by expediting talent acquisition with cutting-edge technologies like applicant

tracking systems (ATS) and changing learning processes with learning management systems

(LMS) and online materials. Thanks to real-time tracking made possible by technology,

performance management has evolved beyond yearly evaluations to become a dynamic and

continuous feedback loop. In the digital era, the success of talent management depends on

finding the correct balance between technology advancements and a thorough grasp of each

person's potential. In an increasingly competitive environment, the trajectory of organizational

performance will ultimately depend on the synergy between technology and human



Charlwood, A. (2021). Artificial Intelligence and talent management. Digitalised Talent

Management, 122–136.

Eksandy, A., Murtanto, & Regina J. Arsjah. (2021). Green competitive advantage
moderate:environmental performance, Corporate Image and corporate social performance
on economic performance. International Journal of Science, Technology &
Management, 2(5), 1468–1478.

Frankl, G. (2017). Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning using a project-based learning

management system. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 9(1), 1.

Gamoran, A. (2018). Educational stratification and individual careers. Generating Social

Stratification, 59–74.

Nawaz, N. (2020). Artificial Intelligence Face Recognition for applicant tracking system. SSRN
Electronic Journal.

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