Evidence and Hypotheses On Adverse Effects of The Food Additives Carrageenan E 407 Processed Eucheuma Seaweed E 407a and Carboxymethylcellulose E

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Critical Reviews in Toxicology

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Evidence and hypotheses on adverse effects

of the food additives carrageenan (E 407)/
processed Eucheuma seaweed (E 407a) and
carboxymethylcellulose (E 466) on the intestines: a
scoping review

Mirlinda Tahiri, Celine Johnsrud & Inger-Lise Steffensen

To cite this article: Mirlinda Tahiri, Celine Johnsrud & Inger-Lise Steffensen (2023) Evidence and
hypotheses on adverse effects of the food additives carrageenan (E 407)/processed Eucheuma
seaweed (E 407a) and carboxymethylcellulose (E 466) on the intestines: a scoping review,
Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 53:9, 521-571, DOI: 10.1080/10408444.2023.2270574

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10408444.2023.2270574

© 2023 Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

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Published online: 30 Nov 2023.

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2023, VOL. 53, NO. 9, 521–571


Evidence and hypotheses on adverse effects of the food additives carrageenan

(E 407)/processed Eucheuma seaweed (E 407a) and carboxymethylcellulose
(E 466) on the intestines: a scoping review
Mirlinda Tahiri# , Celine Johnsrud# and Inger-Lise Steffensen
Department of Food Safety, Division of Climate and Environmental Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway


This scoping review provides an overview of publications reporting adverse effects on the intestines of Received 13 June 2023
the food additives carrageenan (CGN) (E 407)/processed Eucheuma seaweed (PES) (E 407a) and carboxy­ Revised 2 October 2023
methylcellulose (CMC) (E 466). It includes evidence from human, experimental mammal and in vitro Accepted 2 October 2023
research publications, and other evidence. The databases Medline, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science Core
Collection, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Epistemonikos were searched without time lim­ Autoimmune effects; barrier
its, in addition to grey literature. The publications retrieved were screened against predefined criteria. function; carboxymethylcel­
From two literature searches, 2572 records were screened, of which 224 records were included, as well lulose; carrageenan; colitis;
as 38 records from grey literature, making a total of 262 included publications, 196 on CGN and 101 on Crohn’s disease; food
CMC. These publications were coded and analyzed in Eppi-Reviewer and data gaps presented in inter­ additive; inflammation;
active maps. For CGN, five, 69 and 33 research publications on humans, experimental mammals and inflammatory bowel
in vitro experiments were found, further separated as degraded or native (non-degraded) CGN. For CMC, disease; intestinal
three human, 20 animal and 14 in vitro research publications were obtained. The most studied adverse microbiome; irritable bowel
effects on the intestines were for both additives inflammation, the gut microbiome, including fermenta­ syndrome; permeability;
processed eucheuma
tion, intestinal permeability, and cancer and metabolic effects, and immune effects for CGN. Further stud­ seaweed; scoping review;
ies should focus on native CGN, in the form and molecular weight used as food additive. For both ulcerative colitis
additives, randomized controlled trials of sufficient power and with realistic dietary exposure levels of sin­
gle additives, performed in persons of all ages, including potentially vulnerable groups, are needed.

Abbreviation: ACF: aberrant crypt foci; ADI: acceptable daily intake; ADME: absorption, distribution,
metabolism and excretion; AIEC: adherent-invasive E. coli; AIM: Australian Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Microbiome study; AOM: azoxymethane; APC: adenomatous polyposis coli; BCFA: branch chain fatty
acids; Bcl/BCL: B-cell lymphoma/leukemia; bw: body weight; CD: Crohn’s disease; CGN: carrageenan;
CMC: carboxymethylcellulose, DP: degree of polymerization; EC: European Commission; EEN: exclusive
enteral nutrition; EFSA: European Food Safety Authority; EGR-1: early growth response gene 1; ER: Eppi-
Reviewer; EU: European Union; FC: food category; GAG: glycosaminoglycan; HTML: hypertext markup
language; IAP: intestinal alkaline phosphatase; IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer; IBD:
inflammatory bowel disease; IBS: irritable bowel syndrome; Ig: immunoglobulin; IL: interleukin; IOIBD:
International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease; JECFA: Joint FAO/WHO Expert
Committee on Food Additives; KCO: j-CGN oligosaccharides; LPS: lipopolysaccharide; MPL: maximum
permitted level; MPO: myeloperoxidase; M-SHIME: mucosal simulator of the human intestinal microbial
ecosystem; MW: molecular weight; NIPH: Norwegian Institute of Public Health; NOAEL: no observed
adverse effect level; PBM: peripheral blood monocytes; PES: processed Eucheuma seaweed; PGN: poli­
geenan; QS: quantum satis; RCT: randomized controlled trial; ROS: reactive oxygen species; SCF:
Scientific Committee on Food; SCFA: short-chain fatty acids; SD: standard deviation; TLR: Toll-like recep­
tor; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; UC: ulcerative colitis

Table of contents
1. Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 522 1.4. Objectives ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 524
1.1. Regulation of food additives ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 522 2. Methodology ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 524
1.2. Carrageenan (CGN) (E 407)/processed Eucheuma sea­ 2.1. Systematic literature searches ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 524
weed (PES) (E 407a) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 523 2.2. Grey literature ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 525
1.3. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (E 466) ... ... ... ... ... 524 2.3. Selection of evidence ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 525

CONTACT Inger-Lise Steffensen inger-lisekarin.steffensen@fhi.no Department of Food Safety, Division of Climate and Environmental Health, Norwegian
Institute of Public Health, P.O. Box 222 Skøyen, NO-0213 Oslo, Norway.
#These authors contributed equally to this work.
� 2023 Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted
Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

2.4. Data extraction and analyses ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 525 References ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553
2.5. Presentation of the results ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 526 Appendices ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 561
3. Results ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 526 Appendix A. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
3.1. Number of relevant publications obtained ... ... ... 526 reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping
3.2. Publications on carrageenan (CGN) (E 407)/processed Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Checklist filled in for this scoping
Eucheuma seaweed (PES) (E 407a) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 528 review ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 561
3.2.1. Human studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 529 Appendix B. First literature search ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 563 Human studies of degraded CGN ... ... ... ... 529 Appendix C. Repeated literature search ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 565 Human studies of native CGN ... ... ... ... ... 529 Appendic D. Publications excluded at full-text level with
3.2.2. Animal studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 530 reasons ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 568 Animal studies of degraded CGN ... ... ... ... 530 Appendix E. Eppi-Reviewer Code book ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 571 Animal studies of native CGN ... ... ... ... ... ... 531
3.2.3. In vitro studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 534 In vitro studies on degraded CGN ... ... ... ... 534 1. Introduction In vitro studies on native CGN ... ... ... ... ... 535
3.2.4. Hypotheses on adverse effects of CGN ... ... 537 Despite the existing regulations aimed to secure the safety of
3.2.5. Data relevant for exposure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 537 additives in our food, among the general public there are per­
3.2.6. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excre­ sons who worries about health risks from intake of food addi­
tives. The topic of potential adverse effects of food additives
tion (ADME) studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 539
also appears intermittently in the media. In this scoping review,
3.2.7. Risk assessment opinions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 539
literature published on adverse effects on the intestines of two
3.2.8. Non-systematic (narrative) reviews, commenta­
commonly used food additives, carrageenan (CGN) and carbox­
ries/editorials/letters and conference abstracts 539
ymethylcellulose (CMC), have been compiled and presented, in
3.3. Publications on carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (E order to get an overview of this issue.
466) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 541
3.3.1. Human studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 541
3.3.2. Animal studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 542 1.1. Regulation of food additives
3.3.3. In vitro studies ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 543 According to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 (2008b), a food
3.3.4. Hypotheses on adverse effects of CMC ... ... 545 additive is defined as “any substance not normally consumed
3.3.5. Data relevant for exposure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 545 as a food in itself and not normally used as a characteristic
3.3.6. Toxicokinetics and ADME studies ... ... ... ... ... 545 ingredient of food, whether or not it has nutritive value, the
3.3.7. Risk assessment opinions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 545 intentional addition of which to food for a technological pur­
3.3.8. Non-systematic (narrative) reviews, commenta­ pose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment,
ries/editorials/letters and conference abstracts 546 packaging, transport or storage of such food results, or may
3.4. Evidence presented as interactive research maps 548 be reasonably expected to result, in it or its by-products
4. Discussion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 548 becoming directly or indirectly a component of such
4.1. Methodological aspects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 548 foods.” Only food additives included in the Community list in
4.2. Number of various categories of publications on CGN Annex II of this regulation may be placed on the market as
such and used in foods under the conditions of use specified
and CMC ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 548
therein, listed in the food categories (FC) to which they may
4.3. Main findings on effects of CGN relevant for human
be added.
intestinal health ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 549
At present, 406 food additives are present in the
4.3.1. Degraded versus non-degraded (native) European Union (EU) database of food additives (Regulation
CGN ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 550 (EC) No 1333/2008 2008a). All food additives are identified by
4.4. Main findings on effects of CMC relevant for human an E number and food additives are included in the ingredi­
intestinal health ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 551 ent lists of foods in which they are used. Product labels must
4.5. Strengths and limitations of this scoping review ... 552 identify both the function of the additive in the finished food
4.6. Evidence gaps and implications of the study findings and the specific substance used by referring either to its E
for further research ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 552 number or name. Food additives are grouped into 27 func­
5. Conclusions ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553 tional groups, of which those that are used to maintain prod­
6. Recommendations for further work on adverse effects uct consistency comprise a heterogeneous group of more
of CGN and CMC ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553 than 80 food additives. They include emulsifiers, which make
Acknowledgments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553 it possible to mix ingredients that are not naturally miscible,
Declaration of interest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553 for instance water and fat in mayonnaise, gelling agents,
Supplemental material ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553 thickeners and stabilizers.
In Europe, food additives on the market are authorized by
ORCID ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 553
the EU in accordance with Annexes II and III to Regulation

(EC) No 1333/2008 (2008b) on food additives, after risk

assessments by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
At the international level, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) is responsible for eval­
uating the safety of food additives. Thus, food additives
should not, on the basis of the scientific evidence available,
pose a safety concern to the health of the consumer at the
level of use proposed.

1.2. Carrageenan (CGN) (E 407)/processed Eucheuma

seaweed (PES) (E 407a)
One controversial food additive is carrageenan (CGN) (E 407),
which has been used as thickener, gelling agent, stabilizer,
emulsifier and glazing agent (EFSA 2018a). It is obtained
from seaweeds of the families Gigartinaceae, Solieriaceae,
Hypneaceae and Furcellariaceae of the class Rhodophyceae
(red seaweeds), by extraction with water or dilute aqueous
alkali (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012 (2012); EFSA
2018a). Over time, the sources for the production of CGN have
changed as well as some of the algae names. As summarized
by EFSA (2018a), the industrial sources of CGN are mainly the
species Eucheuma cottonii, E. spinosum, Chondrus crispus, C.
ocellatus, Hypnea musciformis and several Gigartina, Iridaea and
Furcellaria species, which are harvested either in nature or pro­
duced by seaweed farming.
The closely related food additive processed Eucheuma sea­
weed (PES) (E 407a) has structural similarities with CGN (E 407) Figure 1. Structural formulas of j-, i- and k-CGN. The names j-, i- and k-CGN
(EFSA 2018a). The industrial sources of E 407a are strains of the do not reflect definitive chemical structures but only general differences in the
composition and degree of sulfation at specific locations in the polymer (EFSA
red seaweeds E. cottonii and E. spinosum, from which the addi­ 2018a, reused with permission from EFSA).
tive is obtained by aqueous alkaline treatment at high tempera­
ture (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012 (2012); EFSA 2018a). These hexoses are alternately linked a-1,3 and b-1,4 in
2018a). Processed Eucheuma seaweed (E 407a) is distinguished the copolymer. The three major prevalent polysaccharides in
from CGN (E 407) by its higher content of cellulosic matter CGN are designated k-, i-, k-CGN (Figure 1) depending on the
(15%) and because the manufacturing does not include solubil­ number and position of sulfate groups on the disaccharide
isation and precipitation during processing (EFSA 2018a). The repeating unit; k-CGN with one sulfate group at C4 of the b-D-
terms carrageenan (CGN) and processed Eucheuma seaweed galactose, i-CGN with one sulfate group at C4 of the b-D-galactose
(PES) are restricted in use only for the non-hydrolysed or other­ and one sulfate group at C2 of the a-3,6-anhydro-D-galactose, and
wise chemically degraded polymers. k-CGN with one sulfate group at C2 of the b-D-galactose and
US FDA (2023a) has listed that CGN and its ammonium, two sulfate groups at C2 and C6 of the a-D-galactose (Marburger
calcium, potassium or sodium salts may be safely used 2003; Dr€ager et al. 2011; EFSA 2018a). In the processed
when it is the refined hydrocolloid prepared by aqueous Eucheuma seaweed (E 407a), the main polysaccharide is j-CGN
extraction from the following species of the families when produced from E. cottonii and primarily i-CGN when pro­
Gigartinaceae and Solieriaceae of the class Rodophyceae: duced from E. spinosum (EFSA 2018a). The CAS number for
Chondrus crispus, C. ocellatus, Eucheuma cottonii, E. spino­ native CGN (E 407) is 9000-07-1, for j-CGN 11114-20-8, for i-CGN
sum, Gigartina acicularis, G. pistillata, G. radula and G. stel­ 9062-07-1 and for k-CGN 9064-57-7 (EFSA 2018a). Degraded
lata, and if it is a sulfated polysaccharide with dominant CGN, often called poligeenan (PGN), has CAS number 53973-98-
hexose units of which are galactose and anhydrogalactose 1. No CAS number had been assigned to processed Eucheuma
with 20–40% sulfate content on a dry-weight basis. seaweed (E 407a).
Furthermore, they inform that the food additive is used or The molecular weight (MW) of CGN depends on the
intended for use in the amount necessary for an emulsifier, extraction method used (Weiner 1991). Industrial food grade
stabilizer or thickener in foods, except for those standar­ (native) CGN is extracted with water and has average MW of
dized foods that do not provide for such use. 200–400 kDa. The MW is not specified for E 407 and E 407a
The chemical name of CGN (E 407) is sulfate esters of poly­ in the EU regulation, however, according to industry, E 407 is
galactose (sulfated polygalactans), and CGN consists mainly defined as having a weight-average MW of 200–800 kDa
of the potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium sulfate (EFSA 2018a). The low MW CGN (MW fraction below 50 kDa)
esters of galactose and 3,6-anhydrogalactose polysaccharides should be <5% of the total composition of commercial products
(Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012 (2012); EFSA E 407 and E 407a (Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012

(2012)). Degraded CGN, such as PGN, C16 and Ebimar, are not This substance is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) when
authorized as food additives in EU. PGN is prepared from i-CGN used in accordance with good manufacturing practice.
by acid hydrolysis at low pH (0.9–1.3) and high temperature
(>80� C) for several hours and has a MW of 10–20 kDa (EFSA 1.4. Objectives
2018a). C16 is artificially formed from i-CGN by acid hydrolysis
In this work, an extensive scoping review on adverse effects on the
with 0.1 M sulfuric acid at 60 � C for 1.5 h (EFSA 2018a) with MW
intestines of the food additives CGN (E 407)/PES (E 407a) and CMC
of about 20 kDa (Benitz et al. 1973). Ebimar is a commercial
(E 466) has been conducted. The study population was the general
degraded CGN, mostly k-CGN, with MW of about 20 kDa (Evans
healthy population of both sexes and all age groups, as well as
et al. 1965).
patients with intestinal diseases. Regarding concept and context,
Maximum permitted levels (MPL) of CGN (E 407) and PES (E
the adverse effects were limited to three main hypotheses: inflam­
407a) have been defined in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No
mation, including effects on barrier dysfunction or permeability of
1333/2008 (2008b) with amendments. They are authorized
the intestines, autoimmune effects or effects on the intestinal
food additives in the EU at quantum satis (QS) levels in many
microbiome, without further limitations in geography, publication
foods, or in some foods with specific MPLs. In food safety regu­
year or other factors. The data on adverse health effects were
lations in the EU, QS is a catch-all restriction for food ingre­
obtained from the three usual streams of such information; human
dients, especially food additives, which are harmless enough to
studies, experimental animal studies and in vitro studies. The objec­
have no specific quantity restriction. E 407 is used for example
tives of this scoping review were to obtain an overview of the
in ice cream, salad dressing, jam and marmalade, fruit or vege­
available evidence and to identify knowledge gaps for further
table spreads, cheese, sauces and processed meats, and E 407a
research on and risk assessments of these food additives.
is used in meat preparation (EFSA 2018a). The group accept­
able daily intake (ADI) for CGN and PES is 75 mg/kg body
weight (bw) per day (EFSA 2018a). 2. Methodology
As part of planning of this scoping review, a protocol was
1.3. Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (E 466) made but not published, however, all the same information
Another controversial food additive is carboxymethylcellulose is included in this section. This scoping review was guided by
(CMC) (E 466), also called sodium carboxy methyl cellulose or the framework for scoping reviews originally proposed by
cellulose gum, used as emulsifier, stabilizer, binder, thickener Arksey and O’Malley (2005) with later enhancements and
updates of the methodology (Levac et al. 2010; Daudt et al.
and gelling agent in foods. It is the partial sodium salt of a
2013; Munn et al. 2018; Peters et al. 2021a, 2021b; Page et al.
carboxymethyl ether of cellulose (Figure 2), where the cellu­
2021a, 2021b). In addition, the latest version of guidance and
lose is obtained from natural strains of fibrous plant material
checklist specific for scoping reviews (Tricco et al. 2018)
(Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012 (2012)). It has CAS
together with guidance for systematic reviews (Page et al.
no. 9004-32-4. E 466 is authorized as a food additive in the
2021a, 2021b) were consulted (Appendix A, PRISMA-ScR
EU at QS in most food categories (EFSA 2018b). Typical foods
checklist filled in for this scoping reviews).
and beverages that contain CMC are for instance ice cream,
salad dressings, cheese, bakery wares and various processed
foods. A numerical ADI value for the non-modified and modi­ 2.1. Systematic literature searches
fied celluloses, including E 466, was found not to be needed
First, a pilot search was performed in December 2021 in the
because of no safety concern at the reported uses and use
database Medline (OVID) to get a quick overview of the topic
levels (EFSA 2018b).
of interest (not shown). Further, an extensive peer-reviewed
US FDA (2023b) has defined sodium carboxymethylcellulose
literature search in several databases (Appendix B, First litera­
as the sodium salt of CMC not less than 99.5% on a dry-weight
ture search) was performed in order to obtain publications
basis, with maximum substitution of 0.95 carboxymethyl
on the three lines of evidence; human studies, experimental
groups per anhydroglucose unit and with a minimum viscosity animal studies and in vitro studies.
of 25 centipoises for 2% by weight aqueous solution at 25 � C. The text words contained in the titles and abstracts of relevant
articles in the pilot search and the MeSH and other index terms
describing the articles were used to develop a full search strategy
in collaboration with the library staff at the Norwegian Institute of
Public Health (NIPH). The search strategy, including all identified
key words and index terms, was adapted for each of the included
six databases, Medline (OVID), Embase (OVID), Scopus (Elsevier
B.V.), Web of Science Core Collection [SCI-EXPANDED & SSCI]
(Clarivate), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [CDSR,
CENTRAL] (Wiley) and Epistemonikos (Epistemonikos foundation)
by a research librarian, before peer-review by a second librarian.
The searches were run on 31.01.22, except for the Cochrane
Figure 2. The chemical structure of CMC, in which R ¼ H or CH2COOH (EFSA Database, which was run on 28.01.22. No restrictions were
2020, reused with permission from EFSA). included in the searches related to publication date to obtain as

much information as possible. Also, no restrictions were used for the two reviewers were resolved by discussions or by a third
type of publications in order to be as comprehensive as possible. reviewer, on both stages of the selection process.
Reviews, both systematic and narrative, were included. The inclusion criteria comprised adverse effects on the intes­
Conference abstracts were included, representing new data, pos­ tines of the food additives CGN (E 407)/PES (E 407a) and CMC
sibly not yet published as full-text articles. Additionally, com­ (E 466). From the pilot search, three main hypotheses on
mentaries, editorial articles, letters to the editor etc. were adverse effects on the intestines of these two food additives
included to get an understanding of the reasons for the contro­ appeared to be prevalent and search terms to cover these
versy around these food additives. However, in this review more were therefore included in the main search strategy: 1) effects
emphasis was put on the original research publications (human, on barrier dysfunction or permeability of the intestines, often
experimental animals and in vitro studies). The searches were including inflammation, 2) autoimmune effects or 3) effects on
limited to the languages English, Norwegian, Danish or Swedish. the intestinal microbiome. Studies mainly exploring positive
Duplicates were removed in EndNote v. 20 (Clarivate, AZ, USA), health effects of varying substances or treatments were
before the search outcome was uploaded in the Eppi-Reviewer screened when they included a group only given CGN or CMC.
(ER) software (version (Evidence for Policy and Practice Studies on adverse effects on the general healthy human popu­
Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), Institute of lation of both sexes and all age groups without any geograph­
Education, University of London, UK) for further analyses. ical limitations, or in experimental mammals, were included.
A repeated literature search in the same databases under the Publications which studied diseases of the intestinal tract, such
same conditions as the first search was performed by the NIPH as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or irritable bowel syn­
library to obtain additional newer publications on December 7 drome (IBS) in patients or animal models, were included. IBD is
and 8, 2022 (Appendix C, Repeated literature search). an immune-mediated, chronic inflammatory disease that affects
the gastrointestinal tract and is a common term for Crohn’s dis­
ease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) (Park et al. 2020).
2.2. Grey literature The results of the literature searches and the study inclusion/
exclusion process are presented in the PRISMA-ScR flow dia­
Relevant risk assessment reports were searched for in October
gram (Figure 3), including the reasons for exclusion at the full-
2022 at the web sites of EFSA, JECFA, National Institutes of
text level (see also Appendix D, Publications excluded at
Health (NIH, USA), European Medicines Agency (EMA), the
full-text level with reasons). The pdfs of the included full-text
Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR, Germany), French
publications were obtained directly from the internet or ordered
National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS),
from the NIPH library and uploaded into ER. No authors were
French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational
contacted for additional information about their publications.
Health and Safety (ANSES), National Institute for Public Health
and the Environment (RIVM, the Netherlands) and the EU
Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). 2.4. Data extraction and analyses
Master and doctoral theses were searched for in PROSPERO
The categories of information in the studies relevant to full-
(International prospective register of systematic reviews),
fill the study objectives were extracted from the included
Cristin (Current Research Information System in Norway), Oria
full-text publications and sorted into standardized categories,
(a search engine for search in the Norwegian academic libra­
called codes in ER, using frequency and cross-table functions
ries’ resources) and System for Information on Grey Literature
in this software. The codes are presented in Appendix E,
in Europe (SIGLE) in November-December 2022.
Eppi-Reviewer Code book. Two authors categorized each
Grey literature was also searched in December 2022 in
publication independently of each other. Disagreements were
Google Scholar using the search terms (carrageenan OR carbox­
resolved by discussion.
ymethylcellulose) AND intestin�. However, since this search The data included, i.e. the codes, were the food additive,
returned approximately 19000 and 18500 publications, respect­ CGN (E 407)/PES (E 407a) or CMC (E 466). The food additives
ively, many of which were already obtained by the library data­ were further coded in sub-categories, for CGN; j-, ί- or
base searches, were books not available unless purchased or k-CGN, unspecified CGN, degraded CGN (including PGN, C16,
were irrelevant to the scope of this work, only the first 100 hits Ebimar), modified CGN, and for CMC; non-modified CMC or
for each food additive were scrutinized for inclusion. Many of modified CMC (Appendix E, Eppi-Reviewer Code book). This
the publications were found in several sources, i.e. in Google definition of modified CMC is used in a more general sense
Scholar and in references list of already included publications. and is not consistent with the group “chemically modified
celluloses” to which E 466 belongs, as defined by EFSA
2.3. Selection of evidence (2018b). Other codes were publication type (human, animal,
in vitro or other types of studies, conference abstracts),
The obtained publications were screened on two levels using human study design (systematic review, randomized
predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria (Table 1). Titles controlled trial (RCT), non-randomized controlled study, pro­
and abstracts were screened independently by two reviewers spective/retrospective cohort study, case-control study, cross-
for assessment against the inclusion criteria in ER. Thereafter, sectional study, case report, incidence/prevalence study),
publications that full-filled the inclusion criteria were read in experimental animal study (species), in vitro studies (human
full-text by two independent reviewers. Conflicts between or animal cells or microbiota, or other in vitro studies), other

Table 1. Inclusion and exclusion criteria used for selection of publications obtained from the literature searches.
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
All forms of the food additives Carragenan (E 407)/Processed Eucheuma Other food additives
seaweed (E 407a) or Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (E 466)
Human studies (all study designs),Experimental animal studies (all mammalian All other animals than mammals
species), In vitro studies, Other studies
Healthy general population, of both sexes and all age groups, Patients with Patients with diseases outside the gastrointestinal tract
intestinal diseases (Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Irritable bowel
syndrome (IBS),Other gastrointestinal diseases)
Oral administration of the food additives to humans or animals Non-oral administration, for instance by injection or intrarectally
Hypotheses on adverse effects on the intestines; barrier dysfunction or Adverse effects on other organs than the intestines, or only positive effects
permeability of the intestines including inflammation, Autoimmune effects,
Effects on the intestinal microbiome, Other hypotheses
All years of publication

types of studies (toxicokinetics, non-systematic reviews, com­ shown in Figure 3. Of these, 253 publications were considered
mentaries/editorials/letters, studies with data relevant for potentially relevant and were assessed in the full-text version
exposure and risk assessments), human study population according to the same inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the fol­
(general healthy population (children, adolescents, adults)) or low-up second literature search, 254 publications were initially
patients (with IBD, IBS, other diseases)) and publication year. obtained, which after removal of duplicates in EndNote and ER
Lastly, formulated hypotheses, suggested mechanisms, gave 107 publications, increasing the total to 1258 publications
explanations for an effect or similar statements in the publi­ that were screened at the level of title and abstract. From the
cations for adverse effects on the intestines were noted for publications obtained from the second literature search, 29 were
each publication. They were first grouped in three main further screened at the full-text level, increasing the total number
hypotheses (effects on barrier dysfunction or permeability of at this step to 282 publications. After full-text screening, 210 and
the intestines, including inflammation, autoimmune effects, 14 publications from the first and second literature search,
effects on the intestinal microbiome), but were later divided respectively, in total 224, were retained. Thirdly, from the exam­
in more groups since other hypotheses were also mentioned ination of title/abstract and full-text in the same step of grey lit­
in the included publications (as shown in Figures 8 and 11). erature from many sources, six risk assessments from EFSA, one
Several publications contained more than one type of data, risk assessment from the International Agency for Research on
such as from both experimental animal and in vitro studies. Cancer (IARC), four publications from NIH and 27 publications
For a few publications in addition to the conference from Google Scholar, in total 38, were included after examination
abstracts, the coding was based only on the title, abstract (Figure 3). From all this literature, in total 262 publications were
and content list (for books), since full-text was not available. finally included in this scoping review and were coded in ER for
data extraction. Of these, 196 were on CGN and 101 on CMC.
The distribution of all types of publications per five-year-
2.5. Presentation of the results periods is shown for CGN and CMC in Figure 4, showing that
This scoping review presents the various categories of infor­ research interest in CGN has been ongoing since 1961,
mation from the included publications relevant for the whereas CMC publications are mostly from the last decade,
research questions in text, tables and figures. The figures when also CGN interest has increased substantially.
were made in Excel from the data extracted into various cat­ The reasons for exclusion at full-text level of 59 publications
egories by using frequency and cross-table functions in ER. In are listed in Appendix D. Publications excluded at full-text level
addition, two interactive research maps were made with with reasons. Studies that only looked for positive health
EPPI-Mapper included in the ER software. These maps were effects of these food additives were outside the scope of this
made by exporting the data extracted in ER as a JSON data review, or did not have a control group to compare the food
file (https://www.json.org/json-en.html). additives with, were excluded. During the screening process, it
became apparent that in many studies, CGN was injected in
animal paws or lung tissues to induce inflammation in order to
3. Results test natural substances or drugs that could reduce or eliminate
inflammation. Although this non-oral administration route was
3.1. Number of relevant publications obtained
not relevant for food additives, it was apparent from these
From the first main literature search, 2318 publications were studies that CGN could induce inflammation in the skin or
obtained from all six databases, which after removal of dupli­ lungs in various animal models. In other publications, the food
cates in EndNote was reduced to 1165. After import into ER, two additives were administered intrarectally. Thus, these studies
additional duplicates were observed, reducing the number of using non-oral administration routes were outside our inclusion
publications obtained to 1151 that were screened at the level of criteria and the publications were excluded. Another large
title and abstract according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria group that was excluded were studies where CMC was used as
(Table 1). These publications were handled in the ER software as an adhesive under operative procedures in the intestines or

Figure 3. PRISMA flow chart of literature identification, selection and inclusion for the scoping review, guided by Tricco et al. (2018), Page et al. (2021a, 2021b).

other organs, or was used as a component of new delivery sys­ In the following, the results will be described for each
tems for drugs. Additional publications that were excluded for food additive separately, and for the various categories of
not meeting the inclusion criteria studied effects of these food publications separately if not stated otherwise; original
additives on other parts of the body than the intestines or research publications (humans, experimental animals,
examined effects of other treatments, substances or bacteria in vitro), toxicokinetics and absorption, distribution, metabol­
together with CGN or CMC, or were in nano form. ism and excretion (ADME) publications, non-systematic

Figure 4. The number of all types of publications studying CGN or CMC per 5-year-periods.

(narrative) reviews, commentaries/editorials/letters, confer­ number of research publications studying degraded CGN
ence abstracts, data relevant for exposure (from all types of showed a peak around 1971–1995 and a higher peak around
publications) and risk assessment opinions. For all codes, 2006–2023 (Figure 5). The first period represents publications
there is often overlap between alternatives in the categories, using CGN to induce inflammation in experimental animal
since many publications report more than one type of food models, in which various anti-inflammatory substances and
additive, type of publication, such as both animal and in vitro treatments could be tested. Publications on native CGN are
studies, more than one hypothesis for adverse effects and so also present from those early years but a higher number is
on. When stated in the publications, the MW of the CGN published more recently, around 2011–2023.
types was included in the text. The number of research publications studying the various
types of CGN are shown in Figure 6. Somewhat more publi­
cations were using j- or k-CGN than i-CGN. A lot of the pub­
3.2. Publications on carrageenan (CGN) (E 407)/ lications stated that they used CGN, without specifying what
processed Eucheuma seaweed (PES) (E 407a) form of CGN they studied. An even higher number of publi­
cations was found for degraded CGN, sometimes studied
Since most of the publications on CGN from the literature
together with native CGN in the same publications. No
searches did not specify the EU food additive numbers (E 407
research publications used modified CGN. However, in a
or E 407a), the publications have not been divided accord­
review, it was described that red seaweed CGNs may be
ingly, but described together. Although the main objective of
chemically modified with one or more substitutions in the
this scoping review was to elucidate the potential adverse
same molecule in different ratios, resulting in new types of
effects of the food additive E 407/E 407a, containing native,
CGNs called “hybrid CGNs” (Cian et al. 2015). In addition, an
non-degraded CGN, it become apparent from an early look at
abstract described investigations on refined food grade
the literature that even with native, non-degraded CGN there
j-CGN with 10% Naþ or 10% Ca2þ, which affect the gel for­
were numerous publications reporting adverse effects, and mation of CGN (Farag et al. 2018).
therefore, both categories, degraded and native CGN, were The distribution of various types of publications on CGN
included for comparison in this review. Data were obtained on (original research publications on human studies, experimen­
the three most prevalent polysaccharides of CGN (j-CGN, ί- tal animal studies and in vitro studies, as well as some other
CGN and k-CGN), in addition to degraded CGN (sometimes types of studies) is shown in Figure 7. Only five studies
called poligeenan (PGN), C16 or Ebimar) and CGN modified in reported research on humans (excluding publications on
various ways. In the following text, “degraded” is native writ­ exposure), in patients with intestinal diseases. The highest
ten when it is clear from the publication that a degraded CGN number of publications was on various species of experimen­
(with lower MW than CGN) has been used. If “degraded” is tal animals (69), with in vitro studies as the second largest
not stated in the text and there are no further specifications category (33), studying microbiota from humans or animals
to indicate that CGN was degraded, the results are assumed ex vivo-in vitro or describing mechanistic data in human or
to be from native CGN (i.e. not degraded). Studies in which animal primary cells or cell lines. Twenty publications
the type of native CGN used were not reported were catego­ included some data on exposure or intake of CGN or its pres­
rized as unspecified CGN. Overlap among these categories was ence in foods, three publications gave information on ADME
often the case in the publications. and two risk assessment opinions of CGN were available. The
No time limits were used for the literature searches to main results of the original research publications on humans,
obtain as many as possible of the relevant publications. The animals and in vitro are described briefly in the following.

Figure 5. The number of research publications studying degraded or native CGN per 5-year-periods.

Figure 6. The number of research publications studying the various types of CGN as specified in the publications. Modified CGN was only mentioned in one review
publication and one abstract.

3.2.1. Human studies of normal gut were seen and degraded CGN was not
Only five publications reported human studies on adverse detected in the colon by histochemistry or other methods.
effects of CGN on the intestines, two using degraded CGN
and three using native CGN, all in adult patients. No publica­ Human studies of native CGN. One relevant small
tions were found on adverse effects of degraded or native randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter,
CGN on healthy adults, or on children or adolescents. clinical trial was found (Bhattacharyya et al. 2017). They exam­
ined whether patients of both sex (>18 years) diagnosed with Human studies of degraded CGN. Two older studies UC in remission would have a longer interval to relapse if they
on adult patients without control groups were included using followed a diet without CGN vs. after oral exposure to equal
degraded CGN. In the first study, 40 patients of both genders parts of 100–200 mg food grade j-, i- and k-CGN in gelatin
with gastrointestinal ulcerations were given a degraded capsules. The study continued until relapse or one year of par­
crude extract of CGN, mostly k-CGN (Ebimar, MW of about ticipation. Of the 12 patients completing the study, three of
20 kDa) (Evans et al. 1965). One patient had mild diarrhea five who received CGN relapsed, whereas none of the seven
and three complained of constipation. One patient needed patients receiving placebo relapsed (p ¼ 0.046). In the CGN-
surgery for continuing severe pain and vomiting after two exposed group only, interleukin (IL)-6 and fecal calprotectin
months. In the second study, six patients who suffered from levels were increased. This clinical trial was included in the
malignant disease of the colon were given degraded CGN only systematic review found, on dietary interventions for
(Grasso et al. 1973). No signs of any ulceration in the samples induction and maintenance of remission in IBD by Limketkai

Figure 7. The distribution of various types of publications on CGN (degraded and native). The human studies (without studies of exposure), experimental animal
studies and in vitro studies are original research publications. Exposure studies comprise all types of publications that contain information on levels in food, expos­
ure etc., including from review publications and conference abstracts. In addition, publications on CGN containing information on ADME and risk assessments were

et al. (2019). These authors calculated a risk ratio with 95% con­ presence of CGN in macrophages in the lamina propria
fidence interval (CI) of 0.5 (0.15, 1.64) for the above-mentioned mucosa and submucosa of the colorectum (Ishioka et al.
clinical trial and it was given very low score for certainty of the 1987).
evidence (GRADE) and a high risk of bias. In a model for IBD, rats were sensitized by a s.c. injection
In an older clinical study without control group, k-CGN pow­ of degraded k-CGN and Freund’s complete adjuvant followed
der was given as treatment to 22 patients with peptic ulcers (17 by oral administration of the same CGN solution in drinking
men and 5 women) (Heineken 1961). The only adverse side- water, where the degraded k-CGN caused significant small
effect reported from CGN was one case of dizziness. intestinal injury shown by ulceration, abnormal villous pat­
tern, inflammation, microgranulomas and crypt abscesses,
resembling human IBD (Moyana and Lalonde 1990; Moyana
3.2.2. Animal studies et al. 1994). Prior sensitization aggravated the effects of CGN.
Among the included publications reporting adverse effects on Further, a study suggested that oxygen free radicals from
the intestines of CGN, in total 69 were experimental animal intestinal macrophages played a role in this intestinal injury
studies. The numbers of publications on each animal species (Moyana and Lalonde 1991).
studied were rats (25), mice (18), guinea pigs (20), rabbits (7), Three publications reported studies on mice using degraded
hamsters (3), ferrets (1), pigs (2) and monkeys (3). Among the CGN, inducing bloody diarrhea, pericryptal inflammation and
animal studies, a large proportion of the studies (23) was per­ marked dilatation of the caecum and ascending colon (Fath
formed with unspecified native CGN, whereas the various types et al. 1984). Combined treatment of the low MW (�4.5 kDa)
of CGN were more similarly represented, with 25, 15 and 19 j-CGN oligosaccharides (KCO) with KCO-degrading bacteria
publications for j-, i- and k-CGN, respectively. The number of (Bacteroides xylanisolvens and E. coli) led to greater pro-inflam­
publications on experimental animals that had used degraded matory effects in the colon and rectum of mice than either KCO
CGN was 38, whereas a somewhat lower number (31) had or bacteria alone (Yin et al. 2021). Of several strains of mice,
studied native (non-degraded CGN). Five publications studied DBA/2J was the most sensitive to colitis induced by degraded
both degraded and native CGN in animals (Watt and Marcus k-CGN (MW 30 kDa) (Hata et al. 2006). However, b-catenin-accu­
1969; Benitz et al. 1973; Grasso et al. 1973; Mankes and mulated crypts, putative precancerous lesions in colon, were
Abraham 1975; Pintauro and Gilbert 1990). not increased after initiation with azoxymethane (AOM), indicat­
ing lack of a promotor effect of degraded k-CGN in mice. Animal studies of degraded CGN. Nine publications All the 20 publications reporting studies on guinea pigs
reported studies on rats using degraded CGN. The endpoints were from 2005 or earlier, and used degraded CGN, of which
studied were ulceration and mucosal injuries (Grasso et al. the three following publications also studied native CGN. In
1973; Benard et al. 2010), diarrhea and uptake in tissues both guinea pigs given 1% undegraded CGN or 5% degraded
(Grasso et al. 1975), role of intestinal bacterial flora (Hirono CGN in drinking water for 3–4 weeks, ulcerative lesions in the
et al. 1981), intestinal permeability (Delahunty et al. 1987) caecum and colon, and fecal occult blood, were observed,
and colitis, followed by squamous metaplasia and finally with more extensive damage and higher incidence of ulcer­
adenomas, adenocarcinomas, squamous cell papillomas and ation in the guinea pigs given degraded CGN (Watt and
squamous cell carcinomas in the colorectum, as well as Marcus 1969). Both 5% solutions of degraded and native

CGN in drinking water produced ulceration in the caecum inflammation and ulceration caused by degraded CGN (0.3–
and colon of guinea pigs, with more serious effects in those 5%) in drinking water or by gastric intubation for 4–9 weeks
given degraded CGN, such as severe diarrhea, blood in the or even up to 7 months (Grasso et al. 1973; Aoki 1978;
feces, submucosal oedema, haemorrhage and ulceration Al-Suhail et al. 1984a; Al-Suhail et al. 1984b; Kitano et al.
(Grasso et al. 1973). Guinea pigs were administered 0.2% 1996 (MW 30 kDa)). Ulcerations resembled those seen in
undegraded j-CGN, 0.2% undegraded i-CGN, 1% degraded guinea pigs and in patients with UC, and CGN was present
j-CGN or 1% degraded i-CGN in the drinking water to inves­ within macrophages. A focal, high-grade dysplasia was seen
tigate drug-metabolizing enzyme activities relevant for cancer in the colonic mucosa of rabbits sensitized to degraded CGN
promotion (Pintauro and Gilbert 1990). The undegraded by an injection and exposed to degraded CGN in drinking
j-CGN and undegraded i-CGN increased small intestinal cyto­ water for 28 months (Kitano et al. 1986). A similar rabbit
chrome P-450 levels and benzo[a]pyrene hydroxylase activ­ experiment with k-CGN (30–33 kDa) suggested impairment of
ities, whereas the degraded j-CGN and i-CGN did not. the immunoglobulin (Ig)A-regulated local immune response
Most of the remaining publications studying guinea pigs and an abnormality in the differentiation of immunoglobulin-
also reported effects of degraded CGN (0.5–5% in drinking secreting cells (Matsumoto et al. 1988).
water) for from two-three days up to six weeks on colitis and One publication on hamsters given degraded CGN in the
ulcerations in the intestines, sometimes with occult blood in diet for six months and ferrets given degraded CGN by gas­
the feces, diarrhea or decreased body weight (Watt and tric intubation for 28 days did not observe ulceration and
Marcus 1971; Van der Waaij et al. 1974; Grasso et al. 1975; other adverse changes that were observed in guinea pigs
Boxenbaum and Dairman 1977; Onderdonk et al. 1977; Olsen and rabbits (Grasso et al. 1973).
and Poulsen 1980; Onderdonk et al. 1981; Jensen et al. 1984; One publication on pigs administered degraded CGN (20–
Onderdonk et al. 1984; Langman et al. 1985; Marcus et al. 1989; 30 kDa) in the drinking water found no effects on stool consist­
Kitsukawa et al. 1992 (using MW 30 kDa); Marcus et al. 1992; ency or levels of IL-1b, IL-8, IL-6, IL-10 or tumor necrosis factor-
Fujita and Sakurai 1995; Xiong et al. 2005). The inflammatory (TNF)-a (Munyaka et al. 2016). However, CGN decreased
response was often associated with infiltration of macrophages bacterial species richness (a-diversity) and shifted community
or mononuclear phagocytes in the intestinal mucosa. composition. At the phylum level, an increase in Proteobacteria
The majority of the studies did not specify the form of
and Deferribacteres, and a decrease in Firmicutes,
degraded CGN used. However, in guinea pigs given either
Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Tenericutes, were observed.
degraded j-, i- or k-CGN in drinking water for three weeks, the
One publication on two squirrel monkeys given 1.5%
order of potency was i- > k- > j-CGN for decreasing effect on
degraded CGN by gastric intubation for 28 days revealed no
body weight gain (Norris et al. 1981). When the effects on col­
ulceration and other adverse changes (Grasso et al. 1973). In
itis of degraded Eucheuma spinosum (almost entirely i- and nu-
another publication, Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were
CGN) and degraded Eucheuma cottonii (almost entirely j- and
administered degraded CGN (C16, MW 20 kDa) or native,
mu-CGN) given in drinking water to guinea pigs were com­
largely j-CGN, in drinking water for 7–14 weeks (Benitz et al.
pared, degraded E. spinosum CGN induced mild to moderate
1973). The monkeys given 0.5 (n ¼ 2) or 1% (n ¼ 2) C16 solution
colitis, while E. cottonii consistently induced severe colitis in
gained weight, but in those on 2% C16 (about 2.9 g/kg bw per
colon and rectum (Langman et al. 1985).
day, n ¼ 6) weight loss was considerable, and they lost blood
Some publications on guinea pigs also studied the influence
from the intestinal tract and developed anaemia. Pathological
of intestinal microflora. UC was significantly reduced by elimin­
changes in the colon ranged from shallow mucosal erosions to
ation of the family of Enterobacteriaceae (Van der Waaij et al.
1974). There were shifts in the major microbiota populations multiple crypt abscesses. The severity of these effects was
during development of the ulcerative lesions in guinea pigs dose-dependent, but some reversal was indicated when
(Onderdonk et al. 1977). Two pools of feces each containing 10 allowed to recover for 20–24 weeks. The six monkeys given 1%
bacterial strains were obtained from conventional guinea pigs native CGN (about l–3 g/kg bw per day) all gained weight and
administered a solution of degraded CGN, which caused ulcer­ remained in good condition. Thus, a marked difference was
ations in their ceca and large intestines (Onderdonk et al. observed between the effects of degraded (C16) and native
1981). When these samples were given by orogastric intub­ CGN in monkeys. Another study on Rhesus monkeys compared
ation to germfree guinea pigs all these animals also developed effects of C16, 2% degraded i-CGN (MW ca. 20 kDa), adminis­
such ulcerations, whereas control animals did not. Further tered to six monkeys in drinking water for 10 weeks, and 1%
studies showed that certain strains of Bacteroides vulgatus undegraded j- and k-CGN mixture (MW ca. 800 kDa) adminis­
were capable of inducing immune enhancement of UC tered to six monkeys in drinking water for 10 weeks (Mankes
induced by degraded CGN (Onderdonk et al. 1984). Immune and Abraham 1975). Degraded CGN, but not native CGN, was
animals which received B. vulgatus from a patient with inflam­ detected in lysosomes in submucosal macrophages, altering
matory bowel disease, but not from a clinically normal person, the functional state of the lysosomes. Necrosis and leucocyte
had more intestinal lesions than non-immune animals. infiltration were also observed in the macrophages.
Guinea pigs treated with degraded i-CGN excreted more
PEG-900 than controls, suggesting increased intestinal perme­ Animal studies of native CGN. Seventeen publica­
ability (Delahunty et al. 1987). tions reported studies on rats using native CGN. No ulcer­
All the seven publications reporting studies on rabbits ation or other adverse changes were observed in rats given
were from 1996 or earlier. Most of the publications studied 5% native CGN in the diet for 56 days, as found also for

degraded CGN (Grasso et al. 1973). In rats given 50 g/kg of Intestinal permeability was determined indirectly by orally
i-CGN for 50 days, increased weight of the cecal contents and administration to rats of a poorly absorbed dye, phenol red, and
decreased cecal bacterial population, as well as decreased measuring its recovery in feces and urine (Shiau and Chang
rate of reduction of several nitro-containing compounds, 1986). CGN type I (80% j-CGN, 20% k-CGN) or CGN type II
were observed (Rowland et al. 1983). In a model of IBD, rats (i-CGN) were fed as 5 and 15% of the diet for 31 days. Both CGN
given k-CGN in drinking water gradually developed intestinal increased permeability dose-dependently, with some differen­
lesions, which were morphologically similar to those in ces, with adaptation apparently taken place at four weeks. The
human UC, and the proliferative response of splenocytes to urinary excretion 96 h after administration in drinking water of
known mitogens was significantly diminished (Pricolo et al. two polyethylene glycol markers was measured in rats after
1996). In rats which orally consumed 1% j-CGN-containing feeding CGN type II (20%) for 4 weeks (Elsenhans and Caspary
PES (407a) for four months, inflammation developed in the 1989). The ratio of PEG 4000 to PEG 900 in the urine increased
small intestine, which was associated with a strong overex­ after CGN feeding, showing that CGN could influence the intes­
pression of the DNA repair enzyme O-6-methylguanine-DNA tinal permeability of larger molecules.
methyltransferase (MGMT) in enterocytes and in stroma, The promoter effect of native CGN (Viscarin 402) upon colon
mainly on the surface of villi (Tkachenko et al. 2018b). In the carcinogenesis induced by AOM or methylnitrosourea (MNU)
same model, the CGN-induced inflammation was accompa­ was studied in rats (Watanabe et al. 1978). CGN enhanced the
nied by higher levels of TNF-a, IL-1b and heat shock protein- incidence of colonic tumors in the AOM- and MNU-treated rats.
90a upregulation in the intestinal mucosa (Tkachenko et al. No tumors were found with control diet, but one of 15 rats
2020). In rats exposed to PES in drinking water (140 mg/kg (7%) had a colonic adenoma after CGN diet without carcino­
bw per day) for two weeks, altered small and large intestinal gen. To study carcinogenic effects of native CGN (Gelcarin,
morphology, infiltration of lamina propria in the small intes­ largely composed of j-components and also k-CGN (MW ca.
tine with macrophages, higher systemic levels of inflamma­ 800 kDa), doses of 0.5, 2.5 or 5% (average daily intake 360,
1998 and 4022 mg/kg, respectively) were given in the diet to
tion markers (C-reactive protein and middle molecules),
rats for life (Rustia et al. 1980). A trend toward increased inci­
changes in the lipid order of the phospholipid bilayer in the
dence of benign mammary tumors in females and testicular
cell membranes of leukocytes, as well as activation of apop­
neoplasms in males occurred at the 2.5% CGN dose, however,
tosis in these cells, were demonstrated (Pogozhykh et al.
no statistically significant increases in tumor incidences were
2021). In the same rat model, low-grade inflammation, as
seen. The tumors of the gastrointestinal tracts of the rats were
indicated by increased T lymphocytes and macrophages in
one leiomyoma of the intestine and three squamous cell papil­
the colonic lamina propria, was induced (Onishchenko et al.
lomas of the forestomach with the middle CGN dose. In con­
2022). Among the endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)
clusion, native CGN had no carcinogenic effects on rats
markers, fascin and vimentin were overexpressed in both
throughout their life spans. The initiating and promoting
stromal and epithelial cells, while E-cadherin was upregulated
effects of native j-CGN (MW 345 kDa, type I) were studied in
in the stroma and downregulated in epithelia.
conventional rats and germ-free rats gavaged with human
In rats administered CGN in drinking water for four weeks,
Bacteroides sp. and human fecal samples from healthy children
CGN reduced the protective properties of mucin, accelerated
given CGN-containing desserts (Tach�e et al. 2000). The initiat­
death of epithelial cells and led to interstitial inflammation in ing effect of j-CGN was studied by scoring preneoplastic aber­
the small intestine, together with decreased activity of poly rant crypt foci (ACF) in the colon of rats given j-CGN (10% gel
(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), increased activity of apop­ and 0.25% liquid in drinking water) for eight days. j-CGN alone
tosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK-1) and high percentage did not initiate ACF. The promoting effect of j-CGN was
of DNA fragmentation in the small intestine (Gubina-Vakyulyk studied by comparing the multiplicity of ACF (number of aber­
et al. 2015). Increased death of epithelial cells was accompa­ rant crypts/focus) in rats receiving drinking water (controls),
nied by activation of proliferation, but not sufficient for com­ liquid j-CGN (0.25% in water) or j-CGN gel (2.5% in water) for
plete regeneration of the epithelial cover of villi. Similarly 100 days, after tumor initiation with AOM. In conventional rats,
treated rats with gastroenterocolitis showed activation of 2.5% j-CGN gel promoted growth of ACF, whereas 0.25%
apoptosis in the intestinal epithelium, with changes in the liquid j-CGN did not. In rats with human microflora, no pro­
polar regions of the enterocyte membranes, but not in more moting effect of 2.5% j-CGN gel was observed. This indicated
hydrophobic regions (Tkachenko et al. 2018a). that rat microflora, but not human gut microflora, might be
In rats given 5, 20 or 50 g i-CGN per kg diet (0.5, 2 and 5%) involved in colonic tumor promotion by j-CGN.
for 30 days, all doses caused similar cecal enlargement and The effects of i-CGN were studied in rats given diets sup­
decrease in concentration of bacteria per gram of cecal con­ plemented with 5% of the seaweed Sarconema filiforme for
tent (Mallett et al. 1985). Rats fed the highest dose showed a eight weeks (du Preez et al. 2020). The rats had lower,
significant decrease in enterobacteria, staphylococci, strepto­ although not significant, food intake and body weight with S.
cocci and total facultative anaerobes as well as in lactobacilli filiforme. The S. filiforme supplementation also modulated gut
and the total microscopic count. Proportions of Enterobacteria microbiota without changing the Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes
and lactobacilli were relatively increased, while the proportion ratio. In rats fed a high-fat diet and injected with streptozoto­
of staphylococci was decreased. There were no differences in cin to induce diabetes, supplementation with 270 mg/kg
degree of cecal enlargement and decrease in cecal bacterial unspecified CGN did not affect glycemic control-related
numbers and concentrations between j-, i- or k-CGN. parameters: fasting blood glucose, glycosylated serum

proteins, oral glucose tolerance test, insulin and the homeo­ germ-free mice by fecal transplantation from mice given the
stasis model of assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)) high k-CGN dose, but not in germ-free mice fed the high
(Nie et al. 2021). However, CGN increased serum glucagon- k-CGN dose. A similar study with j-CGN (average MW 198 kDa)
like peptide (GLP)-1, decreased leptin and increased some in mice did not cause significant inflammatory symptoms, but
unsaturated fatty acids in diabetic rats. it reduced SCFA and decreased thickness of the mucus layer by
Fifteen publications reported studies on mice using native altering microbiota composition (Wu et al. 2022).
CGN. Mice given 5, 20 or 50 g of i-CGN per kg diet for 30 days Administration of the pathogenic bacterium Citrobacter roden­
showed cecal enlargement and decreased concentration of tium further aggravated the inflammation and mucosal dam­
bacteria per gram of cecal content (Mallett et al. 1985). Two % age in the presence of j-CGN. Mucus layer degradation and
CGN in drinking water for 4 weeks induced a marked diffuse altered SCFA levels could be reproduced by fecal transplant­
inflammatory response in the colon, associated with infiltration ation from j-CGN-fed mice, but not from germ-free j-CGN-fed
of leucocytes and macrophages, and a two-fold increase in mice. The results suggested that j-CGN may not be directly
prostaglandins in mice (Zijlstra et al. 1992). inflammatory but creates an environment that favors inflam­
Both systemic and intestinal inflammatory responses of mation by perturbation of gut microbiota composition and
undegraded j-, k-CGN in drinking water (total CGN intake ca. metabolism, and facilitates expansion of pathogens.
11.5 mg/30 g mouse) for 30 days were examined in B-cell lymph­ The diet appears to modulate the effects of CGN. In mice
oma/leukemia (Bcl10) wild-type, heterozygous and null mice exposed to 0.02% j-CGN together with dairy cream, no
(Bhattacharyya et al. 2013). Adverse effects in caecum and intes­ adverse outcomes were seen on lipid metabolism, intestinal
tines were seen in the wild-type mouse, but not in Bcl10 null permeability or liver damage, but a higher expression of
mice, consistent with reduced inflammation in the absence of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress genes in the colon was
Bcl10. Fecal calprotectin and circulating keratinocyte chemo­ observed (Milard et al. 2018). j-CGN (average MW
kine (KC), nuclear RelA and RelB, phospho(Thr559)-NF-jB-induc­ 640.80 ± 11.53 kDa) reduced colon length and induced more
ing kinase (NIK) and phospho(Ser36)-IjBa in the colonic serious deepening of the crypts in mice on a high-sucrose
epithelial cells were significantly lower in the CGN-treated Bcl10 diet (Gao et al. 2022). j-CGN on a high-sucrose/high-salt diet
null mice than in controls. IL10-deficient mice exposed to CGN induced more serious reduction in goblet cells and increased
in a germ-free environment showed an increase in activation of permeability of the intestines, and reduced anti-inflammatory
the canonical pathway of NF-jB (RelA) activation, but without bacteria and increased harmful bacteria, associated with
increase in RelB or phospho-Bcl10. In mice given undegraded decrease of anti-inflammatory colonic metabolites.
CGN in drinking water for four weeks (Bhattacharyya et al. CGN may affect metabolic parameters. Mi et al. (2020)
2014b), CGN decreased arylsulfatase B activity in colonic epithe­ found that a 45% fat diet with 0.5% j-CGN (average MW
lial cells, with subsequent effects on C4S, galectin-3, Sp1 and 365 kDa) and normal drinking water increased the general
Wnt9A, which may have significant effects on Wnt-initiated sig­ disease activity index (DAI), myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, a
naling and related cellular processes. marker for infiltration of inflammatory cells, and mRNA
Mice were treated with j-CGN in doses of 1.7, 8.3 and expression of TLR4 in colon of mice, whereas a 45% fat diet
41.7 mg/kg bw by for 14 days prior to the administration of with 5% j-CGN, but no j-CGN in drinking water, had no
2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to test effects of such effects. No signs of colitis were observed on a 10% fat
CGN on TNBS-induced inflammation (Wu et al. 2016a). j-CGN diet regardless of the mode of vehicle used for j-CGN (diet
pretreatment increased body weight loss, mortality rate and or drinking water), except that 5% j-CGN in 10% fat diet and
colonic inflammation, associated with oxidative stress and normal drinking water increased the DAI. Moreover, the
activation of the Toll-like receptor (TLR)4-NF-jB and MAPK/ j-CGN-induced colitis on high-fat diet was correlated with
ERK1/2 pathway. In a similar study, j-CGN administration increases of the harmful bacteria Alistipes finegoldii and
prior to induction of colitis by oxazolone showed increased Bacteroides acidifaciens, whereas the anti-inflammatory bac­
body weight loss, decreased survival and aggravated colonic terium Akkermansia muciniphila was increased in the group
inflammation (Wu et al. 2016b). Secretion of IL-4, IL-10, TNF-a given 10% fat diet with 0.5% j-CGN in normal drinking
and IL-6 also increased after j-CGN exposure, associated with water. Hence, the inflammatory property of CGN is influenced
an activation of the TLR4-NF-jB pathway, a decreased ratio greatly by its intake form via modification of host intestinal
of regulatory T cells and the induction of Th2-dependent microecology. In a further study, in obese mice given 5%
immune responses. j-CGN for 6 weeks, genes involved in the inflammatory path­
In another inflammation model, mice given j-CGN (1.7, 8.3 ways or tight junction protein encoding were not signifi­
and 41.7 mg/kg diet, average MW 1000 kDa) and then later cantly dysregulated by j-CGN (Zhang et al. 2021). However,
were inoculated with Citrobacter freundii bacteria, the dose- j-CGN decreased expression of genes for adipocytokines,
dependent decreases in body weight and survival were higher lipogenesis, lipid absorption and transport, and increased
with CGN than without, indicating that CGN aggravated the expression of genes for of adipolysis and oxidation. The
bacteria-induced gut inflammation (Wu et al. 2017; Wu et al. food-grade j-CGN was not absorbed or significantly
2021). Mice with high dietary k-CGN consumption showed degraded in the digestive tract of the obese mice. In another
altered colonic microbiota composition that resulted in deg­ study on mice fed a 60% fat diet, 0.2% or 1% j-CGN signifi­
radation of the colonic mucus layer, increased fecal LPS level cantly reduced body weight gain, fat mass, adipocyte size,
and decreased short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), affecting integrity fasting blood glucose and blood lipids (Wang et al. 2021).
of the intestinal barrier. These effects could be reproduced in j-CGN improved high-fat diet-induced obesity by the AMPK

and PPARc signaling pathway. The level of TNF-a and LPS seven on both types of CGN), some also including non-
in the low dose CGN group, but not in the high dose human mammalian cells. Four publications studied mamma­
group, was significantly lower than that in the high-fat diet lian fecal microbiota (two on degraded, two on native CGN)
group. The abundance of Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and eight publications used mammalian primary cells or cell
Lachnospiraceae and Desulfovibrionaceae was positively cor­ lines (three on degraded, five on native CGN).
related with body weight, fasting blood glucose, serum low
density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), total cholesterol (TC) In vitro studies on degraded CGN. Seven in vitro
and triglyceride levels, whereas Bacteroidetes were negatively studies were using degraded CGN only. In addition, seven
correlated with LDL-c and TC levels, while positively with publications included data on both degraded and native
fasting blood glucose. CGN, described in this and/or the section on native CGN.
Comparable activities of colitis were induced by j-, i- and When fermentation of CGN, i.e. breakdown of carbohy­
k-CGN given in drinking water for six weeks to mice (Shang drates by human fecal microbiota that cannot be digested by
et al. 2017). All three forms of CGN decreased the anti-inflamma­ the body’s enzymes, was screened in an in vitro batch fermen­
tory bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila in the gut microbiota. tation system, seven of eight human colonic microbiota fecal
Three publications on guinea pigs compared native and samples showed that high MW j-CGN (450 or 100 kDa)
undegraded CGN (Watt and Marcus 1969; Grasso et al. 1973; remained undegraded, whereas low MW j-CGN, i.e. j-CGN oli­
Pintauro and Gilbert 1990) and are described above in gosaccharides (KCO, �4.5 kDa), were degraded (Yin et al.
Section There were no publications studying native 2021). Sulfate groups were not removed during degradation.
CGN in rabbits or in ferrets. The concentrations of propionic and butyric acids were signifi­
There were two publications on hamsters using native cantly increased, and pH decreased, after KCO fermentation.
CGN. Hamsters given 5, 20 or 50 g of i-CGN per kg diet for Bacteroides xylanisolvens and Escherichia coli isolates from the
30 days showed cecal enlargement and decreased concentra­ fecal samples appeared to degrade KCO synergistically, with B.
tion of bacteria per gram of cecal content (Mallett et al. xylanisolvens being the primary degrading bacteria. Studies of
1985). To study carcinogenic effects of native CGN (Gelcarin), in vitro fermentation by human gut microbiota of two j-CGN
largely composed of j- and also k-CGN (MW ca. 800 000), oligosaccharides (MW <3000 kDa with different degree of
doses of 0.5, 2.5 or 5% in the diet (average daily intake 370, polymerization (DP)) obtained from simulated gastric diges­
2162 and 3719 mg/kg, respectively) were given to hamsters tion, called KO3 and KO6, showed that both were readily
for life (Rustia et al. 1980). The tumors of the gastrointestinal degraded (Sun et al. 2019). Both promoted pro-inflammatory
tracts of the hamsters were one squamous cell papilloma in bacteria Prevotella, while inhibited anti-inflammatory bacteria
each treated group, which were not significantly different Bacteroides and Parabacteroides. The KO3 with larger DP
from controls. Thus, native CGN had no carcinogenic effects improved SCFA production and strongly increased the growth
on hamsters exposed throughout their life spans. of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillius, whereas KO6 with smaller
One publication studied pigs administered native CGN DP reduced SCFA production and strongly increased the abun­
(average MW 200 kDa) orally in doses of 50, 200 and 500 mg/
dance of mucin-producing bacteria Prevotellaceae. Another
kg bw per day for 12 weeks (Poulsen 1973). No effects of
study also showed that j-CGN oligosaccharides were degraded
CGN were seen on behavior, body weight gain, feed utiliza­
by Bacteroides xylanisolvens and E. coli isolated from human
tion, haematology, blood chemistry, urine analysis or organ
gut microbiota (Li et al. 2017).
weights. No UC or erosions of the mucous membrane of
Human peripheral blood monocytes (PBM) and human THP-
caecum and colon were observed. However, CGN decreased
1 monocytic cells were cultured in the presence of either 10 or
the total counts of aerobic bacteria in the colon and rectum,
40 kDa degraded CGN prepared from native i-CGN in vitro
and the number of Lactobacilli in the rectum.
(Benard et al. 2010). Degraded CGN inhibited THP-1 cell prolif­
Two publications compared native and degraded CGN in
eration and arrested the cells in G1 phase. Degraded CGN also
Rhesus monkeys (Benitz et al. 1973; Mankes and Abraham
increased Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expres­
1975) and are described above in Section
sion in both PBM and THP-1 cells, with the strongest effect
seen with the 40 kDa degraded CGN, and stimulated monocyte
3.2.3. In vitro studies aggregation. Degraded CGN also stimulated expression and
In total, 33 publications with in vitro experiments reported secretion of TNF-a in both cell types. All these effects involved
adverse effects on the intestines of CGN. Among the in vitro NF-kB activation and indicated that degraded CGN led to an
studies, 8 studies were performed with unspecified native inflammatory phenotype of the monocytes.
CGN, whereas there were 19, 10 and 16 publications with j-, Associated with inflammatory effect on human colon
i- and k-CGN, respectively. The numbers of publications on cancer HT29 cells, supernatants (50, 100 and 200 ml/ml) from
in vitro studies that had used degraded CGN were 14, fermentation of j-CGN oligosaccharides KO3 and KO6
whereas 26 had studied native (non-degraded CGN). Seven promoted secretions of IL-1b, TNF-a, secretory IgA and
publications studied both degraded and native CGN in vitro. mucin2 in a dose-dependent way, indicating that smaller
Six publications were studying microbiota from human j-CGN oligosaccharides might have stronger influence on
feces (three on degraded, three on native CGN), whereas the inflammation (Sun et al. 2019).
majority (21) of the publications reported studies on human Native k-CGN activated the Wnt/b-catenin signaling path­
primary cells or cell lines (three on degraded, 12 on native, way, shown by increased expression of Wnt9A, suppressed

Dickkopf 3 and RHOU genes, and increased accumulation of CGKC reached the concentration inhibiting 50% of cell viabil­
b-catenin, and suppressed the expression and secretion of ity (IC50) in 24, 48 and 72 h in Caco-2 (human epithelial colo­
bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP4) in human NCM460 rectal adenocarcinoma), FHs 74 Int (normal human small
cells (Bhattacharyya et al. 2007). This suggested a role of intestinal), HepG2 (human hepatocellular carcinoma) and
k-CGN in malignant transformation in the human intestine. Fa2N-4 (immortalized human hepatocyte) cell lines. Degraded
Native and degraded j-CGN had similar reducing effect on FGIC and CGIC were only toxic in Fa2N-4 cells. Apoptosis was
BMP4 and both had lower effect on BMP4 reduction than demonstrated in degraded j-CGN treated Caco-2, FHs 74 Int,
native k-CGN. HepG2 and Fa2N-4 cells. Chromatin condensation and
In NCM460 cells and primary human colonic epithelial nuclear fragmentation were seen in Caco-2 and HepG2 cell,
cells that were exposed to low levels (1–10 mg/L) of unde­ whereas DNA ladder was only found in HepG2 cells.
graded high MW CGN for 1–8 days, increased cell death, Degraded j-CGN also inactivated PCNA, Ki-67 and survivin
reduced cell proliferation and cell cycle arrest were reported genes in HepG2. On the other hand, cells treated with unde­
(Bhattacharyya et al. 2008a). After 6–8 days of CGN exposure, graded FGKC, DKC, CGKC, FGIC and CGIC showed no cyto­
the percentage of cells reentering G0–G1 decreased and the toxic effect after the same analyses as with degraded CGN.
percentages of cells in S and G2-M phases increased. PGN (MW <20 kDa) at concentrations of 1 and 10 mg/ml
Increases in activated p53, p21 and p15 followed CGN expos­ showed a 3.5- and 7-fold induction of IL-8 in human HepG2
ure, consistent with CGN-induced cell cycle arrest. However, cells in the absence of serum protein, but no induction of IL-
the antiproliferative response, as decline in BrdU incorpor­ 8 was observed when serum protein was present (McKim
ation, occurred after exposure to both undegraded j-, i- and et al. 2016).
k-CGN as well as degraded j-CGN. No evidence of apoptosis Partially hydrolysed (degraded) CGN (up to 1.5 mg/ml)
was seen, but the data was consistent with necrosis. retarded growth and caused cell death in the rat ileum epi­
Shorter, degraded j-CGNs induced higher IL-8 levels than thelial cell line IEC18, as well as inhibited DNA synthesis, dis­
longer disaccharides (Bhattacharyya et al. 2010c). Hydrolysis rupted cellular junctions and subsequently caused cell
of different forms of high MW CGN (j-, i-, k-CGN) by the membrane injury (up to 5 mg/ml) (Ling et al. 1988).
enzyme a-1!(3,6)-galactosidase reduced increases in IL-8 Pools of feces containing ten bacterial strains obtained
and BCL10 in NCM460 cells, but a-1!6-galactosidase, from conventional guinea pigs administered 5% degraded
b-1!4-galactosidase and b-1!3,6-galactosidase had no
CGN caused cytotoxic responses in Vero cells (African green
effect. In contrast, specific j-CGNases or i-CGNases, which
monkey kidney cells) and WI-38 cells (human lung fibro­
hydrolyze b-1,4-galactosidic bonds, increased IL-8 and BCL10,
blasts), increased presence of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) in
because of increased exposure of the immunogenic a-1!3-
the cell culture supernatants and increased chemotactic activ­
galactosidic epitope of CGN to TLR4. Thus, the CGN-induced
ity (Onderdonk et al. 1981).
innate immune response in NCM460 cells was modified by
j-CGN oligosaccharides (KCO) (MW 1-7 kDa) were obtained
enzymes that hydrolyze distinct galactosidic bonds.
by enzymatic hydrolysis (Han et al. 2019). Culture medium was
Food grade j-, i- and k-CGN were mixed with milk (whey),
supplemented with KCO and fermented by pig fecal microbiota
soy or egg protein isolates, and tested in a semi-dynamic
in vitro. KCO increased the concentration of a total of seven
in vitro digestion model, which showed varying levels of dis­
SCFAs (only butyric acid significantly). KCO had no obvious
turbance of gastric digestive proteolysis and a significant
effects on fecal microbiota structure after the fermentation.
decrease in pepsin activity (Fahoum et al. 2017). Further, in
However, the bacterial populations at the phylum level showed
human Caco-2 cells, samples of physiologically digested CGN
affected the epithelial barrier function, including redistribution a mild increase in the abundance of Bacteroidetes in KCO cul­
of the tight-junction protein Zo-1, changes in cellular F-actin ture and a total of 50 taxa displayed significant differences vs.
architecture and increased monolayer permeability of macro­ controls. KCO increased the abundance of butyric acid produc­
molecules. Moreover, CGN also increased the pro-inflammatory ing bacteria, such as Coprococcus_1, Ruminococcaceae and
IL-8 receptor CXC Motif Chemokine Receptor 1 (CXCR1). Roseburia, and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, including
Degraded k-CGN with MW of 10–40 kDa induced inflam­ Peptococcus, Clostridium and Bacteroides.
mation via both NF-jB and activation protein (AP)-1, and
increased the inflammatory effects of LPS though AP-1 activa­ In vitro studies on native CGN. The majority of the
tion in the human THP-1-derived macrophage cell line and in vitro studies had only used native (undegraded) CGN (19).
the murine RAW264.7 macrophage cell line (Chen et al. In addition, seven publications compared degraded and
2014). Degraded k-CGN was more effective than native native CGN, described also in Section CGN (j-, i- and
k-CGN in the activation of macrophages to secrete TNF-a. k-) had strong detrimental effect on human microbiota, using
Degraded and undegraded CGN of several varieties were feces obtained from a healthy person maintained ex vivo in
compared in several human cell lines (Ariffin et al. 2014). the dynamic stable MiniBioReactor Array model under anaer­
Food grade j-CGN (FGKC), dried sheet j-CGN (DKC), commer­ obic conditions (Naimi et al. 2021). CGN altered microbiota
cial grade j-CGN (CGKC), food grade i-CGN (FGIC) and com­ density and composition, and induced bioactive levels of
mercial grade i-CGN (CGIC) were dissolved in hydrochloric flagellin in human embryonic kidney HEK cells with this
acid and water to prepare degraded and undegraded CGN, donor. In a study of in vitro batch fecal fermentation using
respectively, with concentration range of 62.5–2000.0 lg/ml. samples from 13 young healthy donors (seven women and
FGKC and DKC were PES (E 407a). Degraded FGKC, DKC and six men), j-CGN had no effects on production of any SCFA or

branch chain fatty acids (BCFA), but increased the abundance co-administered, in a HEK293 (immortalized human embryonic
of Escherichia/Shigella and inhibited the growth of f kidney cells)-TLR4 reporter cell-line model (McKim et al. 2015).
Bifidobacterium in the human gut microbiome (Gerasimidis The various forms of CGN were reported to bind tightly to
et al. 2020). Effects on CGN in fecal samples from 20 healthy serum proteins. These results were different from results of
persons and 10 UC patients (4 men and 6 women, adults) other publications, and it should be noted that the work was
were studied by Gibson et al. (1991). Fermentation of CGN funded by FMC Corporation, a producer of CGN.
stimulated sulfide production in the colitis patients, and Several publications studied effects of CGN on the intes­
increased growth and activities of sulfate-reducing bacteria, tinal barrier and its permeability. Choi et al. (2012) studied
which were higher in the healthy controls. effects of CGN on the pro-inflammatory transcription factors
Studies in the human colonocyte cell line NCM460 cells and NF-jB and early growth response gene 1 (EGR-1), evaluated
human colonic epithelial cell line HT-29 showed that k-CGN in terms of human intestinal epithelial barrier integrity using
increased expression of colonic Wnt9A through Sp-1-mediated the human cell lines HT-29, HCT-8 and Caco-2. Both pro-
transcriptional effects involving arylsulfatase B, chondroitin 4- inflammatory transcription factors were elevated by CGN, but
sulfate and galectin-3 (Bhattacharyya et al. 2014b). only NF-jB activation was shown to be involved in the induc­
Type IV k-CGN, essentially a pure k form, increased Bcl10, tion of IL-8. The integrity of the in vitro epithelial cell mono­
IjBa phosphorylation, total and nuclear NF-jB and secretion layer under the CGN exposure was maintained by both
of IL-8 in the NCM460 cell line (1 mg/ml) and ex vivo normal activated NF-jB and EGR-1. Suppression of NF-jB or EGR-1
human colon epithelial tissues (10 mg/ml), implicating this sig­ aggravated barrier disruption by CGN, which was associated
naling pathway in intestinal inflammation induced by CGN with reduced gene expression of tight junction component
(Borthakur et al. 2007). When comparing IL-8 secretion zonula occludens-1 (Zo-1) and its irregular localization in the
between the native j-, i- and k-CGNs (0.1, 1 and 10 mg/ml) in epithelial monolayer. Further, CGN also upregulated the
NCM460 cells, the response was highest for k-, next for j- expression of the macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1)
and then i-CGN. Further, in NCM460 and HT-29 cell lines, it that promoted epithelial cell apoptosis. The counterbalance
was shown that NF-jB binding to the BCL10 promoter between MIC-1 and the pro-survival protein activating tran­
involved the components RelA and RelB, and could lead to scription factor 3 (ATF3) appeared critical for deciding the
prolonged activation of the k-CGN-induced inflammation by fate of enterocytes under CGN exposure, when studied in
a transcriptional mechanism involving a NF-jB-BCL10 loop human HCT-8 and HCT-116 intestinal epithelial cells, CMT-93
(Borthakur et al. 2012). mouse colon cancer cells and primary mouse intestinal epi­
k-CGN increased production of reactive oxygen species thelial cells (Choi et al. 2014).
(ROS) in NCM460 cells and affected the Bcl10-mediated path­ In an in vitro co-culture system of human intestinal epithe­
way, which involves the innate immune response, and was lial Caco-2 cells and human macrophage-like THP-1 cells,
responsible for the majority of the effects of CGN in the j-CGN resulted in apoptosis, reduced transepithelial electrical
inflammatory pathway leading to IL-8 (Bhattacharyya et al. resistance of the Caco-2 cell monolayer and increased secre­
2008b). Both the ROS and Bcl10 pathways increased NF-jB tion of TNF-a, IL-1b or IL-6, depending on CGN concentration
nuclear translocation and IL-8 secretion. The Bcl10-NFjB-IL-8 (Jiang et al. 2013).
inflammatory pathway affected by CGN in NCM460 cells was CGN’s physiochemical properties, such as zeta-potential,
mediated by TLR4, indicating that CGN-induced inflammation may affect gastric proteolysis, potentially leading to reduced
in human colonocytes proceeds via innate immunity accessibility of proteins, peptides and amino acids in the
(Bhattacharyya et al. 2008c). IL-8 secretion in response to j-, intestines (Fahoum et al. 2017). Different commercial CGN
i- and k-CGN after treatment with carrageenase and galacto­ samples varied in their zeta-potential, arising from their dif­
sidase enzymes in NCM460 cells was compared and it was ferent degree of sulfation, throughout a range of pH values
found that k-CGN produced a higher IL-8 response than as well as with varying CaCl2 concentrations Throughout the
j-CGN or i-CGN (Bhattacharyya et al. 2010c). Another study tested pH range, j-CGN was the least negatively charged,
suggested that k-CGN drives both the NCM460 and mouse i-CGN was intermediately charged, while k-CGN was the
embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cell lines stimulated with TNF-a, a most negatively charged of the CGN samples at typical
potent proinflammatory cytokine, towards inflammation luminal concentrations of CaCl2.
rather than towards apoptotic cell death (Bhattacharyya et al. j-, k- or i-CGN exposure reduced the activity of several
2010b). Lastly, in NCM460 cells, an increase in nuclear RelA sulfatases and increased N-acetylgalactosamine-containing
following exposure to k-CGN was partially inhibited by glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content and their disaccharide
exogenous IL-10 (the canonical pathway), whereas the composition in several human and mammalian intestinal and
increase in nuclear RelB was unaffected by exogenous IL-10 mammary epithelial cell lines (Yang et al. 2012). The results
(the non-canonical pathway) (Bhattacharyya et al. 2013). In suggested that CGN inhibition of sulfatase activity led to re-
human HT-29 cells, j-CGN did not stimulate IL-8 alone, but distribution of the cellular GAG composition with increase in
increased LPS-induced IL-8 secretion via the Bcl10-NFjB path­ di-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, with potential consequences
way and acted in synergy with LPS to increase the expression for cell structure and function.
of MD-2 and CD14 (Wu et al. 2017). In a standard Caco-2 absorption model, CGN was reported
A CGN food grade blend, separate j-, k- or i-CGN, or a CGN not to affect permeability or cytotoxicity (McKim et al. 2016).
non-gelling mix of j- and k-CGN were reported not to bind to Further, in the two human intestinal cell lines HT-29 and
and activate TLR4 signaling or reduce the LPS response when HCT-8, CGN did not induce IL-8, IL-6 or monocyte

chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) (CCL2) or produced cellu­ complete list would be very repetitive. The number of
lar toxicity. The TLR4 agonist LPS produced weak induction research publications studying degraded or native CGN in
of IL-8 in HT-29 cells and no induction in HCT-8 cells. No relation to various hypotheses on adverse effects is shown in
effect on oxidative stress was observed in HT-29 cells with Figure 8. Most of the hypotheses were studied both with
j-CGN. In the human liver cell line HepG2, k-CGN had no degraded and native CGN, with some differences. The num­
effect on the expression of IL-8, IL-6 or MCP-1. These results ber of studies on inflammation was higher with degraded
were different from results of other publications, and it (43) than native CGN (35), reflecting the use of degraded
should be noted that the work was funded in part by FMC CGN as an experimental inflammation model. The number of
Corporation, a producer of CGN, and the International Food studies of native CGN was higher than of degraded CGN for
Additives Council (IFAC), a global association representing most of the other endpoints, especially permeability of the
manufacturers and end-users of food ingredients, including intestinal barrier (10 vs. 6), effects on the gut microbiome (16
food additives. vs. 11), metabolic effects, such as obesity and metabolic syn­
Among the publications on non-human microbiota, drome (9 vs. 3), and effects on cell proliferation, apoptosis or
Harmuth-Hoene and Schwerdtfeger (1979) found that in rat cell cycle (9 vs. 3), respectively, i.e. reflecting the more wide-
feces, dry matter digestibility and apparent protein digestibil­ spread interest in native CGN in relation to different health
ity, as well as nitrogen retention and trypsin inhibition, were effects.
decreased with 10% CGN in the diet during eight days. These
effects were attributed to the partial breakdown by intestinal
microbiota and/or their ability to partially inhibit the activity 3.2.5. Data relevant for exposure
Twenty publications had some information relevant for
of proteolytic enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract.
In an ex vivo-in vitro experiment, the proliferative responses exposure to food grade CGN. In reviews, CGN (E 407) was
reported in 4% of all food products in the food supply in EU
of splenocytes from rats given 2% k-CGN in drinking water to
(Cox et al. 2021) and the range of content of CGN in some
the mitogens concanavalin A (Con A, to stimulate T cells), lipo­
commonly consumed food groups was reported to vary from
polysaccharide (LPS, to stimulate B cells) and pokeweed mito­
0.01 g to 4 g per 100 g food (Tobacman 2001).
gen (PWM, to stimulate both T and B cells) were significantly
The estimated intake of CGN has increased over time. In
diminished compared with splenocytes from control rats
reviews by David et al. (2018) and Liao et al. (2021), it was
(Pricolo et al. 1996). The proliferative responses were fully
reported that in a FDA report (1972), the daily CGN con­
restored with a specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase,
sumption in USA was reported to be 45 mg per day, an
involving nitric oxide in the immunosuppression.
industrial survey on the use of food additives (1977) esti­
In rats given a fibre-free purified diet supplemented with
mated CGN intake of 100 mg per day for individuals
5, 20 or 50 g of i-CGN per kg diet for 30 days, all doses
>2 years, and the CGN intake was estimated to rise to
caused reduced activities of azoreductase, b-glucosidase,
2.5 mg per day in 1989 and further up to 7.7 g per day (0–
b-glucuronidase, nitrate reductase and total nitroreductase
1 mg/kg bw) in South Florida in 2003. In other reviews, the
per gram of cecal content in vitro (Mallett et al. 1985). Mice
estimated range of intake of CGN reported for the general
treated similarly also had decreased activities of b-glucuroni­
population was 18–42 mg/kg bw per day and for infants
dase and total nitroreductase, whereas hamsters had
given formula 6–160 mg/kg bw per day (Weiner 2014) and
increased activities of b-glucuronidase and nitrate reductase,
the average daily intake of CGN in a Western diet (USA) was
but decreased activity of azoreductase and total nitroreduc­
estimated to be 20 to 200 mg/day (Martino et al. 2017). In
tase per gram of cecal content.
an abstract, it was reported that CGN is consumed at levels
k-CGN affected the Bcl10-NFjB-IL-8 inflammatory pathway
via TLR4, since binding of k-CGN to TLR4 was markedly of about 250 mg/day in the average diet (Bhattacharyya and
reduced in RAW 264.7 mouse macrophages after exposure Tobacman 2012).
In a review, it was reported that CGN was consumed by
with TLR4 blocking antibody (HTA-125), whereas binding to
77.5% of the consumers among 106 489 adults in the French
10ScNCr/23 mouse macrophages, which are deficient in the
NutriNet-Sant�e cohort study (2009–2020) (Chazelas et al.
genetic locus for TLR4, was absent (Bhattacharyya et al.
2021). Mean intake per person per day was approximately
46 mg per day. The mean ± standard deviation (SD) intake
The four publications comparing native and degraded
CGN are described in Section (Bhattacharyya et al. was 0.71 ± 1.07 mg/kg bw per day and the 95th percentile
intake was 2.70 mg/kg bw per day.
2007; Bhattacharyya et al. 2008a; Ariffin et al. 2014; Chen
CGN or PES were not considered to be used in combin­
et al. 2014). Three other publications also included data on
ation in the same foods and their exposure could therefore
both degraded and native CGN, and are present in both sec­
be assessed independently (EFSA 2018a). Several different
tions (Bhattacharyya et al. 2010c; McKim et al. (2016);
exposure scenarios were used in the calculations of their
Fahoum et al. 2017).
exposure by EFSA. The mean maximum level exposure to
CGN and PES was estimated based on the maximum
3.2.4. Hypotheses on adverse effects of CGN reported use levels provided by industry, since CGN and PES
Many publications examined more than one specific hypoth­ are authorized as QS in almost all FC, and ranged from
esis or had several objectives for their work, and many publi­ 21.8 mg/kg bw per day in the infants to 581.4 mg/kg bw per
cations examined the same hypotheses or effects, thus, a day in toddlers (EFSA 2018a). The 95th percentile of exposure

Figure 8. Hypotheses on adverse effects on the intestines of degraded and native CGN in the research publications.

to CGN and PES ranged from 58.1 mg/kg bw per day in the intake of food additives between the remission and relapse
elderly to 999.1 mg/kg bw per day in children. The Panel groups.
further concluded that in the refined brand-loyal exposure An abstract reported emulsifier exposure using baseline
scenario the exposure estimates exceeded, by up to about dietary data from adults and children with IBD enrolled in
10-fold, the temporary ADI of 75 mg/kg bw per day at the the Australian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Microbiome (AIM)
95th percentile for all population groups and at the mean for study, a multicentre, prospective, longitudinal cohort study
all population groups except for infants and the elderly, (Reveley et al. 2022). Baseline dietary intake was measured
which may be a safety concern (EFSA 2018a). In a reply to a using a 3-day prospective food diary. Food products were
comment, David et al. (2019) presented a figure of total lev­ evaluated for the presence of six emulsifiers, including CGN
els of estimated exposure to CGN from foods in various age (and CMC), using ingredient lists. Complete data were avail­
groups based on an EFSA survey of European countries able for 370 participants (102 with CD, 75 with UC and 193
(referring to Supplementary material in EFSA 2018a) where healthy controls; 337 adults and 33 children). There was no
the exposures in mg/kg bw per day were exceeding the ADI difference in emulsifier exposure between those with UC or
for toddlers, other children and adolescents. CD, and healthy controls. Mean exposure was 2.7 occasions
Average exposure to unspecified CGN in children of both per day (range 0–6.0) for those with UC, 2.8 occasions (range
sex (n ¼ 138, mean age 14.2 ± 2.8 years) with CD was quanti­ 0–10.7) for those with CD and 2.4 occasions for healthy con­
trols (range 0–7.7). Children with IBD had significantly higher
fied from three 24-h recall days over two years obtained by
exposure to emulsifiers than adults (p < 0.01). Daily occasions
telephone (Lee et al. 2018). A total of 1325 unique foods
of exposure (range) to CGN in patients with IBD were 0.4 (0–
were recorded and 5% of the foods contained CGN.
1.7) in children (n ¼ 21) and 0.2 (0–1.7) in adults (n ¼ 156).
Mean ± SD frequencies of exposures per day were 0.58 ± 0.63
Three abstracts reported on previous and current con­
(range 0–3.67) of CGN. The frequency of exposure to CGN in
sumption of nine food additives including CGN (and CMC),
20 patients with CD using 7-day food diaries analyzed for
determined in 156 participants (92 with CD, 21 first-degree
habitual intake was 0.09 ± 0.15 (mean ± SD) per day (Sandall
relatives of patients with CD (FDR), 21 non-related healthy
et al. 2020). household members of patients with CD (HHM) and 22
In an abstract, the exposures to selected food additives
healthy controls (HC)) (Zhang et al. 2022a, 2022b, 2022c). No
per day in children with IBD and the association with IBD significant differences in food additive consumption were
relapse were reported (Ho et al. 2021). In this single-centre observed among the CD, FDR, HHM and HC groups in the
observational cohort study, children 8–18 years of age with first two abstracts, whereas the third abstract reported that
CD or UC in remission were enrolled. Detailed 24-h dietary while the FDR of CD patients consumed less food additives,
recalls were collected at baseline, between 3–6, 7–10, 11– no significant differences were observed between the CD,
14 months and at time of relapse. A food list was generated, HHM, and HC groups.
and a database of product ingredient lists was evaluated to One publication on use of emulsifiers in processed foods
quantify the frequency of dietary exposure to 10 food addi­ mentioned CGN and exposure, but without providing any
tives, including CGN (and CMC). In total, 22 participants with new quantitative data on exposure to CGN (Laster et al.
IBD (15 CD, 7 UC) were enrolled, of which six later dropped 2019).
out. Mean age was 12.8 ± 3.5 years, with average disease dur­ Sixty-one exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) formulas used
ation 2.2 ± 1.9 years. Disease relapse occurred in 5/16 (31%) to induce remission in active CD contained 56 food additives
of participants; 4 with CD and 1 with UC. There were no stat­ (median per formula was 11) (Logan et al. 2020). CGN
istical differences between number of exposures per day or (unspecified) was present in 21.8% of the formulas.

The International Organization for the Study of carcinogenicity of CGN, and no concern for genotoxicity of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IOIBD) has recommended that CGN and PES. However, EFSA concluded that the existing
“it may be prudent to reduce intake of processed foods con­ group ADI for the two food additives E 407 and E 407a of
taining CGN” (with evidence level very low, agreement 75 mg/kg bw per day should be considered temporary
92.3%) in both UC and CD, based on data from epidemi­ because of the remaining uncertainties regarding chemistry
ology, animal models and one very small RCT (Levine et al. (type and MW), exposure assessment, and biological and toxi­
2020). cological data, awaiting a new risk assessment with new data
within five years.
In this risk assessment (EFSA 2018a), they evaluated both
3.2.6. Absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion human studies, animal studies and in vitro studies, of which
(ADME) studies many are included in this scoping review. In addition, 48
Three publications contained some information about CGN documentations were submitted to EFSA from industry and
and ADME. In a review article, it was summarized that CGN other institutions not publicly available.
was not significantly degraded in the gastrointestinal tract Previous risk assessments of these food additives (CGN,
and was excreted unchanged in the feces (Weiner 2014). and also CMC) from JECFA, and the Scientific Committee on
CGN was not significantly absorbed, was not metabolized Food (SCF), the main committee providing the European
and did not affect nutrient absorption. Commission with scientific advice on food safety before
The ADME data on CGN was sufficient to show that high being replaced by EFSA, are cited and referenced in the EFSA
MW CGN (MW of ca. 800 kDa) was not absorbed intact, while opinion summarized above for CGN, and below for CMC, and
low MW CGN (<88 kDa) was found in tissues of animals after are not described here.
oral administration (EFSA 2018a). No data were available on Native (undegraded) CGN has been classified by the IARC
ADME of processed Eucheuma seaweed, but EFSA did not as Group 3, i.e. unclassifiable with respect to carcinogenicity
expect it to behave differently from CGN, based on their in humans, whereas degraded CGN (PGN) is classified as
chemical structure. The conditions (duration, pH, tempera­ Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen, based on animal
ture) for potential hydrolysis of CGN in the gastrointestinal data (IARC 1987).
tract were considered less extreme than the mild acidic con­
ditions which resulted in the formation of chemically
degraded CGN. The theoretical possibility that more limited 3.2.8. Non-systematic (narrative) reviews, commentaries/
degradation of CGN could occur under conditions representa­ editorials/letters and conference abstracts
tive of the in vivo situation remains uncertain although this No other scoping review/scoping study or systematic review
had not been observed to any significant extent in the avail­ on effects of CGN on the intestines in line with our objectives
able in vivo ADME studies. It was also noted that the tested was detected among the published literature. However, 54
CGN differed in MW distribution and EFSA considered that non-systematic review publications on CGN with varying
existing results did not allow for evaluation of kinetic differ­ scope and perspectives, published between 1973 and 2023,
ences between the various types of native CGN (j-, i- and k-) were included. Most of these review publications (36) were
and their corresponding low MW fractions. only on CGN (Watt and Marcus 1973; Watt and Marcus 1975;
However, in an abstract, it was reported that E. coli ST871 Anver and Cohen 1976; MacPherson and Pfeiffer 1976; Watt
in feces from healthy men could efficiently metabolize and Marcus 1981; Onderdonk 1985a, 1985b; Strober 1985;
degraded j-CGN in vitro and the promoter effect of Whittaker and Freeman 1988; Nicklin and Miller 1989;
degraded j-CGN on colon tumorigenesis included the E. coli Yoshida and Murata 1990; Weiner 1991; Kim and Berstad,
ST871-mediated metabolite pyrocatechol (Wang et al. 2022). 1992; Elson et al. 1995; Michel and Macfarlane 1996; Wirtz
and Neurath 2000; Tobacman 2001; Cohen and Ito 2002; Hibi
et al. 2002; Tobacman 2003; Kanneganti et al. 2011; Neurath
3.2.7. Risk assessment opinions 2012; Goyal et al. 2014; McKim 2014; Weiner 2014; Cian et al.
Two risk assessments of CGN were available. EFSA Panel on 2015; Wells et al. 2017; David et al. 2018; Shang et al. 2018;
Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) Dey 2019; McKim et al. 2019; Gkikas et al. 2020; Gotteland
reevaluated CGN (E 407) and PES (E 407a) as food additives et al. 2020; Liao et al. 2021; Liu et al. 2021; Li et al. 2023).
(EFSA 2018a). The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) They were concerned with health effects and safety of CGN
was 3400–3900 mg/kg bw per day, the highest dose tested, and were often reviews on animal models. Many reviews
in a subchronic toxicity rat study performed with CGN nearly were on effects of CGN on IBD, UC and colitis, some on col­
in compliance with the EU specification for E 407. No adverse itis-associated carcinogenesis, microbiota or immunological
effects were detected in chronic toxicity studies with CGN in effects, others mainly reviewed the use of CGN as pharma­
rats up to 7500 mg/kg bw per day (the highest dose tested). ceuticals, nutritional or functional food sources or prebiotics.
The NOAEL values of sodium and calcium CGNs for prenatal Of the included reviews on CGN, 18 publications also
developmental dietary toxicity studies were the highest doses included CMC (Liu et al. 2015; Martino et al. 2017; Paula Neto
tested, 3000 and 5000 mg/kg bw per day for rats and ham­ et al. 2017; Kikut et al. 2018; Halmos et al. 2019; Laster et al.
ster, respectively. The safety of PES was considered suffi­ 2019; Marion-Letellier et al. 2019; Vo et al. 2019; Zino €cker
ciently covered by the toxicological evaluation of CGN. They 2019; Bancil et al. 2021; Borsani et al. 2021; Cox et al. 2021;
concluded that there was no concern regarding Sasson et al. 2021; Tan and Nie 2021; De Siena et al. 2022;

Levine et al. 2022; Liu et al. 2022; Kuang et al. 2023) and Two abstracts on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-
reviewed effects on intestinal inflammation and disease, controlled, cross-over trial (registered as NCT02629705) were
microbiota, intestinal permeability, obesity and metabolic published by Wagner et al. (2018a, 2018b). Healthy males
dysregulation, or allergy. (n ¼ 20) were randomly allocated to 14 days of CGN (250 mg
Fourteen publications on CGN in the category commenta­ twice daily) or matching placebo. Participants had a mean (±
ries/editorials/letters were published in the period 1969– SD) age of 27.6 ± 4.8 years and a BMI of 24.4 ± 2.6 kg/m2. After
2022. One of the main issues in these publications (as well as a wash-out period of 30 ± 7 days, they received the other
in original research publications) seems to be the differences compound. At the end of each treatment phase, participants
between native and degraded CGN. A distinction is made underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), a hyperin­
between the food grade CGN of high MW and degraded sulinemic-euglycemic clamp with labeled glucose (ISIclamp),
CGN, which are not the same substances as commercial food whole-body magnetic resonance (MR)-tomography and 1H-
grade CGN (Marcus and Watt 1969; Tobacman 2002a, 2002b; MR-spectroscopy, blood immune cell phenotyping and a lac­
Bixler 2017; David et al. 2019; Weiner and McKim 2019). tulose-mannitol test for investigating intestinal permeability.
Another issue is whether the research from experimental ani­ Intestinal permeability increased after CGN vs. placebo
mal models (and in vitro model systems) is representative of (p ¼ 0.03). Whole-body insulin sensitivity index (ISI), both
effects of CGN in humans being exposed to CGN as a food ISIclamp and OGTT, did not differ between CGN and placebo.
additive or as medication (Bonfils 1970; Marcus and Watt No changes of hepatic fat content, body fat mass, fat distri­
1970; Mottet 1972). Other emphasize conclusions on evalua­ bution, liver transaminases or inflammatory cytokines were
tions of safety of CGN already performed by health author­ observed.
ities (Carthew 2002; Kirsch 2002). Three were on adverse In addition, an abstract not covered by a full publication
effects on the intestines of several food additives, also includ­ reported results of modified CGNs. The effects of j-CGN gels
ing CMC (Zino €cker and Lindseth 2019; Cox and Sandall 2021; modified with Naþ and Ca2 were studied in neonatal rats,
Wellens et al. 2022). which received a daily oral dose of pure refined food grade
The 23 conference abstracts on CGN found in the j-CGN (500 mg/kg bw per day), j-CGN with 10% Naþ, j-CGN
searches, published 1984–2022, were mostly reporting studies with 10% Ca2þ or no j-CGN as control group, for 14 weeks
on unspecified CGN, either degraded or native, and mostly in (Farag et al. 2018). All groups showed normal growth without
animals or in vitro. The effects of CGN in these abstracts were differences in body weight or feed consumption, and no mor­
often reported also as full publications (Shiau and Chang tality or pathological symptoms were observed. Serum bio­
1984; Madh�ere et al. 1994; Axelsson and Midtvedt 1997; chemical parameters showed increase (p < 0.05) in total
Sabljic et al. 2002; Bhattacharyya et al. 2010a; Bhattacharyya cholesterol with j-CGN þ Ca compared with controls, whereas
and Tobacman 2011; Bhattacharyya and Tobacman 2012; no differences were observed in total glycerides, total lipids,
Bhattacharyya et al. 2014a; Fahoum et al. 2015; Jimenez high or low density lipoprotein cholesterol, liver enzymes,
Loayza et al. 2019; Kang et al. 2022; Wang et al. 2022). In urea, creatinine or haematological parameters between any
addition, four abstracts were on both CGN and CMC groups. Serum antioxidant biomarkers in rats treated with
(Schooth et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2022a, 2022b, 2022c). j-CGN þ Ca showed decreased (p < 0.05) superoxide dismu­
However, seven abstracts reporting on human studies tase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities vs. con­
were not obtained as full publications. In Cochrane Library, a trols, but the other two groups did not. Rats treated with
randomized controlled clinical trial was listed (Cochrane j-CGN showed increase (p < 0.05) in malondialdehyde (MDA),
Central Register of Controlled Trials 2021). The inclusion crite­ whereas no differences were detected between j-CGN þ Na,
ria were UC, clinical remission verified by normal fecal calpro­ j-CGN þ Ca and controls. Catalase activity (CA) was not
tectin 2, age 18-64 years, with no biological medications or affected in any groups. In contrast to serum, levels of liver anti­
systemic cortisone usage for relapse. The intervention was oxidants showed no differences for SOD, GR, MDA or CA
CGN 2-2.5 g/day vs. a corresponding dose of oat fibre, start­ between any groups. Histological investigation showed minor
ing with a 7-day run-in period (low CGN diet, instructed by a changes in rat colon mucosa of j-CGN and j-CGN þ Na, such
dietician), then either a CGN period or an oat fibre (control) as focal destruction of crypts of Lieberkuhn, where some were
period for 7 days, followed by at least 14 days of wash-out, replaced by cellular infiltration, loss of colonic crypt integrity
then the other treatment (either CGN or oat fibre), altogether seen as loss of vacuolated cytoplasm, presence of dense small
35 days. The primary outcome studied was colitis activity nuclei and lymphocytic aggregation in the submucosa.
measured using the Simple Clinical Colitis Assessment Index One abstract reported that E 407a promoted ROS gener­
(SCCAI) at baseline and the 7th day of both treatment peri­ ation by leukocytes and induced intestinal inflammation asso­
ods. Secondary outcomes were gastrointestinal symptoms, ciated with macrophage and T-lymphocyte infiltration after
laboratory tests using blood, urine and stool samples at base­ two weeks of daily oral exposure to 140 mg/kg bw in rats
line and at the end (7th day) of both treatment periods (Tkachenko et al. 2021).
measuring fecal calprotectin, hs-CRP, S-FABP-2 (intestinal per­ Two abstracts reporting exposure to food additives,
meability marker), U-creatinine, U-Albumin, F-albumin, F-IgG including CGN, per day in children with IBD and the associ­
and F-intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP). Macronutrient ation with IBD relapse (Ho et al. 2021) and exposure using
and fibre intake will be measured using a 3-day food diary at baseline dietary data from adults and children with IBD
the end of both treatment periods. No results were reported. (Reveley et al. 2022) are described in Section 3.2.5.

Figure 9. The number of research publications studying non-modified or modified CMC per 5-year periods.

Figure 10. Distribution of various types of publications on CMC. The human studies (without studies of exposure), experimental animal studies, in vitro studies and
other types of studies (one toxicokinetic study), are original research publications. Exposure studies comprise all types of publications that contain information on
levels in food, exposure etc., including from review publications and conference abstracts. In addition, publications on CMC containing information on toxicokinetics
and ADME, and risk assessments, were included.

3.3. Publications on carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) describing mechanistic data in human or animal primary cells
(E 466) or cell lines. Seventeen publications of various types con­
tained some information relevant for exposure to CMC, two
Few publications on CMC were found until the period 1991–
had some information on toxicokinetics and ADME, and five
2023 and the number increased especially after 2016
risk assessment opinions by EFSA on CMC were found. The
(Figure 9). Only two publications were investigating modified
main results of the original research publications on humans,
CMC, which are described in more detail below (B€ar et al.
animals and in vitro are described briefly in the following.
1995, see Section 3.3.6.) and Andreev-Andrievskiy et al. 2021,
see Section 3.3.3).
The distribution of various types of original research publi­ 3.3.1. Human studies
cations on CMC (human studies, experimental animal studies Only three publications contained original research in
and in vitro studies) is shown in Figure 10. Only three human humans relevant for effects of CMC. A randomized, double-
studies were available. As for CGN, the highest number of blind, controlled feeding study included healthy adults (18–
publications was on various experimental animals (20), with 60 years) of both sexes kept first on an emulsifier-free diet at
in vitro studies as the second largest category (14), studying home for three days and thereafter divided into two groups
microbiota from humans or animals ex vivo-in vitro or and given either a CMC-free diet (n ¼ 9) or a CMC-rich diet

(15 g/day of CMC) (n ¼ 7) for 11 days (Chassaing et al. 2022a). IL-10-/- mice, AIEC mono-colonization resulted in severe intes­
In the CMC group, an increased disturbance of the intestinal tinal inflammation in response to CMC. Transcriptomic ana­
microbiota with reduced bacteria diversity, increased stomach lysis revealed that CMC directly induced expression of genes
discomfort, and reduction of SCFA and free amino acids in that mediate AIEC virulence and promotion of inflammation.
feces, were observed. An increased amount of bacteria in the Effects of CMC on ex-germ-free IL10-/- mice colonized by
normally sterile inner mucus layer of the intestine was found pooled fecal transplant from three patients with active IBD
in two of the test subjects, indicating intestinal inflammation. were investigated by Rousta et al. (2021). In mice which
According to the authors, the amount of CMC used was received CMC in drinking water for four weeks, CMC
somewhat higher than the CMC intake for most persons, but increased fecal lipocalin 2 (Lcn-2) levels, histological inflam­
that those who consume a lot of processed food would have matory scores and inflammatory cytokine gene expression in
an intake of CMC comparable to in this study. colon. CMC did not affect bacterial composition but signifi­
In a study of five healthy male volunteers (age range 24– cantly decreased Caudoviricetes (bacteriophages). Thus, CMC
58 years) given 15 g CMC daily for 23 days after a 7-day con­ promoted aggressive inflammation without changing bacter­
trol period, no adverse effects were noted either on plasma ial composition. Twenty to 27-week-old IL-10 gene-deficient
biochemistry, haematology, urinalysis, glucose tolerance, mice received either CMC or water orally for 3 weeks
serum cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipids, or breath (Swidsinski et al. 2009). CMC-treated IL-10 gene-deficient
hydrogen and breath methane concentrations (Anderson mice demonstrated a massive bacterial overgrowth, disten­
et al. 1986). In addition, some inconsistent changes were tion of spaces between villi filled with bacteria, adherence of
observed on intestinal transit time, fecal wet and dry weights, bacteria to the mucosa and migration of bacteria to the bot­
fecal bile acids, fecal fat and excretion of neutral sterols, tom of the crypts of Lieberkuhn. Leukocytes migrated into
which were considered physiological and not adverse. the intestinal lumen in four of the seven CMC-exposed mice.
One case report ascribed anaphylaxis to CMC in a 14-year- The changes were similar to those observed in CD in humans
old girl (Ohnishi et al. 2019). She had four episodes of ana­ and were absent in control animals.
phylaxis and the common ingredient in the foods eaten in all As opposed to other studies, in IL-10-/- mice which
episodes (pizza, cheeseburger, ice lolly and a half-frozen bev­ develop spontaneous colitis, exposure to CMC by daily gav­
erage) was CMC. She tested positive for CMC in skin prick age for 14 days caused reduction of blood in the feces, feces
tests with a CMC solution and CMC-containing foods, and consistency score, histopathological injury score, colon
did not react to a CMC-free ice lolly from the same manufac­ weight/length ratio and activity of MPO vs. controls (Ung
turer as eaten before. No other publications were found on et al. 2010). However, CMC did not decrease the levels of the
adverse effects of CMC in children or adolescents. inflammatory cytokines interferon (IFN)-c or IL-17 in colon or
Exposure of mice to CMC in drinking water for 12 weeks
3.3.2. Animal studies induced chronic intestinal inflammation, increased adiposity
The 20 included publications on adverse effects of CMC on and caused sex-dependent changes in gut microbiota com­
the intestines in experimental animals were mostly on mice position (Holder et al. 2019). Additionally, CMC treatment
(13) and/or rats (7), as well as one study on pigs. altered anxiety-like behaviours in males and reduced social
CMC in drinking water was administered for 12 weeks to behaviour in females, followed by changed expression of
wild-type mice and to two strains, IL-10−/− and TLR5−/−, that neuropeptides associated with regulation of feeding as well
are sensitive to effects on microbiota composition and as social and anxiety-related behaviour.
inflammation (Chassaing et al. 2015). CMC induced low-grade Exposure of mice to CMC in drinking water for 15 weeks
inflammation and obesity/metabolic syndrome in wild-type caused inflammation, reduced mucus thickness and increased
mice and induced profound colitis in the sensitive strains. the intestinal permeability measured by increased passage of
CMC-induced metabolic syndrome was associated with the permeability tracer fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dex­
microbiota encroachment, changes in species composition tran into serum (Wu et al. (2020).
and increased pro-inflammatory potential. Further, use of When mice received oral CMC (0.45 ml of a 0.05% solu­
germ-free mice and fecal transplants indicated that these tion) daily for 5 days, two of 11 mice died vs. none of ten in
changes in microbiota were necessary and sufficient for both the controls, mean body weight was reduced by 3.6% and
low-grade inflammation and metabolic syndrome. In another level of C-reactive protein was increased (Nabarawi 2014).
study, when the CMC-treated M-SHIME human microbiota CMC in drinking water for 12 weeks administered to adult
(see Section 3.3.3) was transferred to germ-free mice, many mice increased body weight and adipose tissue but did not
of the host and microbial alterations observed in mice dir­ affect fasting blood glucose (Sandall et al. 2020). CMC also
ectly treated with CMC were observed (Chassaing et al. decreased colon length, a proxy marker for intestinal inflam­
2017a). In a third study, gnotobiotic wild-type and IL-10-/- mation, compared to controls.
mice were colonized with adherent-invasive E. coli (AIEC), Increased risk of colorectal cancer associated with IBD
associated with Crohn’s disease, and subsequently adminis­ coined the term “colitis-associated cancer” and the concept
tered CMC in drinking water for 12 weeks (Viennois et al. that inflammation promotes cancer (Viennois et al. 2017). A
2020). AIEC colonization of germfree and altered Schaedler colitis-associated cancer model was obtained by treating
flora (ASF) mice resulted in chronic intestinal inflammation mice with the colon carcinogen AOM and dextran sulfate
and dysregulations of metabolism after CMC exposure. In sodium (DSS) to induce inflammation. CMC in drinking water

for ca. 14 weeks exacerbated tumor development (both num­ from animals (rat and mouse) (3). All except one in vitro pub­
ber of tumors and tumor area) and altered the microbiota lication (Andreev-Andrievskiy et al. 2021) studied non-modi­
metagenome, characterized by increased levels of LPS and fied CMC.
flagellin. In a later study, the effect of CMC on cancer initi­ Effects of Kagocel, a synthetic CMC derivative copolymer­
ation and progression in a genetic model of intestinal adeno­ ized with gossypol, were studied in murine Peyer’s patches
mas using mice with the multiple intestinal neoplasia (Min) lymphocytes from the small intestine of mice (Andreev-
mutation in the tumor suppressor gene adenomatous polyp­ Andrievskiy et al. 2021). The lymphocytes were stimulated
osis coli (Apc), ApcMin/þ mice, was investigated (Viennois and with concanavalin A (Con A), or with Con A and TLR3 ligand
Chassaing 2021). CMC in drinking water for 15 weeks poly I:C to mimic viral infection. After 24 h of stimulation, the
increased small intestinal tumor development, apparently cells were treated with Kagocel. Expression of genes involved
independent of chronic intestinal inflammation, but it was in the inflammatory response, antiviral defense, lymphocyte
associated with CMC’s effects on proliferation in the intestinal survival and proliferation (C1qa, C2, C3, Ccl21a, Il11, Il1b,
epithelium and intestinal microbiota composition. Il23a, Il5, Ltb4r2, Alox15, Pla2g4a, Ptger1, Mapkapk5, Hras,
Long-term exposure of rats and mice to dietary levels of Ifna1, Tlr2, Mrc1 and Mx2) was upregulated in Kagocel-
10 or 100 g/kg of CMC (Edifas B) for 104 and 100 weeks, treated lymphocytes. Transcription factors (CEBPs, IRF, NFjB,
respectively, had little adverse influence on the general RXR, Stat, Tead4 and ZSCAN) and master regulators (cIAP,
health and survival of the animals (McElligott and Hurst CIKS, dock9, MEKK1, FXR, IKK, IRAK, TRAF, dsRNA:TLR3:TRIF)
1968). The haematological parameters in the rats were also were also identified. The changes in gene expression pattern
unaffected. The rats appeared to compensate for the lower and the outcome of bioinformatics analysis suggested that
nutritional value of the diet by increased food consumption, pattern recognition receptors, TLRs and dectin-1, were the
but in the later stages of the experiment retardation of key mediators of Kagocel’s effects on the immune system,
growth was apparent. Histological examination revealed no possibly involving the interferon autocrine loop. Kagocel
intestinal abnormality or evidence of the passage of Edifas B upregulated genes of various components of the innate
through the intestinal wall, and there was no evidence that immune defense system.
the substance was carcinogenic, in either species. Three publications reported studies of CMC and intestinal
The protective mucus layer in the intestines acts as a bar­ permeability. Concentrations of 0.02%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%
rier that protects the underlying epithelial layer against CMC, claimed to be commonly used in the food industry, did
microorganisms and chemicals. When rat intestines were dir­ not affect intestinal permeability studied ex vivo in the
ectly exposed to 1% CMC for 30 min., mucus pore size Ussing diffusion chamber system using small intestinal frag­
decreased, which resulted in significantly slower E. coli speed ments from rats and in the human colorectal adenocarcin­
and passive diffusion rates of nanoparticles through mucus oma-derived cell line Caco-2, or the stimulation of the
(Lock et al. 2018).These results indicated that acute exposure human dendritic cell-like myeloid leukemia-derived MUTZ-3
to CMC may impact barrier and structural properties of intes­ cell line (Oscarsson et al. 2020). Testing of CMC in mucus-pro­
tinal mucus, affect interactions between intestinal lumen con­ ducing rat intestinal cell cultures, human Caco-2 cells and
tents, microbes and underlying tissue, which may contribute mucus-producing human colon HT29-MTX cells in a mono­
to development of intestinal inflammation. Three concentra­ layer showed that CMC decreased mucus pore size and
tions of CMC (0.1%, 0.2% and 0.5%) could all increase absorp­ reduced diffusion of various particles through the mucus
tion of a drug with low intestinal permeability, shown by (Lock et al. 2018). CMC also resulted in partial removal of the
intestinal perfusion in rats (Valizadeh et al. 2015). mucus layer, making it thinner with fewer globular mucus
Some older publications studied effects of CMC on various aggregates, which may contribute to exposure of the epithe­
physiological parameters of the intestines and feces in rats, lium to intestinal contents and increase bacterial transloca­
and reported effects on cell proliferation, tissue hypertrophy tion, resulting in intestinal inflammation. Lastly, exposure of
- mostly caused by the increased bulk of feces and diarrhea AIEC to CMC in vitro increased the motility and ability to
(Wyatt et al. 1988; Toyoda et al. 1994; Ju�skiewicz and adhere to human intestine-407 epithelial cells, but invasion
Zdun �czyk 2004). ability was not affected (Viennois et al. 2020). Transcriptomic
In addition, a study on toxicokinetics in rats by B€ar et al. analysis revealed that CMC directly induced expression of
(1995) is described under Section 3.3.6. clusters of genes that mediate AIEC virulence in a dose-
In weaned piglets given CMC in the diet for 13 days, aer­ dependent way and promoted inflammation.
obe bacteria were transiently higher at day 7 but coliform Four publications studied changes by CMC on the micro­
counts remained unchanged and b-haemolytic E. coli were biota. In an ex vivo-in vitro study on feces from pigs, dietary
virtually absent (Lalle�s et al. 2006). This indicated that CMC CMC administered to growing pigs resulted in a distinctive
had pro-absorptive effects on the small intestine, possibly bacterial community (Metzler-Zebeli et al. 2010). CMC
due to the absence of pathogenic E. coli. affected the taxonomic composition and metabolic features
of the fecal microbiota, as shown by increases in total bac­
teria, Bacteroides-Prevotella-Porphyromonas and Clostridium
3.3.3. In vitro studies cluster XIVa, and Enterobacteriaceae and increased prevalen­
In total, 14 publications on in vitro experiments on CMC were ces of E. coli virulence factors in feces.
included, using fecal microbiota from humans (8) or animals The mucosal simulator of the human intestinal microbial
(rat and pig) (2), or cell lines from humans (4) or primary cells ecosystem (M-SHIME) is a dynamic in vitro model which

Figure 11. Hypotheses on adverse effects of CMC in the research publications.

simulates the lumen- and mucus-associated human intestinal significant effects on the growth of broad bacterial popula­
microbial ecosystem. It maintains a complex stable human tions, when using fecal samples from 13 young healthy
microbiota in the absence of a host. In this system, CMC donors (seven women and six men) (Gerasimidis et al. 2020).
increased the pro-inflammatory potential of the human fecal In a study of in vitro fermentation of CMC using fecal sam­
microbiota, demonstrated by increased levels of bioactive ples from 10 healthy adult donors (5 of each sex), CMC
flagellin (Chassaing et al. 2017a). In another model system, increased acetic acid, butyric acid and propionic acid, as well
CMC had adverse effect on human microbiota composition as a total of six SCFA (Chen et al. 2020). With CMC, signifi­
when using feces obtained from a healthy person and main­ cantly lower Shannon diversity index than with controls was
tained ex vivo in the MiniBioReactor Array model, by directly observed, indicating lower microbial diversity. After CMC
changing the microbiota composition and gene expression exposure, there was a higher relative abundance of
(Naimi et al. 2021). CMC had only modest effects on levels of Fusobacteria, Bacteroides and Proteabacteria, and a relative
flagellin and LPS measured in human embryonic kidney HEK decrease in Firmicutes, at the phyla level. There were clear
cells with this donor. spatial separation and clustering of the fermentation bacteria
Seven publications reported on fermentation of CMC from the CMC-treated vs. control groups. Unique microbiota
in vitro. CMC was barely fermented, as shown by no changes changes after CMC treatment were increased abundance of
in MW, and showed similar total SCFA production as the con­ Escherichia-Shigella and Lachnoclostridium, and decreased
trols when tested with feces from three healthy adult donors abundance of Bifidobacterium, Streptococcus, Fecalibacterium
(one man and two women) (He et al. 2022). However, CMC and Ruminococcus_torques_group.
increased the relative abundance of the Firmicutes phylum. In a study on fibre composition of CMC, the majority of
At the operational taxonomic unit (OTU) level, CMC could CMC was soluble fibre and it was estimated that about 55%
apparently favour the growth of certain bacterial families, but of the glucose residues in CMC had at least one carboxy­
which one(s) changed with the donor. methyl group substitution and therefore would not be avail­
Using fecal microbiota from 10 adult humans (four women able for fermentation by gut bacteria (Bliss et al. 2013).
and six men), 0.005%, 0.05% and 0.5% CMC did not affect Further, in vitro incubation was studied with feces from 13
the structure of the cell population and even increased total adult persons (nine women and four men) with fecal incon­
cell count at higher concentrations, although the fraction of tinence and adverse gastrointestinal symptoms, before and
living cells was unaffected by all CMC concentrations after consumption of CMC given in muffins and juice twice
(Miclotte et al. 2020). CMC had small impact on microbial daily for 20–21 days, or a placebo without CMC. The results
composition in all three concentrations and had no effect on indicated that prior consumption of a specific fibre did not
the general microbial metabolic activity, including SCFA pro­ increase its degradation by fecal bacteria.
duction. The effects of CMC on several parameters, including In vitro fermentation of CMC with feces from three healthy
flagellin levels, varied strongly depending on the microbiota adult male donors resulted in formation of the SCFAs acetate,
donor. butyrate and propionate during 24 h (Bourquin et al. 1993).
In a study of in vitro batch fecal fermentation, CMC In vitro fermentation with slurries of cecal contents from
showed no or minimal effects on the broad composition and rats fed a fibre-free diet prepared under anaerobic conditions
fermentation capacity of the fecal microbiome, had no effects showed that CMC was poorly fermented, and thus, not sig­
on the production of any SCFA or BCFA, and had no nificantly degraded (Wyatt et al. 1988).

3.3.4. Hypotheses on adverse effects of CMC consumption of nine food additives, including CMC (and
The number of research publications studying CMC in rela­ CGN), in patients with CD, their first-degree relatives, their
tion to various hypotheses on adverse effects is shown in non-related healthy household members and 22 healthy con­
Figure 11. Effects on the gut microbiome as well as inflam­ trols (Zhang et al. 2022a, 2022b, 2022c) (see Section 3.2.5.).
mation are studied in the highest number of publications, Exposure was mentioned, but without providing quantita­
with 19 and 17 publications, respectively. Metabolic effects tive data on CMC, in a review by Martino et al. (2017) and in
(11) and fermentation (10) are the next most common topics, an exposure publication by Chazelas et al. (2021).
followed by intestinal physiology, permeability of the intes­ CMC was present in 12.7% of sixty-one EEN formulas used
tinal barrier and cancer, with 5, 5 and 4 publications, to induce remission in active CD (Logan et al. 2020).
respectively. The International Organization for the Study of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IOIBD) has recommended that
“it may be prudent to limit intake of CMC” (with evidence
3.3.5. Data relevant for exposure
level very low, agreement 92.3%) in both UC and CD, based
Seventeen publications had some information relevant for
on data from epidemiology, animal models and one very
exposure to CMC. In a review, celluloses, including CMC,
small RCT (Levine et al. 2020).
were reported to be present in 2% of all food products in
the food supply in EU (Cox et al. 2021).
Mean dietary exposure to CMC in the population aged 3.3.6. Toxicokinetics and ADME studies
>2 years in USA was estimated to be 30, 27, 25 and 24 mg/ E 466 was not absorbed intact, not fermented and was
kg bw per day in the time periods 1999–2002 and 2003– excreted intact via feces (>90%) in rats, rabbits and humans
2010, both in the NHANES study, and 1999–2002 and 2003– (EFSA 2018b, 2020).
2010, both in the NTP NET-NID study, respectively (Shah Only one study included both modified, i.e. partially
et al. 2017). The 90th percentile dietary exposure to CMC was hydrolysed CMC, depolymerized with a cellulase-containing
estimated to be 70, 60, 53 and 53 mg/kg bw per day and the enzyme preparation from Trichoderma longhibrachiatum
percentages of users of CMC were 95, 100, 100 and 100, in (CMC-ENZ), and non-modified CMC, studying toxicokinetics of
the same time periods and studies, respectively. This study the two CMC variants (B€ar et al. 1995). Five % of each CMC
was also reported in review publications by Laster et al. type were administered in the diet to rats for two weeks, fol­
(2019), Laudisi et al. (2019) and Cox et al. (2021). lowed by a single gavage of 14C-CMC-ENZ or 14C-CMC
In EFSA (2018b), total exposure was only indicated for all (500 mg/kg bw). About 95% of the label was excreted in
the ten evaluated microcrystalline, powdered and modified feces, <2% in urine, <1% with CO2 and a small fraction was
celluloses together, being around 660–900 mg/kg bw per retained in the body (CMC, 0.58%; CMC-ENZ, 0.75%). Tissue
day, not for E 466 alone. retention of 14C was highest in the liver after both treat­
The incidence and prevalence of IBD are increasing globally, ments. Only about 49% and 65% of fecal 14C was extracted
both in Western countries and Asia, although thought to be with water in the 14C-CMC- and 14C-CMC-ENZ-dosed rats,
lower in Asia, whereas prevalences in Europe are as high as respectively. Gel permeation chromatography of the dosing
those in USA, according to a review by Park et al. (2020). These solutions and the fecal extracts revealed that CMC was depo­
increases are also seen in children. The increases in IBD were lymerized during intestinal passage, whereas CMC-ENZ was
hypothesized to be caused by numerous environmental factors, excreted nearly unchanged. Consequently, the MW distribu­
including dietary factors, such as CMC, and nutritional factors. tion of the 14C-CMC and 14C-CMC-ENZ fecal excretion prod­
Average exposure to CMC in children of both sexes (n ¼ 138, ucts was similar. The authors concluded that there was no
mean age 14.2 ± 2.8 years) with CD was quantified using data toxicologically relevant difference between the disposition of
from three 24-h recall days over two years obtained by tele­ CMC and CMC-ENZ in rats.
phone (Lee et al. 2018). A total of 1325 unique foods were
recorded and 0.4% of the foods contained CMC. Mean ± SD fre­
quencies of exposures to CMC per day were 0.05 ± 0.13 (range 3.3.7. Risk assessment opinions
0–0.67). The frequency of exposure to CMC (mean ± SD) in 20 Five relevant risk assessments of CMC had been performed by
patients with CD using 7-day food diaries analyzed for habitual EFSA. Sodium CMC (E 466) was evaluated together with other
intake was 0.14 ± 0.30 per day (Sandall et al. 2020). cellulose food additives in the group “chemically modified
In an abstract, the exposures to selected food additives, celluloses” by the ANS Panel (EFSA 2018b), based on read-
including CMC (and CGN), per day in children with IBD and across between all the celluloses because of their structural,
the association with IBD relapse were reported (Ho et al. physicochemical and biological similarities. Note that modified
2021) (see Section 3.2.5.). An abstract reported emulsifier CMC in this and other EFSA opinions does not have the same
exposure using baseline dietary data from adults and chil­ meaning as in other publications (B€ar et al. 1995), and, thus,
dren with IBD enrolled in the Australian AIM study, a multi­ CMC was not coded as modified for the EFSA opinions in ER.
center, prospective, longitudinal cohort study (Reveley et al. The acute toxicity of celluloses was low and there was no gen­
2022) (see Section 3.2.5.). It was reported that daily occasions otoxic or carcinogenic concern. Short-term and subchronic
of exposure (range) to CMC in patients with IBD were 0.3 (0– dietary toxicity studies at levels up to 10% in the feed did not
3.0) in children (n ¼ 21) and 0.1 (0–1.7) in adults (n ¼ 156). indicate specific adverse effects. In chronic toxicity studies, the
Three abstracts determined previous and current NOAEL values ranged up to 9000 mg/kg bw per day of

celluloses. Adverse effects on reproductive performance or 2015; Martino et al. 2017; Paula Neto et al. 2017; Kikut et al.
developmental effects were not observed with celluloses at 2018; Halmos et al. 2019; Laster et al. 2019; Marion-Letellier
doses greater than 1000 mg/kg bw by gavage (often the high­ et al. 2019; Vo et al. 2019; Zino €cker 2019; Bancil et al. 2021;
est dose tested). EFSA concluded that there was no need for a Borsani et al. 2021; Cox et al. 2021; Sasson et al. 2021; Tan
numerical ADI value and that there would be no safety concern and Nie 2021; De Siena et al. 2022; Levine et al. 2022; Liu
at the reported uses and use levels for the evaluated celluloses, et al. 2022; Kuang et al. 2023).
including for E 466. The nine commentaries/editorials/letters on CMC pub­
The EFSA Panel on Additives and Products or Substances lished 2015–2022 all discussed non-modified CMC. Two of
used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) assessed sodium CMC as a them (Bordon 2015; Cani 2015) concerned the published
feed additive and concluded that it was safe for all animal study on CMC by Chassaing et al. (2015) and two concerned
species and that the use of this substance in animal nutrition the publication by Chassaing et al. (2022a); Wellens et al.
was of no concern for consumer safety (EFSA 2020). Likewise, (2022) and the answer by Chassaing et al. (2022b). One dis­
the EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, cussed CMC in relation to IBD in Australia (Niewiadomski
Flavorings and Processing Aids (CEF) assessed (sodium) CMC 2018), whereas four were on adverse effects on the intestines
and concluded that it did not raise a safety concern for the of several food additives and also mentioned CGN (Zino €cker
consumer when used as a component of a mixture in active 2019; Zino €cker and Lindseth 2019; Cox and Sandall 2021;
food contact materials intended used as moisture and liquid Wellens et al. 2022).
absorbers in the packaging of perishable foods to extend All the 24 conference abstracts on CMC published 2005–
their shelf-life (EFSA 2012, 2018c). 2022 were reporting studies on non-modified CMC, mostly in
As a follow-up of the assessment by the ANS Panel in animals or in vitro. Two abstracts (Cochrane Central Register
2018 (EFSA 2018b), the Panel on Food Additives and of Controlled Trials 2018; Chassaing et al. 2020) on a random­
Flavorings (FAF) assessed the safety of E 466 for its uses as a ized double-blind, controlled feeding experiment with CMC
food additive in food for infants below 16 weeks of age had later been published in full (Chassaing et al. 2022a).
belonging to FC (Dietary foods for infants for special Fourteen abstracts were on one or more effects of CMC on
medical purposes and special formulae for infants) and intestinal inflammation, microbiome and metabolic changes,
addressed the issues previously identified when used in food intestinal permeability, mucin-producing cells, or obesity,
for the general population, including the safety assessment metabolic syndrome and thermogenesis (Bowen-Yacyshyn
for FC and FC (Dietary foods for babies and et al. 2005; Ung et al. 2009; Yacyshyn et al. 2011; Chassaing
young children for special medical purposes) (EFSA 2022). and Gewirtz 2013; Chassaing and Gewirtz 2014; Chassaing
The business operators declared that E 466 was not used in et al. 2016; Chassaing et al. 2017b; Chassaing and Gewirtz
food for infants below 16 weeks of age and in FC 2017a; Chassaing and Gewirtz 2017b; Behr et al. 2018; Xu
Due to the lack of data, an assessment was not performed et al. 2019; Zheng et al. 2019; Zheng et al. 2020; Zangara
for this FC and age group. The business operators did not et al. 2021). In addition, four abstracts included both CMC
provide data to support the uses of E 466 in FC Due and CGN (Schooth et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2022a, 2022b,
to the almost unchanged database compared to in the previ­ 2022c).
ous evaluation, the FAF Panel confirmed the previous conclu­ Four additional abstracts reported human data not yet
sion that the available data was still not sufficient for an presented in full publications. The exposures to selected food
adequate assessment of the safety of use of E 466 in infants additives per day in children with IBD and the association
and young children consuming foods belonging to the FC with IBD relapse were reported (Ho et al. 2021). The results in this abstract were described for ten food additives
together, including CMC (and CGN) (see Section 3.2.5.).
In an abstract by Kang et al. (2021), it was examined in vitro
3.3.8. Non-systematic (narrative) reviews, commentaries/ how CMC affected CD mucosa-associated microbiota (CD-
editorials/letters and conference abstracts MAM) in microbial cultures with cryopreserved biopsies from
No other scoping review/scoping study or systematic review five CD patients. These cultures were inoculated in medium
on effects of CMC on the intestines in line with our objec­ with 0.1% CMC (a concentration found in food) or without
tives was detected among the published literature. In total, additive (control). The addition of CMC appeared to have only
26 narrative reviews on CMC (all non-modified) were modest effects on the CD-MAM communities from 4 of 5 CD
included. The reviews on CMC were published more recently, patients. However, in one person, CMC resulted in large expan­
between 2015 and 2023, compared with many of those on sions in the relative abundance of Bacteroides, Proteus,
CGN. Eight narrative reviews on CMC were included, review­ Morganella, the family Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococcus,
ing effects on inflammatory bowel diseases, the microbiome with a concordant reduction in the Streptococcus lineages.
or CMC as an obesogenic chemical (Glade and Meguid 2016; Emulsifier exposure was examined using baseline dietary
Viennois and Chassaing 2018; Laudisi et al. 2019; Partridge data from adults and children with IBD enrolled in the
et al. 2019; Goens and Micic 2020; Park et al. 2020; Rinninella Australian AIM study, a multicenter, prospective, longitudinal
et al. 2020; Heindel et al. 2022). In addition, 18 publications, cohort study, and compared with exposure of healthy con­
also including CGN, reviewed effects of CMC on intestinal trols (Reveley et al. 2022). The results in this abstract were
inflammation and disease, microbiota, intestinal permeability, described for six food additives together, including CMC (and
obesity and metabolic dysregulation, or allergy (Liu et al. CGN) (see Section 3.2.5.).

Figure 12. Image of the interactive research map showing various types of CGN and CMC in the columns, type of publications in the rows and hypotheses on the
adverse effects on the intestines as bubbles. The size of the bubbles indicates the number of studies in each square. From this map, available and missing data in
the various categories can be easily seen. The map can be downloaded from Supplementary materials Figure 1 be used interactively.

Figure 13. Image of the interactive research map showing various types of CGN and CMC in the columns, human populations (healthy general population or
patients) in the rows and hypotheses on the adverse effects on the intestines as bubbles. The size of the bubbles indicates the number of studies in each square.
From this map, available and missing data in the various categories can be easily seen. The map can be downloaded from Supplementary materials Figure 2 to be
used interactively.

An abstract reported generation of a gnotobiotic human organoids were microinjected with a live mixture of four
intestinal organoid microcosm system (HIOMS) as an in vitro functionally distinctive bacteria species, Akkermansia mucini­
model of the human gut microbiome (Xu et al. 2020). The phila, Bacteroides acidifaciens, B. cellulosilyticus and B.

intestinalis, supplied with CMC and co-cultured for 48 h. A other food additives. In addition to more general information
stable colonization of A. muciniphila and B. intestinalis was about these food additives, they gave relevant information
demonstrated and their abundance was not affected by CMC. about the concerns for adverse health effects, although some
However, CMC increased a-fucosidase activity by 360%. mainly focused on positive effects. The commentaries, editor­
ial articles and letters also gave insight into the controversies
regarding their potential adverse health effects. A summary
3.4. Evidence presented as interactive research maps
of some arguments for or against the likelihood that CGN
The included evidence was presented as interactive research may have adverse effects can be found in Liao et al. (2021).
maps, which give a visual overview of where in this area The conference abstracts were included to pick up newer
there is quite a lot, some or non-existent scientific know­ research indicating adverse effects, however, the reported
ledge. The first interactive research map on evidence found results were most often covered also by full publications. As
in the 262 included publications (Figure 12) is showing vari­ opposed to in this scoping review, a future full systematic
ous types of CGN and CMC in the columns, type of publica­ review on adverse effects of these food additives would
tions in the rows and hypotheses on the adverse effects on include only the primary research publications and available
the intestines as bubbles. The size of the bubbles indicates systematic reviews.
the number of studies in each square.
The second interactive research map (Figure 13) is show­
4.2. Number of various categories of publications on
ing various types of CGN and CMC in the columns, human
populations (healthy general population or patients) in the
rows and hypotheses on the adverse effects on the intestines In total, 2572 publications from two literature searches were
as bubbles. screened against predefined inclusion/exclusion criteria, and
From these maps, available and missing data in the vari­ 224 of them were included in this review. In addition, 38
ous categories can be easily seen. The research gaps that can publications from grey literature sources were included, mak­
be identified from the maps indicate where future research ing a total of 262 investigated publications. Of these, 196
may be useful to carry out in relation to human (healthy per­ and 101 were on CGN and CMC, respectively. The potential
sons or patients), animal and in vitro studies (publication adverse effects of CGN or CMC on the intestines have been
types), and which potential adverse effects in the gut should studied mainly in individual research publications, mostly
be studied in more detail resulting from the consumption of performed in experimental animals or in vitro. For CGN, five,
CGN and CMC. 69 and 33 studies on humans, experimental animals and
The interactive research maps are available as HTML files in vitro experiments were found, of which two and three, 38
and can be downloaded by clicking on the links below and and 31, and 14 and 26 publications studied degraded and
displayed in any browser, without the need for login. To use native (undegraded) CGN, respectively, in the three publica­
the maps interactively, one can click anywhere in a column, tion categories. For CMC, three human studies, 20 experimen­
row or bubble and access all studies that address the particu­ tal animal studies and 14 in vitro studies were obtained. Only
lar food additive, publication type etc. one systematic review was found, which was relevant for
Hypotheses of adverse effects on the intestines caused by various native CGN in humans, although a few were listed as
types of CGN and CMC in all the included 262 publications, planned studies (scored as abstracts) in the Cochrane data­
stratified by publication types. base, but not yet published. Publications (of all types) having
Hypotheses of adverse effects on the intestines caused by various information relevant for exposure were 20 and 17 for food
types of CGN and CMC in human studies (healthy general population grade CGN and CMC, respectively. Publications with data on
or patients). toxicokinetics and/or ADME were three and two, and risk
assessment opinions were two and five, for CGN and CMC,
4. Discussion High numbers of non-systematic (narrative) review articles
were obtained, 54 on CGN and 26 on CMC, reflecting the
4.1. Methodological aspects
ongoing controversy about potential adverse effects of these
Summaries of results from individual studies and across simi­ and other food additives, as well as reviewing their use as
lar studies are usually not included in scoping reviews (Munn pharmaceuticals, nutritional or functional food sources or pre­
et al. 2018). However, to get an overview of the existing biotics. Many of these reviews discussed food additives in
knowledge of the adverse effects of CGN and CMC, short general and did not focus specifically on CGN or CMC.
summaries of the individual publications were included. This Insight into the controversial issues was also gained from the
was considered particularly necessary for CGN, since some commentaries/editorials/letters, 14 on CGN and nine on CMC.
commentaries indicated that adverse effects were only Conferences abstracts, 23 on CGN and 24 on CMC, were
caused by degraded CGN and not by native CGN. Therefore, included in order to obtained more recent hypotheses,
summaries were made for comparison of effects between however, most of these were already available as full
native and degraded CGN, as discussed in Section 4.3.1. publications.
Many of the traditional, narrative review publications The included publications presented several hypotheses
reported data on both CGN and CMC, as well as on several on how the two food additives may be associated with

adverse effects on the intestines, often studying effects Current understanding of the pathogenesis of IBD sug­
related to several hypotheses in the same publications, and gests an interaction between genetic susceptibility of the
most often, several publications had been studying the same immune system to changes in microbiota, likely due to envir­
hypotheses and effects. onmental exposures that trigger a dysregulated immune
No other scoping review/scoping study or systematic response (Niewiadomski 2018). The rapid rise in incidence of
review on effects of CGN and CMC on the intestines in line IBD over the last few decades also strongly points to the
with our objectives was detected by search in Medline up to environment playing a significant role, which may include
June 12, 2023. diet in general or food additives specifically. Dietary interven­
tions in patients with IBD are difficult to conclude upon with
certainty, since there are many different factors that contrib­
4.3. Main findings on effects of CGN relevant for human ute to the symptoms, and the impact of a complex and vary­
intestinal health ing diet in general is difficult to evaluate. Participants in
studies on food additive-free diets most often abstain from
Effects on inflammation and effects on the microbiome,
foods with many different additives, making it difficult to
including fermentation, were the most studied endpoints
pin-point any adverse effects to one specific food additive.
both with degraded and native CGN in the research publica­
Among the 69 publications with studies of CGN in experi­
tions across the three evidence streams, whereas permeabil­
mental animals, 38 and 31 publications investigated effects
ity of the intestinal barrier was somewhat less studied (Figure
of degraded and native CGN, respectively. Several species of
8), obviously reflecting the search terms used in the literature experimental animals were used in both groups of studies, in
searches. Higher number of publications had studied inflam­ decreasing numbers, rats, guinea pigs, mice, rabbits, ham­
mation with degraded CGN, because of its use as a model sters, monkeys, pigs and ferrets. Most of the publications did
for inflammation, and somewhat higher number had studied not give a clear reason for the choice of animal model, how­
the microbiome with native CGN. Effects on the immune sys­ ever, the large use of guinea pigs and rabbits was mainly
tem and cancer were also studied with both variants of CGN. from earlier years when animal models of inflammation with
Among the research publications, only five human studies degraded CGN were established and investigated for testing
of CGN and effects on the intestines were included, all on of anti-inflammatory drugs or other treatments. The three
adult patients with gastrointestinal conditions, three on publications using monkeys, likely being most similar to
native CGN and two on degraded CGN. In the randomized humans, were all from the 1970s. In two of the studies,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial by adverse effects (intestinal mucosa ulceration, and effects on
Bhattacharyya et al. (2017), including 12 UC patients in remis­ lysosomes and macrophages, respectively) were observed in
sion given 100 mg food grade j-, i- and k-CGN or placebo in Rhesus monkeys given 2% degraded CGN (C16), but not
gelatin capsules, three of five who received CGN relapsed, when given native CGN (Benitz et al. 1973; Mankes and
whereas none of the seven patients receiving placebo Abraham 1975), whereas a study on two squirrel monkeys
relapsed. However, limited weight can be put on this study given 1.5% degraded CGN for 28 days did not find any
because of the low number of participants. When it was adverse effects (Grasso et al. 1973).
included in a systematic review on dietary interventions of A large variety of doses and exposure times were used in
remission in IBD, Limketkai et al. (2019) calculated a risk ratio the animal studies. Concentrations of degraded CGN in diet
with 95% CI of 0.5 (0.15, 1.64) for this study and a very low or drinking water used were from 0.2% to 10% with exposure
score for certainty of the evidence (GRADE) and high risk of from 1–2 weeks up to 28 months - the longest studying ulcer­
bias. In the other three human studies in patients with peptic ations in rabbit (Kitano et al. 1986), whereas native CGN was
used in concentrations of 0.02% to 20% with exposure from
ulcers or malignant disease, which were quite old and with­
one week up to lifetime - the longest studying cancer in rats
out control groups, few and mild adverse effects (dizziness,
and hamsters (Rustia et al. 1980). Compared to the exposure
mild diarrhea, constipation, but no ulceration) were reported
from foods consumed by humans, these highest concentra­
either with native or degraded CGN (Heineken 1961; Evans
tions may not be relevant for studies of effects on human
et al. 1965; Grasso et al. 1973). No research publications were
intestinal health of food additives.
found on adverse effects of degraded or native CGN on
Some studies described a model for IBD where rats were
healthy adults or on children or adolescents. sensitized by a s.c. injection of a solution of degraded CGN
In addition, of the three publications on human studies and Freund’s complete adjuvant followed by oral administra­
that were available only as abstracts, two reported results on tion of the same CGN solution in drinking water (Moyana
a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over and Lalonde 1990, 1991). Although not directly relevant for
trial (Wagner et al. 2018a, 2018b), in which 20 healthy males humans exposed to CGN in food, prior sensitization aggra­
were given 250 mg CGN or placebo twice daily for 14 days. vated the ulceration and inflammation in the intestines. Thus,
Intestinal permeability increased after CGN vs. placebo the studies showed that the immune system is involved in
(p ¼ 0.03), whereas whole-body insulin sensitivity index (ISI), these effects. In another inflammation model, mice were
ISIclamp and OGTT did not differ between the groups. No given CGN and then later were inoculated with Citrobacter
changes of hepatic fat content, body fat mass, fat distribu­ freundii or Citrobacter rodentium bacteria (Wu et al. 2017,
tion, liver transaminases or inflammatory cytokines were 2021, 2022). The results indicated that CGN aggravated the
observed. bacteria-induced gut inflammation, which may be relevant

for humans having bacterial infections in their gastrointes­ and nuclear NF-jB, and secretion of IL-8 in human cell lines,
tinal tract. As well as when exposed together with patho­ implicating this signaling pathway in intestinal inflammation
genic microorganisms, synergistic effects of CGN on induced by CGN (Borthakur et al. 2007). NF-jB binding to the
inflammation were observed when it was given before other BCL10 promoter involved the components RelA and RelB,
inflammatory chemical agents such as trinitrobenzene sul­ and could lead to prolonged activation of the k-CGN-induced
fonic acid (Wu et al. 2016a) and oxazolone (Wu et al. 2016b). inflammation by a transcriptional mechanism involving a
The order of potency was i- > k- > j-CGN for decreasing NF-jB-BCL10 loop (Borthakur et al. 2012). j-CGN did not
effect on body weight gain in guinea pigs given 3% of either stimulate IL-8 alone, but increased LPS-induced IL-8 secretion
degraded j-, i- and k-CGN in drinking water for three weeks, via the Bcl10-NFjB pathway and acted in synergy with LPS
although the mean daily CGN consumption per group was in to increase the expression of MD-2 and CD14 (Wu et al.
the reverse order, indicating that potency was not related to 2017). Thus, these signaling pathways seems to be important
intake concentration (Norris et al. 1981). Comparable activ­ for the effects of CGN, although one publication did not sup­
ities of colitis shown by histological score and TNF-a serum port this view (McKim et al. 2015).
levels were induced by native j-, i- and k-CGN given in
drinking water for six weeks to mice, and all three decreased
the anti-inflammatory gut bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila, 4.3.1. Degraded versus non-degraded (native) CGN
although they showed some other differences on the micro­ Degraded forms of CGN, including PGN, are not approved as
biome (Shang et al. 2017). Regarding mechanistic differences food additives in the EU, nor are they used for this purpose
between the three main forms of CGN, when comparing IL-8 in other countries such as USA (EFSA 2018a). Thus, the
secretion between the native j-, i- and k-CGNs in human degraded CGN may be regarded as not relevant for the dis­
cells in vitro, the response was highest for k-, next for j- and cussion on food additives and human intestinal health, since
then i-CGN (Borthakur et al. 2007). There is at present not as such they are not indicative of the potential adverse
sufficient evidence to understand potential differences in effects of CGN used in regulated food additives today. It was
adverse effects between the various CGN forms. argued in the literature obtained that the lack of understand­
In total, 33 publications with in vitro experiments reported ing of the difference between non-degraded and degraded
adverse effects on the intestines of CGN, of which 14 and 26 CGN, and the misuse of CGN terms, may have contributed to
studies had used degraded and native CGN, respectively. the confusion and misinterpretation of the results in many of
Human colonic microbiota samples from feces studied in an the studies, leading to the worries about adverse health
in vitro batch fermentation system showed that high MW effects in the general population and also among scientists
j-CGN (450 or 100 kDa) remained undegraded, whereas low (David et al. 2018, 2019; Weiner and McKim 2019). Likewise,
MW j-CGN, i.e. KCO (�4.5 kDa) were degraded (Yin et al. it could be argued that degraded CGN and PGN should not
2021). In vitro fermentation by human gut microbiota of two have been included in this scoping review. However, the dis­
j-CGN oligosaccharides (MW <3000 kDa with different DP), tinction between CGN of different MW was not clear to the
called KO3 and KO6, obtained from simulated gastric diges­ authors before this work started. Furthermore, it become
tion, were both readily degraded (Sun et al. 2019). A third
apparent from an early look at the literature that even with
study also showed that j-KCO were degraded by Bacteroides
native, non-degraded CGN there were numerous publications
xylanisolvens and E. coli isolated from human gut microbiota
reporting apparently adverse effects. The degraded forms of
(Li et al. 2017). Thus, at least in vitro, human fecal bacteria
CGN were therefore included in this review for comparison
appear to be able to degrade CGN oligosaccharides to even
with native CGN and to get a more complete overview of
lower MW, but apparently not the high MW CGN which is
the controversial issues.
used in food additives.
Thus, one of the major controversial issues in this field
Some in vitro studies found that native CGN activated the
seems to be differences in health risk from degraded CGN vs.
Wnt/b-catenin signaling pathway in human cells, suggesting
native CGN. A distinction is made between the food grade
a role in malignant transformation in the intestine
(Bhattacharyya et al. 2007; Bhattacharyya et al. 2014b). forms of CGN of high MW (MW 200–800 kDa) used in the
However, when native CGN (Gelcarin, largely composed of j- food additives E 407/E 407a (EFSA 2018a), which are claimed
and k-CGN, with MW of approximately 800 kDa), in doses of not to be absorbed from the intestinal tract nor being
0.5, 2.5 or 5% given in the diet to rats and hamsters for life, degraded during transit, and degraded CGN such as PGN,
no significant increase in tumor incidence was seen (Rustia C16 and Ebimar (MW 10–20 kDa). The degraded CGN forms
et al. 1980). The potential risk of intestinal cancer in humans are made by low pH (<2.0) and high temperature (>80 � C),
from a low intake of CGN as food additive needs updated and are often used to induce inflammation and ulcerations in
studies, both regarding promoter and initiating effects. the intestinal tract of rats, guinea pigs and rabbits as experi­
Regarding molecular mechanisms for the adverse effects mental models of inflammation in general or human IBD.
of CGN, k-CGN induced inflammation via activation of NF-jB These CGN forms are not the same substances as commercial
and AP-1 pathways in macrophages and enhanced LPS- food grade CGN. The low MW of degraded CGN forms
induced TNF-a secretion through AP-1 (Chen et al. 2014). In reduces the strength of protein binding, which allows
this study, degraded k-CGN was much stronger than native absorption from the intestines (McKim et al. 2019). However,
k-CGN in the activation of macrophages to secrete TNF-a. in many of the publications, the MW of the CGN (and the
Native k-CGN increased Bcl10, IjBa phosphorylation, total form of CGN) was not specified.

The next issue is whether the presence of low MW com­ Only three human studies on CMC were found, of which a
ponents in high MW food grade CGN or possible generation recent study (Chassaing et al. 2022a) indicated that CMC in
of low MW CGN following food processing or gastric hydroly­ high, but realistic doses, disturbed the intestinal microbiota
sis of native CGN may cause adverse effects in humans. Trace and led to inflammation. However, the number of subjects in
amounts of native CGN have been shown to cross the intes­ this study was low (in total 16) and they were exposed only
tinal barrier and are demonstrated within intestinal lamina for 11 days, thus, such a study needs to be repeated with
propria cells and macrophages, and are absorbed via Peyer’s higher numbers of participants exposed for longer time. In
patches and cecal lymph nodes in animals (Mankes and an older study (Anderson et al. 1986) with five healthy men
Abraham 1975; Ishioka et al. 1987; Nicklin and Miller 1989). given 15 g CMC daily for 23 days, only some inconsistent
Based on the ADME data available, EFSA (2018a) concluded changes in fecal physiology were observed. One other study
that CGN with high MW, for example j-/k-CGN with MW of (Ohnishi et al. 2019) reported that CMC appeared to have
about 800 kDa studied in Rhesus monkeys (Mankes and caused anaphylaxis in a young girl, although this appears to
Abraham 1975), was not absorbed, while low MW CGN be a low risk.
(<88 kDa) was found in tissues (liver, intestines) and in urine Of the 20 experimental animal studies on CMC, most of
of rats and guinea pigs after oral administration. them used continuous doses of 1–2% CMC in drinking water
Based on the data provided to EFSA (2018a) after a call or other oral exposure in two to 15 weeks, see for instance
for data, the overlap between the low MW-average MW tail Viennois et al. (2020) and Rousta et al. (2021). If this is to be
of food-grade CGN and high MW-average MW tail of PGN is transferable to humans, it means that all the food consumed
expected to increase with the decrease of the weight-average daily contains this concentration of CMC, which is likely an
MW of the CGN. An example was given: for CGN with the overestimation. However, a high intake of CMC may be pos­
weight-average MW of about 770 kDa, the overlap would sible in some individuals depending on their dietary habits,
encompass from ca. 30 kDa up to ca. 200 KDa molecules. such as if eating a lot of processed foods. Also of relevance,
Thus, although for a commercially available CGN with a it is not known whether some persons are more susceptible
weight-average MW of 200 kDa, the preparation would to adverse effects of CMC than others. The sensitivity to CMC
encompass a larger fraction with a MW <50 kDa. EFSA con­ may possibly be species-specific, so that typical laboratory
cluded that it could not be excluded that commercial CGN animals such as rodents may react differently to CMC than
preparations may contain considerable amounts of low MW humans.
molecules when used as food additive. Therefore, with As inflammation is implicated in intestinal cancer, some
respect to the definition of E 407 and E 407a in the studies tested CMC in various animal models of cancer pro­
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 231/2012 (2012), the weight- motion. One % CMC in drinking water for ca. 14 weeks exa­
average MW range should be specified in a narrow way cerbated both number of tumors and tumor area after
avoiding a significant overlap with the MW range of PGN. initiation of mice with the colon carcinogen AOM and expos­
Furthermore, there is an urgent need to develop a validated ure to DSS to induce inflammation (Viennois et al. 2017). In
method to quantify the low MW CGN with the limit of 5% another cancer model, using ApcMin/þ mice, having a muta­
(EFSA 2018a). Overall, EFSA considered that the information tion (Min, for multiple intestinal neoplasia) in the tumor sup­
available suggested that the ulceration and bleeding in the pressor gene Apc, involved in the Wnt/b-catenin signaling
intestines reported in some studies having tested native CGN pathway of colorectal cancer also in humans (Washington
could be associated with the presence of low MW CGN (EFSA and Zemper 2019), 1% CMC in drinking water for 15 weeks
2018a). increased small intestinal tumor development, apparently
Regarding risk of cancer, this distinction in MW of CGN is independent of chronic intestinal inflammation, but associ­
made by IARC, since native (undegraded) CGN has been clas­ ated with CMC’s effects on proliferation in the intestinal epi­
sified as Group 3, i.e. unclassifiable with respect to carcino­ thelium and intestinal microbiota composition (Viennois and
genicity in humans, whereas degraded CGN (PGN) is Chassaing 2021). Thus, there are indications that CMC may
classified as Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen, based act as a tumor promoter in the colon, at least at these doses
on animal data (IARC 1987). given in drinking water.
Information about the stability of high MW CGN in food The literature search resulted in 14 in vitro studies on
when exposed to various temperature and pH conditions CMC, most of which used human microbiota or cells. Of the
under the authorized food use is also limited and contradict­ six in vitro publications that reported on fermentation of
ory (EFSA 2018a). CMC using human donors, four found no effects such as
changes in MW or increased formation of SCFA (Bliss et al.
2013; Gerasimidis et al. 2020; Miclotte et al. 2020; He et al.
4.4. Main findings on effects of CMC relevant for human
2022), whereas two studies reported increased individual or
intestinal health
total SCFA (Bourquin et al. 1993; Chen et al. 2020). Also, for
The three types of research publications reported effects on changes in the microbiota composition, the results varied
intestinal microbiota, including studies of fermentation of between the publications. Overall, it appeared that the result­
CMC, inflammatory potential, metabolic effects, effects on ing effects may vary strongly depending on the feces micro­
intestinal physiology, permeability of the intestinal barrier biota donor, possibly indicating individual susceptibility in
and cancer (Figure 11). the population.

4.5. Strengths and limitations of this scoping review on the intestines as bubbles are illustrated in Figures 12 and
13. These maps can be used interactively via the links in
This scoping review provides an overview of type of research
Section 3.4. The size of the bubbles indicates the number of
published on adverse effects on the intestines of the food
studies in each square, and thus, available and missing data
additives CGN/PES (E 407/E 407a) and CMC (E 466). The in the various categories can be easily seen. The references
strength of this scoping review is that it is based on exten­ to the publications constituting this map can be downloaded
sive literature searches comprising six library databases as directly from the map.
well as grey literature, without any time limit. The publica­ In a review, David et al. (2019) highlighted three unre­
tions have been selected in a systematic way, to provide a solved information gaps for CGN. These were 1) insufficient
transparent overview of the current literature available about information on the current levels of public exposure to CGN,
potential adverse effects of CGN and CMC on the intestines. 2) a better understanding of the link between CGN’s physico­
It also included data from three evidence streams; human chemical properties, its impact on digestive proteolysis and
data, experimental animal data and in vitro data. As such, it the effects on the microbiome and inflammation, and 3) how
is a good starting point for performing a systematic review the digestion of CGN in the intestines may differentially affect
of adverse effects of these food additives. In addition, miss­ susceptible subjects in the population, such as children or
ing data within this research area are identified and illus­ elderly persons, or patients with intestinal diseases.
trated in the interactive research maps (Figures 12 and 13), The evidence analyzed in this scoping review suggests
which can be used for planning of further research employ­ that CGN, both degraded and native, and CMC, may cause
ing studies in humans or animals on presence of such effects adverse effects on intestinal health, predominantly based on
and in vitro studies for the mechanisms behind the effects. studies in experimental animals and in vitro studies. These
A limitation of this scoping review is that quality assess­ adverse effects include decreased barrier function and/or
ments of the included studies and evaluation of risk of bias of increased permeability of the intestines, leading to influx of
the overall body of publications were not performed. bacteria or chemicals, causing inflammation, often concomi­
However, the objective of this work was not to give a final tantly with potentially adverse changes in the intestinal
answer to whether these food additives constitute a risk to microbiota. However, since very few such publications were
intestinal health or not. In general, the aim of scoping reviews available on human subjects, more research is needed in this
is to provide extensive and transparent overviews of know­ area before one can draw any firm conclusions on the effects
ledge on a specific topic, in which the literature is systematic­ on humans. Also, the risk of cancer from food additives act­
ally identified, selected and presented in text and visually, ing as tumor promoters in animal models is more uncertain
rather than performing a qualitative or quantitative synthesis in humans. There is a lack of human studies on the healthy
of the data in order to assess the causality, or size and severity general population, especially children and adolescents, on
of potential adverse effects of a stressor. Thus, the quality whom very few publications were found, and better data are
assessment step is regarded as not strictly necessary for scop­ also needed for patients with various intestinal disease condi­
ing reviews as opposed to in systematic reviews of causal rela­ tions. The human studies should preferably be RCT as this is
tionship between, as for this topic, the food additives CGN defined as the gold standard for human studies, and of lon­
and CMC, and their adverse effects on the intestines (Munn ger duration to examine the effects of long-term exposure to
et al. 2018; Peters et al. 2021b; Pollock et al. 2022). the food additives. Studies using CGN or CMC as a dietary
Not all the data categorized from the publications fitted supplement compared to a placebo supplement are probably
one ER code precisely because of overlap within the publica­ not comparable with the real-life dietary exposure to addi­
tions of more than one study design, several streams of data, tives in foods. The results may be more realistic by compar­
several animal species etc. Thus, the coding system in ER ing a diet with or without a specific additive.
used to categorize the publications may not be entirely con­ Older studies finding adverse effects, especially inflamma­
sistent and exclusive, although the aim of each category tion, from degraded CGN are not representative of the CGN
(code) was to be as specific as possible. This mixture of types authorized for use as a food additive (E 407/E 407a) today.
of data within the publications means that the total numbers However, many publications conclude that adverse effects
of publications in a category are often larger than what are also found in studies on native CGN. Compared to the
would be expected from merely addition of numbers. exposure from foodstuffs consumed by humans, the highest
This scoping review is limited to effects on the intestines, concentrations of CGN or CMC used in the experimental ani­
not other organs. The literature searches did not include all mal studies may not be relevant for studies of effects on
languages. Thus, although extensive, this scoping review is human intestinal health. Both CGN and CMC are allowed at
not considered a complete overview of publications on QS in most food categories, however, there is a lack of data
adverse effects of CGN and CMC. on actual use levels in each food category, as well as
updated information on consumption of each category of
food for all age groups in the population.
4.6. Evidence gaps and implications of the study
Knowledge on the real-life exposure to the food additives
findings for further research
in all population groups is of importance for their risk assess­
Two interactive research maps showing various types of CGN ment, as for all other chemical substances. Dietary studies
and CMC in the columns, type of publications or human pop­ are difficult to perform, and it must be taken into account
ulations in the rows, and hypotheses on the adverse effects that the intake of food additives will vary from individual to

individual, over time and across national borders. National children, pregnant women and elderly persons, as well as in
food surveys should include data on concentrations of vari­ relevant patient groups, such as those with IBS, IBD, CD and
ous food additives present in the consumed foods, as well as UC. One additive instead of several should be studied at the
intake of the relevant foods. A problem is that such national time in order to be able to conclude on adversity of a spe­
surveys are performed rather rarely, and thus, may not be cific additive. Good quality, longer-term animal studies with
representative of new food products on the market and the dietary exposure to human relevant doses would also still be
food additives therein, for example such as the recently useful, and the choice of animal model should be justified.
increased number of highly processed vegan food products Future research should be performed in a transparent and
made to replace meat products. systematic way, with the hypothesis under scrutiny stated up
Another issue is whether the research from experimental ani­ front, to gain trust from the public. In a future systematic
mals and in vitro model systems is representative of effects of CGN review on these food additives, quality assessments of the
or CMC in humans when being exposed to them as food addi­ included studies should be performed to better interpret and
tives. Especially, it is questionable whether exposure to CGN or understand their impact on the overall evidence. Future risk
CMC in drinking water used in many animal experiments as the assessments of CGN and CMC should include studies now
sole source of liquid is representative of dietary exposure to addi­ available on permeability and disturbance of barrier proper­
tives in humans from varying types of foods. Food has a more ties of the intestines and effects on the microbiome, repre­
complex matrix where the additives may be bound to proteins, senting relatively more recently occurring hypotheses on
affecting their absorption differently from water (EFSA 2018a). potentially adverse effects than inflammation.

5. Conclusions Acknowledgments
The authors would like to thank Ragnhild Agathe Tornes, the NIPH
Of the two food additives investigated in this scoping review,
library, for performing the literature searches. Håkon Valen and Gunn
CGN appears to be the one for which further research is most Elisabeth Vist at NIPH, and Zak Ghouze at University College London, are
urgently needed. Based on the information obtained, it appears thanked for good advice and help with EPPI-Reviewer. The authors grate­
to be reasonably established that degraded CGN (with low fully acknowledge the comments of the Editor and the external
MW), including the artificially manufactured products such as reviewers selected by the Editor who were anonymous to the authors.
PGN, C16 or Ebimar, is absorbed and may be present in various
animal tissues. Degraded CGN has been extensively used as an Declaration of interest
experimental animal model of inflammation. Thus, degraded
CGN appears clearly adverse in experimental animals, causing This research did not receive any grants from funding agencies in the public,
commercial or not-for-profit sectors, and the work was funded only by regu­
colitis and possibly cancer, and likely may do so also in humans,
lar employment and engagements of the authors at NIPH. The motivation
depending on the actual exposure (administration route, matrix for this work was questions to NIPH from the public about the safety of
and dose). The role of native, non-degraded CGN is less clear, these food additives. The authors report no conflicts of interests. The authors
however, a substantial number of publications reported adverse have not participated in and do not anticipate participation in any legal,
effects on the intestines also of this form of CGN in experimen­ regulatory or advocacy proceedings related to the contents of the paper.
tal animals, supported by plausible mechanistic data from
in vitro studies. Also for CMC, the available animal studies indi­ Supplemental material
cate that it may have potentially adverse effects on the intes­
Supplementary data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.
tines, supported by mechanistic data from in vitro studies.
However, the relevance of these studies for human intake of
CMC as a food additive is unclear. For both food additives, their
role in reducing the intestinal barrier and increasing permeabil­ ORCID
ity of the intestines to chemicals or bacteria, and their impact
Mirlinda Tahiri http://orcid.org/0009-0006-7295-7882
on the gut microbiota, needs further clarification. Celine Johnsrud http://orcid.org/0009-0008-4855-0489
Inger-Lise Steffensen http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1859-0083

6. Recommendations for further work on adverse

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Title 1 Identify the report as a scoping review. 1
Structured summary 2 Provide a structured summary that includes (as applicable): background, objectives, 1
eligibility criteria, sources of evidence, charting methods, results, and conclusions
that relate to the review questions and objectives.
Rationale 3 Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known. 2
Explain why the review questions/objectives lend themselves to a scoping
review approach.
Objectives 4 Provide an explicit statement of the questions and objectives being addressed with 4
reference to their key elements (e.g., population or participants, concepts, and
context) or other relevant key elements used to conceptualize the review
questions and/or objectives.
Protocol and registration 5 Indicate whether a review protocol exists; state if and where it can be accessed 4
(e.g., a Web address); and if available, provide registration information, including
the registration number.
Eligibility criteria 6 Specify characteristics of the sources of evidence used as eligibility criteria (e.g., 4–5
years considered, language, and publication status), and provide a rationale.
Information sources� 7 Describe all information sources in the search (e.g., databases with dates of 4–5
coverage and contact with authors to identify additional sources), as well as the
date the most recent search was executed.
Search 8 Present the full electronic search strategy for at least 1 database, including any Appendices B and C
limits used, such that it could be repeated.
Selection of sources of evidence† 9 State the process for selecting sources of evidence (i.e., screening and eligibility) 5
included in the scoping review.
Data charting process‡ 10 Describe the methods of charting data from the included sources of evidence (e.g., 5–6
calibrated forms or forms that have been tested by the team before their use,
and whether data charting was done independently or in duplicate) and any
processes for obtaining and confirming data from investigators.
Data items 11 List and define all variables for which data were sought and any assumptions and 5–6
simplifications made.
Critical appraisal of individual sources 12 If done, provide a rationale for conducting a critical appraisal of included sources Not done
of evidence§ of evidence; describe the methods used and how this information was used in
any data synthesis (if appropriate).
Synthesis of results 13 Describe the methods of handling and summarizing the data that were charted. 6
Selection of sources of evidence 14 Give numbers of sources of evidence screened, assessed for eligibility, and included Section 3. Results, Figure 3
in the review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage, ideally using a flow
Characteristics of sources of evidence 15 For each source of evidence, present characteristics for which data were charted Section 3. Results
and provide the citations.
Critical appraisal within sources of 16 If done, present data on critical appraisal of included sources of evidence (see Not done
evidence item 12).
Results of individual sources of 17 For each included source of evidence, present the relevant data that were charted Section 3. Results
evidence that relate to the review questions and objectives.
Synthesis of results 18 Summarize and/or present the charting results as they relate to the review Section 3. Results
questions and objectives.
Summary of evidence 19 Summarize the main results (including an overview of concepts, themes, and types Sections 4.2., 4.3., 4.4., pages
of evidence available), link to the review questions and objectives, and consider 28–31
the relevance to key groups.
Limitations 20 Discuss the limitations of the scoping review process. Section 4.5., page 32
Conclusions 21 Provide a general interpretation of the results with respect to the review questions Section 5, page 33
and objectives, as well as potential implications and/or next steps.
Funding 22 Describe sources of funding for the included sources of evidence, as well as Disclosure of interest
sources of funding for the scoping review. Describe the role of the funders of
the scoping review.
JBI ¼ Joanna Briggs Institute; PRISMA-ScR ¼ Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews.
� Where sources of evidence (see second footnote) are compiled from, such as bibliographic databases, social media platforms, and Web sites.
† A more inclusive/heterogeneous term used to account for the different types of evidence or data sources (e.g., quantitative and/or qualitative research, expert
opinion, and policy documents) that may be eligible in a scoping review as opposed to only studies. This is not to be confused with information sources (see
first footnote).
‡ The frameworks by Arksey and O’Malley (6) and Levac and colleagues (7) and the JBI guidance (4, 5) refer to the process of data extraction in a scoping review
as data charting.
§ The process of systematically examining research evidence to assess its validity, results, and relevance before using it to inform a decision. This term is used
for items 12 and 19 instead of "risk of bias" (which is more applicable to systematic reviews of interventions) to include and acknowledge the various sources
of evidence that may be used in a scoping review (e.g., quantitative and/or qualitative research, expert opinion, and policy document).

From: Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O’Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMAScR): Checklist and
Explanation. Ann Intern Med. 2018;169:467–473. doi: 10.7326/M18-0850.

Appendix B. First literature search Database: Embase <1974 to 2022 January 28>
Date: 31.01.22
Scoping review on food additives and adverse effects on Number of hits: 527
the intestines

Contact person: Inger-Lise Steffensen # Searches Results

Performed the search: Ragnhild Agathe Tornes 1 carrageenan/ or (carr#g?e?n� or genugel or killeen 18364
Performed peer review: Marita Heintz or satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite
Duplicate check in EndNote: Before: 2318 or ((organic sulfate? or organosulfate? or sulfate
After: 1153 ester? or Sulfuric Acid Ester?) adj5
(polygalactose? or galactan?)) or processed
Eucheuma seaweed?).tw,kf.
Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In- 2 Carboxymethylcellulose/ or (((carboxylmethyl or 24769
carboxy methyl or carboxymethyl) adj cellulose)
Process, In-Data-Review & Other Non-Indexed
or carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or
Citations, Daily and Versions(R) <1946 to January aquaplast or carmellose or croscarmellose
28, 2022> sodium or cellolax or cethylose or polycell or
Date: 31.01.22 polycel or ruspol or cellulose gum or CMC or
Number of hits: 377 almelose or apergel or blandlax or bu lax or
carbethox or carbose d or carmellose or
# Searches Results carmethose or cel o brandt or cellofas or
eskalose or gelaxin or glycocellon or moventon
1 Carrageenan/ or (carr#g?e?n� or genugel or killeen or 13897 or natulose or regucellulose or sodium cellulose
satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite or glycolate or thylose or (tylose adj (mga or
((organic sulfate? or organosulfate? or sulfate ester? sodium)) or xylo mucine or xylomucin).tw,kf.
or Sulfuric Acid Ester?) adj5 (polygalactose? or 3 1 or 2 42789
galactan?)) or processed Eucheuma seaweed?).tw,kf. 4 Intestine/ or (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon 983754
2 Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium/ or (((carboxylmethyl 16462 or rectum or anal canal?).tw,kf.
or carboxy methyl or carboxymethyl) adj cellulose) 5 homeostasis/ or tight junction/ or inflammatory 1637954
or carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or aquaplast bowel disease/ or irritable colon/ or
or carmellose or croscarmellose sodium or cellolax (homeostasis or (homeostatic adj (equilibrium or
or cethylose or polycell or polycel or ruspol or mechanism)) or homoeostasis or homoeostasis
cellulose gum or CMC or almelose or apergel or or autoregulation or ((tight or occluding) adj
blandlax or bu lax or carbethox or carbose d or junction?) or nexus or zonula occluden? or
carmellose or carmethose or cel o brandt or barrier dysfunction� or permeable or
cellofas or eskalose or gelaxin or glycocellon or permeability� or integrity or inflammation? or
moventon or natulose or regucellulose or sodium innate inflammatory response? or ((inflammatory
cellulose glycolate or thylose or (tylose adj (mga or bowel or chron� or functional colonic) adj
sodium)) or xylo mucine or xylomucin).tw,kf. disease?) or ((chron� or granulomatous) adj
3 1 or 2 30200 enteritis) or ((ulcerative or granulomatous or
4 Intestines/ or (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon or 765275 gravis or spastic) adj1 colitis) or ileocolitis or
rectum or anal canal?).tw,kf. idiopathic proctocolitis or intestinal transporter?
5 Homeostasis/ or Tight Junctions/ or exp Inflammatory 1215034 or (regional adj (ileitis or iletides or enteritis)) or
Bowel Diseases/ or Irritable Bowel Syndrome/ or terminal ileitis or irritable bowel syndrom� or
(homeostasis or (homeostatic adj (equilibrium or ((irritable or spastic or unstable) adj colon) or
mechanism)) or homoeostasis or homoeostasis or colon spasm or colonospasm or ((mocus or
autoregulation or ((tight or occluding) adj mucomembraneous or mucomembraneous) adj
junction?) or nexus or zonula occluden? or barrier colitides)).tw,kf.
dysfunction� or permeable or permeability� or 6 autoimmunity/ or autoimmun�.tw,kf. 305523
integrity or inflammation? or innate inflammatory 7 microflora/ or (microbiota? or microbiome? or 161273
response? or ((inflammatory bowel or chron� or (microbial adj (communit� or flora)) or
functional colonic) adj disease?) or ((chron� or microflora�).tw,kf.
granulomatous) adj enteritis) or ((ulcerative or 8 5 or 6 or 7 2008608
granulomatous or gravis or spastic) adj1 colitis) or 9 3 and 4 and 8 602
ileocolitis or idiopathic proctocolitis or intestinal 10 limit 9 to (danish or english or norwegian or 576
transporter? or (regional adj (ileitis or iletides or polyglot or swedish)
enteritis)) or terminal ileitis or irritable bowel 11 limit 10 to (conference abstracts or embase) 527
syndrom� or ((irritable or spastic or unstable) adj
colon) or colon spasm or colonospasm or ((mocus
or mucomembraneous or mucomembraneous) adj Database: Scopus
Date: 31.01.22
6 Autoimmunity/ or autoimmun�.tw,kf. 194987
7 Microbiota/ or (microbiota? or microbiome? or 137214 Number of hits: 817
(microbial adj (communit� or flora)) or
microflora�).tw,kf. 12 #3 and #4 and #8 AND (EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE , 817
8 5 or 6 or 7 1484929 "japanese") OR EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE , "chinese")
9 3 and 4 and 8 394 OR EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE , "german") OR
10 limit 9 to (danish or english or interlingua or 377 EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE , "italian") OR EXCLUDE
multilingual or norwegian or swedish) (LANGUAGE , "portuguese") OR EXCLUDE
, "french") OR EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE , "greek")
EXCLUDE (LANGUAGE , "turkish"))
11 #3 and #4 and #8 869
8 #5 or #6 or #7 2,872,804

7 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((microbiota� OR microbiome� OR 230,562 "permeable" or "permeability�" or "integrity" or

(microbial PRE/0 (communit� OR flora)) OR "inflammation$" or "innate inflammatory
microflora�)) response$" or (("inflammatory bowel" or
6 TITLE-ABS-KEY (autoimmun�) 290,812 "chron�" or "functional colonic") NEAR/0
5 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((homeostasis OR (homeostatic PRE/ 2,455,119 "disease$") or (("chron�" or "granulomatous")
0 (equilibrium OR mechanism)) OR homoeostasis NEAR/0 "enteritis") or (("ulcerative" or
OR homoeostasis OR autoregulation OR ((tight "granulomatous" or "gravis" or "spastic") NEAR/0
OR occluding) PRE/0 junction�) OR nexus OR "colitis") or "ileocolitis " or "idiopathic
"zonula occluden�" OR "barrier dysfunction�" OR proctocolitis" or "intestinal transporter$" or
permeable OR permeability� OR integrity OR ("regional" NEAR/0 ("ileitis" or "iletides" or
inflammation� OR "innate inflammatory "enteritis")) or "terminal ileitis" or "irritable
response�" OR (("inflammatory bowel" OR bowel syndrom�" or (("irritable" or "spastic" or
chron� OR "functional colonic") PRE/0 disease�) "unstable") NEAR/0 "colon") or "colon spasm" or
OR ((chron� OR granulomatous) PRE/0 enteritis) "colonospasm" or (("mocus" or
OR ((ulcerative OR granulomatous OR gravis OR "mucomembraneous" or "mucomembraneous")
spastic) W/0 colitis) OR ileocolitis OR "idiopathic NEAR/0 "colitides")))
proctocolitis" OR "intestinal transporter�" OR 4 TS¼(("intestin�" or "bowel�" or "gut" or "colon" or 788,359
(regional PRE/0 (ileitis OR iletides OR enteritis)) "rectum" or "anal canal$"))
OR "terminal ileitis" OR "irritable bowel 3 #1 OR #2 50,184
syndrom�" OR ((irritable OR spastic OR unstable) 2 TS¼(("carboxylmethyl" or "carboxy methyl" or 33,676
PRE/0 colon) OR "colon spasm" OR colonospasm "carboxymethyl" NEAR/0 "cellulose") or
OR ((mocus OR mucomembraneous OR "carboxymethylcellulose" or "aquacel" or
mucomembraneous) PRE/0 colitides))) "aquaplast" or "carmellose" or "croscarmellose
4 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((intestin� OR bowel� OR gut OR 1,308,755 sodium" or "cellolax" or "cethylose" or "polycell"
colon OR rectum OR "anal canal�")) or "polycel" or "ruspol" or "cellulose gum" or
3 #1 or #2 78,931 "CMC" or "almelose" or "apergel" or "blandlax"
2 TITLE-ABS-KEY (((carboxylmethyl OR "carboxy 54,341 or "bu lax" or "carbethox" or "carbose d" or
methyl" OR carboxymethyl) PRE/0 cellulose) OR "carmellose" or "carmethose" or "cel o brandt"
carboxymethylcellulose OR aquacel OR aquaplast or "cellofas" or "eskalose" or "gelaxin" or
OR carmellose OR "croscarmellose sodium" OR "glycocellon" or "moventon" or "natulose" or
cellolax OR cethylose OR polycell OR polycel OR "regucellulose" or "sodium cellulose glycolate" or
ruspol OR "cellulose gum" OR cmc OR almelose "thylose" or ("tylose" NEAR/0 ("mga" or
OR apergel OR blandlax OR "bu lax" OR "sodium")) or "xylo mucine" or "xylomucin")
carbethox OR "carbose d" OR carmellose OR 1 TS¼("carrageen�" or "carragen�" or "carrhagen�" or 16,869
carmethose OR "cel o brandt" OR cellofas OR "carragheen�" or "carrogeen�" or "genugel" or
eskalose OR gelaxin OR glycocellon OR "killeen" or "satiagum" or "seakem" or "viscarin"
moventon OR natulose OR regucellulose OR or "burtonite" or (("organic sulfate$" or
"sodium cellulose glycolate" OR thylose OR "organosulfate$" or "sulfate ester$" or "Sulfuric
(tylose PRE/0 (mga OR sodium)) OR "xylo Acid Ester$") NEAR/4 ("polygalactose$" or
mucine" OR xylomucin) "galactan$")) or "processed Eucheuma
1 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((carrageen� OR carragen� OR 25,196 seaweed�")
carrhagen� OR carragheen� OR carrogeen� OR
genugel OR killeen OR satiagum OR seakem OR
viscarin OR burtonite OR (("organic sulfate�" OR
organosulfate� OR "sulfate ester�" OR "sulfuric Database: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 1
acid ester�") W/4 (polygalactose� OR galactan�)) of 12, January 2022
OR "processed eucheuma seaweed�")) Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
Issue 12 of 12, December 2021
Date: 28.01.22
Number of hits: 22 (1 Cochrane review, 21 Trials)
Database: Web of Science Core Collection (1987-present):
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)–1987-present ID Search Hits
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)–1987- #1 [mh ^"Carrageenan"] 36
present #2 (carrageen� or carragen� or carrhagen� or 95
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)–2017- carragheen� or carrogeen� or genugel or killeen
or satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite
or (("organic sulfate" or "organic sulfates" or
Date: 31.01.22 organosulfate? or "sulfate ester" or "sulfate
Number of hits: 509 esters" or "Sulfuric Acid Ester" or "Sulfuric Acid
Esters") NEAR/5 (polygalactose? or galactan?)) or
("processed Eucheuma" NEXT seaweed?)):ti,ab
10 #9 and German or Japanese or Turkish (Exclude – 509 #3 [mh ^"Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium"] 274
Languages) #4 (((carboxylmethyl or "carboxy methyl" or 867
9 #3 AND #4 AND #8 512 carboxymethyl) NEXT cellulose) or
8 #5 OR #6 OR #7 1,915,701 carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or aquaplast
7 TS¼("microbiota$" or "microbiome$" or ("microbial" 200,879 or carmellose or "croscarmellose sodium" or
NEAR/0 ("communit�" or "flora")) or cellolax or cethylose or polycell or polycel or
"microflora�") ruspol or "cellulose gum" or CMC or almelose or
6 TS¼("autoimmun�") 213,492 apergel or blandlax or "bu lax" or carbethox or
5 TS¼(("homeostasis" or ("homeostatic" NEAR/0 1,584,790 "carbose d" or carmellose or carmethose or "cel
("equilibrium" or "mechanism")) or o brandt" or cellofas or eskalose or gelaxin or
"homoeostasis" or "homoeostasis" or glycocellon or moventon or natulose or
"autoregulation" or (("tight" or "occluding") regucellulose or "sodium cellulose glycolate" or
NEAR/0 "junction$") or "nexus" or "zonula thylose or (tylose NEXT (mga or sodium)) or
occluden$" or "barrier dysfunction�" or "xylo mucine" or xylomucin):ti,ab
(continued) (continued)

Continued. Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-

ID Search Hits Process, In-Data-Review & Other Non-Indexed
#5 {or #1-#4} 1088 Citations, Daily and Versions <1946 to December
#6 [mh ^"Intestines"] 877 06, 2022>
#7 (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon or rectum or 48546 Date: 07.12.22
(anal NEXT canal?)):ti,ab Number of hits: 41
#8 #6 or #7 48644
#9 [mh ^"Homeostasis"] 973
#10 [mh ^"Tight Junctions"] 15 1 Carrageenan/ or (carr#g?e?n� or genugel or killeen 14390
#11 [mh ^"Inflammatory Bowel Diseases"] 627 or satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite
#12 [mh ^"Irritable Bowel Syndrome"] 1312 or ((organic sulfate? or organosulfate? or sulfate
#13 (homeostasis or (homeostatic NEXT (equilibrium or 67949 ester? or Sulfuric Acid Ester?) adj5
mechanism)) or homoeostasis or homoeostasis (polygalactose? or galactan?)) or processed
or autoregulation or ((tight or occluding) NEXT Eucheuma seaweed?).tw,kf.
junction?) or nexus or (zonula NEXT occluden?) 2 Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium/ or 17538
or (barrier NEXT dysfunction�) or permeable or (((carboxylmethyl or carboxy methyl or
permeability� or integrity or inflammation? or carboxymethyl) adj cellulose) or
("innate inflammatory" NEXT response?) or carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or aquaplast
(("inflammatory bowel" or chron� or "functional or carmellose or croscarmellose sodium or
colonic") NEXT disease?) or ((chron� or cellolax or cethylose or polycell or polycel or
granulomatous) NEXT enteritis) or ((ulcerative or ruspol or cellulose gum or CMC or almelose or
granulomatous or gravis or spastic) NEAR/1 apergel or blandlax or bu lax or carbethox or
colitis) or ileocolitis or "idiopathic proctocolitis" carbose d or carmellose or carmethose or cel o
or (intestinal NEXT transporter?) or (regional brandt or cellofas or eskalose or gelaxin or
NEXT (ileitis or iletides or enteritis)) or "terminal glycocellon or moventon or natulose or
ileitis" or ("irritable bowel" NEXT syndrom�) or regucellulose or sodium cellulose glycolate or
((irritable or spastic or unstable) NEXT colon) or thylose or (tylose adj (mga or sodium)) or xylo
"colon spasm" or colonospasm or ((mocus or mucine or xylomucin).tw,kf.
mucomembraneous or mucomembraneous) 3 1 or 2 31764
NEXT colitides)):ti,ab 4 Intestines/ or (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon 804107
#14 [mh ^"Autoimmunity"] 86 or rectum or anal canal?).tw,kf.
#15 (autoimmun�):ti,ab 5088 5 Homeostasis/ or Tight Junctions/ or exp 1299242
#16 [mh ^"Microbiota"] 267 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases/ or Irritable Bowel
#17 (microbiota? or microbiome? or (microbial NEXT 8508 Syndrome/ or (homeostasis or (homeostatic adj
(communit� or flora)) or microflora�):ti,ab (equilibrium or mechanism)) or homoeostasis or
#18 {or #9-#17} 78950 homoeostasis or autoregulation or ((tight or
#19 #5 and #8 and #18 22 occluding) adj junction?) or nexus or zonula
occluden? or barrier dysfunction� or permeable
or permeability� or integrity or inflammation? or
innate inflammatory response? or ((inflammatory
bowel or chron� or functional colonic) adj
Database: Epistemonikos disease?) or ((chron� or granulomatous) adj
Comment: Simplified search strategy due to the limited search enteritis) or ((ulcerative or granulomatous or
functionality gravis or spastic) adj1 colitis) or ileocolitis or
Date: 31.01.22 idiopathic proctocolitis or intestinal transporter?
Number of hits: 66 or (regional adj (ileitis or iletides or enteritis)) or
(carrageen� or carragen� or carrhagen� or carragheen� or carrogeen� or terminal ileitis or irritable bowel syndrom� or
((irritable or spastic or unstable) adj colon) or
genugel or killeen or satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite or
colon spasm or colonospasm or ((mocus or
"processed Eucheuma seaweed" or "processed Eucheuma seaweeds" or mucomembraneous or mucomembraneous) adj
"carboxylmethyl cellulose" or "carboxy methyl cellulose" or "carboxy­ colitides)).tw,kf.
methyl cellulose" or carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or aquaplast or 6 Autoimmunity/ or autoimmun�.tw,kf. 206622
carmellose or "croscarmellose sodium" or cellolax or cethylose or polycell 7 Microbiota/ or (microbiota? or microbiome? or 158802
or polycel or ruspol or "cellulose gum" or CMC or almelose or apergel or (microbial adj (communit� or flora)) or
blandlax or "bu lax" or carbethox or "carbose d" or carmellose or carme­ microflora�).tw,kf.
those or "cel o brandt" or cellofas or eskalose or gelaxin or glycocellon 8 5 or 6 or 7 1594271
9 3 and 4 and 8 425
or moventon or natulose or regucellulose or "sodium cellulose glycolate"
10 limit 9 to (danish or english or interlingua or 408
or thylose or "tylose mga" or "tylose sodium" or "xylo mucine" or xylo­ multilingual or norwegian or swedish)
mucin) AND (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon or rectum or "anal 11 (202202� or 202203� or 202204� or 202205� or 1705432
canal" or "anal canals") 202206� or 202207� or 202208� or 202209� or
202210� or 202211� or 202212�).ep,ed,dt.
12 10 and 11 41
Appendix C. Repeated literature search
Scoping review on food additives and adverse effects on
the intestines – repeated search

Contact person: Inger-Lise Steffensen

Performed the search: Ragnhild Agathe Tornes
Comment: Update of search performed 28. and 31.01.22
Duplicate check in EndNote: Before: 254
After: 127

Database: Embase <1974 to 2022 December 06> Database: Scopus

Date: 07.12.22 Date: 07.12.22
Number of hits: 73 Number of hits: 71

15 (#10 AND (LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR , 2022)) 71

1 carrageenan/ or (carr#g?e?n� or genugel or killeen 19015
10 (#9 (AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE , "english") OR 891
or satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite
LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE , "norwegian"))
or ((organic sulfate? or organosulfate? or sulfate
9 #3 and #4 and #8 941
ester? or Sulfuric Acid Ester?) adj5
8 #5 or #6 or #7 3,068,111
(polygalactose? or galactan?)) or processed
7 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((microbiota� OR microbiome� OR 263,647
Eucheuma seaweed?).tw,kf.
(microbial PRE/0 (communit� OR flora)) OR
2 Carboxymethylcellulose/ or (((carboxylmethyl or 26297
carboxy methyl or carboxymethyl) adj cellulose)
6 TITLE-ABS-KEY (autoimmun�) 307,615
or carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or
5 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((homeostasis OR (homeostatic PRE/ 2,612,937
aquaplast or carmellose or croscarmellose
0 (equilibrium OR mechanism)) OR homoeostasis
sodium or cellolax or cethylose or polycell or
OR homoeostasis OR autoregulation OR ((tight
polycel or ruspol or cellulose gum or CMC or
OR occluding) PRE/0 junction�) OR nexus OR
almelose or apergel or blandlax or bu lax or
"zonula occluden�" OR "barrier dysfunction�" OR
carbethox or carbose d or carmellose or
permeable OR permeability� OR integrity OR
carmethose or cel o brandt or cellofas or
inflammation� OR "innate inflammatory
eskalose or gelaxin or glycocellon or moventon
response�" OR (("inflammatory bowel" OR
or natulose or regucellulose or sodium cellulose
chron� OR "functional colonic") PRE/0 disease�)
glycolate or thylose or (tylose adj (mga or
OR ((chron� OR granulomatous) PRE/0 enteritis)
sodium)) or xylo mucine or xylomucin).tw,kf.
OR ((ulcerative OR granulomatous OR gravis OR
3 1 or 2 44943
spastic) W/0 colitis) OR ileocolitis OR "idiopathic
4 Intestine/ or (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon 1038395
proctocolitis" OR "intestinal transporter�" OR
or rectum or anal canal?).tw,kf.
(regional PRE/0 (ileitis OR iletides OR enteritis))
5 homeostasis/ or tight junction/ or inflammatory 1750819
OR "terminal ileitis" OR "irritable bowel
bowel disease/ or irritable colon/ or
syndrom�" OR ((irritable OR spastic OR unstable)
(homeostasis or (homeostatic adj (equilibrium or
PRE/0 colon) OR "colon spasm" OR colonospasm
mechanism)) or homoeostasis or homoeostasis
OR ((mocus OR mucomembraneous OR
or autoregulation or ((tight or occluding) adj
mucomembraneous) PRE/0 colitides)))
junction?) or nexus or zonula occluden? or
4 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((intestin� OR bowel� OR gut OR 1,371,737
barrier dysfunction� or permeable or
colon OR rectum OR "anal canal�"))
permeability� or integrity or inflammation? or
3 #1 or #2 82,937
innate inflammatory response? or ((inflammatory
2 TITLE-ABS-KEY (((carboxylmethyl OR "carboxy 57,196
bowel or chron� or functional colonic) adj
methyl" OR carboxymethyl) PRE/0 cellulose) OR
disease?) or ((chron� or granulomatous) adj
carboxymethylcellulose OR aquacel OR aquaplast
enteritis) or ((ulcerative or granulomatous or
OR carmellose OR "croscarmellose sodium" OR
gravis or spastic) adj1 colitis) or ileocolitis or
cellolax OR cethylose OR polycell OR polycel OR
idiopathic proctocolitis or intestinal transporter?
ruspol OR "cellulose gum" OR cmc OR almelose
or (regional adj (ileitis or iletides or enteritis)) or
OR apergel OR blandlax OR "bu lax" OR
terminal ileitis or irritable bowel syndrom� or
carbethox OR "carbose d" OR carmellose OR
((irritable or spastic or unstable) adj colon) or
carmethose OR "cel o brandt" OR cellofas OR
colon spasm or colonospasm or ((mocus or
eskalose OR gelaxin OR glycocellon OR
mucomembraneous or mucomembraneous) adj
moventon OR natulose OR regucellulose OR
"sodium cellulose glycolate" OR thylose OR
6 autoimmunity/ or autoimmun�.tw,kf. 324053
(tylose PRE/0 (mga OR sodium)) OR "xylo
7 microflora/ or (microbiota? or microbiome? or 185571
mucine" OR xylomucin)
(microbial adj (communit� or flora)) or
1 TITLE-ABS-KEY ((carrageen� OR carragen� OR 26,381
carrhagen� OR carragheen� OR carrogeen� OR
8 5 or 6 or 7 2153424
genugel OR killeen OR satiagum OR seakem OR
9 3 and 4 and 8 672
viscarin OR burtonite OR (("organic sulfate�" OR
10 limit 9 to (danish or english or norwegian or 646
organosulfate� OR "sulfate ester�" OR "sulfuric
polyglot or swedish)
acid ester�") W/4 (polygalactose� OR galactan�))
11 limit 10 to (conference abstracts or embase) 589
OR "processed eucheuma seaweed�"))
12 (202202� or 202203� or 202204� or 202205� or 2107333
202206� or 202207� or 202208� or 202209� or
202210� or 202211� or 202212�).dd,dc.
13 11 and 12 73

Database: Web of Science Core Collection (1987-present): Database: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI- Issue 11 of 12, November 2022
EXPANDED)–1987-present Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)–1987-present Issue 12 of 12, December 2022
Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)–1987- Date: 08.12.22
present Number of hits: 2 (0 Cochrane review, 2 Trials)
Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)–2017-
present #1 [mh ^"Carrageenan"] 39
Date: 08.12.22 #2 (carrageen� or carragen� or carrhagen� or 101
Number of hits: 52 carragheen� or carrogeen� or genugel or killeen or
satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite or
(("organic sulfate" or "organic sulfates" or
organosulfate? or "sulfate ester" or "sulfate esters"
1 TS¼("carrageen�" or "carragen�" or "carrhagen�" or 17869 or "Sulfuric Acid Ester" or "Sulfuric Acid Esters")
"carragheen�" or "carrogeen�" or "genugel" or NEAR/5 (polygalactose? or galactan?)) or
"killeen" or "satiagum" or "seakem" or "viscarin" ("processed Eucheuma" NEXT seaweed?)):ti,ab
or "burtonite" or (("organic sulfate$" or #3 [mh ^"Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium"] 281
"organosulfate$" or "sulfate ester$" or "Sulfuric #4 (((carboxylmethyl or "carboxy methyl" or 933
Acid Ester$") NEAR/4 ("polygalactose$" or carboxymethyl) NEXT cellulose) or
"galactan$")) or "processed Eucheuma carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or aquaplast or
seaweed�") carmellose or "croscarmellose sodium" or cellolax or
2 TS¼(("carboxylmethyl" or "carboxy methyl" or 36086 cethylose or polycell or polycel or ruspol or
"carboxymethyl" NEAR/0 "cellulose") or "cellulose gum" or CMC or almelose or apergel or
"carboxymethylcellulose" or "aquacel" or blandlax or "bu lax" or carbethox or "carbose d" or
"aquaplast" or "carmellose" or "croscarmellose carmellose or carmethose or "cel o brandt" or
sodium" or "cellolax" or "cethylose" or "polycell" cellofas or eskalose or gelaxin or glycocellon or
or "polycel" or "ruspol" or "cellulose gum" or moventon or natulose or regucellulose or "sodium
"CMC" or "almelose" or "apergel" or "blandlax" cellulose glycolate" or thylose or (tylose NEXT (mga
or "bu lax" or "carbethox" or "carbose d" or or sodium)) or "xylo mucine" or xylomucin):ti,ab
"carmellose" or "carmethose" or "cel o brandt" #5 {or #1-#4} 1161
or "cellofas" or "eskalose" or "gelaxin" or #6 [mh ^"Intestines"] 891
"glycocellon" or "moventon" or "natulose" or #7 (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon or rectum or 52614
"regucellulose" or "sodium cellulose glycolate" or (anal NEXT canal?)):ti,ab
"thylose" or ("tylose" NEAR/0 ("mga" or #8 #6 or #7 52713
"sodium")) or "xylo mucine" or "xylomucin") #9 [mh ^"Homeostasis"] 995
3 #1 OR #2 53572 #10 [mh ^"Tight Junctions"] 15
4 TS¼(("intestin�" or "bowel�" or "gut" or "colon" or 839169 #11 [mh ^"Inflammatory Bowel Diseases"] 691
"rectum" or "anal canal$")) #12 [mh ^"Irritable Bowel Syndrome"] 1417
5 TS¼(("homeostasis" or ("homeostatic" NEAR/0 1713383 #13 (homeostasis or (homeostatic NEXT (equilibrium or 73278
("equilibrium" or "mechanism")) or mechanism)) or homoeostasis or homoeostasis or
"homoeostasis" or "homoeostasis" or autoregulation or ((tight or occluding) NEXT
"autoregulation" or (("tight" or "occluding") junction?) or nexus or (zonula NEXT occluden?) or
NEAR/0 "junction$") or "nexus" or "zonula (barrier NEXT dysfunction�) or permeable or
occluden$" or "barrier dysfunction�" or permeability� or integrity or inflammation? or
"permeable" or "permeability�" or "integrity" or ("innate inflammatory" NEXT response?) or
"inflammation$" or "innate inflammatory (("inflammatory bowel" or chron� or "functional
response$" or (("inflammatory bowel" or colonic") NEXT disease?) or ((chron� or
"chron�" or "functional colonic") NEAR/0 granulomatous) NEXT enteritis) or ((ulcerative or
"disease$") or (("chron�" or "granulomatous") granulomatous or gravis or spastic) NEAR/1 colitis)
NEAR/0 "enteritis") or (("ulcerative" or or ileocolitis or "idiopathic proctocolitis" or
"granulomatous" or "gravis" or "spastic") NEAR/0 (intestinal NEXT transporter?) or (regional NEXT
"colitis") or "ileocolitis " or "idiopathic (ileitis or iletides or enteritis)) or "terminal ileitis" or
proctocolitis" or "intestinal transporter$" or ("irritable bowel" NEXT syndrom�) or ((irritable or
("regional" NEAR/0 ("ileitis" or "iletides" or spastic or unstable) NEXT colon) or "colon spasm"
"enteritis")) or "terminal ileitis" or "irritable or colonospasm or ((mocus or mucomembraneous
bowel syndrom�" or (("irritable" or "spastic" or or mucomembraneous) NEXT colitides)):ti,ab
"unstable") NEAR/0 "colon") or "colon spasm" or #14 [mh ^"Autoimmunity"] 92
"colonospasm" or (("mocus" or #15 (autoimmun�):ti,ab 5579
"mucomembraneous" or "mucomembraneous") #16 [mh ^"Microbiota"] 327
NEAR/0 "colitides"))) #17 (microbiota? or microbiome? or (microbial NEXT 10058
6 TS¼("autoimmun�") 226912 (communit� or flora)) or microflora�):ti,ab
7 TS¼("microbiota$" or "microbiome$" or ("microbial" 231986 #18 {or #9-#17} 85816
NEAR/0 ("communit�" or "flora")) or #19 #5 and #8 and #18 24
"microflora�") #20 #19 with Cochrane Library publication date Between 0
8 #5 OR #6 OR #7 2077473 Feb 2022 and Dec 2022, in Cochrane Reviews
9 #3 AND #4 AND #8 564 #21 #19 with Cochrane Library publication date Between 1
10 #9 564 Feb 2022 and Dec 2022, in Trials
11 #9 and German or Japanese or Turkish (Exclude – 561 #22 #19 with Publication Year from 2022 to 2022, in Trials 2
Languages) #23 #20 or #21 or #22 2
12 #9 52
Timespan: 2022-02-01 to 2022-12-08

Database: Epistemonikos
Comment: Simplified search strategy due to the limited search
Date: 08.12.22
Number of hits: 15
(carrageen� or carragen� or carrhagen� or carragheen� or carrogeen� or genugel or killeen or satiagum or seakem or viscarin or burtonite or "proc­
essed Eucheuma seaweed" or "processed Eucheuma seaweeds" or "carboxylmethyl cellulose" or "carboxy methyl cellulose" or "carboxymethyl cellu­
lose" or carboxymethylcellulose or aquacel or aquaplast or carmellose or "croscarmellose sodium" or cellolax or cethylose or polycell or polycel or
ruspol or "cellulose gum" or CMC or almelose or apergel or blandlax or "bu lax" or carbethox or "carbose d" or carmellose or carmethose or "cel o
brandt" or cellofas or eskalose or gelaxin or glycocellon or moventon or natulose or regucellulose or "sodium cellulose glycolate" or thylose or "tylose
mga" or "tylose sodium" or "xylo mucine" or xylomucin) AND (intestin� or bowel� or gut or colon or rectum or "anal canal" or "anal canals")
Custom date range:
From: 01-02-22 To: 08-12-22

Appendix D. Publications excluded at full-text level with reasons

Publication Screen on Title and Abstract Screen on Full Text

Aiba (2002) (ID:68321635) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
CMC given by enema (through anus), not orally. Mice
were treated with virus and their virus-infected lymph
nodes were transferred to other mice, where group 4
were given CMC enema. No dose of CMC is given.
Bagger (1985) (ID:68321721) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
It seems that in the tablet emepronium carrageenate
(EC) (Cetiprin Novum), emepronium is the active
substance, not carrageenate, and the effects decribed
are related to emepronium, not to cargeenate.
Behall (1987) (ID:78874667) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Studied basic physiology and mineral balance.
Benjamin (1997) (ID:68321904) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Carrageenan is given by intraperitoneal injection to rats
to induce migration of neutrophils into the peritoneal
cavity, an administration route which is not relevant for
oral exposure to food additives.
Bertoli (1980) (ID:68322373) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Injected carrageenan in the paw or in the pleura to
induce inflammation experimentally, no oral exposure.
Bhattacharyya (2012) (ID: 68321775 -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Effects were not on the intestines.
Bokov (2021) (ID:68322074) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Not on adverse effects, more about use etc.
Brown (2014) (ID:68322279) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
About positive effects, not adverse effects.
Case (2011) (ID:68321753) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
It seems that CMC is used to induce inflammation, at
the same time they say that it has protective effects.
Unclear message (abstract).
Chedid (2017) (ID:68322398) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Is injection in rat paw, thus, not affecting the intestines.
Not oral exposure.
Chin (2019) (ID:68322150) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Describe positive effects, decreased obesity, not adverse
Corino (2021) (ID:68322174) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only information on positive effects of carrageenan,
not adverse effects.
Costa (2018) (ID:68322140) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Carrageenan was given to the mice by intraperitoneal
injections to induce peritonitis.
Ferreira (2020) (ID:78874628) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Effects on neurodevelopment and behaviour, not on the
Furuhashi (2016) (ID:68321589) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
CMC was given together with indomethacin.
Goto (2001) (ID:68321328) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
No negative control group to compare with only CMC.
Gudiel-Urbano (2002) (ID:68321649) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The pulverised whole alga was given, of which Nori
contains variable acidic polysaccharides (carrageenans),
thus, very unspecific carrageenan content.
Hales (2022) (ID:78874605) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Results not given on CMC alone and no control group
to CMC.

Publication Screen on Title and Abstract Screen on Full Text
Huang (2022) (ID:68321380) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only on beneficial effects of carrageenans, not adverse
Hurley and Willoughby (1973) (ID:68321270) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Carrageenan is injected in the cremaster muscle or in
the foot pad of rats. No oral exposure.
Kitano (1978) (ID:68322320) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
In Japanese language, which we do not understand.
Kitano (1981) (ID:68322314) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
In Japanese language most of it, not possible for us to
understand properly.
Kladnicka (2022) (ID:78874674) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
On obesity and glucose regulation, not effects on the
Kusmardi (2021) (ID:78874614) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The mice were infected with PbA, were given
deworming medicine, and have been given treatment
from previous published research.
Kusmardi (2022) (ID:78874619) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
All mice were infected with P. berghei.
Laffin (2016) (ID:68321918) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Apparently no negative control group without CMC
Lahaye (1997) (ID:68322280) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
No clear information on adverse effects.
Miclotte (2021) (ID:68322271) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
This abstract is on studies of other emulsifiers than CMC
(and not on carrageenan).
Mohamed (2021) (ID:68322270) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
No groups were given nothing, since CMC was used as
control group and was vehicle for the other substance
studied (rupatadine). It is therefore not possible to
evaluate the effects of CMC compared with a group
without CMC.
Nct (2015) (ID:68321868) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The project will study only positive effects of
Nct (2020) (ID:68322024) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Diet free of several food additives, not only
Neag (2022) (ID:78874697) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
No negative control group to compare with CMC alone.
Ocek (2019) (ID:68321612) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
They mention carrageenan, but it is about use for
persons that have difficulties in swallowing liquids by
making it thicker (not on the intestines), positive effects.
Oestreicher (1991) (ID:68321908) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The animals were injected with bacteria before given
Onderdonk (1983) (ID:68321731) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Both hamsters and mice were given bacteria before
Onderdonk (1987) (ID:68321514) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The control was a non-immunized guinea pig given 5%
degraded carrageenan ad libitum in drinking water. All
B. vulgatus whole-cell preparations were tested in
O’Sullivan (2010) (ID:68322175) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only about beneficial effects, not about adverse effects
of carrageenan.
Patrascu (2017) (ID:68321790) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Not on adverse effects, more basic physiology.
Pfeffer (1977) (ID:78874611) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Not on effects of CMC, only used to grow cells in.
Pick (1971) (ID:68322151) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The granulomas were induced with k-carrageenin
injected s.c. into the flank of rats, thus, not oral
Sabino (2017a) (ID:68321792) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The healthy persons in the study were given a diet
without carrageenan. Only positive effects were
Sabino (2017b) (ID:68322358) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The healthy persons in the study were given a diet
without carrageenan. Only positive effects were

Publication Screen on Title and Abstract Screen on Full Text
Singh (2020) (ID:68321992) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Nothing on adverse effects.
Solimabi (1980) (ID:68321358) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Reported positive effects (anti-spasmodic effect).
Tkachenko (2021) (ID: 68321798) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only data on erythrocytes, not on the intestines.
Tsuji (2003) (ID:68322329) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Studied only positive changes in the immune system,
not negative effects.
Upadhyay (2017) (ID:68322076) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Not on adverse effects.
Wang (2022) (ID:78874616) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Control group were given CMC. No group without CMC
to compare CMC with.
Wine (2020) (ID:68321634) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
CMC and carrageenan are only mentioned once in this
commentary and it is more on the disease IBD.
Xie (2021) (ID:68322234) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only on beneficial effects, therefore excluded.
Yang (2022a) (ID:78874587) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only on positive effects, except for content of heavy
metals and chemicals in the raw materials. No report of
adverse effects of carrageenan or CMC.
Yang (2022b) (ID:78874690) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
CMC was negative control group to puerarin. There was
no group without CMC to compare CMC with.
Yates (1992) (ID:68322236) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
CMC here means mononuclear cells extracted from the
colon. Carboxymethylcellulose or carrageenan are not
mentioned in this paper.
Yermak (2020) (ID: 68321922) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only positive effects reported, no groups with only CGN
Yilmaz-Ersan (2018) (ID:68321654) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Examines how carrageenan and other gums can affect
growth of Bifidobacterium longum as a prebiotic. Thus,
no information on adverse effects.
Yue (2022) (ID:78874646) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
CMC as negative control for other substances, but no
group without CMC to compare CMC with.
Zangara (2022) (ID:78874663) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
IL10KO mice were conditioned with fecal material from
NOD2KO mice to introduce a pro-inflammatory
microbiota and normalize disease onset between cages.
Zhang (2022) (ID:78874668) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
The rats were given infusion of toxic amyloid-beta
(Abeta), effects on memory function, glucose regulation
and microbiota studied. Control rats were on high-fat
Zheng (2023) (ID:78874687) -INCLUDE on title & abstract -EXCLUDE on Full Text
Only on beneficial effects, not on adverse effects.

Appendix E. Eppi-reviewer Code book

Eppi-Reviewer Code book for scoping review on adverse effects on the intestines of CGN (E 407)/processed
Eucheuma seaweed (E 407a) and CMC (E 466)

Code Child codes

Food additive
Carrageenan (CGN) (E 407)/Processed Eucheuma seaweed (PES) (E 407a) j-CGN, ί-CGN, k-CGN, Unspecified CGN, Degraded CGN (poligeenan (PGN),
C16, Ebimar), Modified CGN
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (E 466) CMC non-modified, CMC modified
Publication type
Human studies Systematic review�, Randomised controlled trial (RCT), Non-randomised
controlled study, Prospective/retrospective cohort study, Case-control study,
Cross-sectional study, Case report, Incidence/prevalence study
Animal studies Rat, Mouse, Guinea pig, Hamster, Rabbit, Gerbil, Ferret, Pig, Dog, Monkey
In vitro studies Human cells or microbiota, Animal cells and microbiota, Other in vitro studies
Other types of studies Toxicokinetic study, Non-systematic review��, Commentary/Editorial/Letter,
Exposure study, Risk assessment opinions
Conference abstracts Conference abstracts
Human populations
Healthy general population Children, Adolescents, Adults
Patients Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including ulcerative colitis
(UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),
Patients with other diseases
Publication year
1960-1965 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965
1966-1970 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970
1971-1975 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975
1976-1980 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980
1981-1985 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985
1986-1990 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
1991-1995 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
1996-2000 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
2001-2005 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
2006-2010 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
2011-2015 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
2016-2020 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
2021-2023 2021, 2022, 2023
Hypotheses on adverse effects on the intestines Effects on barrier dysfunction or permeability of the intestines including
inflammation, Autoimmune effects, Effects on the intestinal microbiome,
Other hypotheses
�With literature search and quality assessment of included studies.
��With literature search but no quality assessment of included studies.

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