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Ihe word Creaivity' comes

Jseen a latin word e creo" which
means to make or create somethn Creahvty n e a n new

d scovery relathonships belween tdeas. is the abiaty

to generate, to reate, to discover new ide as soluhon to he beoblens
and posi biities. Trn olhen wcrds Oreahivity is a þo ce ss
involving the generah on ofo new ideas or concebts, or
assoi athons between existng ideas or c¡ncepts.

Brain storm

|Knouledge) |CREATIVITY Troovahien

Trobirahien Shraegd
and skills in Q
Creahvity fs he aþlicatien dg knouledge
ways to achieve valwe outcomes. From
Frorm the cody
evol ved tbrough5 stages þocess ohi was
Century reahvity
Graham Wallas bublished his work in his
n he yea 96. The ve
book Tke Arts d ho
he mentined was þreþarahon încubahon
intirnahen ilominahion and verificahn Ih he yean
19a4 Mr. Atred North Jhitehead
coined he wrd
ubiquitous word tn the
that sater became a uwbiquitous 4ield

SÖeNce arts and iteraue.

RollNo, a3039 PageNo. 1

Some Definito f reakivity
According to Stagner and karwosk Creahvityinplies Ihe
þeoduch on a "totally or fartiaty
o novel idenity
Ihe cafiiBy q he persen
According to yrevdahe, cre
cre ativg
T puoduce Compo sitions, þoduchs, ideas which e estentay
new or novel and previousky untnoun to pseoducer.

Creaiviy is he þoeoces d the hunan

According to shear man
mind to create new concefts by trarn}or ming relaios e
there by generang new correlath ons.
According to AE- Braun,creativity is he peoess resuling in
novel work accepted s tenatble, useful
Þoint in ttme.
sati 3yng at some

(D Rychoanalytical Theorg- This theory q oreaiuity statea that
1s the
Creaive thought is the boeodwct o brain þrocescing and
beodwct n
not acce ssike to con cious
that eoble become creaive n reachen to difiult
iranstances repressed emotien
Sigmand Freud stated that þeople rebress memnories d
traumaic efisodes or events and he emoi ons related to
there events ane releasd through creahve outtets.
The main beoponents
peobonents tis heory Indude Freud, Jung,
Eris Rank Adler Qnd Hammar.

Roll No. a3034

Yage No. 2.
2) Behovourial Theoryl Behavourial heorg s also called
Humani stic Ihe org of reahvity The main þreoponents o
this heorA were Eseomn. Ris heoH
Malow Rogers. and
mainly based upon Ihe Maslou's ierar chy o need,
whichstates Ihat hum ans have six baIc needy hat
nust be met inn orde or Ihern to hive and reach
also states ha
heir naximun þotenh al.
asþeobiate awardy Can
lead to reatHive behaviour.
Cre ative behaviour wuls eorm he environmnental
Maslow has divided Creahvty-into three þarts:
hat all ows ha
is he creathvity
Rimary eaivity This stress of day to day e.
hunans to er cape trom the
Human channls his stress to creatve
at uh as
nore spontancous
drauing satsture and writina: It
Arom oreahvity
Secondary Geaiuityr TRis reqüres a highe level to
aheve this. It tend to be more thoughtful out and
involved han þimary Creati creaivity: These taxms d oreahu1ty
out bi or to Commencement.

reatiity This

4Seom boh a the above creativiy Yoens. Alhough it

on Ihe othe hand

nay be chontaneous when human Commence their

Creahe work hought has gne fnto
what we hobe to adieve beyore begin.
þo cess
Theony Cognitive
Cognihve theories Hocuses hke creaive
states hat
and þer en- þro cess. his our
reahve þecple create
reate ais', Geafive behavimental
more var iaions'.
sterns seorm cabaBy 4or making UnusUal

asso aati ons ol Conceßs. Ts consi de rs individu al

dieren ces
othe 'ndividval.
individu theot
heories q
n dijerent
e Varied

few tocuses cabi cihies

univers al ke mcmary
and sone focuoe d n individwal di erence s .
heories sta ed that creoahty n cogritie meas
kind þuoblern soling and Qnd S me juut htoblem
aeahuity cogrihe doesn't only mean
it "indudes bseoblem 4inding abtihy also.
soling but

characterics ef Creativity |
emphasises en he
on Creahvity adways tocuoe
1) reahvity he newness
not tahied
the newness. The creative miidual
wth the tatr and ideas hafshe has gone hrogh his/
Creatve mdividwal
mdiidual aloays þende over
he ecpereinces. Geative
new ideas and new methods. Creaive fndiu duals aways
wants to olve the eoblens n new way s.

) Creahuity is ofton asso dated wit t ednessi

Geath Correlated wih ho
divergont in ling
inlelligen ca correlates ith convergent hnng
Geaive þeo-le may þossess Sene ashet intelig
but ale not have Hh
the intelligent þerc on may
reaive abities.
Creahity ks hontaneos ;- Creaivity is not bound with
any Pne,
fime, lace Or a
þerson. H can be maked
eoy shage q indivduaQ or may be n th
iddle tage at the Aaten stage the fe.
Rollo. a3039
Ceatiity nvolves mutiple taits A creahve individual tas
trats and creative tats and abiies Varies in
mulible abiQhes
Creaive traits and
their oems. Seme -to
originatBy seritivity
Bexikity. 4tutny, no Uy to the exþevenas
the coblens nnd cpennei
elaboroion and

is expresied in wnany nys As he

dlsymanie and wih Ihe þace ho tirne
cre ahv chong"g
idea ocaned n ditt ererd way
individual can
hee Various iclds in which an

heir creaivity ike bainting, arls nugic

exbre ss
sooal leaderhip and in
drama poems stories and
-Ihe business. Even in he si enhc invenhos
dis coveries have extende anaa reahvity
multiþle ways.
5) tinting Divergnt hinkang
Creahvity nvalves divergent creahvity . IH is aloo calld
an important apeck helþs an indiidual
pen hinting sivergent
to tink indehendenty The contunihy
aþects re4leted in
Greahvity includes dynamic tinìng i Creahvity also

incydes dynamie hin ing Creative beople e well

adj usted to the and ey

capabe chang"
hiir Command oVer he
ayfairs. Greahve peple isk takers They take risk
and ind he necessary solutio verg soon. reahue
þersons able tu
bange heir hinting trequadty
tind out inovahve ideas and ideologies in a
dorn ain.

RollNo. 23034
Page No.5
reahvity is movel to society and Indivi dua inuenhons and
brouah i her
nA reative individuod through tn lhe þattern
dincoveries can nece bingcangos aaony
in Aerms of Aiving . teel
and religion. Acreahve indi vidual aluoy tis e echve
im)ense bleavre Ond hap
human ace |he sotiely
work or he

is indehendent any dinabit

tependent totoang
Creah ityis doesn'4 hambube
bisabiity n any hysical apect Greativity han
reahve tatent o an indivi dual.
treated as natural endownent. A Hardicah
alco been
o much eai vity
can also be an individval witth
ron Bhadrak
with in tinher. ke A dumb þers on
distic in Orisa has fracise d ony
hours i
mythotegical Jong and
auing his
answer hrough
ang one sk dny 9esion he can but
He hes been able to sin8 ony
combo singg
he cann speak his views in þeech
a normal

e not
Creahity tmvolves curiosity i Creahve þeople
sahied what And he latest
tends to develop more and more achievemnts in he
4iekd bue t he
Hhhe curioity
reahve þeople
take mew ventures and deuedop
nw techrisues, mehode, ocmlas to solve hese
tasks and þsoblerns.

Rou No. 2,3034 TageNo.s

19) Creahvitg Leade to go beyond he existing environment :
A creathve individual s ound diyerent ron h
þeer grou. "he recpane, behaviour and way 4 deang
to any sitvah on wie
wile be di} erent em others.
remain advancad
Creakive individual will aluay
hoir þeers and hey uill au ays posse ss
Ihe abiih to he
exlsting circum ctances.

11) Creahvity develobs he aitity toto see tha hesblem

Yrom a new þont o View
indiidual is a brdad hin ker and n Gre
A Creative
her perconatity. A reahve indivi dual
stalle in his
takes Commitments to show i griicant ahievements
in q interprctati on q
the poilerm
þat the A creaive indiidwal develobe
constant thinking andd becomes motivated to ind
out a new soluhi on to the boblem. The beoblem

ablity approach q Hhe seohve indivi dwal

Vieuing indi vidwal tas
Is uniqe. Areative the peoblerm ron
to olve
and Þowew
a dierent eopeive.

The ourtyer 4
There ane uetyþes q Creotivity
deliberate and Copniive.,
deliberate and
emoiona and cognii ve and spontaneouc
sþont aneour he dijtet
emohonal . exblains
secions explann what
Re tollouing
tytes g ereahve tinking ane -

RollNo. 93039
t+ Deliberate and Cognitive
deli berate and ane
reakve types who ae
clhve vg
individual s poscess
burposefue hese type
subject and
about a patialar
a Lot q knowledge thair skàlls qnd abiihes to þut
Combine ha twitth
achon. hdiuidual o Ihi type
uvaly ne

thir blan inb and foeoilemn soling

excellent at research, experimentahen
wll be Thon as Edison who
this or
A þerfect example unil

ahent anayang Ai enperiments ond þreserung


he reached s goal.

Deliberate and Gnoi onal

þeoble/individual they del hir
se yte g greahve
her emohons. The ae
work to be inflwen ced
to be by
sensitivend feeing îndii duals
areautyreee more
ots g quet fome or person al re<ledion
ae not only emotional
but they ae eguaty agi cal and rai onal
Bese tyes q hdividals | people detilheraldy and
debt to' raft
consiously eohes thir enoti enal
he ne Oideas.
shontaneoUs and Cognitive
Thús tyte oq reaiviy mudlves a sudtlern: generahionhve.q
new idea but here ideas
þseinariky cognithshift
The ndividual in Calegrg often neead to
hair tocLs foeem he eoblem at hand toes on
ohev ahivihes. is tyfe q reahviy happens when
one ta the knowledge to gt a þauiaular joL done,
but the mdivi dune regire.s the airohi ern and
Aint o walk tbwards the oution or Hhe sugh

Rol| No. a3039

Pa_e No. 8
spontaneous and Emational
Nis tye reativity refers to the ale emoi onal tybe
hisnkng which refers or which is responsile or all enetional
in humon beng This
is majorndy Jound in he artists such as musiGaw þanters
witers etc. kis is al so related to

e>iþhanies wich is sudden realizahi on g

tybe q creahvity is reaponsible tor sient ic a somcng
break ihreuygh, rigjous and filozchli cca discauries.
This lows an individuaQ to look seoblen
Or with di Hereat and dasp e boint

How to Idenhy Creahie students

to Robed F. DcHann and
Jtellechual Abluty> Accordng
have stated tew þoints hat how to
Jack kough they
to their intelle ctual
idenify crechie shudents accordinA
ablity These points
’ How a ssdente learn (Rabidy ond eaay)
student great Comn on Sen se and acical knoaledge.
identifie s relaiohps
student cagri es tng Cearly
and comþrehends mearna
remembers what
Hous much student retains
theshe heards or istens.
student has Varge vocabulary and how
Uses it.
mental tasks
shudente þecform iyicut tasks
bey ond tis standoarcds.
student is alert, keen cb server and respond qwckly:

Roll No.az034
SGent4ic Abty Robkert
Robert F. beHaan and
Jack koug
stated Heus points to ideniy the creaive
ckildrens according to sienhie abit These þoints

studert exþresses tim ey berey ceorg and

etlhen through writng e aing
students nead One to tuo tears ahead thir standard s.
shudent is ahead Hs standard in onathemacal
’ studet is and
and wlimg to <þed fine
byond ordinary
assignment and willing to ahend Hme at
gh evel
seoblerm «e
stodent is alle to understand and nd He Case beet
he beoblems.
T student nds satiid outiem which ane s0enitic

Luadershþ Few boints whics a hee t

the ereah ve
leadershiþ aeties
childrens accardng to the

stu dent s ked and resheted by -he
mout ot heople
student is able to infuence others to worlc towards
Undesirable goal.
student ready to take
take hange the grou
studernt is able to gune out the mistalces in Hhe
aivities and shows others how to do it beter.
’ student is oten aske ideas and

Page NG.1o
student understands what others want and hel bs hom
achieve that
student is leade in several kind o acvities.

Arisic ALibty Few þoints which ae

Creahue students
students tate art-work seriousy and ind catistachon
Tn doing hat
student chows originality n choice o cubye cts
techri ques and coþo sih ous.
ling to Ty aut hew materi als
and exbewences
’ students ike to
and seul7ture
devote ne in
drauing. aintng
student Can abbsi dete itisi 2e and learn rom
othew beople's
beoble's work.
student use aat o expreus hir exferiences
and teeing.
(v) AbiGties A talent mcludes writna
dierent tybes g eter reþorts becides original
writing metods. Few þoints which stated
lhe reahve þeoþle accordina to
lhe writng asities
students USes ne
cessarg nd mteresFng detils

Yage io 11
students uses desoipte words which abive He
standands to their þeers.
stydents dnds writng stories and þoems ntereting:
students exþresses eeling and exberien
T ces
wiing new twit to He old ideas
’ studeats 81ves and can
Lurite in
diterert w
students keep the ideas ogari sed within
writng content.

One Can
identify the oreahve tndividual by ace ssing
-Ihe menti ened aiiies. I4 SomeOne has
tes akities
Jhat tndiidu al Can be called Creaive
mdividu al. These akthes Can be a þavameter to
idenhig the reahue tudents children) Ihdivi dual.
Role g
Teachen to teach Edu cate Creahve children

yter one has idenhied Greahe students/

children nert important asbeet is to teach edu cate
those creave ndiduas. Houw a teache
-lhe reativ ndividual
what gole a teache

a reative mdii duats.

(1) Creahi en g a eexible classr&m vinonmnt

A claSS room which is eexible
and bevides musiple
obtions deaning wll helt n teadng ceahe
students. Creahi on G Versatile c)assroom environmet
whee dijerent jde os sugesh on wwelconed
very helful 4or a teache to educate creatie
earners | mdividvals. I classrO Orm where
will be
those mdividuals ree to as
give their Tdeay
express heir e perience recy
Sg giving ohen- Gnded Arsignments to thase Indivi duals

Open ended assigmentstasks neans he tasks |
assignments wch
wich have more than ome answers

ehods g solving ha
that task.
The creahve mdividual wil dufnaey gd he souions
tis peer
Comband to ie þer grou. The teacher
chould encourage hose students oho look he boeobleme
acignment from ifferent þerspechives. The teachers
chould eoide the obþortuntics tor he students to
and thunk outide the box.
haltange eishg id eas

3)Exberiment reahve Indiiduats wth New Acivities

A teacher must eteriment the oreahve mdividuals

wth new ahuities n he classroom A teacher can

ach vihies rom students to do

4ree - write ex cerives nahemahcal seoblems,
allo the students to exflore hir
aElls decy It is becoming
and anasyical
best mehod nowa dayu:
(4) Yseoude Secuity to Creahve Indiiduats
The creahve Sndividualy nay buzzle he teaher bt
sOme gueshiors whidh aue not relcvant to te

Roll No. a3031 Page nio.13

Concerncd to þic. Due to the sey pasach and to See

maHer Arom þoint g vieu, the teacher must

show devi ant behaiour. It is he
the teacher to sten to he . student and to understand
his mquichueness. Re creahie achuties Hhe studets
must be
ncour aged aþþroved and
and valwed the

(5) Adobhing Enrichnment Tecniques

teacher should adob sóme enhrichment techigues
In the classroon to teac creahve indiudwas.
Te cumculum shauld be moditied and þlanned þrolberly9
in orde to recognj se he þotentialihs d He reahvc
individwals. The shecial þeojects must loee taken for
Hhe reahve mdiidvals
and objechves must be
4ixed accardingly to the reahe shdeats.
tbeoviding lasþer Trairing and Guidanca
Ateacher should he
should þovide training
dields tb -Ihe oreahve 4aaiies in vanoys
<kills and ablities.
shudents in orde to enhana hiir
should be done cedhudy teading þatern
The creadive talent
qnd in a nice mancr. ahity
he oudonts
lak dimiishes
ches due to
The and gidana taiities.
3u dance should be
ctdents must know
in such

methods to be exþertised the icks and

þreraiting area.
Creative students
) seoviding þroper motivaion to the
Gke þroiding þroper Jaaity and guidan c to the
creahe students a teacher should beeovid þrop
mohvah on to h creahve otudents. A teacher
Create symþahehc tmocbhee and beh aviour towards
reahe students. The create utudcnts whuld
be motivaBed nhll the otdeats get
out thir þur<orman ce

fic abiiheu in creaive studeots

(8) Developing Soeni
A teacher muc} teach sdenhic methods
diferent suechs. Research achvitics
ably in
and senhtic exbriments should be taiitated
students to extent
or he reaive The teachers sbould
Hir acgired knouled ge
students to shmulate the interest
keef eye science.
t the shdente in He ield

RollNo. a3039

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