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Factors Influencing Migration and  Migrants may return with new

Population Movements skills
 Socio-political Factors  People of working age move
Social push factors can include out reducing the size of the
ethnic, religious, racial, and cultural country's potential workforce
persecution. Warfare, or the threat of  Gender imbalances are caused
conflict, is also a major push factor. as it is typically men who seek
to find employment elsewhere.
 Economic Factors Women and children are left
Economic factors relate to the labour  Brain drain' if many skilled
standards of a country, its workers leave
unemployment situation and the Host country
overall health of its economy. Advantages
 A richer and more diverse
 Ecological Factors: Climate culture
Disruption Exacerbates Other  A richer and more diverse
Forces culture
Of the ecological factors that push  Migrants are more prepared to
individuals to migrate, climate take on low paid, low skilled
change is, arguably, the most jobs
serious. Disadvantages
Cause and effects of migration  Increasing cost of services such
as health care and education
Migration is the movement of people  Overcrowding
from one permanent home to another.  Disagreements between
This movement changes the population of different religions and cultures
a place. International migration is the LESSON 6: INTERNATIONAL
movement from one country to another. FINANCIAL INSTITUTION
People who leave their country are said
 International financial
to emigrate. People who move into
institutions play a central role
another country are called immigrants.
in helping to fund activities in
The movement of people into a country is
developing countries that
known as immigration.
support sustainable, climate
Advantages and disadvantages of resilient, and low-carbon
migration development. By analyzing
their investment portfolios and
Country losing people identifying opportunities for
Advantages change, we help enable these
 Money sent home by migrants institutions to shift their
 Decreases pressure on jobs and investments toward sustainable
resources and climate compatible
 to provide a wide variety of
deposit, lending, and
investment products to INVESTMENT BANKS
individuals, businesses, or both.  Investment banking is a special
While some financial segment of banking operation
institutions focus on providing that helps individuals or
services and accounts for the organizations raise capital and
general public, others are more provide financial consultancy
likely to serve only certain services to them.
consumers with more
specialized offerings. They act as intermediaries
between security issuers and
 provide hundreds of billions of investors and help new firms to
dollars in funding for a wide go public. They either buy all
variety of development and the available shares at a price
humanitarian aid projects in estimated by their experts and
countries around the world. resell them to public or sell
They play a major role in the shares on behalf of the issuer
social and economic and take commission on each
development of countries with share.
emerging economies.

 Traditionally, retail
banks offered products to
individual consumers,
while commercial banks
worked directly with
businesses. Today, most
large banks offer deposit BROKERAGE FIRM
accounts, loans, and  A brokerage provides
limited financial advice to intermediary services in various
both consumers and areas, e.g., investing, obtaining
businesses. a loan, or purchasing real
estate. A broker is an
 Products offered at retail
intermediary who connects a
and commercial banks
seller and a buyer to facilitate a
include checking and
transaction. Individuals or legal
savings accounts,
entities can act as brokers. The
certificates of deposit
broker performs its actions
(CDs), personal and
according to the client’s
mortgage loans, credit
instructions. The broker is then
cards, and business
compensated, receiving either
banking accounts.
a flat fee or a certain
percentage of the transaction

 Insurance corporations are minded individuals and
financial intermediaries which communities on a worldwide
offer direct insurance or scale. The term can refer to the
reinsurance services, providing belief that individuals are
financial protection from members of multiple, diverse,
possible hazards in the future. local and non-local networks
rather than single actors
Asset management affecting isolated societies.
 An asset management company
(AMC) is an investment firm  The concept of global
that pools money together from citizenship is embedded in the
clients and uses that money to Sustainable Development
make a variety of investments Goals though SDG 4: Insuring
for both institutions and retail Inclusive and Quality
investors. Often, you’ll hear Education for All and
asset management companies Promote Life Long Learning,
referred to as money managers which includes global
or money management firms. citizenship as one of its
Hedge funds, private equity targets. By 2030, the
funds and emerging fintech international community has
companies that automate agreed to ensure that all
investing can all be considered learners acquire the knowledge
asset management companies. and skills needed to promote
sustainable development,
 Criteria for working with an including global citizenship.
asset management company
varies by the type of company.
Investments such as index
funds, exchange traded funds
(ETFs) and mutual funds that  Section 1. No person shall be
are built and administered by deprived of life, liberty, or
asset management companies property without due process of
are generally available for all law, nor shall any person be
investors to invest in. That denied the equal protection of
being said, many of the the laws. (THE 1987
investments offered require a CONSTITUTION OF THE
minimum initial investment, so REPUBLIC OF THE
you will need to meet those PHILIPPINES – ARTICLE III)
requirements in order to
purchase shares of the CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY
fund. (Diversified investment
portfolio)  active participation in the
public life of a community in
LESSON 7: GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP an informed, committed, and
constructive manner, with a
 Global citizenship is the focus on the common good.
umbrella term for social,  Other definitions of civic
political, environmental, and responsibility often exhibit
economic actions of globally
some or all of the following
 Addressing society's problems
in an informed manner.
Showing respect as well as
dissent for laws.
The Sustainable Development Goals
 Showing respect as well as
(SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,
dissent for laws.
were adopted by the United Nations in
 Recognizing the difference
2015 as a universal call to action to end
between legally defined and
poverty, protect the planet, and ensure
culturally defined citizenship.
that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and
 Engaging in an active process
that goes beyond passive
citizenship. 1. End poverty in all its forms
 Establishing a balance between everywhere
rights and responsibilities. 2. End hunger, achieve food security and
 Understanding the concept of improved nutrition and promote
the common good and who sustainable agriculture
defines it. 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-
 Being able to negotiate being for all at all ages
differences. 4. Ensure iclusive and equitable quality
 Involving the community in education and promote lifelong learning
decision-making processes. opportunities for all
 Embracing the concept of 5. Achieve gender quality and empower
participatory democracy. all women and girls
 Questioning governmental 6. ensure availability and sustainable
policies and practices. management of water and sanitation for
 Determining ways to alter all
public policy. 7. ensure access to affordable, reliable,
 Exhibiting stewardship, i.e., sustainable and modern energy for all
being responsible for one's 8. promote sustained, inclusive and
community. sustainable economic growth, full and
 Recognizing the value and productive employment and decent work
human dignity of each person. for all
9. Build infrastructure, promote inclusive
 Reaching varying degrees of
and sustainable industrialization and
political awareness and
foster innovation
advocacy, ranging from basic
10. Reduce inequality within and among
knowledge (e.g., knowing the
local mayor's name) to
11. Make cities and human settlements
developing a voice and making
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
oneself heard. (Adapted from A
12. Ensure sustainable consumption and
Practical Guide for Integrating
production patterns
Civic Responsibility into the
13. Take urgent action to combat climate
Curriculum, Karla Gottlieb and
change and its impacts
Gail Robinson, editors, 2002)
What is Sustainable Development
14. Conserve and sustainably use the What’s the idea behind global
ocean, seas, and marine resources for citizenship?
sustainable development
15. protect. Restore and promote  The global citizenship concept
sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem. is based on the idea we are
Sustainably manage forests, combat connected not just with one
desertification, and halt and reverse land country but with a broader
degradation and halt biodiversity loss. global community. So, by
16. Promote and peaceful and inclusive positively contributing to it, we
societies for sustainable development, can also influence change on
provide access to justice for all and build regional, national and local
effective, accountable and inclusive levels. A global citizen
institutions at all level understands how the world
17. Strengthen the means of works, values differences in
implementation and revitalize the global people, and works with others
partnership for sustainable development to find solutions to challenges
too big for any one nation.
Global Citizenship and Peace
Education  Citizenship and global
 Global citizenship education citizenship do not exclude
(GCED) looks into these each other. Instead, these two
elements to support learners of concepts are mutually
all ages to become decent and reinforcing.
respectful human beings who
What is Global Citizenship
can adapt to the world rapidly
Education about?
moving forward, even amidst
its most complex challenges
 UNESCO promotes global
and threats. UNESCO is
citizenship education to help
advancing GCED across
learners understand the world
subjects and in all spheres of
around them and work together
life to provide them with
to fix the big problems that
knowledge, skills and attitudes
affect everyone, no matter
that cultivate tolerance, respect,
where they're from.
and a shared sense of belonging
to one global community, with  Provides a big-picture
the ultimate goal of ensuring vision for an education that
human rights and peace. learners of all ages need to
survive and thrive in the
 As our world grows
21st century.
increasingly interdependent,
GCED is more vital than  Supports the development of
ever for international solidarity curricula and learning materials
and inspiring learners of all on global citizenship themes
ages to positively contribute to tailored for diverse cultural
their local and global contexts.
 Studies the positive impact of
learning across subjects
and builds linkages between
sectors and spheres.

 Collaborates with
partners across UNESCO
programmes and the broader
UN system to address
contemporary threats to human
rights and peace and infuse the
principles of understanding,
non-discrimination and respect
for human dignity in

 Monitors how the core values

of global citizenship education
are reflected in and supported
by education policy and the
curriculum to deliver it

 Promotes international
collaboration in education
Chairs, and UNESCO
Associated Schools Network,
connecting over 12,000
educational institutions

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