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11. The first step in the …..

of paper is to cut down suitable trees and chop them

A. industry
B. creation
C. product
D. manufacture
12. The pieces of wood are ……. to a paper mill.
A. transmitter
B. transformed
C. transported
D. translated
13. In the next of the ……., the pieces of wood are ground up and mixed with
A. produce
B. process
C. problem
D. programme
14. The …… is wood pulp.
A. product
B. cause
C. condition
D. finish
15. Suzy likes to push her three-month-old brother in the baby.
A. cart
B. carriage
C. car
D. chair
16. I passed you on the street yesterday. I said hello, but you didn’t hear me. I
guess you were ……….
A. lost in thought
B. in peace
C. hand in hand
D. attentive
17. There is very little ……in my office, so I always wear heavy sweaters work in
the fall and winter.
A. darkness
C. heat
B. humidity
D. light
18. The passengers ……. good-bye as the ship started moving away from the
A. turned
B. waved
C. stood
D. signed
11.A; 12. B; 13. B; 14. A; 15. A
16. A; 17. C; 18. B

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