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This is an individual final requirement. Please follow the instructions carefully for each
item. Upload your answers in word format. Copy the questions in your paper and provide
your answer below each question as numbered. I will be using Turnitin for your answers so
make sure that your answers are not plagiarized. Good luck!

1. Use a current news item (local or international news) to identify the components of
the communication process. After reading background information about the story,
choose one aspect of communication and identify the need, sender, message,
audience, and response. You may add your own assumptions if you don’t have
enough details from the story. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.

According to a online new article by the Philippine Daily Inquirer, the amount of
COVID-19 cases on a weekly basis has drastically increased by fifty-six percent (56%), from
two-hundred sixty-four new cases back on November 24, 2022 to four-hundred eleven cases on
December 1, 2022 in Metro Manila (David G., 2022). Furthermore, the article mentioned the
increased positivity rate in Metro Manila which signifies the amount of positive diagnostic tests
in a single day divided by the total number of diagnostic tests carried out on that particular day.
In continuation of the preceding idea, Dr. Guido David was quoted as saying that the same
percentage of increase is comparable and similar to increased positivity rate during the BA.5
COVID-19 variant and the XBB variant from June and September respectively.

In continuation of the preceding paragraph, the topic of the article and method of
dissemination of information was discussed through social media in order to reach its target
audience which are Filipino citizens within Metro Manila who frequently go outdoors for work
or leisure. Dr. Guido David is the established sender and deliverer of this message. The need for
the article is to reiterate the need for people in the Philippines to constantly be cautious and
aware of the virus. Furthermore, this message is emphatically presented through the established
factual quantitative data and graphical representations of the increased amounts of COVID-19
cases. The new article provided the post of the OCTA researcher, Dr. Guido David, where he
shared the graphical representation of the increased percentage of COVID-19 cases with added
qualitative data. Although an evident written response of the public may not be stated in the
article, I assume that people within Metro Manila are being reminded of the existing virus which
grants them, including myself, the reminder we need to take necessary precautions. This is
important due to the fact that a multitude of people have become careless of the virus and face
masks are no longer categorized as mandatory

Overall, the news article was written by a reporter with the aid of a reputable researcher
for the purpose of addressing the factual increase in COVID-19 cases within Metro Manila.
Despite the fact that it was not reported on the online news article about the necessary actions we
must take, the article itself serves as a reminder on the status quo of the number of cases.
Therefore, the message of the article is addressed to the people who live within Metro Manila.

2. Examine your own communication filters. Looking at the same news story, list at
least ten ways you personally are filtering the information you receive. Consider
such factors as your individual experiences, culture, emotions at the moment,
personality, knowledge, socio-economic status, and demographic variables. Limit
your answer in 300-400 words.

Communication filters are barriers that affect how readers receive information or how
readers process and understand a message. It is often evident that when certain barriers are
hindering us to process information creates disparities in our ability to communicate or
understand. These filters may be possible due to distractions, psychological barriers, thought
speed, and more. These are important to acknowledge to avoid any misunderstandings or false
representations of any given information especially when we are dealing with important
Throughout the process of scanning and understanding the article, I may have filtered the
information I have retrieved from the online news article in the beginning due to my thought
speed and limited understanding. I acknowledge that at the start of the research process, I was
not able to comprehend the article due to my limitations on the topic. In relation to this, a few
terms had me clueless on what the article was trying to address or inform. The data
representations and the writer of the article was not familiar with me. Furthermore, this
confusion led to my own thought speed which did not concur with the message or factual data
that was being presented in the online news article. My inability to be knowledgeable of terms
and factual data caused a misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the message that the article
was trying to address. This occurred when I was trying to decipher the meaning of the bar graph
that was presented in the article. Furthermore, I was also confused with the names of the
COVID-19 variants which I had no idea what it was prior to reading the article.

In hindsight, I was able to expand my ability to understand the article by expanding my

vocabulary through research. The article was a bit difficult to understand and piece together due
to my limitations of certain terms. However, I was able to fully take in the given information and
create assumptions on the response and message of the article.

3. Identify communication barriers between a manager and an employee. In the movie

“Office Space,” watch the scene “Flair.” This communication does not go very well.
Identify the verbal and nonverbal barriers of communication in this scene. Watch
the scene through this link:
5. Links to an external site.
7. Limit your answer in not more than 5 sentences.

The scene begins with each characters’ definition of the word flair. The employee
thought flair meant a negative attitude. On the other hand, the manager thought of flair as a
positive and presentable manner when providing service. We can see the physical appearance of
the employee, specifically her facial expression when she has a preconceived idea of what her
manager will say. In connection to this, a psychological communication barrier was formed
which fueled the anger of the employee in the end changing her voice and tone.

4. Discuss Communication barriers. Consider a time when you were responsible for
creating a communication barrier – we have all done so either intentionally or
unintentionally. Discuss your role and what you could have done differently. Limit
your answer in not more than 5 sentences.

I have been responsible for a situation of a communication barrier by unintentionally

practicing psychological barriers towards my parents. I have wrongfully transferred my stress
from school into anger through my words. My stress led me to have a mad tone when my parents
told me to eat dinner already. I was incapable of controlling how I felt. Therefore, my response
to my parents sounded mad or annoyed due to the psychological barrier of my emotional state. I
learn now to avoid transferring my own stress to other people but instead I should purposefully
evaluate my emotions and thoughts.

5. Research a lawsuit about communication. Find an example of a company that was

sued because of its communication. Research the situation with a particular focus on
the communication that was called into question. Imagine that you’re a consultant
who was hired by one of the company’s competitors. The competitor would like to
avoid a similar situation and wants to hear what you learned about the case. Limit
your answer in 300-400 words.

Communication is an ability that is needed to be true but careful. A strong foundation of

our construction of a message begins with an effective process and brainstorming of ideas and
thoughts on the basis of our capacity to deliver information. Moreover, here is a need to not only
understand what we want to say but we also have to understand how this can affect the receiver
of these messages. Our ability to communicate is a powerful tool in creating powerful decisions.
What we ought to say is a reflection of our capacity to express our emotions and ideas. However,
there are instances where communication becomes imminent to a feud due to false promises
which happened in the Pepsi Point Case.

The Leonard v. Pepsico, Inc. case, otherwise known as the Pepsi Point case, was a
lawsuit that started with a promotional loyalty program where customers could accumulate Pepsi
Points, which could then be exchanged for tangible goods. In a television advertisement
promoting the loyalty program, the main character is seen flying an AV-8 Harrier II Harrier jet,
which was seemingly offered by Pepsi by exchanging 7,000,000 Pepsi Points. John Leonard,
who at the time witnessed this commercial took on the chance of attempting to reach the seven-
million Pepsi Points to acquire the jet that was offered in the advertisement. The plaintiff, John
Leonard, changed his motivation and offered seven-hundred thousand dollars and 15 Pepsi
Points to acquire the jet. However, Pepsi refuted his attempt, explaining that this is not to be
considered to be an offer.

If I was hired as a consultant by one of Pepsi’s competitors, I would advise them to make
it transparent in their advertisements of their realistic offers. Even though commercial
advertisements are merely an invitation and not an exact offer, reiterating in advertisements of
this nature provides an assurance for the company that no lawsuits or attempts will be made
against them. The Pepsi Points Case serves as a reminder that there is a risk evolved when an
advertisement reflects offers to its audience for entertainment purposes. When communicating,
we must be careful of the impact it will make and the perception that it will have on the receiver
of our messages.

6. Watch any of the following movies: The Social Network, The Company Men, Office
Space, Thank You for Smoking, Up in the Air, or the Boiler Room. See how many
flaws in their interactions you can identify. For example, what incidents of
disruptive, interpersonal conflict do you observe? How do individuals demonstrate a
lack of respect for each other? How do they provide feedback for each other? Limit
your answer in 300-400 words.

In communication, there are barriers that are sometimes present due to multiple variables.
These variables may be due to unforeseen circumstances. Incidents of arguments and disputes
cause ineffective reasoning or it disables compromisations. This may be due to variables such as
psychological barriers, grandstanding, thought speed and more. We can evidently see this
portrayed in this one scene in “The Social Network” where the founders of Facebook are arguing
and showing a disconnection in communication.

In this scene, Eduardo is the co-founder of the social media app, Facebook. It is evidently
seen that Eduardo confronts Mark Zuckerberg who is the CEO of Facebook within the office
space they are currently in. Eduardo immediately shouts Mark’s name while moving towards
him to get his attention. At this point, we can say that Eduardo was within the intimate zone of
proxemics which evokes the uncomfortable nature of the argument. Furthermore, Eduardo’s tone
of voice further establishes that his message to Mark was coming from a place of anger and
despair. This incident presents the great differences in communication between the founders of
Facebook. This is an example of a psychological barrier given the context that due to Mark’s
actions in discrediting Eduardo as a co-founder in the decisions the company is involved in.
Moreover, this scene also led to a premature evaluation due to Eduardo using his emotions of
anger rather than calmly asking his partner what really happened. The lack of transparency as
well between the Facebook founders led to miscommunication and misunderstandings due to
important and necessary information that has not been thoroughly communicated to each other.

Overall, the bridge in communication was not connected in this instance and due to the
psychological barriers of anger. This led to miscommunication and it has affected not only the
construction of words but the relationship of the partners. We can avoid this by learning how to
manage our emotions and by learning how to listen in order to understand each other's messages
to avoid any preconceived notions.

7. Discuss challenges with empathy. Watch Dr. Brene Brown’s TED Talk, “The Power
of Vulnerability.” Discuss the video and how her concept of vulnerability relates to
empathy. Take some risks and discuss your personal views of empathy: what do you
find easy or difficult about showing empathy towards others. Here’s the link:
9. Links to an external site.

11. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.

It is in our nature as human beings to be inclined in social connection in order to survive.

We are driven by our inclination to feel a sense of belonging, and when we feel like we are not
worthy of this inclusion, we start to participate in our feeling and emotion of shame. We start to
feel a sense of vulnerability during this process. Moreover, vulnerability has been associated
with weakness and pain. This may be due to the perception that being vulnerable is linked to
when a person has a mind full of doubts which makes them unable to connect or unable to make
conscionable decisions. However, I learned from Dr. Brene Brown’s TED talk that vulnerability
is not the beginning of the feeling of pain, but it is a defense mechanism that could lead to the
emotions of pain or happiness. Vulnerability is the courage to be imperfect.
In my own experience, I would categorize myself as the one of the people who
sometimes feel unworthy of belonging or I tend to doubt my capabilities on being able to connect
with others which makes me feel vulnerable. I find it easy to show empathy towards others since
I feel like this helps me create a constructive conversation with the people I am close with. I
believe that my vulnerability allows me to acknowledge my limitations and then act upon these
in order to improve myself. I have always stood by the belief that if I do not know pain then I
would not know how to value happiness. I believe that pain is a necessary part of growth. I want
to be able to understand something that I feel instead of assuming that I already know. The
process of learning and understanding yourself first is very important since before we try to
change the world; we first have to start by disciplining ourselves.

Overall, I find it easy to show empathy towards others since I am a listener and the idea
of being able to talk, listen to others and to share my own story would be productive. To show
my vulnerable side and make others understand that we all go through hardship is the form of
social connection that allows me to grow with others. The very conscious ability to know your
limitations and be able to share them with others or even understand them first on your own
helps us find the courage to adapt.

8. Write an email to employees about new security procedures. Imagine that you work
for a news organization. Because of recent bomb threats to your building, facility
management will implement new security procedures. In the past, employees would
walk to the elevators freely., but starting from two weeks from today, employees will
have to swipe ID cards to get access to the elevators. Write an email to employees
explaining the rationale for the new procedure, where to get an ID card, and how
the process will work. Invent whatever details you believe employees will need in
order to understand the change. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.

Dear fellow employees,

It has come to our attention that our building and facility management has been a target
of a recent alarming bomb threat. Rest assured, we have already conducted a meeting with the
board where we discussed this matter. As a result of the preceding meeting, we have formulated
the implementation of additional safety precautions for the safety of our community and
workplace. We have decided to enhance and increase security protocols to suffice necessary
precautions. We ask for your imminent cooperation for this is an important situation to address.
Currently, we are not utilizing any procedural precautions. Therefore, we have concluded to take
action by implementing a new procedure of requiring an ID card for our employees to be able to
gain access to the elevators. We believe that this procedural organization would benefit our
workplace in terms of the safety and security of our people. The following message below
includes the procedure for this new system.
This will be implemented starting today to immediately and effectively begin the process.
The company will provide for the expenses for the ID cards. To concur with the new
implementation, we advise all employees to prepare by proceeding to the second floor of our
building to register for the new IDs. As you proceed to the registrar, you will be guided and
assisted by the department in gathering the necessary documents: government identification,
passport, and birth certificate. We advise all employees to immediately act accordingly to speed
up the process of enhancing our security and safety.

We hope to increase the security in our workplace with your cooperation. As a reminder,
when you receive your IDs always remember to keep them with you at all times when entering
our workplace. We recommend that you use our given ID laces that we will provide at the time
of your registration. Thank you all for your time and cooperation.

Management Department

9. Write a team response to a request. You are a member of the President’s Council, which
consists of the presidents of all on-campus student organizations. You just received a
memo from Dr. Robin H. Hill, dean of students, wanting to know what types of service
projects the student organizations on campus have been engaged in during the past year.
The dean must report to the board of trustees on the important role played by student
organizations – both in the life of the university and community and in the development
of student leadership and social skills. She wants to include such information as student-
run programs on drug and alcohol abuse, community service, and fundraising.
Identify and summarize the types of service projects that student organization’s at your
institution have completed this year. Then organize your findings into a one-page memo to Dr.
Write a memo consisting of 300-400 words.

10. Customize your resume for a job. One way to land a job is to apply for
opportunities posted through your school’s career center. But you can supplement
your search by reaching out to other companies that interest you. Using your
school’s career center, the Internet, and library research tools, brainstorm a list of
companies where you would like to work, what positions are available? How do they
describe the organizational culture? If a company and position seem like a fit for
you, then prepare a customized resume. You might change, for example, which past
jobs you include on your resume, how you describe your responsibilities, and which
extracurricular activities or skills you include. Imagine yourself receiving the
resume. Provide a one-page resume. Does it seem like a fit for the organization and
culture? Write your answer in not more than 5 sentences.
The company I would like to apply for is San Miguel Corporation under the department
of. Currently, the job description that I want to apply for is the financial analyst position which is
open for hiring. According to their San Miguel Corporation’s website, the nature and
environment of their workplace is focused on social responsibility, accountability, sustainable
development, and innovation. I am very much inclined in this particular field and work
environment since I am a strong advocate for corporate social responsibility. My plan is to
graduate first to get my degree in business management and engage in business related
organizations to add to my resumé.

11. Evaluate your own online reputation. Congratulations! You just got a final
interview with your favorite company. Imagine that the recruiter searches you
online to see what additional information she can find about you. First, Google
yourself using a few combinations of your name, nickname, school, and town. What
positive and potentially negative information do you find? Next, look at your
Facebook page and review posts for the past three months. Do you see any red
flags? Finally, look at your LinkedIn profile, and compare it to your resume. Do you
see any inconsistencies.?
a. Write a paragraph/s summarizing whether your favorite employer would
find reasons to reject you as a candidate to hire you. Also include what, if
any, changes you will make to ensure that you’re represented online in the
best possible way. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.

As a college student, I am still in the process of honing my skills and abilities. I am at the
stage of my life where I am obligated to initiate and participate in different activities and
opportunities that would contribute to the overall success of my reputation and abilities. I
acknowledge my limitations with regards to my inclinations in participating in school activities.
However, I excel quite exceptionally in academic standards with regards to my grade point
average. My plan is to engage in more extracurricular activities in order to maximize my
experiences to add into my resumé.

If the company would research me on Google or on social media they would discover my
achievement with academic excellence with consistent high honor rolls during from grade school
until the present day in my college. Furthermore, the reality is that they would also consider the
college I am currently attending which is one of the top four colleges in our country. My few
achievements would also include my attendance in an entrepreneurship event by my teacher
which they awarded me and my group mates for our research business plan. In my first year of
college, I was a member of the political organization, Santugon. However, over the course of my
studies, I am aware of my inconsistencies with regards to my level of excitement and willingness
to participate in organizations or extracurricular activities in school. It is in my agenda to focus
on engaging in extracurricular activities by joining more organizations that my college offers in
order to improve my skills in community engagement and the necessary skills that will help me
in my future endeavors in the business world.

Overall, I believe that the sole marker and standard of my favorite employer in
considering my application would be realistically my degree, experiences, educational
attainment, and my alma mater. However, I am at the stage of building my portfolio. Therefore,
it is in my best interest at this moment to maximize my experiences in college since these are
once in a life-time opportunities that are critical and necessary for my future.

12. Write a thank-you email. Imagine that you had a great interview for your ideal job. Write
a thank –you email to your interviewer to reinforce your interest in the position and your
qualifications. Your thank you email/message should be one paragraph consisting of 300-
400 words.

13. Follow up after an interview. Have you had an interview in the past, and the interviewer
never got back to you? Or have you sent a resume and not received a response? Think
about one of these situations, and write an email to follow-up. Make sure your request is
clear your tone is appropriate. Your follow-up email/message should be one paragraph
consisting of 300-400 words.

14. Write a congratulations note. Imagine that your former boss just won a “Manager of the
Year” award. Handwrite a note congratulating the manager, and make it meaningful by
referring to your own experience as his or her employee. Include whatever details and
examples you believe are relevant when congratulating your boss for the award. Your
congratulatory email/message should be one paragraph consisting of 300-400 words.

15. Write a thank-you note. Imagine that you work for In Loop Soup Kitchen, a local
food pantry. Earlier this week, a man came into the facility with a gun. Fortunately,
no one was hurt, but people were frightened. Write a note to your local police
department thanking them for their quick response and adept handling of the
situation. Your thank you note/message should be one paragraph consisting of 300-
400 words.

I would like to send my regards and highest appreciation to the Police Department for
your highest standards of professionalism and courage for the incident that occurred in Loop
Soup Kitchen. It was a horrifying incident that could have turned more tragic but your
department has avoided this. Your work ethics has evidently shown your high standards and
values in the urgency of the matter. We understand the mental and physical strength it takes to
diffuse a dangerous situation where people’s lives are at stake. We would all like to thank you
for your service.
We owe you all our gratitude for your utmost value in service. You have proven to us
your deserving positions in our society. It was not an easy feat to participate in the operation.
Without your presence during the horrifying incident, our lives would not be saved. Your
presence and concern has truly made us appreciate your organization of protection for the people
in Loop Soup Kitchen. We will always remember this day to be thankful of your dutiful service
and for being the reason that we still stand to this day. May we ask if there is anything we can do
to compensate you for your exemplary service? We believe that this deserves the highest honor
for your service. We commend you for your strengths and efforts for protecting our society and
may you continue to have a passion for this courageous service.

Again, we owe you all our gratitude and appreciation. We are alive and well because of
your service. We continue to feel safe and sound with the knowledge that your department is
truly in the works of good and urgency for the protection and safety of our society. We will
forward this story to the head of your department to give light to your justice and service. Thank
you for your utmost care for our people.

16. Write a complaint letter to a business owner. Think about a negative customer service
experience you had recently. Write a letter to the business owner or the company’s
customer service department explaining what happened. Be sure to use a credible tone
and specific examples to persuade the owner that your experience is valid.

Also find a way to encourage a response from a company. You may ask for reasonable
compensation, if appropriate. Limit your letter in 300-400 words.

17. Write a letter to respond to illness at a restaurant. Imagine that you are the
customer service manager for a restaurant. Recently, several of your customers
became ill, some seriously, from an ingredient that was mishandled by your
supplier. Write a letter to the media to communicate your company’s position on
this matter and restore the public’s confidence in your restaurant. In your letter, be
sure to describe the source of the problem and your company’s response. Limit your
answer in 300-400 words.

It has come to our attention that our customers have fallen ill after eating one of our
offering dishes. We would like to deeply apologize for overlooking this tragic dilemma. We
would like to remind everyone that we dutifully uphold the highest standards in all aspects of our
restaurant especially when it comes to the health and safety of our staff and customers. This
predicament has been our number one priority to address. This is our first encounter on this
specific matter and we are currently in the process of astutely assessing our business
environment and resources. We responsibly take into account our organizational line in order to
re-evaluate our operational procedures within the restaurant and realign our company values.

We have further investigated this matter with due diligence in order to identify the root
cause. We thoroughly initiated a gathering within our organization and restaurant for the
objective of accelerating the process. After carefully examining our resources, we have linked
the possibility of sickness due to an ingredient. This specific ingredient has been identified to be
past its shelf life which may have been the root cause of this predicament. Our ingredients have
always been outsourced from our supplier. One of our departments has overlooked the quality of
our ingredients due to our long and trusted relationships with the suppliers of our ingredients. We
understand that this instance strongly goes against our policy and procedures. Our course of
actions is to take additional safety measures to ensure that our ingredients are secure. We aim to
only provide our customers with the highest quality of ingredients by improving our quality

We assure our customers that we have taken the necessary steps to ensure the avoidance
of any mishappenings from occurring again. We have reiterated to our staff the importance of
our mission and vision that our company upholds. Our organizational culture has been fortified
and re-evaluated to realign our operative performance which is to serve our customers with the
highest quality of food and service.

18. Write an email reply to a customer demanding a refund. You are the customer
service manager at a small company, and one of your employees has escalated a
customer complaint to your attention. The customer reported that an expensive,
customized product he purchased does not function as advertised, and he is
demanding his money back. Write an email to this customer to explain your
company’s refund policy, describe what action will be taken to fix the problem, and
restore the customer’s confidence in your company. Limit your email/letter in 300-
400 words.

Dear valued customer,

We appreciate your email for we see high value in your feedback and we are more than
happy to address your concerns. We would like to apologize for the frustration you have been
experiencing. To investigate further, we shall request for documentation of the said purchased
product to align with our formality with the terms and conditions of our customer refunds. It is
our top priority to ensure your satisfaction, we ask for your consideration by taking the time to
help us know the evident defective product you have received. We would like to further
investigate this by asking for pictures and videos of the said product.

The written rules with our company refund policy requires your cooperation by sending
us the order form and receipt of the product in this email. Once we have thoroughly inspected the
return item and its receipt, we will immediately get back with you and let you know via email
within a fair timeframe. Next, if we have received and accepted your request given the
documentations, you will be entitled to a refund of the said product through two options that you
may decide on: receive the same purchased product or receive the same amount of currency as
the product you have purchased. Another option is that you may bring in the product to our retail
store with the proof of purchase within 30 days. When followed, you may be granted a refund for
the product you wish to return.

Management Team

19. Write a letter to complain about damaged equipment. You just have received an
order from an internet retailer for some equipment that you need for a business
presentation. Unfortunately, some of the equipment is damaged. Write a letter to
the retailer to explain the damage, express your dissatisfaction with the shipment,
and describe what you want the retailer to do to fulfill your shipment. Limit your
letter in 300-400 words.
Dear Company X,
I would like to send this letter regarding the substandard production of the handling of the
equipment I have purchased from your online store. When I received and unboxed the package,
the equipment had loose parts and evident broken pieces which made it obsolete and unusable. I
am very disappointed with your delivery process. I purchased this equipment last week,
November 23, 2022, and it arrived today on November 22, 2022. This is an added concern due to
the violation of your standards which is the noted promise on delivery within three days as stated
on your website. This inconvenience has caused me to lose my time and trust with your
company. I hope for an explanation and compensation on this matter for your inadequate and
delayed services. An immediate response from your servicing team would be much appreciated.

This has caused my time and resources due to the fact that I needed this equipment for a business
presentation. I wish to get in contact with a representative to address this matter. Furthermore, I
would like to request for urgent assistance in order to arrange a possible solution. I request for a
refund or for a delivery of the same product for free in replacement of the defective one you have
sent me. I think that this is a reasonable solution for this nuisance. I am disappointed with your
services and I hope to receive a compromisation in order to keep my trust in your company.

To address this issue, I wish to hear from a representative as soon as possible. I demand an
answer from someone to take responsibility for this inconsistency and poor servicing and
production. I will register complaints with the relevant consumer agencies if I don't hear from
you within two days. For more contact, I can be reached at the aforementioned phone number.

Sincerely yours,
Silk Canlas

20. Distinguish between high- and low-quality Internet sources. Imagine that a person you
admire is coming to speak on campus. You have been selected to introduce the speaker to
your entire graduating class. Of course you want to ensure you have accurate information
about this person. Search the internet for information and identify at least five resources
then write an introduction for the said speaker. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.

21. Use secondary sources to write a report about female leaders in business. 2020 Women
on Boards is an organization dedicated to raising the percentage of women on corporate
boards to at least 20% by year 2020. As part of the organization’s work, imagine that it
wants to include case studies of female leaders and wants your help in writing these
reports. The reports will be publicly accessible on its website.
Identify three women who are presidents or CEOs of companies listed on the Philippine
Stock Exchange. Provide information on their backgrounds. Did they make it to the top by rising
through the ranks, by starting the firm, by taking over from a family member, or by following
some other path?
Analyze the effectiveness of these three individuals. How profitable are the firms they
head in relation to others in the industry? Are their firms more or less profitable now than when
they assumed the top job? Finally, try to uncover information regarding their management styles-
how they see their role, how they relate to their employees, what problems they’ve experienced,
and so on.
From your study of these three individuals, can you draw any valid conclusions? Write a
report objectively presenting and analyzing the information you’ve gathered. Limit your answer
in 300-400 words.

22. Use primary and secondary sources to write a report about your future career. Explore a
career position that interests you. Determine the job outlook, present level of
employment, salary trends, typical responsibilities, educational or experience
requirements, and so on. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.

23. Prepare a presentation to a South Korean audience. Imagine that you invented a new
product that you would like to sell to the South Korean market. The product can be
anything consumers might find useful. The audience consists of wealthy individuals from
South Korea.
Plan the presentation and determine the timing and method of delivery (the purpose and
audience have already been determined). Write a cover memo explaining why you made certain
decisions regarding cultural differences. Limit your answer in 300-400 words.
24. Develop an opening for a presentation. Write two different openings for the same oral
presentation. First, plan your presentation by describing your purpose; second, perform
an audience analysis by identifying the demographics, the knowledge level, and the
psychological needs of a potential audience; third, prepare two effective openings for
your presentation, and explain why you selected these types. Limit your answer in 300-
400 words.

25. In your opinion, what do you think is the best asset of a negotiator in any type of
negotiation? Why? Discuss in not more than five (5) sentences.

A negotiation occurs when two or more parties are formulating strategic discussions in
order to reach a mutual agreement and understanding. In my opinion, the best asset of a
negotiator is not his/her capability to speak but his/her ability to listen. This skill may be
common but it is difficult to master since great negotiators know the right questions to ask in
order to fully understand the core motivation of another person. In this process, the negotiator is
able to formulate a structured proposal or deal when he/she now has an idea of what someone
needs or wants. Overall, great negotiators are able to utilize their powerful listening skills to truly
understand the core and necessary details.

Watch the following videos and provide a short essay of what you have learned. Limit your
essay to 300-400 words for each item.
1. “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation” by Celeste Headlee
Links to an external site.

2. “The Secret Structure of Great Talks” by Nancy Duarte
Links to an external site.

3. “The Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown


Mangaluz, J. (2022). Metro manila’s weekly new covid-19 cases up 56% - octa. Retrieved,
December 2, 2022, from
Zaretsky, S. (2022) Pepsi, is that an offer? how an advertising bungle became a landmark law
case. Retrieved December 3, 2022, from

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