21st Century LP WK1

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Senior High School Department

SY 2022-2023

21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

WEEK 1 – lesson 1 and WEEK 2– LESSON 2


 Identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from
pre-colonial to the contemporary.
 The geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippines.
What is Literature?
 Literature is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings
specifically considered to be an art form, especially prose fiction, drama, and poetry.
 Literature is defined as a piece of writing that is valued as a work of art, especially novel,
play, and poetry.
 Literature is also defined as the written or oral composition that tells stories, dramatic
situations, and expresses emotions, and analyzes and advocates ideas.
 Literature also refers to the creative and imaginative writing which is designed to engage
readers emotionally and intellectually through the major literary genres such as novels,
drama, and poetry and other sub genres like fable, parable, and short stories.
 Literature is a reflection of social, political, economic, and cultural realities. It is a part and
parcel of man’s self-realization and a symbol of man’s success and failure. It explains human
nature, caliber, and his/her destination.
 Serves as avenue to express one’s emotion, Feelings, and idea.
 Serves as a reflection of ones set of beliefs, culture and tradition.
 Serves as record of ones thought and experience accessible to others.
 Amplifies one’s creativity.
 Develops empathy.
 A channel to discover oneself.
 Literature serves as a medium in which writer’s share their opinion, feelings and thought
about a particular issue. By listening to the voice of a writer, we can begin to figure out how
that individual think and what bothers him most.
 Literature fosters the learning and development of a language. It is known that one of the
ways which one can acquire accurate language use is by reading books written in that
language. It helps students to inculcate reading habits.
 Literature informs. Through literature, readers gain insight into the world and its
happenings. It broadens their understanding of society.
 Literature helps us to understand the pleasures, leisure’s, and problems of human being so
that we can cope with the daily responsibilities. It helps us to differentiate and choose
between good and bad, what is real and what is not real.
 Literature teaches a moral lesson, correct wrongdoings and acknowledge achievement and
great achievers.
 Literature serves as a means of entertainment. Here, comedy takes charge.
 Literature assist in protecting and preserving the customs and traditions of the people.

Hello learner! As a treat, you are in for travelling the world for free. Prepare yourself and be
ready for a take-off. Welcome to the first chapter of our journey to the Philippines and the World
through literature. But before we land to the center of this adventure, let us discover first how it
all began.
Our first stop is the Philippine literary history. We can see many reading materials around
us. We even have our favorite short stories and books. Have you ever wondered how these all
started? Try to think about how they all began.

Periods of Philippine Literary History

The first period of the Philippine literary history is the longest. Long time before the Spaniards and
other foreigners landed on Philippine shores, our forefathers already had their own literature
stamped in the history of our race.
 The evolution of Philippine literature depended on the influences of colonization and the
spirit of the age.
 The first Filipino alphabet called ALIBATA was replaced by the Roman alphabet.
 Indigenous Philippine literature was based on traditions and customs of a particular area of
the country.
 Philippines is an archipelago. It consists of several islands, (approximately 7,107 islands),
and each of this island has aunique cultures and traditions, bearing different set of native
 Ancient literatures were written in a perishable materials like dried leaves, bamboo cylinder,
and bark of the trees.
 Literatures were handed down to us orally.
1. Based on oral traditions
2. Crude on ideology and phraseology
Literary forms during the pre-colonial period:
A. Written literatures
a. Riddles or bugtong.
 These are effective ways to inculcate the ability of logical thinking of a child. It is known as
tigmo in Cebuano, paktaton in Ilongo, and patototdon in Bicol.
Example: Dalawang balon, hindi malingon.(iyong tainga)
b. Epigrams or salawikain.
 It reflects the hidden meaning through the good lines. It provides good values. Also it is the
oldest form of Philipine literature that emerged in the pre-Spanish period.
Example: Ang taong tahimik, Kapag nag-isip ay malalim, Ang taong mabunganga, Walang
kuwenta ang salita.
Kahulugan: hindi dahil tahimik ang isang tao ay wala na siyang alam. Merong mga tao na
pinipili muna nila ang kanilang sinasabi, dahil alam nila na hindi nasusukat ang talino sa dami
ng salita na lumalabas sa bibig.
c. Poems or tanaga
 These are common forms of poetry which has a Quatrini with 7 syllables each with the same
rhyme at the end of each line. It also expresses insights and lessons in life.
d. Folk tales
 Folk tales are made up of stories about life, adventure, love, horror, and humor where one
can derive lessons about life.
Example: Ang pagong at ang unggoy (The monkey and the Turtle)
a. Myths – explain how the world was created, how certain animals possess certain
characteristics, why some places have waterfalls, volcanoes, mountains, flora, or fauna
b. Legends – explain the origin of things
 Why the Pineapple Has Eyes
 The Legend of Maria Makiling
c. Fables – used animal characters and allegory
d. Fantastic stories – deal with underworld characters such as “tiyanak”, “aswang”, “kapre”
and others
e. The Epic Age
 Epics are long narrative poems in which a series of heroic achievements or events, usually of
a hero, are deal with at length.
 Nobody can determine which epics are the oldest because in their translations form other
language, even in English and Spanish.
 These are “narratives of sustained length based on oral tradition revolving around
supernatural events or heroic deeds” (Arsenio Manuel)
Examples: Lam-ang (Ilocano) Hinilawod (Panay)
Kudaman (Palawan) Darangen (Maranao)
B. Oral literatures
a. Chant.
 It is used in witchcraft and enchantment. While ambahan is a traditional poetry of Hanunoo
Mangyans of Oriental Mindoro which teaches lesson about life.
 It is recited by parents to educate their children by the youth expressing their love, by the old
to impart experiences, or by the community in tribal ceremony.
b. Legends
 Legends are a form of prose the common theme of which is about the origin of a thing, place,
location, or name. the events are imaginary, devoid of truth and unbelievable.
 Old Filipino customs are reflected in these legends.
Example: Alamat ng Pinya, Alamat ni Maria Makiling
c. Folk songs.
 Folk songs are one of the oldest forms of Philippine literature that emerged in the pre –
Spanish period.
 It is a form of folk lyric which expresses the hopes and aspirations, the people's lifestyles as
well as their loves. These are often repetitive and sonorous, didactic, and naive.
 Hele or oyayi – lullaby
 Ambahan (Mangyan) – 7-syllable per line poem that are about human relationships and
social entertainment.
 Kalusan (Ivatan) - work songs that depict the livelihood of the people.
 Tagay (Cebuano and Waray) – drinking song.
 Kanogan (Cebuano) – song of lamentation for the dead
Other forms of Pre – Colonial Literature
 Sayings (Kasabihan)-are often used in teasing or to comment on a person’s actuations.
 Sawikain (Idioms)- are used to state lines with no hidden meaning.
SPANISH PERIOD (1565-1897)
Sixteenth Century was the start of the deprivation of the indigenous Philippine literature. Spanish
colonial government finally got in the scene. They were able to manipulate literature by
monopolizing it under the religious orders. Literature revolved mainly on the themes of Spanish/
European culture and of course, the Roman Catholic religion.
 Spanish occupied Philippines in early 15th century.
 The Spanish colonization period has two distinct classifications – religious and secular.
 The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of religious practices.
 The Spanish language which became the literary language during this time lent many of its
words to our language.
 European legends and traditions brought here became assimilated in our songs, corridos,
and moro-moros.
Doctrina Cristiana
 This was the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593 in xylography.
Nuestra Senora Del Rosario
 It contains the biographies of saints, novenas, and questions and answers on religion.
Libros De Los Cuatro Postprimeras De Hombre
 This is the first book printed in typography.
Ang Barlaan at Josephat
 This is a Biblical story printed in the Philippines and translated to Tagalog from Greek by
FR. Antonio de Borja.
The Pasion
 This is the book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ. It is read only during Lent.
Urbana at Felisa.
Filipino writers in Spanish became conscious for the search of freedom.
a. Pasyon Dapat Ipag-alab ng Puso by Marcelo H. del Pilar expressed his rebellious
writing style and was identified.
b. Pascual Poblete’s Patnubay sa Binyagan associated Filipinos’ struggle for
independence with Jesus’ life.
c. Jose Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo made a very powerful
contributions to the awakening of Filipinos as it introduces the rejection of Spanish rule. He
also influenced the succeeding writers.
d. The narrative poems Awit and Corrido talked about world of royals, warriors, and lovers (the
basic concept in Florante at Laura).
e. Komedya. Francisco Baltazar’s Florante at Laura embodied the concept of colonization and
oppression which gave voice to their revolutionary action towards freedom.
(Write your answers for ACTIVITIES AND ASSESSMENT on a separate sheet of Intermediate pad
paper. Please don’t forget to write your name, year level and date of submission.)
IV. Activity
Directions: Arrange the rambled letters to form a name of some literary forms during
the pre-colonial to the Contemporary periods.

Directions: Choose one literary form from pre-colonial. Make a creative poster of your chosen
literary form.
Directions: Read the poem entitled “Marupok” by Jose Corazon de Jesus and compose a spoken
poetry piece in your own dialect and based on your understanding about it. Write you piece in the

Tula ni Jose Corazon de Jesus

Kalapating puti sa gitna ng hardin,

Iginawa kita ng bahay na siím;
May dalawang latang palay at inumin,
Saka walong pinto sa apat na dingding.

Minsan kang nagutom at ako’y nalingat,

Oh, kalapati ko, bigla kang lumipad.
Sa nagdaang kawan sumama ka agad,
Ayaw mong mabasa ng luha ang pakpak.

Ikaw naman rosas, na mahal kong mahal,

Dinilig kita kung hapong malamlam;
Sa bawat umaga’y pinaaasuhan,
At inaalsan ko ng kusim sa tangkay.
Minsan lang, Nobyembre, nang di ka mamasid,
Nakaligtaan kong diligin kang saglit;
Aba, nang Disyembre, sa gitna ng lamig,
Sa mga tangkay mo’y nag-usli ang tinik.

Ang hardin ko ngayo’y ligid ng dalita,

Walang kalapati’t rosas man ay wala;
May basag na paso’t may bahay na sira,
At ang hardinero’y ang puso kong luksa.

Babae, hindi ka marapat lumiyag,

Napakarupok mo, maselan at duwag.
Sa Tabor ay walang tuhod na di gasgas,
Sa Glorya, anghel ma’y may sira ring pakpak.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted and Approved by:

Ms. Aizel Nova F. Aranez Ms. Lorna G. Sto Tomas Mrs. Margaret Tan Bueno, MAEd
Subject Teacher SHS Principal President and School Directress

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