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BIBLE (January 9, 2024)


I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. God made this to grind the food we eat and turn it into liquid.
a. Stomach and Intestine b. Heart c. Brain
2. Where do blood travel?
a. Eyes b. Blood Vessels c. Lungs
3. God made this for me to think and take control of all the movements of my body.
a. Skull b. Hair c. Brain
4. God made this for us to have body formation and stand on our own.
a. Bones and skeleton b. Hair c. Nails
5. God made this to cover my muscles.
a. Color b. Skin c. Scars
II. Put a check (/) in the blanks before the correct answers.
1. I love God when with my mouth when…

____________ I sing praise songs to the Lord.

____________ I say bad words to my enemy.

____________ I speak good words to bless others.

____________ I talk bat things against my classmates.

2. I love God with my hands when…

____________ I hit my classmate who who hurt me.

____________ I share my foods to others.

____________ I hug my playmate who is angry with me.

____________ I lift my hands to praise Him.

3. I love God with my heart when…

____________ I love God above everything.

____________ I pray for the sick and ask God to heal them.

____________ I hate my enemies.

____________ Speak bad words to my friends.

4. I love and please God with all my mind when…

____________ I don’t study my lesson.

____________ I memorize verses.

____________ I always forget to talk to Him.

____________ I don’t obey Him.

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