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Moving on, let's get started with our second topic of today's presentation.

Overfishing is the
removal of a species of fish from waters at a speed at which that species cannot reproduce
further, resulting in those species becoming under numbered in that area. It can also lead to a
shortage of resources and a decrease in biological growth rate. Fishing excessively and
continuity can lead to severe dependence, where fish populations can no longer sustain
themselves. There are three types of overfishing for which biology is recognized: overfishing
growth, overfishing recruitment, and ecosystem overfishing. Overfishing recruitment occurs
when adult fish populations are so depleted that there are not enough adults to bring forth
offspring. Besides that, overfishing growth is the opposite of overfishing recruitment. Instead of
catching adult fish, overfishing growth means catching fish that haven't been mature yet. Lastly,
the balance of ecosystems is altered by overfishing known as ecosystem overfishing.

The resilience of fish after overfishing depends on whether the conditions of the ecosystem are
suitable for recovery. Drastic changes in species composition can lead to ecosystem changes, in
which balanced energy flows associated with rival species components cause those already in
place before the original fish source is depleted. For example, once salmon is overfished, carp
can take over in a way that makes it impossible for salmon to reestablish spawning populations.

Beyond the rules that the government has released, you should also raise awareness to do
these things, which are the possible solutions for the overfishing issue. The solutions include:
changing fishing gear to reduce its negative impact on fish populations and the environment,
stocking large fish, developing small fishing efforts, and managing fisheries through co-
management. Those are all the worth known information to fishers, and also us.

The ocean is downstream of everything, so all of our actions, no matter where we live, affect
the ocean and the marine life it holds. People who live right along the coast will have the most
direct influence on the ocean, but even if you live far from land, there are plenty of things you
can do that will help marine life. To help marine life and its environment, firstly, we should limit
the use of plastics, disposables, and single-use projects. Secondly, turning off the lights or TV
when we're not in the room and driving in a way that increases our fuel efficiency are
understood as saving energy, which are two included things in the list to save marine life.
Thirdly, we should help clean up the local beaches, parks, or roadways and pick up trash before
it enters the marine environment. Even trash cans that are hundreds of miles from the ocean
can eventually float or blow into the ocean.
There are many other solutions to preserve a green - clean - beautiful environment, but the 3
things I have mentioned above are the 3 things that I think are the most effective. We hope that
you sitting here after listening to our presentation will always adhere to what we have said.

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