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ETHICS REVIEWER (FINALS) Samonte, Jean Crissia M.

BSN 2-YA-5
1. Income tax—A percentage of
What is taxation? generated income that is
relinquished to the state or federal
 Imposes tax, involuntary levies: income, government (pay-as-you-earn)
capital gain 2. Payroll tax—A percentage withheld
 Applies to all types of mandatory levies, from an employee’s pay by an
from income to capital gains to estate employer, who pays it to the
government on the employee’s
behalf to fund Medicare and Social
Security programs
Tax 3. Corporate tax—A percentage of
corporate profits taken as tax by the
 From the Latin word ‘taxo’ government to fund federal programs
 Mandatory payment or charge collected 4. Sales tax—Taxes levied on certain
by local, state, and national goods and services; varies by
governments from individuals or jurisdiction
businesses to cover the costs of general 5. Property tax—Based on the value of
government services, goods, and land and property assets
6. Tariff—Taxes on imported goods;
activities. imposed with the aim of strengthening
domestic businesses
7. Estate tax—Rate applied to the fair
 Taxation aims to maintain currency market value (FMV) of property in a
person’s estate at the time of death;
stability, express public policy on wealth
the total estate must exceed
distribution, subsidize industries or thresholds set by state and federal
population groups, or isolate costs of governments
benefits like highways or social security.
Fiscal Capacity
 Balancing act between efficiency and
 A government’s ability to raise taxes equity


 Imposed on individuals or entities (tax  Is the Use of the tax payer of illegal
payers) that varies w/ respective income means to avoid or minimize payment f
or profits the tax
 Corporate Law e.g.
- Tax imposed on companies - Underreporting income.
- Exaggerating tax deductions.
ETHICS REVIEWER (FINALS) Samonte, Jean Crissia M.
BSN 2-YA-5
 Is the use of legal means to
reduce tax liability 1. Fiscal Adequacy
 the sources of revenue must be
BASIS FOR TAXATION sufficient to meet government
expenditures and other public
- Government - Reciprocal duties
cannot exist and of protection and
2. Equality or theoretical justice
function without support between  The tax imposed should be
means of paying the state and its proportionate to the taxpayer’s
its expenditures inhabitants ability to pay
3. Administrative feasibility
 refers to the likelihood that a
Essential Characteristics of Tax. department or agency can
implement the policy or deliver
1. Enforced Contribution
the program well.
2. Payable in the form of money
3. Laid by some rule of appointment which THE PROBLEMS WITH OUR TAX
is usually based on ability to pay
4. Levied by the State which has
jurisdiction or control over the subject to 1. We have some of the highest income
be taxed tax rates in the region
5. Levied on person, property, acts 2. Too many goods and service are not
privileges or transactions. being taxed
6. Levied by the law- making body of the 3. Too many people are evading the tax
State system
7. Levied for public purposes 4. Our tax system is too complicated
5. Rich Filipinos are not paying their fair
Two aspects of Taxation share of taxes
1. Levying the tax, act of imposing the tax,
exercised by the congress GLOBALIZATION
2. Collection, administrative act of collecting
the tax, exercised by the Globalization
 Executive Branch with:
 is a term used to describe how
- BIR - national taxes
trade and technology have made
- BOC - custom duties the world into a more connected
- LGU - local and real property and interdependent place.
Globalization also captures in its
- Appropriate government
scope the economic and social
agencies, fees and charges
changes that have come about
as a result.
ETHICS REVIEWER (FINALS) Samonte, Jean Crissia M.
BSN 2-YA-5
Pluralism differences, but not requiring
unanimous agreement.
 a situation in which people of
different social classes, religions, Moral Pluralism
races, etc., are together in a
society but continue to have their  Idea that there can be conflicting
different traditions and interests. moral views that are each worthy
of respect
1. Pluralism is not diversity alone, but  Moral pluralism acknowledges
the energetic engagement with diversity. the existence of diverse moral
 Pluralism involves engaging with perspectives, promoting open-
diverse cultures, not just mindedness and recognizing
recognizing them. It's not a given, that no single philosophical
but an achievement, as mere approach can provide all
diversity without genuine answers to complex moral
encounters can cause tension. issues.
2. Pluralism is not just tolerance, but the
active seeking of understanding across
lines of difference.
Who are millennials, baby boomers
 Pluralism involves understanding
differences across religious
and Generazation Z?
lines, not just tolerance.
Baby boomers
Tolerance is a necessary public
virtue, but it doesn't eliminate  Following WWII, a 'baby boom'
ignorance and perpetuates occurred, resulting in a large
stereotypes. In today's world, portion of the population born
ignorance of one another is between 1940-1964. This period
increasingly costly, making saw increased affluence and
pluralism essential for a more consumerism, leading to
inclusive society. increased spending on goods
3. Pluralism is not relativism, but the and services.
encounter of commitments.
 Pluralism involves embracing Generation X
our identities and commitments,
 Generation XX, born between
holding our deepest differences, 1960s-80s, experienced the rise
even religious ones, in of musical genres like grunge,
relationship to one another, hip-hop, indie films, and MTV
rather than leaving them behind. channels, following baby
4. Pluralism is based on dialogue. boomers.
 Pluralism is rooted in dialogue,
involving encounter, criticism,
and self-criticism, revealing
common understandings and
ETHICS REVIEWER (FINALS) Samonte, Jean Crissia M.
BSN 2-YA-5
Generation Z
 Generation Z, born between mid-
1990s-2000s, primarily children
of Generation X, may have
millennial parents, possessing
early internet knowledge and a
strong understanding of
technology and social media.

 Millennials, born between 1980s-
2000s, are a generation impacted
by recession, unemployment,
and economic instability, often
associated with avocado on
toast and snowflake culture.

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