Hy Waktunya Evaluasi Rencana 5 Tahunan

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Hy waktunya evaluasi rencana 5 tahunan,ini adalah rencana yang aku sudah tulis sejak usia 20 tahun

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ChatGpt Exercise: Getting Better at Synonym and Paraphrase Recognition

Scanning is a skill, which means it gets better by doing dedicated practice to improving the skill.
Scanning and recognizing synonyms and paraphrasing the question keywords is essential
whether you are taking the TOEFL iBT or the IELTS exam. Scanning is NOT reading, and a lot
of students waste time by reading instead of scanning, which is an unfocused progression
through a text searching for a specific language.

You can easily use the AI tool ChatGpt to practice the skill of scanning for specific words.
Here is an example of a task I gave ChatGpt and what it produced. Once it creates one
exercise, you can have it create 100 similar exercises to practice scanning for synonyms and
paraphrasing. You should set a timer and keep practicing until you get better.

Note: In creating this prompt, it took a lot of writing and rewriting to get the AI tool to produce
what I wanted. There is no guarantee that it will produce exactly what it produced for me, so yo
may need to make adjustments in your instructions to the system. However, I did test this a few
times and got similar results.

ChatGpt Link: https://chat.openai.com/

ChatGpt Prompt to Create Synonym and Paraphrasing Exercises:

"I need to get better at the skill of scanning and paraphrasing, so you are creating a
worksheet/assignment to get better at the timed skill of scanning for synonyms and paraphrasing
in an academic text. Here is what I want you to do: I want you to create a consecutive 6-
paragraph text about an academic topic. I want all the paragraphs together, not separated, and
each paragraph should be a minimum of 5 sentences that express sentence variety. Then after
putting all the paragraphs together, I want you to create a list of 15 words and phrases that are
paraphrased in the 6-paragraph text. I want every word/phrase to be paraphrased in the text.
Write the 6 paragraphs and paraphrase in the text each of the words on this 15-word phrase list.
First, create 6 paragraphs of academic text of a similar nature and English level as a person might
find on the TOEFL iBT, and then give me the 15 words or phrases in a list. Now, this next point
is very important: I want you to separate the 15 words/phrases in first one list and the list of 15
words/phrases with synonyms and paraphrases found within the text in a second separate list.
The 6-Paragraph Text ChatGpt created from this Prompt:

Paragraph 1:

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced rapid growth in recent years. AI refers to
the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human
intelligence. These tasks include speech recognition, decision-making, problem-solving, and
learning. AI has found applications in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and
transportation. The advancements in AI have sparked both excitement and concerns regarding its
potential impact on society.

Paragraph 2:

One area where AI has made significant contributions is in healthcare. AI-powered systems can
analyze vast amounts of medical data to assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting outcomes, and
recommending treatments. This has the potential to improve patient care and save lives.
Additionally, AI algorithms can aid in drug discovery by identifying patterns and predicting the
effectiveness of new compounds, accelerating the development of innovative medications.

Paragraph 3:

In the financial sector, AI technologies are revolutionizing the way transactions are conducted
and risks are managed. Machine learning algorithms can analyze large datasets to detect
fraudulent activities, helping banks and financial institutions protect their customers and assets.
Moreover, AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants provide personalized customer service and
support, enhancing the overall banking experience for users.

Paragraph 4:

Transportation is another domain where AI is making significant strides. Self-driving cars,

powered by AI algorithms, have the potential to transform the way we commute. These vehicles
can analyze their surroundings, make real-time decisions, and navigate complex road conditions,
improving both safety and efficiency. AI is also being utilized in logistics and supply chain
management to optimize routes, reduce delivery times, and minimize costs.
Paragraph 5:

The development of AI raises important ethical and social implications. Concerns have been
raised regarding job displacement, as AI systems are increasingly capable of performing tasks
traditionally carried out by humans. The ethical use of AI, including issues of privacy, security,
and bias, requires careful consideration and regulation. It is crucial to strike a balance between
the potential benefits of AI and the need to address its societal impacts.

Paragraph 6:

In conclusion, the field of artificial intelligence has witnessed remarkable advancements, with
applications in healthcare, finance, and transportation. AI has the potential to revolutionize these
industries, improving diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, enhancing security and customer
experience in finance, and transforming transportation with self-driving vehicles. However, it is
essential to navigate the ethical and social challenges associated with AI to ensure its responsible
and beneficial integration into society.

The list of words/phrases that you need to search for paraphrases in the text: (Again, ChatGpt
created this from the prompt:

Paragraph 1: The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced rapid growth in recent years.
AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically
require human intelligence. These tasks include speech recognition, decision-making, problem-
solving, and learning. AI has found applications in various industries such as healthcare, finance,
and transportation. The advancements in AI have sparked both excitement and concerns
regarding its potential impact on society.

Paragraph 2: One area where AI has made significant contributions is in healthcare. AI-powered
systems can analyze vast amounts of medical data to assist in diagnosing diseases, predicting
outcomes, and recommending treatments. This has the potential to improve patient care and save
lives. Additionally, AI algorithms can aid in drug discovery by identifying patterns and
predicting the effectiveness of new compounds, accelerating the development of innovative

Paragraph 3: In the financial sector, AI technologies are revolutionizing the way transactions are
conducted and risks are managed. Machine learning algorithms can analyze large datasets to
detect fraudulent activities, helping banks and financial institutions protect their customers and
assets. Moreover, AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants provide personalized customer service
and support, enhancing the overall banking experience for users.
Paragraph 4: Transportation is another domain where AI is making significant strides. Self-
driving cars, powered by AI algorithms, have the potential to transform the way we commute.
These vehicles can analyze their surroundings, make real-time decisions, and navigate complex
road conditions, improving both safety and efficiency. AI is also being utilized in logistics and
supply chain management to optimize routes, reduce delivery times, and minimize costs.

Paragraph 5: The development of AI raises important ethical and social implications. Concerns
have been raised regarding job displacement, as AI systems are increasingly capable of
performing tasks traditionally carried out by humans. The ethical use of AI, including issues of
privacy, security, and bias, requires careful consideration and regulation. It is crucial to strike a
balance between the potential benefits of AI and the need to address its societal impacts.

Paragraph 6: In conclusion, the field of artificial intelligence has witnessed remarkable

advancements, with applications in healthcare, finance, and transportation. AI has the potential to
revolutionize these industries, improving diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, enhancing
security and customer experience in finance, and transforming transportation with self-driving
vehicles. However, it is essential to navigate the ethical and social challenges associated with AI
to ensure its responsible and beneficial integration into society.

List of words/phrases to search for paraphrases in the text: (ChatGpt Created) Note: You
should search for the paraphrases in the above text before you look at the answers in the list

Rapid growth

Computer systems

Perform tasks

Potential impact

Significant contributions

Predicting outcomes

Innovative medications


Fraudulent activities

Enhancing the overall

Real-time decisions

Ethical and social implications

Job displacement

Potential benefits

List of paraphrased words/phrases that you should have found in the text: (Again ChatGpt
created this from the text)

Significant progress

Computational devices

Execute functions

Potential influence

Substantial advancements

Foreseeing results

Novel drugs


Unauthorized transactions

Improving the overall

Significant progress

Immediate choices

Moral and societal consequences

Unemployment due to automation

Potential advantages

The phrases and paraphrases in one list:

Paraphrased words/phrases:

Rapid growth - significant progress

Computer systems - computational devices

Perform tasks - execute functions

Potential impact - potential influence

Significant contributions - substantial advancements

Predicting outcomes - foreseeing results

Innovative medications - novel drugs

Revolutionizing - transforming

Fraudulent activities - unauthorized transactions

Enhancing the overall - improving the overall

Strides - significant progress

Real-time decisions - immediate choices

Ethical and social implications - moral and societal consequences

Job displacement - unemployment due to automation

Potential benefits - potential advantages

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