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1. a___________t Our English teacher made an ____ that there would be a test on
2. f______r The soup has no ____. You should add some salt to it.
3. d___________h As an art expert, Victor can easily ____ a real painting from a copy.
4. a__________ly So far scientists have not found a way to predict earthquakes ___.
5. d_______ting The music is too loud, it’s ________ me.
6. i_________ts This restaurant only uses natural ____ like fruits, vegetables, and herbs in
its dishes.
7. i________es Recent research clearly ___ that only 3% of the children in this country get
as much daily exercise as they should.
8. c_________n By ___, it doesn’t cost so much to live in any other city in Taiwan.
9. f________n This couch can also ____ as a bed when somebody else comes over.
10. c________ns Under normal ____, my scooter functions well, but yesterday it was so cold
that it wouldn’t start.

1. a_______e Jerry used his excellent presentation skills to ___ his boss of ability to do
2. d_______ed Sam ____ with Angie on which movie they should see.
3. c_______ed Ryan directly ____ Lara’s idea of setting up a small business and doubted
that it would succeed.
4. d___________ly Wayne ____ wanted to beat his sister at chess, so he read several
books to help him become a better player.
5. e___________t Pat really wanted to join us for dinner, but unfortunately she had a
previous _____ that she couldn’t cancel.
6. F___________e _____, it has been voted the best restaurant in the city.
7. d_______ted Greg ____ for New York this morning to attend his best friend’s wedding.
8. d________ed During the speech, the party leader ___ that the government would put an
end to water pollution.
9. i________med The students’ parents were all ___ of the changes in the class schedule
by email.
10. p________ed In yesterday’s meeting, Greg ___ a really good idea and was approved by
our boss.

1. He was one of the top students in our class. _________ ___ _____, he has
high self-discipline.
2. _________ ___ ___ ____, you have just won one million dollars in our lottery!
3. The food festival will be held as planned __________ ___ the weather.
4. ___ ____________ _____ Greenland, Taiwan is a very small island.
5. The chocolate cake _____ _________ ______ lots of cream inside.
6. Instead of buying breakfast _____ his _____ ___ school, Eric felt like having
some cereal at home today.
7. Donna was angry when a truck stopped in front of her and _____ her ______
on her way to work.
8. He always _______ ____ at the door right before the class bell rings.

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