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PMS - RFP - Ahmedabad



Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway
Station and construction of associated infrastructure


(RFP no. RLDA/RFP/CT-23 of 2023 Dated 11.10.2023)

Rail Land Development Authority

(A statutory Authority under Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India)

Oct 2023
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Disclaimer iv
Glossary & Definitions v

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Brief description of Bidding Process ........................................................................................... 3
1.3 Schedule of Bidding Process ........................................................................................................4
2. Instructions to Bidders .................................................................................................................5
2.1 General ..........................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Submission of Bids .......................................................................................................................6
2.3 Bid Security for RFP ................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Validity of the Bid ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Preparation of Bids ...................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Technical Bid ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Financial Bid .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.8 Conflict of Interest ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.9 Number of Bids .......................................................................................................................... 12
2.10 Site Visit and Verification of Information ............................................................................... 12
2.11 Acknowledgement by Bidder .................................................................................................. 12
2.12 Clarifications /Queries by the Bidders and Pre bid Conference .............................................. 13
2.13 Amendment of RFP ................................................................................................................. 13
2.14 Letter of Award (LOA) and Signing of Agreement ................................................................ 14
2.15 Performance Security ............................................................................................................... 14
2.16 Fraud and Corrupt Practices .................................................................................................... 15
2.17 Intellectual Property ................................................................................................................. 16
2.18 Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................... 16
2.19 Foreign Companies ................................................................................................................. 16
2.20 Responsiveness of the Bids ..................................................................................................... 16
3. Criteria for Eligibility and Evaluation ...................................................................................... 18
3.1 Conditions of Eligibility of Bidders .......................................................................................... 18
3.2 Preliminary Screening based on Financial Capacity ................................................................. 18
3.3 Technical Eligibility ................................................................................................................... 18
3.4 Valuation of Overseas Assignment ........................................................................................... 23
3.5 Other requirements of the Bidders............................................................................................. 24
3.6 Revenue certification of the Bidders ......................................................................................... 24
3.7 Evaluation of Technical Bids ..................................................................................................... 24
3.8 Shortlisting of Technically Eligible Bids .................................................................................. 26
3.9 Evaluation of Financial Bids...................................................................................................... 26
3.10 Combined Techno-Financial Evaluation (QCBS) ................................................................... 27
3.11 Selection of PMS Agency ....................................................................................................... 27
3.12 Execution of Agreement .......................................................................................................... 28
3.13 Commencement of PMS Assignment ...................................................................................... 28
4. Miscellaneous ..............................................................................................................................30

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Table of Contents
ANNEXURES .................................................................................................................................31
Annexure – 1: Office space to be provided by the Authority to the PMS Agency ....................... 32
Annexure – 2: Scoring matrix for various technical evaluation parameters ................................ 33
Annexure – 3: Eligibility criteria and requirement of Expert positions as assessed
by the Authority ............................................................................................................................... 43
Annexure-4: Indicative Job Description of Key Experts …………………………………………50
a) Appendix-A: Bid Security .......................................................................................................... 55
b) Appendix-B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions .................................................................. 58
Technical Bid Form – B1: Letter comprising the Bid .............................................................. 59
Technical Bid Form – B2: Particulars of the Bidder ................................................................ 62
Technical Bid Form – B3: Statement of Legal Capacity .......................................................... 64
Technical Bid Form – B4: Power of Attorney for signing of the Bid ...................................... 65
Technical Bid Form – B5: Power of Attorney for the Lead member....................................... 67
Technical Bid Form–B6: Format of Joint Bidding Agreement (in case of JV/Consortium) ...... 69
Technical Bid Form–B7: Letter of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, ...............
Govt. of India.............................................................................................................................. 73
c) Appendix-C: Bidder’s Organizational Details ........................................................................... 74
Technical Bid Form – C1: Financial Capacity of the Bidder ................................................... 75
Technical Bid Form – C2: Abstract of Eligible Assignments of the Bidder ................................ 76
Technical Bid Form – C3: Details of each Eligible Assignment of the Bidder ........................... 77
d) Appendix-D: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submissions ......................................................... 78
Technical Bid Form – D1: Proposed Methodology and Workplan .............................................. 79
Technical Bid Form – D2: Deployment Planning of Professional Staff ................................. 81
e) Appendix-E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions ........................................................85
Technical Bid Form –E1: Abstract Particulars of Key Experts proposed ...........................
for deployment .......................................................................................................... 86
Technical Bid Form–E2: Abstract of Eligible Assignments of Key Experts
(Category ‘A’&‘B’) ................................................................................................................... 88
Technical Bid Form – E3: Details of each Eligible Assignment of Key Experts .................... 89
Technical Bid Form – E4: Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Key Experts ....................... 90
f) Appendix-F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions ............................................................ 92
Financial Bid Form – F1: Breakdown of Man Month Costs-Staff Remuneration ....................... 93
Financial bid form - F2: Breakdown of Reimbursable Costs ................................................... 97
Financial Bid Form – F3: Breakdown of Reimbursable cost .................................................. 99
g) Appendix-G: Affidavit............................................................................................................... 100
h) Appendix-H: CVC Circular No.01/01/17 Dated 23.01.2017……………………………….102

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal


The information contained in this Request for Proposals document (“RFP”) or subsequently provided
to Bidders, whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of the Authority or
any of its employees or advisers, is provided to Bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP
and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

This RFP is not an agreement or an offer by the Authority to the prospective Bidders or any other
person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to
them in the formulation of their Proposals pursuant to this RFP. This RFP includes statements, which
reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the Authority in relation to the Project
Management Consultancy Services (PMS). Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not
purport to contain all the information that each Bidder may require. This RFP may not be appropriate
for all persons, and it is not possible for the Authority, its employees or advisers to consider the
objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP. The
assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this RFP, may not be complete,
accurate, adequate or correct. Each Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis
and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions,
assessments and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice from appropriate
Information provided in this RFP to the Bidders may be on a wide range of matters, some of which may
depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not intended to be an exhaustive account
of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law.
The Authority accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion
on the law expressed herein.
The Authority, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability
to any person including any Bidder under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of
restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise
from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including
the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFP and any assessment,
assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising
in any way in this Selection Process.
The Authority also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise,
howsoever caused, arising from reliance of any Bidder upon the statements contained in this RFP. The
Authority may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or
supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this RFP. The issue of this RFP
does not imply that the Authority is bound to select a Bidder or to appoint the Selected Bidder, as the
case may be, for the PMS Assignment and the Authority reserves the right to reject all or any of the
Bids without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its
Bid including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with
any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the Authority or any other costs incurred in
connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder andthe
Authority shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other
expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation for submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the Selection Process.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Glossary & Definitions


Agreement as defined in Clause 1.1.3
Associate(s) means an individual or an entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is
under common control with the Consultant.
Authority as defined in Clause 1.1.1
Authority Engineer as defined in Clause 2.1.2
Bid as defined in Clause 1.2.1
Bidder as defined in Clause 1.2.1
Bid Due Date as defined in Clause 1.1.2
Bidding Process as defined in Clause 1.2.1
Bid Security as defined in Clause 1.2.4
CV means Curriculum Vitae
Consultant means a legally-established professional consulting firm or an entity that may provide or
provides the Services to the Authority under the Contract.
Day means a calendar day.
Experts means, collectively, Key Experts, Non-Key Experts, or any other similar personnel of the
Consultant, Sub-consultant or Joint Venture member(s).
Eligible Project as defined in Clause
Financial Bid as defined in Clause 1.2.1
INR means Indian currency (Rs.)
Joint Venture (JV) means an association with or without a legal personality distinct from that of its
members, of more than one Consultant where one member has the authority to conduct all business for
and on behalf of any and all the members of the JV, and where the members of the JV are jointly and
severally liable to the Authority for the performance of the Contract.
Key Expert(s) means an individual professional whose skills, qualifications, knowledge and experience
are critical to the performance of the Services under the Contract and whose CV is taken into account
in the technical evaluation of the Consultant’s proposal and interactions with Authority.
KIT means Key Information Table as provided in Clause 1.1.2
Lead Member as defined in Clause 2.1.3 (iii)
LOA means Letter of Award as defined in Clause 3.11.6
Non-Key Expert(s) means an individual professional provided by the Consultant or its Sub-consultant
and who is assigned to perform the Services or any part thereof under the Contract and whose CVs are
not evaluated individually.
Notice to proceed as defined at Clause 3.13.1
Project as defined in Clause 1.1.1
Proposal means the Technical Proposal and the Financial Proposal of the Consultant.
Railway means the President of the Republic of India or the administrative officers of the Railway or
Successor Railway authorized to deal with any matter, which these presents are concerned on his behalf.
RFP means Request for Proposal
Selected Bidder as defined in Clause 3.11.1
Services means the work to be performed by the Consultant pursuant to the Contract.
Technical Bid as defined in Clause 1.2.1
TOR means Terms of Reference and is synonymous with “Scope of Services”
US$ means United States Dollar
The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in this document shall, unless
repugnant to the context, have the meaning ascribed thereto herein.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 1: Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

1.1.1. Rail Land Development Authority (the “Authority”), having its principal office at Unit No.-
702-B, 7th floor, Konnectus Tower-2, DMRC Building, Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi, 110002,
India” is engaged in the re-development projects of railway stations and related infrastructure,
and as part of this endeavour, Authority intends to award the work for Redevelopment Project
of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of associated infrastructure on Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis (the “Project”). Accordingly, the Authority intends
to appoint a reputed consulting/ engineering firm for providing Project Management
Consultancy Services (the “PMS”) for the Project. The PMS Agency shall perform the duties
and exercise the authority in accordance with the provisions of the Draft PMS Agreement, and
substantially in accordance with the Scope of Services (“Scope of Services”) of the PMS

1.1.2. The brief particulars of the Project and the Bidding Process are as follows in the Key
Information Table (KIT):

SN Particular Details

1. Name of the Work Request for Proposal (RFP) for appointment of Agency
for providing “Project Management Consultancy
Services (PMS)” for “Redevelopment Project of
Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of
associated infrastructure through an EPC Contract”
2. Date: 22.11.2023
Pre-Bid Conference Time: 11:30 hrs
Venue: New Delhi / Ahmedabad
(DGM/Tender/RLDA may be contacted to obtain
Specific details of the Pre-Bid Conference)
Mobile: 90131-64466)
3. Last date for receiving Queries from the 26.11.2023 by 18:00 hrs.
4. Last date for clarification on queries/ issue 29.11.2023 Days by 18:00 hrs.
of any Amendments & Correctionsby the
5. Estimated period for completion of 36 months of Project Construction Period as in EPC Contract

6. Bid Due Date and time By 15:00 hrs (IST) on 08.12.2023

7. Physical submission/ retention/ production As per Clause 2.2 and Clause 2.3
of all documents uploaded by the Bidder

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 1: Introduction

SN Particular Details

8. Date and Time of Opening of At 15:30 hrs (IST) on 06.12.2023 (Bid Due Date)

9. Mode of tendering Single stage two packet (Open)

10. Consortium/Joint Venture Allowed (Maximum of three entities including the Lead

11 Mode of submission of Bids Online submission on e-Procurement Portal

12. e-Procurement Portal

13. RFP document Fee INR 50,000 (Rupees fifty thousand only) plus 18% GST

14. Bid Security (Refer Clause INR 50,00,000 (Rupees fifty lakh only)
15. Bank Account Details of the Name of Beneficiary: Rail Land Development
Authority Authority
Name of the Bank: State Bank of India
Account No.: 30231544682
Address of the Branch: Rail Bhawan, New Delhi
IFSC code: SBIN0003771
16. Authority’s Representative Name of Officer: Shri. Hemant kumar, AM/Tender/RLDA
for this RFP purpose Address: Rail Land Development Authority, Unit No.-
702-B, 7th floor, Konnectus Tower-2, DMRC Building,
Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi- 110002
Phone: 011-23232854

17. Validity of the Bid 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the Bid Due Date

18. Performance Security (Refer 5 % (Five percent) of the cost of PMS Contract in terms
Clause 2.15) of Clause 2.15 with validity upto 60 (sixty) days beyond
the Project Completion Date.
In favour of: Rail Land Development Authority
Payable at: New Delhi

19. Submission of Performance Within 15 days of issue of Letter of Award (LOA)


20. Signing of Agreement Within 15 days of submission of Performance Security

21. Documents enclosed with i) Draft PMS Agreement (Volume-2)

this RFP ii) Draft EPC Agreement with Schedules & C&A slips, etc.
22. Concept design Consultant M/s Tractebel Engie Pvt Ltd , New Delhi
forthe Project
23. Link for video conference for Link will be shared one day in advance on the website for
pre bid meeting video conference of pre bid meeting

1.1.3. Selected Bidder (the “Consultant”) shall be responsible for providing Project Management
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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 1: Introduction
Consultancy Services (PMS) for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
and construction of associated infrastructure through an EPC Contract. The scope of
work of this PMS Contract broadly comprises overseeing the execution of various work
components related to the Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and
construction of associated infrastructure including but not limited to Design Review,
Architectural controls, Quality Assurance, safety compliance during execution, SHE
Compliances, Interface Management, Project Progress Monitoring, Invoice verification,
Installation, Testing & Commissioning , Hand Over, Maintenance during defect liability period,
etc. Authority Engineer shall perform the duties and exercise authority in accordance with
provisions of this Agreement, and substantially in accordance with the Scope of Services as
defined in Volume-2: Draft PMS Agreement (“Agreement”).

1.2. Brief description of Bidding Process

1.2.1. The Authority has adopted a single stage two packet system of bidding (referred to as the
"Bidding Process") for selection of the Bidder for award of the Project Management
Consultancy Services (PMS) Assignment. The 1st (first) part (the “Technical Bid”) of the
process involves evaluation of the requirements of the technical bid by the interested parties
and who submit a Bid in accordance with the provisions of this RFP (the “Bidder”). The 2nd
(second) part of the process involves opening of financial bids (the “Financial Bid”) of the
Bidders qualified in Technical Evaluation. The Technical and Financial Bids shall collectively
be referred to as Bid (the “Bid”). Bids will finally be ranked according to their combined technical
and financial scores as specified in Clause 3.10.

1.2.2. The Bidder would be required to furnish all information specified in this RFP which includes
physical submission of required documents in original at the designated office of the Authority
mentioned in KIT (Item no. 16) as per the provisions under clause 2.2. The Technical Bids of
the Bidders would be evaluated and only those Bidders that are technically qualified by the
Authority shall be eligible for the 2nd (second) part of the Bidding Process comprising opening
and evaluation of their Financial Bids.

1.2.3. The Draft EPC Agreement of the Project is enclosed at Volume-3 of the RFP containing
description of the Project. This is being provided as a preliminary reference document by way
of assistance to Bidders who are expected to carry out their own surveys, investigations and other
detailed examination of the Project before submitting their Bids. Nothing contained in the above
description shall be binding on the Authority nor confer any right on the Bidders, and the
Authority shall have no liability whatsoever in relation to or arising out of any or all contents
of the description of the project.

Bidders are advised to examine the Project in greater detail, and to carry out, at their cost, such
studies as may be required for submitting their respective Bids for award of the contract
including implementation of the project management services for the Project.

1.2.4. Bid documents shall be available on payment of a fee through the e-Procurement Portal as
mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 13). A Bidder is required to submit, along with its Bid, a Bid
Security of the amount as mentioned in the KIT at Item no. 14 (the "Bid Security"). The Bidder
will have to provide Bid Security through e- payment Gateway of e-Procurement Portal. The
Bid shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the prescribed amount of Bid

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 1: Introduction
1.2.5. Other details of the process to be followed under this Bidding Process and the terms thereof are
spelt out in this RFP.

1.2.6. Any queries or request for additional information concerning this RFP shall be submitted in
writing by speed post/courier/special messenger or by e-mail or through e-Procurement
Portal, so as to reach the Authority’s Representative at Item no. 16 of KIT by the specified
date (Item no. 4 of KIT). Such queries or requests for additional information shall be dealt as per
the provision of Clause 2.12. The envelopes/ communication shall clearly bear the following
identification/ title:

"Queries / Request for Additional Information: RFP for Appointment of Agency for providingProject
Management Consultancy Services for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station”

1.3. Schedule of Bidding Process

1.3.1. Authority shall endeavor to adhere to the schedule provided in the KIT at Clause 1.1.2.


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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 2: Instructions to Bidders(s) (ITB)

2. Instructions to Bidder(s) (ITB)

2.1. General

2.1.1. Brief background about this Project Management Consultancy Services (PMS) Assignment is
provided in the Introduction. Bidder(s) are advised to acquaint themselves fully about the site,
requirements of the assignment and the conditions before submitting the bid, by visiting the
Project Site and the Authority office. Please note that no cost of any such visit is reimbursable
by the Authority.

2.1.2. The Authority Engineer in the EPC Contract is Project Management Group (PMG), wherein
the Authority may engage more Agencies for some specific services required to be provided as
a part of the PMG to achieve the successful delivery of the entire Project. The present contract
is to procure Project Management Consultancy Services as one specific and critical part of
PMG. The entire scope of services assigned to PMS Agency under this agreement are in the
scope of Authority Engineer in the EPC Contract and to that extent the PMS Agency will act
as the Authority Engineer (“Authority Engineer” or AE) in the EPC Contract. Also, as
provided at Clause 16.1.5 of the Draft EPC Agreement, the Project Director of the PMS Agency
will act as Head of the PMG.

2.1.3. In case a Bidder possesses the requisite experience and capabilities required for undertaking
the consultancy services, it may participate in the Selection Process either individually (the
“Sole Bidder”) or as JV/Consortium of firms (the “Consortium”) in response to this invitation.
The term bidder (the “Bidder”) will apply to both a Sole Bidder or a Consortium and its
Members. However, no Bidder applying individually or as a Member of a Consortium as the
case may be, can be a member of another bidder. The manner in which the Bid is required to
besubmitted, evaluated and accepted is explained in this RFP. In case the Bidder is a Consortium,
it shall comply with the following additional requirements to be eligible:

i. Number of Members in a Consortium shall not exceed 3 (three) including the Lead

ii. Subject to the provisions of sub-clause (i) above, the Bid should contain the information
required for all Members of the Consortium;

iii. Members of the Consortium shall nominate one Member as the lead member (the “Lead
Member”) who shall have minimum 51% share in the Consortium. The nomination(s)
shall be supported by a Power of Attorney, as per the format at Appendix-B: Technical Bid
Form-B5 in this RFP, signed by all the other Members of the Consortium. Share of other
Consortium Members has to be a minimum of 15% in the Consortium. The duties,
responsibilities and powers of such Lead Member shall be specifically included in the Joint
Bidding Agreement as per the Format at Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B6. It is
expected that the Lead Member would be authorized to incur liabilities and to receive
instructions and payments for and on behalf of the Consortium. Without prejudice to the
joint and several liability of all the members of the Consortium, the Lead Member shall
represent all the members of the Consortium and shall at all times be liable and responsible
for discharging the functions and obligations of the PMS Agency;

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 2: Instructions to Bidders(s) (ITB)

iv. The Bid should include a brief description of the roles and responsibilities of individual

v. An individual Bidder cannot at the same time be a Member of a Consortium applying for
the PMS. Further, a member of a particular Consortium cannot be member of any other
Consortium applying for the PMS;

vi. Members of the Consortium shall enter into a binding Joint Bidding Agreement (the “Joint
Bidding Agreement”) as per the format at Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B6 for the
purpose of submitting a Bid. The Joint Bidding Agreement, to be submitted along with the
Application, shall, inter alia:

a. Clearly outline the proposed roles and responsibilities of each Member;

b. Include a statement to the effect that all Members of the Consortium shall be liable
jointly and severally for all obligations of the PMS Agency in relation to this PMS
Assignment until the completion of the Services in accordance with the Agreement
and the Scope of Services;

c. Clearly define the proposed administrative arrangements (organization

chart/organogram) for the management and execution of the Services, if awarded to
the Consortium; except as provided under this RFP, there shall not be any
amendment to the Joint Bidding Agreement without the prior consent of the

vii. No change in composition of the Consortium will be submitted to the Authority during
the Selection Process and during the subsistence of the PMS Agreement.

viii. All the Members of the Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for all obligations
in relation to the PMS Assignment until completion of Services in accordance with the
Agreement and the Scope of Services.

2.2. Submission of Bids

2.2.1. Bids are to be submitted online only as per the instructions for online bid submission. Bidders
are required to retain the original of the submissions uploaded in the e-Procurement Portal till
bid validity period, except the Selected Bidder who is required to retain the original of the
submissions uploaded in the e-Procurement Portal till completion of the Services. Bidders
including the Selected Bidder may be required to submit originals of all documents together
with their respective enclosures during bid evaluation/after declaration of bid evaluation result
by the Authority. Bidders or Selected Bidder (including any of its Joint Venture Members)
failing to submit the original documents required shall be liable for rejection of their Bid,
withdrawal of LoA, debarment from bidding in any projects of the Authority for a period of upto
5 (Five) years or any measures to be undertaken as the Authority deems fit.
2.2.2. Bids received by Authority after the specified time on Bid Due Date Sr. No 6 of KIT shall
not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 2: Instructions to Bidders(s) (ITB)
2.3. Bid Security for RFP

2.3.1. The Bidder is required to submit an interest free Bid Security as per KIT (Item no. 14). Please

refer to instructions for online bid submission at the E-Procurement Portal. This Bid Security shall be applicable for all modes of tendering. The Bid Security shall be deposited either in cash through e-payment gateway or submitted as
Bank Guarantee bond from a scheduled commercial bank of India or as mentioned in tender
documents. The Bank Guarantee bond shall be as per the Bid Security format at Appendix-A
and shall be valid for a period of 90 days beyond the bid validity period. In case, submission of Bid Security in the form of Bank Guarantee bond, following shall be
i. A scanned copy of the Bank Guarantee bond shall be uploaded on the e- Procurement
Portal www.tenderwizardin/RLDA while applying for the Bid.
ii. The original Bank Guarantee bond should be delivered in person to the official
nominated as indicated in the tender document within 5 working days of the bid due
date (Item no. 6 of KIT).
iii. Non submission of scanned copy of Bank Guarantee bond with the bid on e-tendering
portal and/or non-submission of original Bank Guarantee within the specified period
shall lead to summary rejection of bid.
iv. The Bid Security shall remain valid for a period of 90 days beyond the validity period
for the Bid.
v. The details of the BG, physically submitted, should match with the details available in
the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time, failing which the
bid will be rejected.
vi. The Bank Guarantee shall be placed in an envelope, which shall be sealed. The
envelope shall clearly bear the identification “Bid for the Appointment of Agency for
providing Project Management Consultancy Services (PMS) for Redevelopment
Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of associated
Infrastructure” and shall clearly indicate the name and address of the Bidder. In
addition, the Bid Due Date should be indicated on the right-hand top corner of the
vii. The envelope shall be addressed to the officer and address as mentioned in the KIT
(Item no. 16).
viii. If the envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed above, the Authority assumes no
responsibility for the misplacement of BG Bond.

2.3.2. Bid security of unsuccessful Bidder(s), shall be returned after issuance of LOA to the Selected
Bidder. Bid Security of the Selected Bidder, if any, shall be returned after submission of
Performance Security as per the provision of this RFP and LOA.

2.3.3. The Bidder is liable for damages in following cases:

a) If the Bidder submits a non-responsive Bid;

b) If the Bidder withdraws its bid (offer) during the Bid Validity Period;
c) If the Selected Bidder fails to accept the Letter of Award in writing within the time
specified in this document or any extension thereof granted by the Authority;
d) If the Selected Bidder fails to sign the agreement within the time specified in this document

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Section – 2: Instructions to Bidders(s) (ITB)
or any extension thereof granted by the Authority;
e) If the Bidder imposes any condition after the Bid Due Date affecting the original bid;
f) If the Selected Bidder fails to submit the Performance Security within stipulated time or

any extension thereof granted by the Authority.

2.3.4. Under such case as mentioned under Clause 2.3.3 above, the Bid Security or the Performance
Security if submitted, shall be forfeited and the Bidder shall be banned from submission of bids
in any works/services tender issued by the Authority for a period upto 5 (five) years from the
date of such banning.

2.3.5. Any bidder from the countries sharing a land border with India will be eligible to bid in any
procurement whether of goods, services (including PMS and non-PMS) or works (including
turnkey projects) only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. The Competent
Authority for registration will be the Registration Committee constituted by the Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Government of India. For interpretation of
this clause Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India letter
F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23/07/2020 shall be referred which is enclosed as Appendix-B:
Technical Bid Form-B7.

2.4. Validity of the Bid

The Bid shall be kept valid for a period as mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 17). The Authority
may however, approach the Bidders to extend the validity of their Bids in case it is not able to
conclude the selection process for appointment of PMS Agency within the original Bid validity
period. Bidders shall have the option to either extend or refuse to extend the validity of their
Bids without any liability whatsoever on either side on this account.

2.5. Preparation of Bids

i. The Bid as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the Bidder(s) and the
Authority shall be written in English language, unless specified otherwise.

ii. In preparing their Bid, Bidder(s) are expected to examine in detail the documents
comprising the RFP. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may
result in rejection of a Bid.

iii. An authorized representative of the Bidder(s) shall digitally sign the Technical and
Financial Bids. The authorization shall be in the form of a written Power of Attorney, as
per the format provided in Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B4, accompanying the Bid
and also Power of Attorney for Lead Member in case of Consortium as per the format
provided in Appendix-B: Technical Bid Form-B5.

iv. Cost of preparing the Bid

The Bidders shall be responsible for all of the costs associated with the preparation
of their Bid and their participation in the Selection Process. The Authority will not
be responsible or in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the Selection Process.

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2.6. Technical Bid

2.6.1. While preparing the Technical Bid, Bidder(s) must give particular attention to the following:

a) The requirement of Key Experts and other staff to be deployed for this PMS Assignment as
assessed by the Authority as a “Minimum Requirement” is provided in the Table at
Clause In line with the requirement, while making the bid, Bidder must ensure that
he proposes the minimum number and type of Expert(s) as sought by the Authority above,
failing which the bid shall be considered as non-responsive and shall not be evaluated

b) Bidders shall submit the Technical Bid in the formats at Appendix- B, C, D & E.

c) While submitting the Technical Bid, the Bidder shall, in particular, ensure that:

(i) The Bid Security is submitted as per Clause 2.3 and in the format at Appendix A;

(ii) All forms are submitted in the prescribed formats and all the RFP Documents,
Corrigendum, Addendum and Reply to Queries, etc. submitted by the Bidders
shall be digitally signed by the Bidder or his representative holding the Power of

(iii) Power of Attorney for the Authorised Representative, (in case of Consortium by
the Authorised Representative of the Lead Member of the Consortium), if
applicable, is submitted in the format provided at Appendix-B: Technical Bid
Form B-4 and is executed as per Applicable Laws;

(iv) Joint Bidding Agreement is executed and submitted as specified in Appendix-B:

Technical Bid Form-B6 in case of Consortium;

(v) The bid is responsive in terms of Clause 2.20;

(vi) Failure to comply with the requirements spelt out in this clause shall make the bid
liable to be rejected.

d) Authority reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents,
submitted by the Bidder in response to the RFP. Any such verification or lack of such
verification by the Authority to undertake such verification shall not relieve the Bidder
of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Authority
e) In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the Agreementor
after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, that one or more of the
eligibility conditions have not been met by the Bidder or the Bidder has made material
misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or false information, the Bidder shall
be disqualified forthwith, if the Bidder is the Lead Member of a consortium, thenthe entire
consortium may be disqualified / rejected if not yet appointed as the PMS Agency either by
issue of the LOA or entering into of the Agreement, and if the Selected Bidder has already
been issued the LOA or has entered into the Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or inthis RFP, shall be
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terminated, by a communication in writing by the Authority withoutAuthority being liable in

any manner whatsoever to the Bidder or Consultant, as the case may be. The award of this
PMS Contract to the Bidder at Bid stage may also be liable tocancellation in such an event. In
such an event, Authority shall forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security or the Performance
Security as the case may be as mutually agreed pre- estimated compensation and damages
payable to the Authority for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of the Authority and the Bidder
shall be banned from submission of bids inany works/ services tender issued by the
Authority for a period of up to 5 (five) yearsfrom the date, such banning is done.

f) Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, the Authority reserves the right to
accept or reject any Bid and to annul the Selection Process and reject all Bids, at any time
without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and
without assigning any reasons, therefore.

2.6.2. The Technical Bid shall not include any financial information. A Technical Bid containing
financial information shall be declared as non-responsive.

2.6.3. Authority shall be at liberty to keep the credentials submitted by the Bidders at bidding stage,
in public domain and the same may be uploaded by the Authority on Authority’s website.
Bidders should have no objection if Authority uploads the information pertaining to their
credentials as well as their Key Personnel.

2.6.4. By submitting the Bid, it is also understood that the individual Key Personnel proposed in the
Bid by the Bidder or any replacement thereof shall have no objection in uploading/hoisting of
their credentials by the Authority in public domain.

2.7. Financial Bid

2.7.1. Bidders shall submit the financial bid online in the formats indicated at Appendix-F (the
“Financial Bid”) clearly indicating the total cost of the PMS, in terms of the proposed
Deployment Planning of the Experts / Other Staff as shown at Appendix-D: Technical Bid
Form-D2 and correspondingly incorporated in the Appendix-F: Financial Bid Form-F1 and
digitally signed by the Bidder’s Authorized Representative.

2.7.2. While submitting the Financial Bid, the Bidder shall ensure the following:

i. Financial Bid must be strictly using the formats attached in Appendix-F.

ii. No additional personnel/items/quantities other than that specified in the formats

prescribed at Financial Bid Forms at Appendix-F be proposed by the Bidder.

iii. The PMS Agency shall be paid as per the remuneration rates for services in the financial bid
submitted by them and in terms of the provision of this RFP.

iv. The remuneration rates shall be increased as per the provisions under Clause 6.7 of the
Draft PMS Agreement. However, for evaluation and award of the Bid, the quoted rates
shall be considered without considering the increase in the remuneration rates.

v. All the costs associated with the PMS assignment shall be included in the Financial Bid.
These shall cover remuneration for all the personnel, accommodation, air fare, travel,
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local conveyance, office equipment, printing of documents, stationary, Overheads,
Profits etc. The Financial Bid shall be without any condition attached or subject to any
assumption and shall be final and binding. In case any assumption or condition is
indicated in the Financial Bid, it shall be considered as non-responsive and liable to be

vi. Reimbursable expenses, as and when incurred as per the requirements of the PMS
Assignment will be reimbursed by the Authority as per the provisions indicated in the
Appendix-F: Financial Bid Forms F-2 and F-3. The Bidders may however, note that the
reimbursements payments will be made as per actual expenses incurred as established by
submission of the relevant original invoices and subject to the ceiling limits as provided
for at Appendix-F: Financial Bid Forms-F2 and F3.

vii. The Authority will provide limited Office Accommodation to the PMS Agency duly
furnished with basic office furniture, air-conditioning, power supply, LAN connectivity, as
per the details provided at Annexure-1 either within or near its Office premises or at a
location in close proximity to the Project Site on ‘free of cost’ basis for the entire duration
of the PMS Assignment.

viii. All payments, whether under staff remuneration or under reimbursable expenses, except
for overseas lodging & transport allowance as provided for at Financial Bid Form-F2, to
be made by the Authority to the PMS Agency will be in INR (Indian Rupees).
Accordingly, the Bidders are advised to appropriately account for exchange rate
fluctuation implications, wherever they may be incurring expenses in foreign currency
including the remuneration of Expat Experts.

ix. The Financial Bid shall take into account all expenses and all tax liabilities except for
GST. Further, all payments shall be subject to deduction of taxes at source as per
Applicable Laws.

x. There is no provision of Mobilization advance in this Contract.

2.7.3. The rates quoted shall be firm throughout the period of performance of the PMS up to and
including discharge of all obligations of the PMS Assignment under the Agreement, except the
increase in remuneration rates as per Clause 2.7.2 (iv) above.

2.8. Conflict of Interest

2.8.1. A Bidder shall not have a Conflict of Interest with regard to this assignment. Any Bidder found
to have such a conflict of interest shall be disqualified.

2.8.2. The Authority requires that the PMS Agency provide professional, objective, and impartial
advice and at all times hold the Authority’s interest paramount, avoid conflicts with other
assignments or their own corporate interests and act without any consideration for future work.
The PMS Agency shall not accept or engage in any assignment that would be in conflict with its
prior or current obligations to other employers or that may place it in a position of not being able
to carry out the assignment in the best interest of the Authority.

2.8.3. Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing, the PMS Agency and any of its Associates

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shall be considered to have a conflict of interest and shall not be selected under any of the
circumstances set forth below:

i. If there is a conflict among this and other consulting assignments of the PMS Agency
(including its personnel) and any subsidiaries or entities controlled by such PMS Agency.
The duties of the PMS Agency depend on the circumstances of each case. While providing
Consultancy services to the Authority for this particular assignment, the PMS Agency
shall not take up any assignment that by its nature will result in conflict with the present

ii. An Agency which has been engaged by the Authority to provide goods or works for a
project, and any of its affiliates, will be disqualified from providing consulting services
for the same project. Conversely, a firm hired to provide consulting services for the
preparation of implementation of a project, and any of its affiliates, will be disqualified
from subsequently, providing goods or works or services related to the same project. The
conflict of interest will be with the Consultant(s) as mentioned in KIT (Item no. 22).

iii. A Bidder eventually appointed to provide Consultancy for this Project, as well as any of
its affiliates, shall be disqualified from subsequently providing goods or works or services
related to the construction and execution of the same project (other than a continuation
of the Firm’s earlier consulting services) till one year from the date of completion of
services under this Consultancy Assignment.

2.9. Number of Bids

No Bidder or its Associate shall submit more than one Bid for this RFP. A Bidder applying
individually or as an Associate shall not be entitled to submit another Bid either individually or
as a member of any Consortium, as the case may be.

2.10. Site Visit and Verification of Information

Bidders are encouraged to submit their respective Bids after visiting the Project Site
thoroughly and ascertaining for themselves the site conditions, traffic, heritage, relocation,
train operations, Railway Working, location, surroundings, climate, access to the site and
other factors having influence on the execution of the project etc., Applicable Laws and
regulations or any other matter considered relevant by them.

2.11. Acknowledgement by Bidder

2.11.1. It shall be deemed that by submitting the Bid, the Bidder has:
a) made a complete and careful examination of the RFP;
b) received all relevant information requested from Authority;
c) acknowledged and accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information
provided in the RFP or furnished by or on behalf of Authority or relating to any of the
matters referred to in Clause 2.10 above;
d) satisfied itself about all matters, things and information, including matters referred to in
Clause 2.10 herein above, necessary and required for submitting an informed Bid and
performance of all of its obligations there under;
e) acknowledged that it does not have a Conflict of Interest; and agreed to be bound by the
undertaking provided by it under and in terms hereof;
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f) acknowledged and agreed that inadequacy, lack of completeness or incorrectness of

information provided in the RFP or ignorance of any of the matter referred to in Clause
2.11.1 herein above shall not be a basis for any claim for compensation, damages,
extension of time for performance of its obligations, loss of profits etc. from the
Authority, or a ground for termination of the Agreement.

2.11.2. The Authority shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error on the part of the Bidder in
respect of any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or
relating to RFP or the Selection Process, including any error or mistake therein or in any
information or data given by the Authority.

2.12. Clarifications / Queries by the Bidders and Pre-Bid Conference

2.12.1. Bidders seeking any clarification on the RFP may send their queries to the Authority in writing
or through email id and before the date mentioned in KIT (Item no. 3).

2.12.2. The Authority shall endeavor to respond to the queries at the earliest. The Authority will upload
the reply to all such queries on the e-Procurement Portal only.

2.12.3. The Authority reserves the right not to respond to any questions or provide any clarifications,
in its sole discretion, and nothing in this Clause 2.12 shall be construed as obliging the Authority
to respond to any question or to provide any clarification.

2.12.4. Pre-Bid Conference Pre-Bid conference of the Bidders shall be convened at the designated date, time and
place as specified in the KIT (Item no. 2). A maximum of four representatives of the
prospective Bidders shall be allowed to participate on production of appropriate authority
letter from the Bidder. During the course of Pre-Bid conference(s), the Bidders will be free to seek clarifications
and make suggestions for consideration of the Authority. Authority shall endeavor to
provide clarifications and such further information as it may, in its sole discretion, consider
appropriate for facilitating a fair, transparent and competitive bidding process.

2.13. Amendment of RFP

2.13.1. At any time prior to the Bid Due Date, Authority may, for any reason, whether at its own
initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a Bidder, modify the RFP by the issuance
of Addenda/Corrigenda/Response to Pre-Bid queries as uploaded on the e-Procurement Portal
and which shall be part of the Agreement to be executed between the Selected Bidder and the

2.13.2. Any Addendum issued hereunder will only be uploaded on the e-Procurement Portal. The
Authority will ensure that the Bidders are provided a clear duration of a minimum of 7 (seven)
calendar days from the date of issue of last Addendum/Clarification for submission of their

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2.13.3. In order to afford the Bidders a reasonable time for taking an Addendum into account, or for
any other reason, the Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend the Bid Due Date.

2.13.4. Any corrigendum/ addendum/ clarifications/ reply to queries issued by the Authority for the
RFP shall be published only on the e-Procurement Portal and no separate information shall be
communicated to individual Bidders.

2.14. Letter of Award (LOA) and Signing of Agreement

2.14.1. The Selected Bidder in terms of this RFP shall be considered for issue of LOA as set forth at
Clause 3.11.6. The Selected Bidder shall be required to commence the PMS Assignment as per the
provisions under Clause 3.13. Till such time agreement is executed, the LOA will constitute a
legal and binding contract between the Authority and the Selected Bidder.

2.14.2. The Selected Bidder shall be required to sign a Contract Agreement within the time period as
mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 20) after submission of Performance Guarantee or within the
time as extended by the Authority due to administrative reasons for submission of Performance
Guarantee as per Clause 2.15.1.

2.14.3. If the Bidder fails to comply with any of the conditions indicated in RFP (unless any period is
relaxed by the Authority for compelling and genuine reasons and the decision of the Authority
in such case shall be absolute and final), the LOA can be withdrawn duly forfeiting the Bid
Security of the Bidder.

2.15. Performance Security

2.15.1. In order to ensure the due performance of the contract, the Selected Bidder shall submit a
Performance Security to the Authority for a sum equivalent to amount as mentioned in the KIT
(Item no. 18). The Selected Bidder shall have to submit Performance Security within the period as
mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 19). Extension of time for submission of Performance Security
beyond such period and up to 60 (Sixty) days from the date of issue of LOA may be permitted
by the Authority on written request of the Selected Bidder. However, a penal interest @ 15% per
annum, on the amount of Performance Security, shall be payable by the SelectedBidder for the
period of extension beyond the period mentioned in the KIT. In case, the Selected Bidder fails to
submit the Performance Security even up to 60 (Sixty) days from the date of issue of LOA,
the contract shall be terminated by cancellation of LOA and amount of Bid Security shall be

2.15.2. The Performance Security shall be payable through RTGS/NEFT in the bank account as
mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 15), or in the form of Bank Guarantee/TDR/Demand Draft/
Bankers’ Cheque or Pay Order in favor of the Authority as mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 15),
drawn on any nationalized or scheduled commercial bank. The said Performance Security will
be kept valid for duration as mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 18). Thereafter, as required by the
Authority, the same shall be extended further for the required period as may be decided by the
Authority. The Performance Security would however be forfeited in case of any event of
Default leading to termination of contract as described in the Draft PMS Agreement.

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2.15.3. The Performance Security shall be released two months after the payment of the final bill and
submission of NOC. No interest shall be payable on Performance Security.

2.15.4. Forfeiture of Performance Security

The Bidder, by submitting its Bid pursuant to this RFP, shall be deemed to have acknowledged
that without prejudice to the Authority’s any other right or remedy hereunder or in law or
otherwise, its Performance Security shall be forfeited and appropriated by the Authority as the
mutually agreed pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to the Authority for, inter
alia, the time, cost and effort of the Authority in regard to the RFP, including the consideration
and evaluation of the Bid, under the following conditions:

i. If a Bidder engages in any of the Prohibited Practices specified in Clause 2.16 of this
ii. if the Bidder is found to have a Conflict of Interest as specified in Clause 2.8 of this RFP;
iii. if the Selected Bidder commits a breach of the Agreement.

2.16. Fraud and Corrupt Practices

2.16.1. The Authority requires that the Bidder(s) participating in selection process adhere to the highest
ethical standards, both during the selection process and throughout the execution of the
Contract. In pursuance of this policy, the Authority:

i. Defines, for the purpose of this paragraph, the terms set forth below:

(a) “Corrupt practice” means the offering, promising, giving, receiving, or

soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value which he is not legally
entitled to, to influence the action of a public official in the selection process or
in contract execution.

(b) “Fraudulent practice” means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or

submission of fake/forged Documents in order to influence a selection process
or the execution of a contract.

(c) “Collusive practices” means a scheme or arrangement whether formal or

informal, between two or more /Bidder(s) with or without the knowledge of the
Authority, designed to establish prices at artificial, non-competitive levels,
submission or non-submission of Bids.

(d) “Coercive practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or

indirectly, persons or their property to influence their participation in a
procurement process or affect the execution of a contract.

(e) “Restrictive Practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding

or arrangement among Bidders with the objective of restricting or
manipulating a full and fair competition in the Selection Process.

ii. Will reject a bid for award if it determines that the Bidder(s) recommended for award
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has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for the contract in question; and

iii. Will sanction the Bidder(s), including declaring the Bidder(s) ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time, for award of a contract if at any time determines
that the Bidder(s) has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent,
collusive or coercive practices in competing for, or in executing a contract.

2.16.2. The Bidder(s) should be aware of the provisions on fraud and corruption stated in the specific
clauses in the Conditions of Contract.

2.17. Intellectual Property

2.17.1. The Bidder warrants that in providing the Services it shall not infringe copyright, patent,
confidential information or any other intellectual property right of any third party and
indemnifies the Authority against any claim made against it arising from any infringement of
any intellectual property right belonging to any third party. In the event, the PMS Agency relies
on or makes use of any intellectual property right belonging to a third party, then he would be
solely responsible to negotiate and pay the royalty to the third party and no such expenditure
would be payable by the Authority. Development plans, building plans and drawings
prepared/reviewed by the Bidder shall be property of the Authority and the Authority/Indian
Railways shall be at liberty to use it freely at any place without paying any royalty.

2.17.2. The copyright including the database rights in all the works produced during the course of or
in consequence of providing the Services shall belong to the Authority absolutely. The
Authority will be the owner of the copyright in the works produced during the course of
providing service. The Authority has the right to use the same anywhere else, without paying
any extra compensation to the PMS Agency.

2.18. Confidentiality
Information relating to evaluation of bids and recommendations concerning awards shall not
be disclosed to the Bidder(s) who submitted the bid or to other persons not officially concerned
with the process, until the publication of the award of Contract. The undue use by any Bidder
of confidential information related to the process may result in the rejection of its bid and he
may be debarred from participating in future tenders by the Authority for a period of two years.

2.19. Foreign Companies

Global tender enquiry shall not be invited for Tenders valuing up to Rs. 200 Crore (two hundred
crores) as per Letter No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated 28.05.2020 issued by the Ministry of
Finance, Govt. of India including Letter No. F. 04.1.2021-PPD dated the 03rd August 2021
issued by the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.

2.20. Responsiveness of the Bids

2.20.1. Authority shall open the Bids at date and time as provided in KIT (Item no. 6).

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Section – 3: Criteria for Eligibility & Evaluation

2.20.2. Prior to evaluation of Bids, the Authority will determine responsiveness of the bids as per the
requirements of the RFP. The Authority may, in its sole discretion, reject any Bid that is not
responsive hereunder. A Bid shall be considered responsive only if:

i. the Technical Bid is received in the format specified in various Technical Bid Forms at
Appendix-B, C, D & E;
ii. it is received by the Bid Due Date and time including any extension thereof pursuant to
Clause 2.13;
iii. it is accompanied by the Bid Security as specified in Clause 1.2.4 & 2.3;
iv. it is digitally signed and marked as stipulated in this RFP;
v. it is accompanied by the Power of Attorney as specified in Clause 2.5 (iii);
vi. If applicable, the Power of Attorney for Lead Member of Consortium as per the format
at Appendix-B: Technical Bid-Form-B5;
vii. Joint Bidding Agreement, in case of a Consortium, substantially in the format at
Appendix B: Technical Bid Form-B6;
viii. It is accompanied by an Affidavit as per the format at Appendix-G;
ix. it contains all the information (complete in all respects) as requested in the RFP;
x. it does not contain any condition or qualification; and
xi. it is not non-responsive in terms hereof.

2.20.3. The Authority reserves the right to reject any Bid which is non-responsive and no request for
the alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by the Authority in
respect of such Bids.

2.20.4. The Authority shall subsequently examine and evaluate only the Responsive Bids in accordance
with the Selection Process and the criteria set out in Section 3 of this RFP.


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Section – 3: Criteria for Eligibility & Evaluation

3. Criteria for Eligibility & Evaluation

3.1. Conditions of Eligibility of Bidders

Bidders must read carefully the minimum conditions of eligibility (the “Conditions of
Eligibility”) provided herein.
3.1.1 In the first stage, the Technical Bids will be evaluated as per Clause 3.2 based on the Preliminary
Screening Criteria prescribed therein for Financial Capacity. Only the bids meeting the criteria
prescribed therein shall be evaluated further for Technical Capability of the Bidder.

3.2 Preliminary Screening based on Financial Capacity

To be eligible for Technical evaluation of its Bid, the Bidder shall fulfill the following
preliminary screening requirements based on their Financial Capacity:

a) The Bidder shall have achieved an average annual financial turnover (gross) of not less than
INR 150 Crs. (One hundred and Fifty crores) as technical consultancy fees during last 5
(five) consecutive completed financial years ending on or earlier to 30.06.2023. This should be
duly audited by a Chartered Accountant. For the last completed financial year, it may be
certified by CA, if not audited. Year in which no turnover is shown would also be
considered for working out the average. (figures are without taxes and PV)
For the avoidance of doubt, professional consultancy fees refer to fees received by the
Bidder for providing technical consultancy and/or project management supervision services
to its clients.
b) In case of Consortium, the Financial Capacity of only the Lead Member will be considered.

c) A Bidder will be permitted to avail the benefit of the credentials of his Associate Company.

d) Any Bidder not being able to meet the Preliminary Screening requirements based on the
Financial Capacity parameters set out above in this Clause shall stand disqualified and will
not be evaluated any further for the Technical Eligibility.

3.3 Technical Eligibility

3.3.1 Technical Eligibility of the Bidder’s Organizational Capacity For demonstrating organizational technical capacity, the Bidder shall have completed or
substantially completed Eligible Assignment(s) as mentioned below during the past 7 (seven)
years ending on 30.06.23:

(i) Three similar works each having technical consulting fees of not less than INR
15 (Fifteen) crores each.

(ii) Two similar works each having technical consulting fees of not less than INR
25(Twenty-Five) crores each.

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Section – 3: Criteria for Eligibility & Evaluation

(iii) One similar work having technical consulting fees of not less than INR
30(Thirty) crores. Similar work or Eligible Project (the “Eligible Project”) shall mean:

(i) Construction of Passenger handling terminals i.e. Railway Stations, Metro stations,
Stations of RRTS / HSR / Monorail, Airport Terminals, Bus Terminals.


(ii) Construction of commercial/institutional real estate project (such as Educational

Institution, Hospital, Hotel, Convention Centre, Shopping Mall/ Shopping Complex,
Sports Complex, Office Complex) having RCC framed structure or steel structure,
water supply, sanitary installation, internal electrical installation, HVAC,
substation, façade development, interior design and furnishing, fire-fighting and
lifts/escalators, integrated structures and services management like building
information management systems etc. Requirement for ongoing Consultancy Assignment

Minimum one ongoing Technical Consultancy assignment (not necessarily for similar work)
of contract value not less than INR 50 crores secured during the last five years ending on
 The value of the Consultancy fees for the eligible projects shall be brought to the current
pricing level by enhancing the actual value of work at a simple rate of 7% per annum,
calculated from the actual date of completion to 30.06.2023.
 For evaluation, substantially completed Project / Assignment means that the Bidder has
received at least 80% of the professional fees /agreement value towards undertaking such
Eligible Assignment.
 In case, the Bidder has executed any eligible project as member of a Consortium, then he
will consider the Consultancy fees received by him only for his portion of services.
 Provided further, that in case of a Consortium, experience of the Consortium shall be
considered in regard to Clause above, in case the Bidder is carrying out thetechnical
consultancy assignment with the identical Consortium.
 Provided further, that the Lead Member must meet the Technical Eligibility requirement as
set forth at Clause above for at least two projects under condition (i) and one project
under condition (ii) unless he meets the Technical Eligibility requirement under condition.
(iii) above.

3.3.2 Deployment requirement for Bidder’s Manpower Detailed Break-down of requirement for Bidder’s Manpower

This PMS Assignment is for managing the execution of a multi stakeholder multi-disciplinary
EPC project comprising structural construction works for buildings & viaducts/ROBs, Roads,
Architectural & Urban planning, Systems & MEPF works, Railway Track & OHE works,
IBMS/SCADA works, etc. Hence, the PMS Team needs to have expertise in all the relevant
fields. Project involves construction of iconic buildings and project facilities integrated by
systems, integrating heritage and possessing archaeological art sculpture and aesthetic elements
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, which call for special abilities. It also comprises deployment of two distinct teams of
Experts/Staff, one at HO of the Authority and one at the Project Site.

As per the Authority’s considerations, tentatively assessed requirements of various Key

Experts, Non-key Experts, Other Professional Staff, Support Staff is as indicated in the Table

SN Position Number of Man-month

requirement assessed
by the Authority for
each position
I. Key Experts: Category–A (KA): CVs to be evaluated individually
KA-1 Project Director cum Team Leader 1 36
KA-2 Principal Interface Manager 1 36
KA-3 Principal Design - Coordinator - Architectural, 1 30
Civil, Structural, PHE and Landscape
KA-4 Principal Design Coordinator (Systems & MEPF) 1 30
KA-5 Principal Architect for all disciplines 1 40
KA- 6 Principal SHE Manager 36

KA-7 Chief (Principal) Resident Engineer (All Works) 1 40

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Key Experts Category A 248

II. Key Experts: Category–B (KB): CVs to be evaluated individually

KB-1 Project Planning Engineer 1 36

KB-2 Principal Quality Manager 1 40

KB-3 Resident Engineer (Civil Construction-I) 1 36
KB-4 Resident Engineer (Civil Construction-II) 1 36
KB-5 Resident Engineer (Architect) 1 36
KB-6 Resident Engineer (MEPF) 1 32
KB-7 Design/Approval Coordinator (Civil and 1 30
KB-8 Design/Approval Coordinator (Systems & MEPF) 1 30
KB-9 Resident Surveyor 1 24
KB-10 Techno Commercial Legal Manager 1 36
KB-11 Financial Controller 1 36
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Key Experts Category B 372

III. Non-Key Experts: Category–C (NKC)

NKC-1 Sr. Engineer (Civil Construction) 6 36
NKC-2 Sr. Engineer (Systems & MEPF) 2 36
NKC-3 Sr. Engineer (Track) 1 20
NKC-4 Sr. Engineer (OHE) 1 20
NKC-5 Quality Manager (Civil Construction) 1 36

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NKC-6 Quality Manager (Systems & MEPF) 1 36
NKC-7 SHE Officer 2 36
NKC-8 Billing Engineers (Civil and MEPF Work) 2 36
NKC-9 Quantity Surveyors (Civil and MEPF Work) 2 36
NKC-10 Control Room Operator 1 36

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Non-Key Experts (NKC): 652

IV. Other Professional Staff Category–D (OPS)

OPS-1 Field Engineer (Civil Construction) 9 36

OPS-2 Field Engineer (Systems & MEPF) 4 36

OPS-3 Field Engineer (Track) 1 20

OPS-4 Field Engineer (OHE) 1 20

OPS-5 Document Controller for Civil and MEPF 2 36

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Other Professional Staff 580
V. Support Staff Category–E (SSE)

Bidder to propose various support staff viz.

Security, Receptionist, Pantry operator, Data Entry
operator, Office Maintenance staff, CAD
Operator, Photocopy Operator, Office cum HR 576
SSE Manager, Project Accountant, Office Caretaker,
Office Boy etc. as per their own assessment
including identifying specific positions and
deployment man month duration subject to total
proposed man months duration not being less than
the man month duration indicated by Authority
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Support Staff (SSE): 576
Total Cumulative Man-month assessed by the Authority: 2428

1. At the time of submission of RFP, CVs for Key Experts Category ‘A’ (KA) and Category ‘B’
(KB) are to be submitted by the Bidders.
2. CVs of Key Experts Category ‘A’ (KA) & Key Experts Category ‘B’ (KB) will be evaluated
individually during the Technical Evaluation of the Bidders and both are critical for the overall
technical evaluation of the Bidder’s proposal.
3. CVs for staff under other Categories need not be submitted by the Bidders at the time of bidding.
4. Overall number of Man-months proposed to be deployed by the Bidders for Key Experts
Category A (KA) and Key Experts Category B (KB) individually against each position must
not be less than the figures assessed by the Authority and indicated in the Table above.
5. Overall number of Man-months proposed to be deployed by the Bidders for Non Key
Experts Category C (NKC) / Other Professional Staff Category D (OPS) / Support Staff

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Category E (SSE) may vary against the individual position but must not be less than the
figures assessed bythe Authority and indicated in the Table above as a Total for each of these
6. For Support Staff Category E (SSE), Bidders will make their own assessment of position wise
requirement including their deployment planning. The Total man-months thus proposed by the
Bidder however, must not be less than the total LS man month as assessed by the Authority.
7. Bidders shall have the flexibility to increase the number of positions as well as the total
man- month requirements under each category based on their assessment of requirements
of Experts/Staff for achieving the successful completion of the assignment and their overall
Work plan.
8. Entire Man month deployment planning of the Bidder has to be appropriately factored in their
Financial Bid clearly.
9. While compiling the Financial Bid Form-F1 for remunerations payable to the Experts/Other
Staff, Bidders shall ensure that Remuneration rates to be quoted shall be specific against each
Expert Position under Key Experts Category A (KA). For Key Experts Category B (KB), Non
Key Experts Category C (NKC) and Other Professional Staff Category D (OPS), the
Bidders can classify individual staff positions in a maximum of three Bands and will
quote uniform remuneration rates for all the staff positions included under one Band.
For Support Staff Category E (SSE), one uniform remuneration rate will be quoted for
all the Staff positions.
10. Bidder will also show the deployment planning of various Experts and other staff distinctly
between the HO Team & the Field Team.
11. Intermittent Experts shall be deployed as per requirements and at appropriate stage of the Project
execution for various Specialist Functions like Art Work, Façade Lighting of Buildings,
Landscaping, Heritage planning, Internal Finishing, etc. with mutual agreement between the
Selected Bidder (PMS Agency) and the Authority. Their deployment costs shall be covered under
Reimbursable as per the Financial Bid Form-F2.
12. Based on Indicative Man-Month mentioned Authority can demand necessary reshuffling of
staff members within various discipline as per need of the project to achieve stipulated timeline.
13. Indicative Job Description of Key Experts has been given in Annexure-4. Permissible Change of Expert Manpower by the Bidder
Bidder shall offer and make available all Key Experts meeting the requirements as specified in
the Table above at Clause under the normal circumstances. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, replacement of Key Experts/Non-Key Experts during the currency of the Contract
may be considered by the Authority only based on the Consultant’s written request and due to
circumstances outside the reasonable control of the Consultant, including but not limited to
death or medical incapacity of the concerned Key Personnel. In such case, the Consultant shall
forthwith provide as a replacement, a person of equivalent or better qualification and
experience, as prescribed at Annexure-3. However, such replacements would be subject to
following stipulations:

(i) Selected Bidder shall be permitted to offer replacement of a maximum of two persons each in
Key Expert Category ‘A’ (KA) and Key Expert Category ‘B’ (KB) respectively during the
currency of the Contract subject to other terms and conditions for replacement of the
Expert manpower being fully complied with.
(ii) In case, the Selected Bidder proposes replacements of Key Experts beyond the provisions
of Sub Para (i) above, then a maximum of two more persons each in Key Expert Category
‘A’ (KA) and Key Expert Category ‘B’ (KB) shall be permitted by the Authority subject to
other conditions for replacement of Expert manpower being fully complied with. However,
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Section – 3: Criteria for Eligibility & Evaluation
for all such replacements, a reduction of 10% (ten percent) in the accepted Man month
remuneration rate for the concerned Expert position will be implemented for the entire
balance deployment duration of that Expert position.
(iii) In Non Key Experts Category ‘C’ (NKC), the bidder may propose replacement of a
maximum of eight persons during the currency of the Contract. In case, replacement of
more Non-Key Experts Category ‘C’ (NKC) becomes essential for the Consultant, then,
for all such replacements, a reduction of 10% (ten percent) in the accepted Man month
remuneration rate for the concerned Expert position will be implemented for the entire
balance deployment duration of those Expert positions.
(iv) In case, replacements of more Key Experts in Key Expert Category ‘A’ (KA) and Key
Expert Category ‘B’ (KB) becomes necessary for the Consultant beyond the provisions of
Para (ii) above for whatsoever reasons, Authority may consider continuation of the services of
the Consultant by implementing a reduction of 25% (twenty five percent) in the accepted Man
month remuneration rate for the concerned Expert positions for the entire balance
deployment duration of those Expert positions or may consider it as a breach of contract
and shall be at liberty to take appropriate action as it deems fit in terms of the
Contract. If any of the Key Experts in Category A and Category B proposed by the Bidder fails to meet
the eligibility criteria, the Bidder shall be considered to have failed to meet the eligibility criteria
with regard to those Key Experts. In such case of failure to meet the eligibility criteria, zero
marks will be awarded to such Key Experts during evaluation of technical score as per Clause
3.7.2 for assessing the overall Technical score of the Bidder. In case, the Bidder still figures in
top 3 (three) eligible bidders on Technical score, then he will be given the option to replace
such ineligible Key Expert(s) with eligible Key Expert(s) within a period of fifteen days from
the date the communication is made by the Authority in this regard. If the Bidder fails to replace
such Key Expert(s) within the aforesaid time, Authority reserves the right to reject the offer of
such Bidder(s) and proceed for opening the Financial Bids of remaining technically eligible
Bidders. Failure of the Project Director cum Team Leader to meet the eligibility criteria as per Clause
3.7.2 and Scoring Matrix for various Technical Evaluation parameters at Annexure-2 of
this RFP shall result in summary rejection of the Bid. Further, no replacement of person against
this position will be permitted until completion of a period of minimum 12 (twelve) months
from the date of issue of LOA, in case the Bidder finally emerges as the Selected Bidder for
issue of LOA. Bidders acknowledge that requirement for replacement of Key Experts under Clause
and above, if any, will be counted towards permissible change of Experts in totality as
per the Clause (i), (ii) & (iv) above.

3.4 Valuation of Overseas Assignments

If for projects undertaken abroad, payments and financial figures are expressed in currencies other
than INR, then the same will be converted to equivalent INR. For conversion of their currencies to
Indian Rupees (INR), the rate of conversion shall be INR 80 equal to 1 USD. For any other
currency, it shall be converted first to equivalent USD as per the exchange rate published by Central
Bank of the respective country for USD against such currency and then derived USD available will
be converted to INR as per this Clause.

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3.5 Other requirements for the Bidders

(i) Sub-consultancy assignments will not be considered as eligible experience.

(ii) For claiming the desired experience, Bidder shall have to submit a valid proof acceptable to
the Authority.
(iii) In case the work experience is for the work executed outside India, the Bidder(s) have to
submit the completion / experience certificate issued by the owner/ director of the company/
government authority of availing services duly signed & stamped, and affidavit to the
correctness of the completion / experience certificates. The Bidder shall also get the
completion/experience certificate attested by the Indian Embassy / Consulate / High
Commission in the respective country. In the event of submission of completion / experience
certificate by the Bidder in a language other than English, the English translation of the same
shall be duly authenticated by Chamber of Commerce of the respective country and attested
by the Indian Embassy / Consulate / High Commission in the respective country.
(iv) In case the Bidder claims its relevant experience from an assignment undertaken in a
JV/Consortium, receipts from its share of the fee from such assignment, as certified by
Statutory Auditor or CA as the case may be, shall be reckoned to be considered as an Eligible

3.6 Revenue Certification of the Bidders

The Bidder shall enclose with its Bid, certificate(s) from its Statutory Auditors$ stating its total
revenues from professional fees during each of the past five completed financial years ending on
or earlier to 30.06.23 and the fee received in respect of each of the Eligible Assignments specified
in the Bid. In the event that the Bidder does not have a statutory auditor, it shall providethe requisite
certificate(s) from the firm of Chartered Accountants that ordinarily audits the annual accounts of the
Bidder. All forms verified/certified by Statutory Auditor or CA should have clear mention of
UDIN number.

3.7 Evaluation of Technical Bids

3.7.1 In the first stage, the Technical Bids will be evaluated as per Clause 3.2 based on the Preliminary
Screening Criteria prescribed therein for Financial Capacity. Only the bids meeting the criteria
prescribed therein shall be evaluated further for Technical Capability of the Bidder.

3.7.2 Allocated Points against different Criteria, sub-criteria for evaluation of the full Technical
Proposal are as indicated in the Table hereunder:

SN Criteria Description Points Reference

Allocated Clause
A. Overall Experience & Capability of the Consultant’s Organization (20 Points)
A (i) Gross Consulting Revenue of the Organization 10 Cl. 3.2
A (ii) Consulting Revenue of the Organization from Eligible 10 Cl. 3.3.1
Note: Top 6 Bidders under this criteria will be shortlisted for
further technical evaluation.

B. Adequacy and quality of the proposed methodology and work plan in responding to the Scope of
Services and Proposal Presentation to the Authority (25 Points)

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Section – 3: Criteria for Eligibility & Evaluation
B (i) Understanding of the Scope, Proposed Methodology and Work 6
Plan. Proposed software tools for design/drawing approvals,
monitoring and reporting, design management etc. Autodesk
construction cloud or Equivalent cube [Techure],4D/5D
simulation softwares including drone-based monitoring
B (ii) Organization and staffing with skill sets 6 Cl. 3.3.2
B (iii) Innovative PMC execution techniques, use of Communication 4
processes, tools, software’s and related demonstration of
current tools, data handover etc.
B (iv) Proposal Presentation to the Authority including usage of latest 9
tools for design and construction works monitoring as mentioned
in (i.)

C. Key Experts Category ‘A’ (KA) Qualification, Experience and Competence for the assignment
(55 Points)
C (i) Project Director cum Team Leader 12 Cl.
C (ii) Principal Interface Manager 7 Cl.
C (iii) Principal Design Coordinator - Architectural, Civil, Structural, 8 Cl.
PHE and Landscape
C (iv) Principal Design Coordinator (Systems & MEPF) 8 Cl.
C (v) Principal Architect for all disciplines 8 Cl.
C (vi) Principal SHE Manager 6 Cl.
C (vii) Chief (Principal) Resident Engineer (All Works) 6 Cl.

D. Key Experts Category ‘B’ (KB) Qualification, Experience and Competence for the assignment
(No individual marking but critical for the awarding marks for Item B ii above)
D (i) Project Planning Engineer Cl.
D (ii) Principal Quality Manager Cl.
D (iii) Resident Engineer (Civil Construction-I) Cl.
D (iv) Resident Engineer (Civil Construction-II) Cl.
D (v) Resident (Architect) Cl.
D (vi) Resident Engineer (MEPF) Cl.
D (vii) Design/Approval Coordinator (Civil and Structures) Cl.
D (viii) Design/Approval Coordinator (Systems & MEPF) Cl.
D (ix) Resident Surveyor Cl.
D (x) Techno Commercial Legal Manager Cl.
D (xi) Financial Controller Cl.

The scores to be assigned to each of the Key Expert position under Category A (KA) and B (KB)
above shall be determined considering the following four sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:

SN Description of Sub-Criteria Percentage Weightage

1 Overall Qualification 10%
2 Overall experience and Age 20%
3 Adequacy for the assignment & relevant experience (training, 40%
experience in thesimilar sector, similar assignments)
4 Personal Interaction for evaluating capability in dealing with 30%
multi-disciplinary projects including co-ordination & interfacing
with multiple Stake holders, fluency in local language(s),
knowledge of local culture etc.

i) At the time of Bid submission, CVs for Key Experts Category ‘A’ and ‘B’ (KA & KB) only
should be submitted, CVs for both the Key Experts Category will be evaluated individually
during the technical evaluation.
ii) CVs of Key Experts Category ‘B’ will be reviewed for assessing their overall suitability for the
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Assignment and awarding score for Item B (ii) in the Table above.
iii) The Project Director cum Team Leader should be on the payroll of the Bidder from a date before
the Bid Due Date. All other Key Experts shall be directly employed/engaged with the Bidder
prior to the commencement of services.
iv) If same CV is proposed by two or more Bidders, zero marks shall be given to all such Bidders
for CV of such Key Expert.
v) In case, the number of Key Experts proposed by the Bidder is more than one against a particular
position as envisaged by the Authority, then each Key Expert shall be evaluated against the
proportionate number of marks specified for that category. For example, the marks for
individual Resident Engineer (Systems & MEPF) position in the above table shall be 2 if
requirement of two Resident Engineers (Systems & MEPF) is proposed by the Bidder i.e., score
of 4 divided by 2. The total score for the category of Resident Engineer (Systems & MEPF)
shall be the sum of individual scores of all such Experts proposed as Resident Engineer
(Systems & MEPF).
Maximum permissible age as on 30.06.2023 for all the Key Experts and other staff and other
eligibility conditions to be fulfilled for considering their deployment on this assignment viz. their
academic qualification and project experience requirements, minimum number of days of
deployment on the Eligible Assignments being claimed for experience on eligible projects etc. for
various Key Experts, Non-Key Experts and other Professional Staff is indicated in the Table at
Annexure-3: Eligibility Criteria and Requirement of various Expert Positions as assessed
by the Authority.
vi) Technical Evaluation Committee of the Authority will have face to face interaction with the
person proposed by the Bidder as the Project Director cum Team Leader in continuation to the
Proposal Presentation of the Bidder at the Authority’s office. Technical Evaluation Committee
of the Authority will conduct interaction with other Key Experts Category A (KA) separately
either in a face-to-face manner or through virtual means as per the mutual convenience.
vii) A detailed Scoring Matrix for various Technical Evaluation parameters is provided at
xi) The Project Director cum Team Leader must secure a minimum of 60% score out of the total
points allocated for his position in the Table above to be considered as meeting the eligibility
criteria, failing which action will be taken as per provisions of Clause

3.1.2 Based on the aforesaid technical evaluation, Bidders shall be ranked from the highest to the
lowest on the basis of their technical score (ST). They will be designated as T1, T2, T3, T4 and
so on based on their Technical Score (ST) from the highest to the lowest respectively.

3.8 Shortlisting of Technically Eligible Bidders

Of the Bidders ranked as per the stipulations at Clause 3.7.3 above, a maximum total of 3 (three)
top ranked Bidders i.e., T1, T2 & T3 will be short listed. Financial bids of only these top three
short listed Bidders will be opened for their final Combined Techno-Financial Evaluation.

3.9 Evaluation of Financial Bids

3.9.1 After the technical evaluation in terms of Clause 3.8 above, the Financial Bids of top 3 (Three)
Technical Bidders with highest technical scores (i.e., T1, T2 and T3 only) shall be opened.

After opening of the Financial Bids, they will be ranked from the lowest quoted total price to
the highest quoted total price and designated as L1, L2 and L3 respectively.

3.9.2 For financial evaluation, the total price indicated in the Financial Bid (F) will be considered.
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3.9.3 The Authority will determine whether the Financial Bids are complete, unqualified and
unconditional. The price figures indicated in the Financial Bid (F) shall be deemed as final and
reflecting the total cost of services. Omissions, if any, in costing any item shall not entitle the
Bidder(s) to be compensated and the liability to fulfil its obligations as per the Scope of Services
and other terms of the Contract within the total quoted price (F) shall be that of the finally
Selected Bidder.

3.9.4 Each of the above three Financial Bids (i.e., L1, L2 and L3) will be assigned a financial score
(SF). The lowest Financial Bid (L1) will be given a financial score (SF) of 20 points. The
financial scores of other Bids will be computed as follows:

SF of L1 = 20
SF of L2 = 20 x L1/L2
SF of L3 = 20 x L1/L3

3.10 Combined Techno-Financial Evaluation (QCBS)

The Combined technical (ST) and financial (SF) scores will be computed as follows:

S = 0.8*ST + SF

Where S is the Combined Score of Technical Bid & Financial Bid. The Bidders shall now be
ranked on the basis of their combined score (S) and they will be designated as H1, H2 & H3,
H1 being the highest Combined Score.

3.11 Selection of PMS Agency and issue of Letter of Award (LOA)

3.11.1 In normal circumstances, the first ranked Bidder i.e., H1 shall be the finally the Selected Bidder
(the “Selected Bidder”).

3.11.2 The Authority at this stage will ask the H1 Bidder to specifically reconfirm the availability of
all the Key Experts proposed by him for the deployment on this assignment subject to the
stipulations under Clause (i), Clause and Clause The H1 Bidder will be
asked to submit a ‘Declaration’ at this stage to confirm the compliance with this requirement.
Failure of any Bidder to submit such Declaration within a reasonable time period as afforded
by the Authority will lead to his Bid being considered as ‘Technically Ineligible’.

3.11.3 In case, the H1 Bidder conveys in his ‘Declaration’ that the proposed Experts are not available
beyond the numbers for which a replacement is permitted as per the stipulations at Clause. (i) and Clause, then also his Bid will be considered as ‘Technically Ineligible’
and the Authority will repeat the steps provided for at Clause 3.11.2 above with H2, H3 Bidders in
that order.

3.11.4 The highest ranked bidder satisfying the requirements of Clause (i), Clause and
Clause in his Declaration will be the finally Selected Bidder.

3.11.5 In the event that two or more Bidder(s) obtain equal score in the combined Techno-Financial
evaluation, the Bidder(s) having higher technical score will be the finally Selected Bidder.

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However, in case the technical score is also equal then the Bidder(s) having higher overall
experience & capability score as per Item A of Evaluation Criteria Table at Clause 3.7.2 shall
be the finally Selected Bidder.

3.11.6 The Authority will then proceed ahead to issue the Letter of Award (“LOA”) in duplicate to
the finally Selected Bidder and the Selected Bidder shall, within 7 (seven) days of the receipt
of the LOA, sign and return the duplicate copy of the LOA in acknowledgement thereof.

3.11.7 In the event the duplicate copy of the LOA duly signed by the Selected Bidder is not received
by the stipulated date, the Authority may, unless it consents to extension of time for submission
thereof, appropriate the Bid Security of such Bidder as Damages on account of failure of the
Selected Bidder to acknowledge the LOA.

3.11.8 After acknowledgement of the LOA as aforesaid by the Selected Bidder, it shall cause the Bidder
to submit Performance Security within the period prescribed or as extended by the Authority on
specific request of the Bidder.

3.12 Execution of Agreement

3.12.1 In case, the Selected Bidder is Consortium, then the Selected Bidder shall have to deposit
the Original copy of Consortium Agreement duly registered as per prevailing Law to the
Authority before the execution of the Agreement.

3.12.2 After complying with various requirements as aforesaid by the Selected Bidder, it shall execute
the Agreement within the period as mentioned in the KIT (Item no. 20). The Selected Bidder
shall not be entitled to seek any deviation in the Agreement.

3.13 Commencement of PMS Assignment

3.13.1 Notice to Proceed (NTP)

The Authority shall issue a Notice to Proceed (“Notice to Proceed” or “NTP”) to the Selected
Bidder for commencement of the PMS Assignment from the date indicated in this NTP, which
date shall not be earlier than a period of at least two weeks from the date of issue of this NTP.
Within this period after receiving the NTP from the Authority, the Bidder shall be required to
mobilize various Key Experts and other personnel proposed to be deployed by him for this
assignment as per the “Deployment Plan” agreed and approved by the Authority. The date
indicated in this NTP for commencement of Services by the Selected Bidder shall be the
effective date (the “Effective Date”), for commencement of Services under this Agreement.

3.13.2 Pause in services under the PMS Assignment

In case of any re-tendering, extension of bid submission dates, delay in finalization of the
tenders etc. in the selection of bidder(s) for the EPC Agreement, termination of the ongoing
EPC Contract, due to stoppage of the works under EPC Contract or due to any other
Administrative / Legal reasons, the Authority reserves the right to ask the PMS Agency to either
Pause the entire services temporarily or reduce the deployment of some staff from the
assignment after having commenced the services in terms of Clause 3.13.1 above. Such Pause
period shall however be for a period of not less than 3 (three) months and not more than 12

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(twelve) months at one time and cumulatively not exceeding a total duration of 12 (twelve)
months in the entire duration of the PMS Contract. In such case, the Authority will compensate
the PMS Agency in following manner:

a) Extend the completion duration of the PMS Contract with continued applicability of
increase in remuneration rates in terms of Clause 6.7 of the Draft PMS Agreement.

b) Permit replacement of Key Experts/Other Staff except for the position of Project Director
cum Team Leader without enforcing the restrictions as stipulated at Clause of this
RFP Document.

c) Payment of Demobilization and Remobilization costs for various Experts / Other Staff as
per provisions under the Financial Bid Form-F2 (Reimbursables).
d) Alternatively, the Authority may also consider the option of paying monthly remuneration
of various Experts/Staff physically deployed at the Project Site at the rate of 60% (sixty
percent) of the accepted monthly remuneration rate against the respective Expert/Staff
position as indicated in the Financial Bid Form-F1: Staff Remuneration.


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Section – 4: Miscellaneous

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. The Selection Process shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of
Republic of India and the Courts at Delhi shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes
arising under, pursuant to and/or in connection with the Selection Process.

4.2. Authority in its sole discretion and without incurring any obligation or liability, reserves the
right, at any time, to:

a) suspend and/or cancel the Selection Process and/or amend and/or supplement the
Selection Process or modify the dates or other terms and conditions relating thereto;

b) consult with any Bidder in order to receive clarification or further information;

c) retain any information and/or evidence submitted to the Authority by, on behalf of and/or
in relation to any Bidder; and/or

d) Independently verify, disqualify, reject and/or accept any and all submissions or other
information and/or evidence submitted by or on behalf of any Bidder.

4.3. It shall be deemed that by submitting the Bid, the Bidder agrees and releases the Authority, its
employees, agents and advisers, irrevocably, unconditionally, fully and finally from any and all
liability for claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses or liabilities in any way related to or arising
from the exercise of any rights and/or performance of any obligations hereunder, pursuant
hereto and/or in connection herewith and waives any and all rights and/or claims it may have
in this respect, whether actual or contingent, whether present or future.

4.4. All documents and other information supplied by the Authority or submitted by a Bidder shall
remain or become, as the case may be, the property of the Authority. The Authority will not
return any submissions made hereunder. Bidders are required to treat all such documents and
information as strictly confidential.

4.5. The Authority reserves the right to make inquiries with any of the clients listed by the Bidders
in their previous experience record.


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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal


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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

Particulars of office accommodation (Indicative only) to be provided by the Authority to the PMS agency
on Free of cost basis for entire duration of the project.
SN Type of Office Accommodation Numbers
1 Cabin of size 3.2mx3.6m 6
2 Cubicles of size 2.6mx2.2 m 10
3 Workstations- 53 nos. provided in an area of 35mx15m including 53
circulating passages & Storage cubicles (02 nos.) of size 3.1mx1.8m
4 Exclusive Meeting Room of size 3.5 m x 3.6 m having holding capacity 01
Of 04-05 persons
5 Shared Meeting Room with the Authority of size 3.80m x 5.90m having 01
holding capacity of 12-15 persons (prior booking to be done for its usage)
6 Control Rooms to be able to hold codes, documents, certificates, models, samples, 02
displays, drawings, records, and other purposes incidental to the work

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

Scoring Matrix for various Technical Evaluation parameters

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology Remarks

Marks Excellent Good Average Poor Combined for the
allocated Consortium
100% 75% 50% 25%
A. Overall Experience & Capability of the Consultant's Organization (Single Entity/Consortium/JV) - 20 Marks
Gross Average Annual More than INR INR 400 Crores to INR 200 Crores to More than INR 200
Consulting Revenue 750 Crores 750 Crores 400 Crores Crores
A during last five
(i) completed financial
years on or before
30.06.23 (in INR).
Certificate from the
Consulting Revenue of
Statutory Auditor
the Bidder from the
/Chartered Accountant
Eligible Assignments Bidder having highest Revenue from Eligible Projects (R1) will get full 10 marks. The
A cumulatively over last Bidder with next highest Revenue from Eligible Projects (R2) will get 10xR2/R1 marks.
(ii) five completed Bidder with third highest Revenue from Eligible Projects (R3) will get 10xR3/R1 marks and
financial years on or so on.....
before 30.06.23
(in INR).

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology Remarks

Marks Excellent Good Average Poor
Combined for
allocated the
100% 75% 50% 25% Consortium
B. Adequacy and quality of the proposed methodology and work plan in responding to the Terms of Reference of the Bidder and Proposal
B. Presentation to the Authority (Single Entity/Consortium/JV) - 25 Marks

The Consultant properly The Consultant The Consultant The Consultant does
understands the current properly understands the not have a proper
situation, draws attention to all understands the requirements indicated understanding of
main issues related to the current situation in the TOR. The TOR and the issues
assignment and raises other and the main issues approach and are not appropriately
important issues that may not of the project. The methodology to solve discussed. The
Understanding of the
have been considered in TOR. approach and the issues are approach and
B Scope, Proposed
6 The proposal details out ways methodology to consistent. However, methodology do not
(i) Methodology and
to address all issues by address the issues the approach and have consistency and
Work Plan
innovative approach and are discussed in methodology are are inappropriately or
methodology in a very detail. standard and not poorly presented.
systematic & logically discussed in detail nor
sequential manner. specifically tailored to
the assignment.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology Remarks

Marks Excellent Good Average Poor Combined for
allocated the
100% 75% 50% 25% Consortium
The organization chart and The organization The proposed The proposed
staffing schedule is complete chart and staffing organization and organization and
and detailed, and the technical schedule is staffing arrangement is staffing arrangement
level and composition of the complete and nearly complete and is not detailed and
staffing arrangements are very detailed, and the just detailed enough to the assignment
well balanced. The definition technical level and barely meet the schedule of each
of duties and responsibilities composition of the requirements of the staff is not adequate.
B Organization and 6 are very clear. The staffing staffing TOR. For instance, there
(ii) staffing# schedule is consistent with the arrangements are are inconsistencies
work plan and the timing and very well balanced. between the staffing
duration of each staff’s The definition of schedule and the
assignment are adequate. The duties and required output. The
proposal also includes an responsibilities are organization and
impressive presentation of a very clear. The staffing arrangement
well thought out organization staffing schedule is is not tailored to the
and staffing plan. The consistent with the proposed approach,
proposed team is well work plan and the methodology and
integrated and has good timing and duration work plan.
support organization. of each staff’s
assignment are

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology Remarks

Marks Excellent Average Poor Combined for
allocated the
100% 75% 50% 25% Consortium
Has demonstrated use of Has demonstrated. Has Demonstrated Approach is not
Digital tools, Reporting Tools use of Digital tools Standard standardized and
Dashboards or Templates to for PMC project templatesand lacks standard
checklists for
ensure adequate, proper and execution and Data PMC work process, templates
Innovative PMC quality work execution and handover processes execution and for reporting.
execution Data handover processes. Also for reporting but reporting but
lacking SW tools for
B techniques, use of has detailed out the lacking in PMC
(iii) Communication deployment of trained Dashboards/ execution.
processes, tools, manpower with adequate Templates and also
data handover etc. licenses of requisite tools. not detailed out
deployment of
trained manpower.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology Remarks

Marks Excellent Good Average Poor Combined
allocated for the
100% 75% 50% 25% Consortium
The Presentation made is The Presentation made is The Presentation made is The Presentation made
comprehensively covering covering the details of covering the details of is not covering the
the details of entire entire Technical proposal entire Technical proposal details of entire
Technical proposal in a in a logical manner showing the relationships Technical proposal
very crisp and logical showing the relationships between various showing the
manner showing clearly between various activities/ components of relationships between
the relationships between activities/ components of the Project but lacking in various activities/
various activities/ the Project that may not achieving a logical components of the
components of the Project be consistent with some Project delivery sequence Project. It also lacks in
that are consistent with of the expected Project which may not be achieving a logical
expected Project delivery delivery requirements. consistent with some of Project delivery
requirements. The The communication skills the expected Project sequence. The
B Proposal communication skills of of the Presentation Team delivery requirements. communication skills
(iv) Presentation the Presentation Team in in general and the Project The communication skills of the Presentation
general and the Project Director in particular and of the Presentation Team Team in general and
Director in particular and their responses to various in general and the Project the Project Director in
their responses to various queries raised by the Director in particular and particular and their
queries raised by the Authority representatives their responses to various responses to various
Authority representatives is good. queries raised by the queries raised by the
is clear, to the point and Authority representatives Authority
confidently made. is just satisfactory. representatives is just
not satisfactory.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

SN Parameter Total Marks Scoring Methodology

allocated Excellent Good Average
100% 75% 50%
C. Key Experts Category ‘A’ (KA) Qualification, Experience and Competence for the assignment as proposed by the Bidder(Single
Entity/Consortium/JV) - 55 Marks
C (i) Project Director cum Team Leader(KA-
1. Overall Qualification 10% Graduate Civil Engineer + Graduate Civil Engineer + PG Graduate Civil Engineer
MBA or PG in Project in some Engineering Field
Construction Planning or
Project Management & should
have completed courses
(online/offline) in Project
Management and
Collaboration methods
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 30 years Experience > 25 years Age Experience > 23
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 58 years < 55 years years Age < 53 years
3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% >10 years > 8 years >5 years
3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 15 years >11 years >8 years
4. Capability in dealing with Multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable & Rated as capable &
disciplinary projects including competent with very good competent with sufficient competent to a
coordination & interfacing with multiple experience of working in experience of working in local satisfactory extent but
Stake holders, communication local environment and environment and knowledge of lacking in either good
capabilities and fluency in local knowledge of language. language. experience of workingin
language(s), knowledge of local culture, local environment or
having IT Systems capability as per knowledge of language.
requirement of project.
C (ii)
Principal Interface Manager (KA-2) 7
1. Overall Qualification 10% Graduate Engineer – Graduate Engineer – Graduate Engineer –
(Civil/Electrical/Instrum (Civil/Electrical/Instru (Civil/Electrical/Instrumenta
entation) + PG in Project mentation) + PG in tion)
Construction Planning some Engineering Field
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 25 years Experience > 23 years Experience > 20
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 58 years Age < 55 years years Age < 53years

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% >10 years > 7 years > 5 years
3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 15 years >11 years >8 years
SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology
Marks Excellent Good Average
allocated 100% 75% 50%
4. Capability in dealing with Multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable Rated as capable &
disciplinary projects including design of competent with very good & competent with sufficient competent to a satisfactory
interface, co- ordination & interfacing with experience of working in local experience of working in extent but lacking in either
multiple Stake holders, fluency in local environment and knowledge of local environment and good experience of working in
language(s), knowledge of local culture, language. Shall have good knowledge of language. local environment or
having IT Systems capability as per knowledge of codes and knowledge of language.
requirement of project. specifications across
C Principal Design Coordinator - 8
(iii) Architectural, Civil, Structural, PHE and
Landscape (KA-3)
1. Overall Qualification 10% Masters in Structures from IIT Masters in Structures + Masters in Structures + some
/ NIT/ foreign universities + some specialized specialized completed course in
PhD in relevant field (foreign completed Course in relevant field
universities shall be relevant field
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 20 years Experience > 18 years Experience > 15 years
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 58 years Age < 55 years Age < 53 years
3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% >10 years >7 years >5 years
3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 15 years >11 years >8 years
4. Capability in dealing with multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable Rated as capable &
disciplinary projects including co- competent with very good & competent with sufficient competent to a satisfactory
ordination & interfacing with multiple experience of working in local experience of working in extent but lacking in either
Stake holders, fluency in local language(s), environment and knowledge of local environment and good experience of working in
knowledge of local culture. Having language. knowledge of language. local environment or
experience in working on Structural knowledge of language.
software like staadpro, abacus including
BIM software etc.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology
Marks Excellent Good Average
allocated 100% 75% 50%
C (iv) Principal Design Coordinator (Systems 8
& MEPF) (KA-4)
1. Overall Qualification (For KA-4) 10% Masters in Systems Designs/ Masters in Systems Designs/ Masters in Systems Designs/
Electrical/ Mechanical/IT/EC Electrical/ Mechanical/IT/EC Electrical/ Mechanical/IT/EC
+ PhD in relevant field + some Specialized + some Specialized
completedCourse in relevant completed course in relevant
field field.
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 15 years Experience > 12 years Experience > 10 years
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 58 years Age < 55 years Age < 53 years
3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% > 10 years >7 years >5 years

3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 15 years >11 years >8 years

4. Capability in dealing with Multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable & Rated as capable &
disciplinary projects including co- competent with very good competent with sufficient competent to a satisfactory
ordination & interfacing with multiple experience of working in local experience of working in extent but lacking in either
Stake holders, fluency in local environment and knowledge of local environment and good experience of working
language(s), knowledge of local culture. language. knowledge of language. in local environment or
Having IT Systems capability as per knowledge of language.
requirement of project.

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SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology
Marks Excellent Good Average
allocated 100% 75% 50%
C (v) Principal Architect for all disciplines 8
1. Overall Qualification (For KA-5) 10% Masters in Architecture + PhD Masters in Architecture + Masters in Architecture +
in relevant field+ Specialized specialized completed Specialized completed course
completed Course in relevant course in relevant field in relevant field
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 15 years Experience > 12 years Experience > 10 years
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 58 years Age < 55 years Age < 53 years
3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% >10 years >7 years >5 years
3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 15 years >11 years >8 years
4. Capability in dealing with Multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable & Rated as capable &
disciplinary projects including co- competent with very good competent with sufficient competent to a satisfactory
ordination & interfacing with multiple experience of working in local experience of working in extent but lacking in either
Stake holders, fluency in local environment and knowledge of local environment and good experience of working
language(s), knowledge of local culture. language. knowledge of language. in local environment or
Having IT Systems capability as per knowledge of language.
requirement of project.

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology

Marks Excellent Good Average
allocated 100% 75% 50%
Principal SHE Manager (KA-6) 6
1. Overall Qualification 10% Graduate Engineer with Valid Graduate Engineer with some Graduate Engineer with some
NEBOSH Certification relevant specialized PG Qualification in specialized Qualification in
to the project Construction / Industrial Safety Construction / Industrial
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 15 years Experience > 12 years Experience > 10 years
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 45 years Age < 42 years Age < 40 years
3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% >8 years >6 years >5 years
3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 10 years >8 years >6 years

4. Capability in dealing with Multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable & Rated as capable &
Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 41 of 103
Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
disciplinary projects including co- competent with very good competent with sufficient competent to a satisfactory
ordination & interfacing with multiple experience of working in local experience of working in extent but lacking in either
Stake holders, fluency in local language(s), environment and knowledge of local environment and good experience of working
knowledge of local culture. Having IT language. knowledge of language. in local environment or
Systems capability as per requirement of knowledge of language.

SN Parameter Total Scoring Methodology

Marks Excellent Good Average
allocated 100% 75% 50%
C(vii) Chief (Principal ) Resident Engineer (All 6
works) (KA-7)
1. Overall Qualification 10% Graduate Civil Engineer + Graduate Civil Engineer + PG Graduate Civil Engineer
MBA or PG in Project in some Engineering Field
Construction Planning or
Project Management
2 a. Overall experience 10% Experience > 20 years Experience > 18 years Experience > 15 Years
2 b. Age & Sound Health 10% Age < 48 years Age < 45 years Age < 43 years

3 a. Experience in Similar Position 20% >8 years >6 years >5 years
3 b. Experience on Eligible Projects 20% > 15 years >11 years >8 years
4. Capability in dealing with Multi- 30% Rated as highly capable & Rated as generally capable & Rated as capable &
disciplinary projects including co- competent with very good competent with sufficient competent to a satisfactory
ordination & interfacing with multiple experience of working in experience of working in local extent but lacking in either
Stake holders, fluency in local local environment and environment and knowledge of good experience of working
language(s), knowledge of local culture. knowledge of language. language. in
Having IT Systems capability as per local environment or
requirement of project. knowledge of language.

1. While awarding scores against Item B(ii) above, the CVs of Key Experts Category B (KB) will be given due weightage.
2. The Proposal presentation will have to be made by the designated Project Director cum Team Leader. In person participation of otherKey
Experts Category, A (KA) is optional during the Presentation.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

Eligibility Criteria and Requirement of various Expert Positions as assessed by the Authority

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal

SN Position Academic Numberof Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Man-month Minimum period
Qualification positions Overall Experience in Experience in Age as on requirement of deployment ona
required Experience(in Similar Eligible 30.06.23 assessed by the project for being
Years ) Position (in Projects (in (in Years) Authority for considered as
Years) Years) each position Eligible Project
experience in
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

I. Key Experts: Category–A (KA): CVs to be evaluated individually

KA-1 Project Director cumTeam Leader Graduate Civil Eng.

(preferably MBA or PG) 1 23 5 8 58 36 365

KA-2 Principal Interface Manager Graduate Engineer 1 20 5 8 58 40 365

KA-3 Principal Design Coordinator - Masters in Structures
Architectural, Civil, Structural, (preferably PhD) 1 15 5 8 58 30 365
PHE and Landscape
KA-4 Principal Design Masters in SystemsDesigns
Coordinator (Systems & (Electrical/mechanical/IT/E 1 15 5 8 58 30 365
KA-5 Principal Architect for all Master’s in architecture
disciplines 1 10 5 8 58 40 365

KA-6 Principal SHE Manager Graduate Engineer with

1 10 5 6 40 36 365
Specialization in
KA-7 Chief(Principal ) Resident Graduate Civil Engg.
1 15 5 8 48 40 365
Engineer ( All Works)
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Key Experts Category A (KA): 252

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SN Position Academic Number Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Man-month Minimum periodof
Qualification of Overall Experience Experience Age as on requirement deployment ona
positions Experience in Similar in Eligible 30.06.23 assessed by the project for being
required (in Years) Position (in Projects (in (in Years) Authorityfor consideredas
Years) Years) each position Eligible
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
II. Key Experts: Category–B (KB): CVs to be evaluated individually
KB-1 Project Planning Graduate Engineer with
Engineer Specialization in Project 1 12 6 8 45 36 365
Planning / Scheduling +
should have completed
coursein MS
project Collaboration
methods/MS Teams

KB-2 Principal Quality Manager Graduate Engineer with

Specialization inQuality 1 12 6 8 48 40 365
recent relevant course in
Quality management

KB-3 Resident Engineer (Civil Graduate Civil Engg.

Construction-I) 1 12 6 8 45 36 365

KB-4 Resident Engineer (Civil Graduate Civil Engg.

Construction-II) 1 12 6 8 45 36 365

KB-5 Resident Architect Post Graduate Architect 1 12 6 8 45 36 365

with completed course
in BIM

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SN Position Academic Qualification Numberof Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Man-month Minimum periodof
positions Overall Experiencein Experiencein Age as on requirement deployment ona
required Experience(in Similar Position Eligible 30.06.23 assessed by the project for being
Years) (in Years) Projects (in (in Years) Authorityfor each consideredas
Years) position Eligible
Project experience
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

KB-6 Resident Engineer Graduate Electronics/

(MEPF) Electrical Engineer 1 12 6 8 45 32 365

KB-7 Design/Approval Master in Structures

Coordinator (Civil and Graduate in Civil 1 12 6 8 45 30 365
and Structures) Engg. / Architecture
From IIT or NIT.
Having Expertise in
Autocad, BIM and
other drawing related
software. Having
capability of Drawing
Management Systems
KB-8 Design Masters in Systems
Manager Designs From IIT or 1 12 6 8 45 30 365
(Systems & NIT having
MEPF) completed course in
relevant field and related
softwares. Having
capability of Drawing
Management Systems
KB-9 Resident Surveyor Graduate Civil Engg.
Having similar 1 12 6 8 45 24 180
experience in surveys in
relevant field
including Land

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KB-10 Techno Commercial Legal Bachelor’s degree in
Manager Law with experience in 1 15 8 10 48 36 365
real estate and
construction industry,
Including Public Projects.
KB-11 Account Officer Registered CA with
similar experience in 1 12 6 8 48 36 365
relevant field
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Key Experts Category B (KB): 372
SN Position Academic Number Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Man-month Minimum period
Qualification of Overall Experience Experience Age as on requirement of deployment on
positions Experience in Similar in Eligible 30.06.23 assessed by a project for
required (in Years) Position (in Projects (in Years) the Authority being considered
Years) (in Years) for each as Eligible
position Project
(1) (2) (3 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
III. Non-Key Experts: Category–C (NKC)
NKC Sr. Engineer Graduate Civil Engg.
4 10 5 7 45 36 365
-1 (Civil Construction)
NKC Sr. Engineer Graduate
-2 (Systems & MEPF) Mechanical/ 2 10 5 7 45 36 365
Electrical Engineer
NKC Sr. Engineer (Track) Graduate Civil Engg.
1 10 5 7 45 20 365
-3 Having experience of
planning and
of Ballatless Tracks.
NKC Sr. Engineer (OHE) Graduate
-4 Electrical 1 10 5 7 45 20 180
NKC Quality Manager Graduate Engineer
-5 (Civil with Specialization 1 10 5 7 45 36 36
Construction) inQuality
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NKC- Resident Quality Graduate Engineer
6 Manager (Systems& with Specialization in 1 10 5 7 45 36 365
MEPF) Quality Management
NKC- SHE Officer Graduate Engineer
7 with Specialization in 2 8 5 7 45 36 365
Construction Safety
NKC- Billing Engineers (Civil and Graduate Engineer
2 10 5 7 45 36 365
8 MEPF Work) having knowledge and
experience in similar
NKC- Quantity Surveyors (Civil and Graduate Engineer
2 10 5 7 45 36 365
9 MEPF Work)
NKC- Control Room Operator Graduate Engineer with
1 5 2 3 40 36 180
10 similar kind of
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Non-Key Experts (NKC):
SN Position Academic Number Minimum Minimum Minimum Maximum Age Man-month Minimum period
Qualification of Overall Experiencein Experience as on 30.06.23 requirement of deployment on
positions Experience Similar in Eligible (in Years) assessed by a project for
required (in Years) Position (in Projects (in the Authority being considered
Years) Years) for each as Eligible
position Project
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
IV. Other Professional Staff Category–D (OPS)
OPS-1 Field Engineer (Civil Graduate Civil Engg.
Construction) 9 8 3 5 40 36 365

OPS-2 Field Engineer (Systems Graduate Mechanical/

& MEPF) Electrical Engineer 4 8 3 5 40 36 365

OPS-3 Field Engineer (Track) Graduate Civil Engg. 1 8 3 5 40 36 365

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OPS-4 Field Engineer (OHE) Graduate Electrical
Engineer 1 28 3 5 40 24 180

OPS-5 Document Controller (Civil & Graduate Civil/ electrical) 2 8 3 5 40 36 365

MEPF) with having done
Document Management
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Other Professional Staff (OPS): 582

V. Support Staff Category–

Bidder to propose various support staff viz. CADOperator,
Photocopy Operator, Office cum HR Manager, Project
Accountant, Office Boy, etc. as per their own assessment
SSE including identifying specific positions and deployment man 576
month duration subject to total proposed man months duration
notbeing less than the man month duration indicatedby the

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for Support Staff (SSE): 576
Total Cumulative Man-month assessed by the Authority: 2428

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VI. Functional Specialists Category–F (FSF)
FSF FSF shall be deployed intermittently as per requirements for various Specialist Functions like Land Survey, Artwork, Façade Lighting of Buildings, Land Scaping,
heritage planning, interior designing, and finishing, etc. with mutual agreement between the PMS Agency and the Authority. Their deployment costs shall be covered
under Reimbursables as per Appendix-F: Financial Bid Form-F2.
(i) Persons having academic qualification of Diploma Engineering in the relevant field with additional overall experience of 5 years will be permitted only for non-key
experts but with no relaxation in permissible maximum age.
(ii) Based on indicative man month mentioned herewith Authority can demand necessary reshuffling of staff members within various discipline as per need of the project
to achieve stipulated timeline.
iii) Bidders may choose to deploy additional Expert positions or increase the man-months assessed by the Authority and indicated against each listed Expert position as
per their own assessment and work plan subject to following stipulations:
a. Overall number of Man-months proposed to be deployed by the Bidders for Key Experts Category A (KA) and Key Experts Category B (KB) individually against
each position must not be less than the figures assessed by the Authority and indicated in the Table above.

b. Overall number of Man-months proposed to be deployed by the Bidders for Non-Key Experts Category C (NKC) / Other Professional Staff Category D (OPS) /
Support Staff Category E (SSE) may vary against the individual staff positions but must not be less than the figures assessed by the Authority and indicated in the
Table above as a Total for each of these Categories.
c. For Support Staff under Category ‘E’, Bidders will have to make their own assessment of position wise requirements including their deployment planning. The
Total man-months thus proposed by the Bidder, however, must not be less than the total LS man month as assessed by the Authority.
iv) GATE qualified Engineering Graduates with percentile score of 80 (eighty) and above will be permitted to be deployed as Interns against various positions under
Other Professional Staff Category D (OPS) up to a maximum of 25% (twenty-five percent) of total staff numbers of this Category. Monthly remuneration payable to
these Interns will be reduced by 25% (twenty-five percent) from the monthly remuneration proposed by the Bidder against regular staff deployment in this category.
This reduced remuneration payment shall however be applicable for first twelve months period of their deployment after which they will also be eligible for payment
of same remuneration as that of a regular staff.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal


Indicative Job Description of Key Experts

Sr. No Key Experts Major Roles and Responsibilities of Key Experts
KA-1 Project Director The Project Director cum Team Leader’s responsibilities includes, not limited to:
cum Team Leader 1. Responsible for overall management, strategy development, plan, controls and
performance of the project, strategy development.
2. Responsible for the accuracy and timely delivery of Project Milestones.
3. Single Point Contact for Employer and other Programme Stake Holders.
4. Provides strategic direction for project planning and execution.
5. Ensures that the project progresses in accordance to its contractual obligations.
6. Conduct regular progress meetings with the contractor and appropriate personnel and
report on any issues, as necessary
7. Lead complete resources of PMS to achieve project objectives with key insistence
on using latest technology developments and achieve Quality, Economy and Safety.
8. Sole responsible to support Client management efforts and complete Risk

KA-2 Principal Interface The Principal Interface Manager’s responsibilities include, not limited to:
Manager 1. In-charge of system Interface coordination & management with various
2. Coordinating & expediting technical requirements & solution between various
stakeholders of the project.
3. Lead and manage the project-wide interface management process.
4. Report to the Employer, Stakeholders, for specific and generic interface management
issues of the project
5. Develop the understanding of the interface risks and mitigation measures.
6. Responsible to identify the interface detail plan/design.
7. Exercise necessary project control systems in the said area.
KA-3 Principal Design The Principal Design Coordinator’s - Architectural, Civil, Structural, PHE and Landscape
Coordinator - responsibilities include, not limited to:
Architectural, 1. Review, Coordinating & expediting the design submissions, approvals and
Civil, Structural,
clearances for said disciplines and timely release of drawing. Ensure that there is no
PHE and
Landscape delay of work at site due to absence of drawings, details or any decisions.
2. Track and maintain record of changes in design.
3. Coordinate design approvals with Employer, EPC Contractor & Proof checking
4. Highlight critical issues in design management and address them with quick
decisions as per stipulated timeline and contract conditions.
5. Ensure timely submissions from all parties involved in design approval process.
Maintain DCI and updates.
6. Ensure monitoring on Cloud based system and BIM MODELLING.
7. Coordination with Top management of all stakeholders in case of any delays.
8. Sole responsible for entire Design management of the project including Engineering
designs and drawings.
9. Review of specifications and construction methods.
10. Monitor and Maintain all statutory clearances.
11. Oversees document controls.

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KA-4 Principal Design The Principal Design Coordinator’s –System management and Mechanical, Electrical,
Coordinator HVAC, FIRE FIGHTINING, PLUMBING, ELV, CCTV, Access control systems,
Systems & MEPF Security and Surveillance and any other services as applicable for the project,
responsibilities include, not limited to
1. Review, Coordinating & expediting the design submissions, approvals and
clearances for said disciplines and release timely of drawing submissions. Ensure
that there is no delay of work at site due to absence of drawings, details or any
2. Track and maintain record of changes in design.
3. Coordinate design approvals with Employer and EPC Contractor, Proof checking
4. Highlight critical issues in design management and address them with quick
decisions as per stipulated timeline and contract conditions.
5. Ensure timely submissions from all parties involved in design approval process.
Maintain DCI and updates.
6. Ensure monitoring on Cloud based system and BIM MODELLING.
7. Coordination with Top management of all stakeholders in case of any delays.
8. Sole responsible for entire Design management of the project including Engineering
designs and drawings.
9. Review of specifications and construction methods.
10. Monitor and Maintain all statutory clearances.
11. Oversees document controls.
KA-5 Principal Architect The Principal Architect’s (for all disciplines) responsibilities includes, not limited to:
(for all disciplines) 1. Provides the highest level of technical expertise, review and approval of the
architectural design work within the Engineering Services Section; reviews work
within area of responsibility for effectiveness, design, constructability, thoroughness,
and adherence to technical standards, codes and architectural standards and
2. Directs and provides technical guidance to resident architects.
3. Provides architectural guidance and directions to evaluate and incorporate green
building design features and sustainability practices.
4. Ensure development of cloud based system including BIM Modelling for all streams
of the work.
5. Sole Responsibility of Architectural and Services coordination’s. Use of clash
detection systems and necessary resolutions.
6. Manage and Decision maker for entire project and bring key concerns to the Client
and related stakeholders of the project.
7. Coordination for all statutory clearances.
8. Act promptly to resolve decisions in case of disputes arising out in finalizing project
designs as per tender stipulations.
9. Complete design coordination with Client, EPC Contractors, Third party reviewers
and other related stakeholders.

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KA-6 Principal SHE The Principal SHE Manager’s responsibilities include, not limited to:
Manager 1. Ensuring implementation of health and safety strategy at the project site.
2. Assuring and advising the senior management/Employer on all issues related to health
and safety.
3. Creating awareness among workforce and management on health and safety policy,
legislation and standards.
4. Carrying out audit and inspection functions and keeping an eye on all incidents, proper
documentation and investigation..
5. Bring New Techniques for Improving Health & Safety for working personnel’s and for
the project.
6. Prepare Safety Reports.
7. Ensure compliance with all regulatory bodies and standards.
8. Oversee the applications for and receipt of necessary permits.
9. Conducting staff training programs, awareness campaign at the project site and safety
10. Complete Oversight of Health, Safety and Environment oversight.
11. Monitor and Maintain all statutory clearances.
KA-7 Chief (Principal) The Chief (Principal) Resident Engineer (All Works) responsibilities include, not limited
Resident Engineer to:
(All Works) 1. Supervise construction of the projects and provide quality assurance that completed
work is in compliance with the plans and specifications.
2. Maintain accurate records and reports related to the project.
3. Act as point of contact and coordinate with various stake holders of the project.
4. Monitor progress against accepted construction schedule and review the Contractor’s
progress reports. Assess the progress and inform the Project Director cum Team
Leader and Employer in case of delay.
5. Monitor site activities and provide technical advice on construction and design.
6. Conduct regular progress meetings with the contractor and appropriate personnel and
report on any issues, as necessary.
7. Discuss deviations from specified construction materials, techniques and procedures
with the Employer.
8. Review of specifications and construction methods.
9. Complete responsibility of construction management and supervision.
10. Measurements and cost reporting.
11. Compliance with safety standards.
12. Highlight critical concerns to all stakeholders and conduct key meetings in terms of any
delays in design and time.
KB-1 Project Planning The Project Planning Engineer responsibilities include, not limited to:
Engineer 1. Review and Setting up the Project Programme Control System, Integrate Costs and
Schedules, Track Budgets and timelines, assess project status and issue monthly reports.
2. Works with Techno Commercial Legal team, construction team, design team to assess
progress and provide reports. Release necessary warnings and non-compliance reports.
3. Oversees estimating and coordinates with the scheduler.
4. Shall maintain coordination model, clash detection, clash resolution.
5. Manage project resource and integrate with other tools for 4D simulation.
6. Use 4D/5D simulation models. Project planned vs actual works and envisage future
vision of the project.
7. Oversees Client and stakeholder’s management efforts
8. Highlight time and cost delays.
9. Identify potential risks.

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KB-10 Techno The Techno Commercial Legal Manager responsibilities include, not limited to:
Commercial Legal 1. Complete contract management, timely reply to letters to various stake holders,
Manager EPC contractor with legal advice.
2. Advising on impact and consequences of new laws like Payment, data protection
etc. and regulations and replies to legal notices.
3. Liaising with government, regulatory and/or quasi-judicial authorities as and
when required.
4. Responsible to keep all Approvals /Certifications in place and in order, duly
valid, and verify with contract.
5. Prepare and Implement a Project Flow chart with time lines for raising Stage
Wise Invoices.
6. Release necessary project documentation essential for the project.
7. Checks on all correspondences impacting project time cost and quality along
with clearance’s.
8. Monitors change orders, claims and cost estimates.

KB-11 Financial The Financial Controller responsibilities include, not limited to:
1. Works with all project teams, Client and other stakeholders of the project to set up
the cost control systems, integrate costs and schedules, track project budgets, assess
financial status and issue financial progress.
2. Works with project finance teams to assess financial progress and provides report
along with non-compliances.
3. EVM analysis and reporting.
4. Cash flow analysis
5. Monitor time release of payments
6. Oversees risk management
7. Oversees related document controls.
8. Use of Cloud based system for date up keeping.
9. Necessary liaising internally with Billing team, Client and EPC Contractor.
10. Sole responsibility for Financial management of the project.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal


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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – A: Bid Security Format

Bid Security Format
(Reference Clause 2.3)

(Bid Security)
Bank Guarantee Bond from any scheduled commercial bank of India
(On non-judicial stamp paper, which should be in the name of the Executing Bank).

The General Manager/Tender

Rail Land Development Authority,
Unit No. 702-B, 7th floor, Konnectus Tower-II,
DMRC building, Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi
Beneficiary: The General Manager/Tender RLDA

Name of the Bank: ----------

Date: ....................................
Bank Guarantee Bond No.:
In consideration of the Rail Land Development Authority acting through The General
Manager/Tender/RLDA, New Delhi (hereinafter called “The RLDA”) having invited the bid for
through Request for Proposal (RFP), We have been informed that ..... [Insert name of the Bidder]
(hereinafter called "the Bidder") intends to submit its bid (hereinafter called "the Bid").
WHEREAS, the Bidder is required to furnish a Bid Security for the sum of Rs.50,00,000/-(Fifty
Lakh Only), in the form of Bank Guarantee, according to conditions of Bid.
WHEREAS, ............[Insert Name of the Bank], with its Branch ...............[Insert Address]
having its Headquarters office at........ [Insert Address], hereinafter called the Bank, acting
through .............. [Insert Name and Designation of the authorized persons of the Bank], have,
at the request of the Bidder, agreed to give guarantee for Bid Security as hereinafter contained,
in favour of the RLDA:

1. KNOW ALL MEN that by these present that I/We the undersigned [Insert name(s) of
authorized representatives of the Bank], being fully authorized to sign and incur obligations
for and on behalf of the Bank, confirm that the Bank, hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably
guarantee to pay to the RLDA full amount in the sum of Rs. 50,00,000 (Fifty Lakh Only)
as above stated.

2. The Bank undertakes to immediately pay on presentation of demand by the RLDA any amount up
to and including aforementioned full amount without any demur, reservation or recourse. Any such
demand made by the RLDA on the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding, absolute and
unequivocal on the Bank notwithstanding any disputes raised/ pending before any Court, Tribunal,
Arbitration or any Authority or any threatened litigation by the Bidder or Bank.

3. The Bank shall pay the amount as demanded immediately on presentation of the demand by
RLDA without any reference to the Bidder and without the RLDA being required to show
grounds or give reasons for its demand of the amount so demanded.

4. The guarantee hereinbefore shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the
Bank or in the constitution of the Bidder.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – A: Bid Security Format

5. The Bank agrees that no change, addition, modifications to the terms of the Bid document or
to any documents, which have been or may be made between the RLDA and the Bidder,
will in any way absolve the Bank from the liability under this guarantee; and the Bank,
hereby, waives any requirement for notice of any such change, addition or modification
made by RLDA at any time.

6. This guarantee will remain valid and effective from…….……. [insert date of issue] till
………. [insert date, which should be minimum 90 days beyond the expiry of validity
period of Bid]. Any demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank within the
validity period of Bid Security.

7. The Bank Guarantee is unconditional and irrevocable.

8. The expressions Bank and RLDA herein before used shall include their respective successors
and assigns.

9. The Bank hereby undertakes not to revoke the guarantee during its currency, except with the
previous consent in writing of the RLDA. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules
forDemand Guarantees, ICC Publication No.758.

10. The Bank hereby confirms that it is on the SFMS (Structured Financial Messaging System)
and shall invariably send the advice of this Bank Guarantee to the following bank details:


BRANCH NAME Connaught Place, New Delhi
ADDRESS Connaught Place, New Delhi
STATE New Delhi

Note: While Issuing BG, Applicant must mention receiver’s details as ICICI bank,
IFSCICIC0000007, branch- Connaught place, New Delhi at which SFMS IFN 760 message
shall be sent by the issuing bank through SFMS, to establish the authenticity of issued BG.

11. The Guarantee shall be valid in addition to and without prejudice to any other security
Guarantee(s) of Bidder in favor of the RLDA. The Bank, under this Guarantee, shall be
deemed as Principal Debtor of the RLDA.

Date ………… ………………………………………


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Bank’s Seal and authorized signature(s)

[Name in Block letters]

[Designation with Code No.]

[P/Attorney] No.

1 Signature, Name & Address & Seal
2 Signature, Name & address & Seal
Bank’s Seal
[P/Attorney] No.

Note: All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this bank guarantee and shall be deleted
from the final document.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions

Appendix-B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station Page 58 of 103
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B1

Technical Bid Form – B1: Letter Comprising the Bid

(On Bidder’s letter head)

(To be submitted in as per Clause 2.6.1 and as well as uploading as part of Technical Bid)
(Date and Reference)

The General Manager/Tender

Rail Land Development Authority,
Unit No. 702-B, 7th floor, Konnectus Tower-II,
DMRC building, Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi

Sub: RFP for appointment of Agency for providing Project Management Consultancy Services
(PMS) for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of
associated infrastructure.

Ref.: RFP No. RLDA/RFP/CT-23 of 2023 dated 11. 10.2023

Dear Sir,

1. With reference to your RFP Document dated I/We, having examined all relevant
documents and understood their contents, hereby submit our Bid for selection of Agency for
providing the Project Management Consultancy Services (PMS) for Redevelopment Project of
Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of associated infrastructure. The Bid is
unconditional and unqualified.

2. All information provided in the Bid and in the Appendices/Annexures is true and correct and all
documents accompanying such Bid are true copies of their respective originals.

3. This statement is made for the express purpose of engagement as the PMS Agency for the
aforesaid Project.

4. I/We shall make available to the Authority any additional information it may deem necessary or
require for supplementing or authenticating the Bid.

5. I/We acknowledge the right of the Authority to reject our Bid without assigning any reason or
otherwise and hereby waive our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.

6. We certify that in the last five years, we have neither failed to perform on any contract, as
evidenced by imposition of a penalty or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award, nor been
expelled from any project or contract nor have had any contract terminated for breach on our part.

7. I/We declare that:

(a) I/We have examined and have no reservations to the RFP Document, including any
Addendum issued by the Authority;
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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B1

(b) I/We do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with Clause 2.8 of the RFP;

(c) I/We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any corrupt
practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice
in respect of any tender or request for proposal issued by or any agreement entered into
with the Authority or any other public sector enterprise or any Government, Central or
State; and
(d) I/We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on
our behalf will engage in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice.

8. I/We understand that you may cancel the Selection Process at any time and that you are neither
bound to accept any Bid that you may receive nor to select the Bidder, without incurring any
liability to the Bidder(s).

9. I/We declare that we/any member of the consortium, are/is not a Member of a/any other
Consortium applying for Selection as PMS Agency.

10. I/We certify that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the country, we have not
been convicted by a Court of Law or indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority
which would cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the PMS for the Project or which relates to
a grave offence that outranges the moral sense of the community.

11. I/We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country, we
have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a Court of Law
for any offence committed by us or by any of our Associates.

12. I/We further certify that no investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either against us or
against our Associates.

13. I/We hereby irrevocably waive off right which we may have at any stage at law or whatsoever
otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the Authority and/ or the
Government of India in connection with the selection of the Bidder or in connection with the
Selection process itself in respect of the above-mentioned Project.

14. The Bid Security of INR 50,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Lakhs only) has been deposited in accordance
with the RFP document.

15. I/We agree and understand that the Bid is subject to the provisions of the RFP document. In no
case, shall I/We have any claim or right to whatsoever nature if the PMS for the Project is not
awarded to me/us or our Bid is not opened.

16. I/We agree to keep this offer valid for 120 days from the Bid submission date specified in the

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
17. In the event of We/our Consortium being selected as the Bidder, I/We agree to enter into an
Agreement in accordance with the Draft PMS Agreement: Volume-2. We agree not to seek any
changes in the aforesaid Agreement and agree to abide by the same.

18. We confirm that the Project Director cum Team Leader is on our payroll and all other Key
Personnel if not on our payroll, shall be directly employed/engaged by us before the
commencement of Services in terms of this Agreement.

19. I/We have studied the RFP and all other documents carefully and also surveyed the Project site.
We understand that except to the extent as expressly set forth in the Agreement, we shall have no
claim, right or title arising out of any documents or information provided to us by the Authority
or in respect of any matter arising out of or concerning or relating to the Selection Process
including the award of PMS.

20. I/We have read the Clause regarding restriction on procurement from the Bidder of a country
which shares a land border with India and certify that I/We am/are not from such a country or, if
from such a country, has been registered with the competent Authority. I/We hereby certify that
I/we fulfill all the requirements in this regard and am/are eligible to be considered (evidence of
valid registration by the competent authority is enclosed).

21. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP Document. In
witness thereof, I/We submit this Bid under and in the accordance with the terms of the RFP

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Authorized Signatory)

(Name and designation of the Authorized Signatory)

(Name and seal of the Bidder)

Encl: 1. Bid Security

2. Other Bid Forms

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B2

Technical Bid Form – B2: Particulars of the Bidder
(Refer Clause 2.1.3)

1.1 Title of the Assignment:

Providing Project Management Consultancy Services (PMS) for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad
Railway Station and construction of associated infrastructure.
1.2 Title of the Project:
Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of associated infrastructure.

1.3 State whether applying as Sole Firm or Lead Member of a consortium:

Sole Firm or Lead Member of a consortium
1.4 State the following:
Name of Company or Firm:
Legal status (e.g., incorporated private company, unincorporated business, partnership etc.):
Country of incorporation:
Registered address:

Year of Incorporation:
Year of commencement of business:
Principal place of business:
Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business (es).
Name, designation, address and phone numbers of authorised signatory of the Bidder:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
Fax Number:
1.5 If the Bidder is Lead Member of a Consortium, state the following for each of the other Member Firms
of the Consortium:

(i) Name of Firm:

(ii) Legal Status and country of incorporation
(iii) Registered address and principal place of business.

1.6 For the Bidder (in case of a Consortium, for each Member), state the following information:

SN Description of Query Bidder’s Response

(i) In case of non-Indian company, does the company have YES/NO
business presence in India? If so, provide the office address(es)
in India.
(ii) Has the Bidder or any of the Members in case of a Consortium YES/NO
been penalized by any organization for the poor quality of work
or breach of contract in the last five years?
(iii) Has the Bidder/Member ever failed, in last five years, to YES/NO
complete any work awarded to it by any public authority/ entity
in last five years?
(iv) Has the Bidder or any member of the Consortium been YES/NO
blacklisted by any Govt. department/Public Sector Undertaking

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
in the last five years and such blacklisting exist as on Bid Due
(v) Has the Bidder, or any of the Members, in case of a Consortium, YES/NO
suffered bankruptcy/insolvency in the last five years?

Note: If answer to any of the questions at ii) to v) is yes, the Bidder is not eligible for this PMS
SN Description of Query Bidder’s Response
(i) Does the Bidder’s firm/company (or any member of the YES/NO
Consortium) combine functions as a consultant or designer
along with the functions as a contractor and/or a manufacturer?
(ii) If yes, does the Bidder (and other Member of the Bidder’s YES/NO
Consortium) agree to limit the Bidder’s role only to that of a
consultant/ adviser to the Authority and to disqualify
themselves, their Associates/ affiliates, subsidiaries and/or
parent organization subsequently from work on this Project in
any other capacity?
SN Description of Query Bidder’s Response
(i) Does the Bidder intend to borrow or hire temporarily, personnel YES/NO
from contractors, manufacturers or suppliers for performance
of the Consulting Services?
(ii) If yes, does the Bidder agree that it will only be acceptable as YES/NO
the Eligible Bidder, if those contractors, manufacturers and
suppliers disqualify themselves from subsequent execution of
work on this Project (including tendering relating to any goods
or services for any other part of the Project) other than that of
the Bidder?
(iii) If yes, have any undertakings been obtained (and annexed) YES/NO
from such contractors, manufacturers, etc. that they agree to
disqualify themselves from subsequent execution of work on
this Project and they agree to limit their role to that of
consultant/ designer for Authority only?

(Signature, name and designation of the authorised signatory)

For and on behalf of ………………..

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B59

Technical Bid Form – B3: Statement of Legal Capacity
(Refer Clause 2.20.2)
(To be forwarded on the letterhead of the Bidder)

Ref. Date:
The General Manager/Tender
Rail Land Development Authority,
Unit No. 702-B, 7th floor, Konnectus Tower-II,
DMRC Building, Ajmeri Gate, New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: RFP for Appointment of Agency for providing Project Management Consultancy Services
(PMS) for Redevelopment project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and construction of
associated infrastructure.

I/We hereby confirm that we, the Bidder (along with other members in case of Consortium, the
constitution of which has been described in the Bid) *, satisfy the terms and conditions laid out in the
RFP process.

I/We have agreed that (insert individual’s name) will act as our Authorized
Representative on our behalf and has been duly authorized to submit our Bid. Further, the authorized
signatory is vested with requisite powers to furnish such letter and authenticate the same.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature, name and designation of the authorized signatory)

For and on behalf of ....................

*Please strike out whichever is not applicable

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B4

Technical Bid Form – B4: Power of Attorney for Signing of the Bid

(Refer Clause 2.5, 2.6.1 & 2.20.2)

(To be executed on stamp paper of appropriate value)

Know all men by these presents, we, ......................................... (name of Firm and address of the
registered office) do hereby constitute, nominate, appoint and authorize Mr./ Ms.
....................................... son/daughter/wife of Mr./Mrs................... and presently residing at ........
................................, who is presently employed with us and holding the position of........................ as our
true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Authorized Representative”) to do in our name
and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or
incidental to submission of our Bid for and selection as the PMS Agency for providing Project
Management Consultancy Services (PMS) for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
and construction of associated infrastructure including but not limited to signing and submission of all
applications, Bids and other documents and writings, participating in pre-bid and other conferences and
providing information/responses to the Authority, representing us in all matters before the Authority,
signing and execution of all contracts and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our Bid and
generally dealing with the Authority in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our
Bid for the said Project and/or upon award thereof to us till the entering into of the Agreement with the

AND we do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully done or caused to be
done by our said Authorised Representative pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this
Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Authorised Representative in
exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.


EXECUTED THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS ................... DAY OF ...................... , 20**


For .......................................
(Signature, name, designation and address)



(Signature, name, designation and address of the Attorney)

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
 The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if
any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it
is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required
 Wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and other documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favor of the person
executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
 For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be
legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney
is being issued. However, Bidders from countries that have signed The Hague Legislation
Convention 1961 need not get their Power of Attorney legalized by the Indian Embassy, if it
carries a conforming Appostille certificate.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B5

Technical Bid Form – B5: Power of Attorney for the Lead Member

(Refer Clause 2.1.3 (iii), 2.5 & 2.20.2)

Format for Power of Attorney for Lead Member of {Consortium/Joint Venture}
(To be executed on stamp paper of appropriate value)

Whereas the RLDA (the “Authority”) has invited Bids for appointment of Agency for providing Project
Management Consultancy Services (PMS) for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
and construction of associated infrastructure.
Whereas, ……………………., …………………….., and …………………….. (collectively the
“{Consortium/Joint Venture}”) being Members of the {Consortium/Joint Venture} are interested in
Bidding for the PMS assignment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Request for
Proposal (RFP) and other Bid documents including agreement in respect of the PMS, and Whereas, it
is necessary for the Members of the {Consortium/Joint Venture} to designate one of them as the Lead
Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of the {Consortium/Joint
Venture}, all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the {Consortium’s/Joint
Venture’s} Bid for the PMS assignment and its execution.


We, M/S…… having our registered office at ……., M/s. …. having our registered office at …, and …
having our registered office at …., (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Principals”) do hereby
irrevocably designate, nominate, constitute, appoint and authorize M/s ……. having its registered office
at ............. , being one of the Members of the {Consortium/Joint Venture}, as the Lead Member and true
and lawful attorney of the Consortium/Joint Venture (hereinafter referred to as the “Attorney”). We
here by irrevocably authorize the Attorney (with power to sub-delegate) to conduct all business for and
on behalf of the {Consortium/Joint Venture} and any one of us during the Bidding process and, in the
event the {Consortium/Joint Venture} is awarded the contract, during the execution of the Project and
in this regard, to do on our behalf and on behalf of the {Consortium/Joint Venture}, all or any of such
acts, deeds or things as are necessary or required or incidental to the pre-qualification of the
{Consortium/Joint Venture} and submission of its Bid for the assignment, including but not limited to
signing and submission of all applications, Bids and other documents, signing bank Guarantee for Bid
Security and writings, participate in Pre Bid and other Conferences, respond to queries, submit
information/ documents, sign and execute contracts and undertakings consequent to acceptance of the
Bid of the {Consortium/Joint Venture} and generally to represent the {Consortium/Joint Venture} in
all its dealings with the Authority, and/ or any other Government Agency or any person, in all matters
in connection with or relating to or arising out of the {Consortium/Joint Venture} Bid for the and in all
respect of this PMS assignment and/ or upon award thereof till the Agreement is entered into with the

AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things
done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by
this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the
powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/ {Consortium/Joint

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 67 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS …………………. DAY OF ................ 20
For …………………..

(Name & Title)

For …………………..

(Name & Title)

For …………………..

(Name & Title)


(To be executed by all the Members of the {Consortium/Joint Venture})


 The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure,
if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when
it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required
 Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the charter
documents and documents such as a board or shareholders’ resolution/ power of attorney in
favor of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on
behalf of the Bidder.
 For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be
legalized by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney
is being issued. However, the Power of Attorney provided by Bidders from countries that have
signed The Hague Legislation Convention 1961 are not required to be legalized by the Indian
Embassy, if it carries a conforming Apostille certificate.

Note: Paragraphs in curly parenthesis may be omitted by the Bidder, if not applicable to it.

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Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B6

Technical Bid Form – B6: Format of Joint Bidding Agreement
(in case of JV/Consortium)

(Refer Clause 2.1.3 (vi), 2.6.1 & 2.20.2)

(To be executed on stamp paper of appropriate value)

THIS JOINT BIDDING AGREEMENT is entered into on this the of …….


1. [•], (a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/2013 and having its registered
office at] (hereinafter referred to as the "First Part" which expression shall, unless repugnant
to the context include its successors and permitted assigns)

2. [•], (a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/2013 and having its registered
office at] and [•], (a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/2013 and having its
registered office at] (hereinafter referred to as the "Second Part" which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context include its successors and permitted assigns)

The above mentioned parties of the [FIRST AND SECOND] PART are collectively referred to as the
"Parties" and each is individually referred to as a "Party"

(A) The Authority, (hereinafter referred to as the "Authority" which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its administrators, successors and assigns)
has invited proposals (the “Bids") by its Request for Proposal No. RLDA/RFP/CT-23 of 2023
dated 11.10.2023 (the "RFP") for appointment of Agency for providing Project Management
Consultancy Services for Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station and
construction of associated infrastructure (the" Project Management Services" or “PMS”).
(B) The Parties are interested in jointly bidding for the PMS assignment as members of a
Consortium and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the RFP document and other
bid documents in respect of the PMS assignment, and
(C) It is a necessary condition under the RFP document that the members of the Consortium shall
enter into a Joint Bidding Agreement and furnish a copy thereof with the Bid.


1. Definitions and Interpretations

In this Agreement, the capitalised terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the
meaning ascribed thereto under the RFP.

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2. Consortium
a. The Parties do hereby irrevocably constitute a consortium (the "Consortium") for the purposes
of jointly participating in the selection process for the assignment.
b. The Parties hereby undertake to participate in the Bidding process only through this Consortium
and not individually and/ or through any other Consortium constituted for this PMS assignment,
either directly or indirectly or through any of their Affiliates.

3. Covenants
The Parties hereby undertake that in the event the Consortium is declared and selected as the
Successful Bidder and awarded the PMS assignment, the Parties shall enter into a Contract for
consultancy services ("Contract") with the Authority and for performing all obligations for
providing PMS in terms of the Draft PMS Agreement.

4. Role of the Parties

The Parties hereby undertake to perform the roles and responsibilities as described below:
a. Party of the First Part shall be the Member in Charge of the Consortium and shall have the
power of attorney from all Parties for conducting all business for and on behalf of the
Consortium during the selection process for the PMS assignment and until the Effective Date
under the Contract;
b. Party of the Second Part shall be [•].

5. Joint and Several Liability

The Parties do hereby undertake to be jointly and severally responsible for all obligations and
liabilities relating to the PMS assignment and in accordance with the terms of the RFP and the
Contract, for the performance of the Contract.

6. Member in Charge or Lead Member

Without prejudice to the joint and several liabilities of all the Parties, each Party agrees that it shall
exercise all rights and remedies under the Contract through the Member in Charge I Lead Member
and the Authority shall be entitled to deal with such Member in Charge as the representative of all

Each Party agrees and acknowledges that:

a. Any decision (including without limitation, any waiver or consent), action, omission,
communication or notice of the Member in Charge on any matters related to the Contract shall
be deemed to have been on its behalf and shall be binding on it. The Authority shall be entitled
to rely upon any such action, decision or communication from the Member in Charge;
b. Consolidated invoices for the services in relation to the PMS assignment performed by all the
Members shall be prepared and submitted by the Member in Charge and the Authority shall
have the right to release payments solely to the Member in Charge and the Authority shall not
in any manner be responsible or liable for the inter se allocation of payments, works etc. among
the Parties;
c. Any notice, communication, information or documents to be provided to the PMS Agency shall
be delivered to the authorized representative of the PMS Agency (as designated pursuant to the
Contract) and any such notice, communication, information or documents shall be deemed to
have been delivered to all the Parties.

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7. Representation of the Parties
Each Party represents to the other Parties as of the date of this Agreement that:
a. Such Party is duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its
incorporation and has all requisite power and Authority to enter into this Agreement;
b. The execution, delivery and performance by such Party of this Agreement has been authorized
by all necessary and appropriate corporate or governmental action and a copy of the extract of
the charter documents and board resolution/ power of attorney in favor of the person executing
this Agreement for the delegation of power and Authority to execute;
c. This Agreement on behalf of the Party is annexed to this Agreement, and will not, to the best
of its knowledge:
(i) require any consent or approval not already obtained;
(ii) violate any Applicable Law presently in effect and having applicability to it;
(iii) violate the memorandum and articles of association, by-laws or other applicable
organizational documents thereof;
(iv) violate any clearance, permit, concession, grant, license or other governmental
authorization, approval, judgement, order or decree or any mortgage agreement, indenture or
any other instrument to which such Party is a party or by which such Party or any of its
properties or assets are bound or that is otherwise applicable to such Party; or
(v) create or impose any liens, mortgages, pledges, claims, security interests, charges or
Encumbrances or obligations to create a lien, charge, pledge, security interest,
encumbrances or mortgage in or on the property of such party except for encumbrances
that would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the
financial condition or prospects or business of such Party so as to prevent such Party from
fulfilling its obligations under this Agreement;
d. This Agreement is the legal and binding obligation of such Party, enforceable in accordance
with its terms against it; and
There is no litigation pending or, to the best of such Party's knowledge, threatened to which it or any of
its Affiliates is a party that presently affects or which would have a material adverse effect on the
financial condition or prospects or business of such Party in the fulfilment of its obligations under this

8. Authorized Representation
The parties agree that, a person who is employed with the member in charge, or his/her nominee
shall be the authorized representative of the consortium, to do on behalf of the Consortium, all such
acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection with or incidental to submission
of the Consortium's proposal for and the PMS assignment including but not limited to signing and
submission of all applications, proposals and other documents, participating in pre-bid and other
conferences and providing information/responses to the Authority, representing the consortium in
all matters before the Authority, signing and execution of all contracts and undertakings consequent to
acceptance of the Consortiums’ proposal and generally dealing with the Authority in all matters in
connection with or relating or arising out of this PMS assignment.

9. Termination
This Agreement shall be effective from the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect
until the execution of the Contract, in case the PMS assignment is awarded to the Consortium.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 71 of 103

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However, in case the Consortium is not selected for award of the PMS assignment, the Agreement
will stand terminated upon intimation by the Authority that it has not been selected and upon return
of the Bid Security by the Authority.

10. Miscellaneous
a. This Joint Bidding Agreement shall be governed by laws of Republic of India.
b. The Parties acknowledge and accept that this Agreement shall not be amended by the Parties
without the prior written consent of the Authority.






In the presence of:


 The mode of the execution of the Joint Bidding Agreement should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the Applicable Law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required, the same should be under common seal affixed in
accordance with the required procedure.
 Joint Bidding Agreement should attach a copy of the extract of the charter documents and
documents such as resolution power of attorney in favour of the person executing this
Agreement for the delegation of power and Authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of
the each of the Consortium Member.
 For a Joint Bidding Agreement executed and issued overseas, the document shall be legalized
by the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney has been

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 72 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – B: Bidder’s Techno-Legal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – B7

Technical Bid Form – B7

Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India letter F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated



Note: The Bidder is advised to get detailed Memorandum/ Notification/ Circular on the subject with
upto date corrections / amendments from the official website of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance, Govt. of India (

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 73 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – C: Bidder’s Organisational Details

Appendix-: Bidder’s Organizational Details

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 74 of 103

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – C: Bidder’s Organisational Details
Technical Bid Form – C70


Technical Bid Form – C1: Financial Capacity of the Bidder

(Refer Clause 3.2, 3.3.1 & 3.5 (iv))

SN Completed Financial Gross Professional Gross Professional

Year (On or Prior to Consultancy fees Consultancy fees from the
(INR in Crores) Eligible Projects
(INR in Crores)

Certificate from the Statutory Auditor$

This is to certify that _ (name of the Bidder) had a Revenue from Professional Fees in
terms of the Clause 3.2, 3.3.1 and 3.5 (iv) of the RFP as shown above against the respective years.
Name of the audit firm:
Seal of the audit firm

(Signature, name and designation of the Authorized signatory)

In case the Bidder does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the certificate from the independent
chartered accountant/its chartered accountant that ordinarily audits the annual accounts of the Bidder.
The details of the Auditor/ Chartered Accountant along with contact details shall be mentioned.


1. Please do not attach any printed Annual Financial Statement.

2. In case where books of accounts of the Bidder is maintained and audited on the basis of Calendar
Year or any other period of the Year, the Bidder shall submit the relevant financial details for the
last five completed financial years on or prior to 30.06.23.
3. Professional Consultancy fees for each completed Financial Year shall be brought to the current
level by enhancing the same at a simple rate of 7% (seven percent) per annum calculated from
the last date of each Financial Year to 30.06.23.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – C: Bidder’s Organisational Details
Technical Bid Form – C71

Technical Bid Form – C2: Abstract of Eligible Assignments of the Bidder #

(Refer Clause 3.3.1 & 3.5 (iv))

SN Name of Name of Capital Cost Payment received Month and Yr. Type of Project
Project* Client of Project by the Bidder for of completion/ (Refer Clause
(INR in the project ongoing 3.3.1)
crores) (INR in crores) ## (% completion)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

# The Bidder should provide details of only those projects that have been undertaken by it under its own

## Exchange rate should be taken as per Clause 3.4 of the RFP

* The names and chronology of Eligible Assignments included here should conform to the project-wise

$ In case the Bidder does not have a statutory auditor, it shall provide the certificate from
independent chartered accountant/its chartered accountant that ordinarily audits the annual
accounts of the Bidder. The details of the Auditor/ Chartered Accountant along with contact
details shall be mentioned.

Note: The Bidder may attach separate sheets to provide brief particulars of other relevant experience
of the Bidder.

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Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – C: Bidder’s Organisational Details
Technical Bid Form – C72


Technical Bid Form – C3: Details of each Eligible Assignment of the Bidder

(Refer Clause 3.3.1 & 3.5 (iv))

Name of the Bidder:

Name of the Project:
Type of Project (Refer Clause
Description of services performed by the
Bidder firm:
Name of client and Address:
(Indicate whether public or private
Estimated capital cost of the Project
(INR in Cr.):
Final Payment received by the Bidder
(INR in Cr.):
Start date and finish date of the services
(month/ year):
Brief description of the project:

Use separate sheet for each Eligible Assignment and indicate C3/1, C3/2, C3/3, ...........

should be same as sequence of the concerned assignment in Technical Bid Form C2.

Exchange rate should be taken as per clause 3.4 of the RFP.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 77 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – D: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submissions

Appendix – D: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submissions

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 78 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – D: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – D1

Technical Bid Form – D1: Proposed Methodology and Work Plan

The descriptive part of submission under this form will be detailed precisely under the following heads:

1) Understanding of the Scope of Services, Proposed Methodology and Work Plan (not more than
ten pages):
The Bidder shall clearly state its understanding of the Scope of Services and also highlight its
important aspects. The Bidder may supplement various requirements of the Scope of Services and
make precise suggestions if it considers this would bring more clarity and assist in better achieving
the Objectives laid down in the Scope of Services. The Bidder will submit its methodology for
carrying out this PMS assignment, outlining its approach toward achieving the Objectives laid down
in the Scope of Services for various tasks with particular reference to managing the Interface
requirements with various stakeholders and PMG Coordination process with other agencies that may
be engaged directly by the Authority in connection with the redevelopment project of Ahmedabad
Railway station in addition to the proposed EPC Contractor.

2) Organization and Staffing (not more than eight pages):

The Bidder will submit a brief write up on its proposed team and organization of personnel including
specific experience and strengths of Key Experts under category ‘A’ and ‘B’ explaining as to how the
different areas of expertise needed for this PMS assignment have been fully covered by its proposal.
In case the Bidder is a Consortium, it should also specify how the expertise of each firm is proposed to
be utilized for this assignment. The Bidder should also specify the sequence and locations of
important activities along with use of appropriate IT applications for flow of information/progress,
redressal mechanism/conflict management and provide a quality assurance plan for carrying out the
PMS assignment. The Bidder will also clearly spell out the deployment planning of his
Experts/Personnel between its Field Team and HO Team and also mention his requirement of any
specific counterpart staff from the Authority.

3) Innovative PMC execution techniques, use of communication processes, tools, data handover
(not more than eight pages):
The Bidder will clearly state in case he intends to deploy any innovative project management
techniques for achieving more efficient delivery of the project. The Bidder will also elaborate the
communication process covering usage of well-established and advanced collaboration common Data
Environment for management of 3D/Engineering content, work locations, Transmittal Management
within the Bidder’s project team, with the Authority, the EPC Contractor and other stakeholders, duly
ensuring appropriate integration with Project Schedules and WBS, audit trails and role based access
at project and document level. The Bidder will also explain the process of data archiving and storage
from time to time and final data handover to the Authority or any other Agency authorized by it, post
completion of the Project. Use of Autodesk construction cloud or equivalent tools, 4D/5D
Simulation models, Drone based monitoring systems shall be proposed by the Bidder to
demonstrate skill sets for design and construction progress and tracking works. Demonstrative
Video can be shown.

4) Proposed presentation
The Bidder will be required to make a detailed presentation of his Technical Proposal to the Technical
Evaluation Committee of the Authority at an appointed time in the office of the Authority. This

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 79 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
presentation will be made by the person proposed as Project Director cum Team Leader for this PMS
assignment by the Bidder. Participation of other officials of the Bidder for this PMS assignment and
other Key Experts proposed by the Bidder is optional in this presentation.

Guidelines for Presentation:

a) Presentation shall be of approximately 60 minutes duration. The Presentation is not required to be

submitted as part of the Bid. However, 4 hard copies of the presentation in A4 size paper in
color shall be submitted at the time of presentation.
b) Indicative content of the presentation shall include but not limited to any or all of the following
(i) One section of the presentation to cover each of the above mentioned items 1, 2 & 3;
(ii) One section on complete flow chart of activities for undertaking the Services both in terms
of their specific functional and locational criticality.
(iii) One section of the presentation should include Key Performance Indicators to monitor the
work output and performance quality of the Professionals to be deployed by the PMS
(iv) One section of the presentation should list out major areas of likely concerns both for the
Authority’s default and the EPC Contractor’s default for achieving successful delivery of the
project and their proposed methodology/monitoring mechanism to mitigate these delays/
disputes as much ahead of time as feasible.
(v) One section of the presentation to cover the Bidder’s requirements from the Authority in
terms of counterpart staff, any facilities required or any other support expected.
(vi) Any other activity/input considered critical and relevant by the Bidder for successful delivery
of the assignment.

(i) Marks will be deducted for writing unduly lengthy and out of context responses.
(ii) Font size to be used for preparing various write-ups under Technical Bid Form – D1 should
benot less than 11 (eleven) and for preparing presentation slides not less than 14 (fourteen).

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 80 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – D: Bidder’s Technical Proposal Submissions
Technical Bid Form – D2

Technical Bid Form – D2: Deployment Planning of Professional Staff
for the PMS Assignment

SN Position Name Number Band Man- Assessed Deployment

Description of month
Classifi- Man Months Planning
positions requireme
cation Proposed by proposed by
required proposed the Bidder the bidder wrt
by the
by the
Authority the “Effective
Bidder for Date”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
I. Key Experts: Category–A (KA): CVs to be evaluated individually
KA-1 Project Director
1 36
cum Team Leader
KA-2 Principal Interface 1 36
KA-3 Principal Design 1 30
Coordinator -
Architectural , Civil,
Structural, PHE and
KA-4 Principal Design 30
Coordinator 1
(Systems & MEPF)
KA-5 Principal Architect 1 40
for all disciplines
KA-6 Principal SHE
Manager 1 36

KA-7 Chief (Principal) 1 40

Resident Engineer
(All Works)
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 248
Key Experts Category A (KA):

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 81 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Deployment
Description of Classifi- requirement Man Planning
positions cation assessed by Months proposed by
required proposed the Proposed the bidder wrt
by the Authority by the the “Effective
Bidder for each Bidder Date”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
II. Key Experts: Category–B (KB): CVs to be evaluated individually
KB-1 Project Planning 1 36
KB-2 Principal Quality 1 40
KB-3 Resident Engineer
(Civil Construction-I) 1 36

KB-4 Resident Engineer

1 36
(Civil Construction-
KB-5 Resident Architect 36

KB-6 Resident Engineer 1 32

KB-7 Design/Approval 1 30
Coordinator (Civil and
KB-8 Design/Approval 1 30
Coordinator (Systems &
KB-9 Resident Surveyor
1 24

KB- Techno Commercial

10 Legal Manager 1 36

KB- Financial Controller

11 1 36

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for

Key Experts Category B (KB):

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 82 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Deployment
Description of Classifi- requirement Man Months Planning
positions cation assessed by Proposed by proposed by
required proposed the the Bidder the bidder wrt
by the Authority the “Effective
Bidder for each Date”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
III. Non-Key Experts: Category–C (NKC)
NKC- Sr. Engineer
6 36
1 (Civil Construction)
NKC- Sr. Engineer
2 36
2 (Systems & MEPF)
NKC- Sr. Engineer (Track)
1 20
NKC- Sr. Engineer (OHE)
1 20
NKC- Quality Manager
1 36
5 (Civil Construction)
NKC- Quality Manager
1 36
6 (Systems & MEPF)
NKC- SHE Officer
2 36
NKC- Billing Engineers
(Civil and MEPF 2 36
NKC- Quantity Surveyors
(Civil and MEPF 2 36
NKC- Control Room
1 36
10 Operator
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for
Non Key Experts (NKC):

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 83 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions

SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Deployment

Description of Classifi- requirement Man Planning
positions cation assessed by Months proposed by
required proposed the Authority Proposed the bidder wrt
by the for each by the the “Effective
Bidder position Bidder Date”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
IV. Other Professional Staff Category–D (OPS)
OPS-1 Field Engineer
9 36
(Civil Construction)
OPS-2 Field Engineer
4 36
(Systems & MEPF)
OPS-3 Field Engineer
1 20
OPS-4 Field Engineer
1 20
OPS-5 Document
2 36
Controller for Civil
and MEPF
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 580
Other Professional Staff (OPS):
V Support Staff Category–E (SSE)
Bidder to propose various 576
support staffviz. CAD Operator,
Photocopy Operator, Office
cum HR Manager, Project
Accountant, Office Boy, etc. as
per their own assessment
including identifying specific
positions and deployment man
month duration subject to total
proposed man months duration
SSE not being less than the man
month durationindicated by the

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 576

Support Staff (SSE):
Total Cumulative Man-month assessed by the 2428

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 84 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Appendix – E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 85 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions
Technical Bid Form – E1

Technical Bid Form – E1: Abstract Particulars of Key Experts proposed for deployment.
(Refer Clause 3.3.2 & 3.7)

SN Position Name Description Name Educational Length of Total Length of Length of Present Employment Status
Qualification Professional Professional Professional Name of Firm Employed
Experience Experience Experience on Since
(in years) in PMC role Eligible projects
(in years)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
I. Key Experts: Category–A (KA)
KA-1 Project Director cum Team Leader
KA-2 Principal Interface Manager
KA-3 Principal Design Coordinator -
Architectural , Civil, Structural,
PHE and Landscape
KA-4 Principal Design Coordinator
(Systems & MEPF)
KA-5 Principal Architect for all
KA-6 Principal SHE Manager
KA-7 Chief (Principal) Resident Engineer
( All Works)

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 86 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
SN Position Name Description Name Educational Length of Total Length of Length of Present Employment
Qualification Professional Professional Professional Status
Experience Experience in Experience Name of Employed
(in years) PMC role(in years) in onEligible Firm Since
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

II. Key Experts: Category–A (KB)

KB-1 Project Planning Engineer

KB-2 Principal Quality Manager

KB-3 Resident Engineer (Civil

KB-4 Resident Engineer (Civil

KB-5 Resident Architect
KB-6 Resident Engineer (MEPF)
KB-7 Design/Approval Coordinator
(Systems & MEPF)
KB-8 Design/Approval Coordinator (Civil
and Structures)
KB-9 Resident Surveyor

KB- Techno Commercial Legal Manager

KB- Financial Controller

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 87 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions
Technical Bid Form – E2

Technical Bid Form – E2: Abstract of Eligible Assignments of Key Experts (Category ‘A’ & ‘B’)
(Refer Clause 3.3.2 & 3.7)

Name of Key Personnel: .................................

Designation proposed in the present assignment: ................................
SN Name of Name of Name of firm for Designation and brief description of Date of Total Man Consulting fee Capital cost of
Project Client which the Key specific role/responsibility of Key completion of days spent payment received the completed
Expert worked Expert on the project project on the from the project project
Project (INR in crores)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Note: The Bidder may attach separate sheets to provide brief particulars of other relevant experience of the Key Expert.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 88 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions
Technical Bid Form – E3

Technical Bid Form-E3: Details of each Eligible Assignment of Key Experts
(Refer Clause 3.3.2 & 3.7)

Name of Key Expert:

Designation of Key Expert:
Name of the Project:
Name of Firm where employed:
Description of services performed by the Key
Experts with details of specific responsibilities
(including designation):
Type of Project
(As per Clause
Name of Client and Address:
(indicate whether public or private)
Professional Fee received (INR in Cr.)
Capital Cost of the completed Project (INR in Cr.)
Start date and finish date of the services
(month/ year)
No. of days spent on the project
Brief description of the project:

It is certified that the aforesaid information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

(Signature and name of Key Expert)

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 89 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – E: Bidder’s Key Experts Related Submissions
Technical Bid Form – E4

Technical Bid Form-E4: Curriculum Vitae (CV) for Proposed Key Experts

1. Proposed Position:
For each position of key professional separate Technical Bid Form-E4 will be prepared:

2. Name of Organisation:
Insert name of firm proposing the staff:

3. Name of Expert:
Insert full name:

4. Date of Birth:

5. Nationality:

6. Education:
Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names
of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment:

7. Membership of Professional Associations:

8. Other Training:

9. Countries of Work Experience:

List countries where staff has worked in the last ten years:

10. Languages known (for each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking,
reading, and writing):

11. Employment Record:

Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by staff member
since graduation, giving for each employment (see format here below): dates of employment,
name of employing organization, positions held.:

From To Employer Positions held Detailed Tasks

[MM/YY] [MM/YY] Assigned

12. List all the tasks to be performed by the Expert under this Assignment:

13. Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned
Among the Eligible Assignment/ jobs in which the staff has been involved, indicate the
following information for those Eligible Assignment/jobs that best illustrate staff capability
to handle the tasks listed under point 12.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 90 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Name of Assignment/job or project:
Year (Start / Completion):
Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed:
Cost of Project:

14. Contact details: Email…………………. Mobile Phone…………..........

15. Certification:

(i) I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly
describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful mis-
statement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

(ii) I further undertake that my CV is being proposed for this project by ----------- (the Bidder)
and I have not given consent to any other Consultant(s) to propose my CV for any position
for this project.

(iii) I undertake that I have no objection in uploading/hosting of my credentials by the Authority

in public domain.

(iv) I am willing to undertake the assignment and ensure my availability for the duration of the

(v) I have no history of involvement in Vigilance/CBI/Police Case, resulting in major penalty

punishment of removal/dismissal/compulsory retirement or conviction.

(vi) I have never been debarred from providing consultancy services by any government
authority /PSU Or I was debarred from providing consultancy services by ……... for ....
years from ../../.. to ../../.. and period of debarment is now over.

(vii) I have been deployed for minimum …… days on the Eligible Assignments claimed by me for
the purposes of the evaluation under this RFP.


[Signature of Key Expert]

[Full name]

(Signature and name of the

authorised signatory of the Bidder)

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 91 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions

Appendix-F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 92 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions
Financial Bid Form – F1

Financial Bid Form – F1: Breakdown of Man Month Costs
– Staff Remuneration
SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Rates Amount
Description of Classifi- requirement Man (INR/ (INR)
positions cation assessed by Months Man- H=
required proposed Proposed month/ CxFxG
by the for each by the Person)
Bidder position Bidder
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
I Key Experts: Category–A (KA):
KA-1 Project Director cum 1 36
Team Leader
KA-2 Principal Interface 1 36
KA-3 Principal Design 1 30
Coordinator -
Architectural , Civil,
Structural, PHE and
KA-4 Principal Design 30
Coordinator (Systems 1
KA-5 Principal Architect for all 1 40
KA- Principal SHE Manager 1 36
KA-7 Chief (Principal) 1 40
Resident Engineer ( All
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 248
Key Experts Category A (KA):

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 93 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Rates Amount
Description of Classifi- requirement Man (INR/ (INR)
positions cation assessed by Months Man- H=
required proposed the Proposed month/ CxFxG
by the Authority for by the Person)
Bidder each Bidder
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
II Key Experts: Category–B (KB):
KB-1 Project Planning 1 36
KB-2 Principal Quality 1 40
KB-3 Resident Engineer (Civil 1 36
KB-4 Resident Engineer (Civil 1 36
KB-5 Resident Architect 1 36

KB-6 Resident Engineer 1 32

KB-7 Design/Approval 1 30
Coordinator (Systems &
KB-8 Design/Approval 1 30
Coordinator (Civil
and Structures)
KB-9 Resident 1 24
KB- Techno Commercial Legal 1 36
10 Manager

KB- Financial Controller 1 36


Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 372

Key Experts Category B (KB):

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 94 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Rates Amount
Description of Classifi- requirement Man (INR/ (INR)
positions cation assessed by Months Man- H=
required proposed the Proposed month/ CxFxG
by the Authority by the Person)
Bidder for each Bidder
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)

III Non-Key Experts: Category–C (NKC)

NKC-1 Sr. Engineer 6 36
(Civil Construction)
NKC-2 Sr. Engineer 2 36
(Systems & MEPF)
NKC- Sr. Engineer (Track) 1 20
NKC- Sr. Engineer (OHE) 1 20
NKC-5 Quality Manager 1 36
(Civil Construction)
NKC-6 Quality Manager 1 36
(Systems &
NKC-7 SHE Officer 2 36

NKC-8 Billing Engineers (Civil 2 36

and MEPF Work)
NKC-9 Quantity Surveyors (Civil 2 36
and MEPF Work)
NKC- Control Room Operator 1 36
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 652
Non Key Experts (NKC):

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 95 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
SN Position Name Number Band Man-month Assessed Rates Amount
Description of Classifi- requirement Man (INR/ (INR)
positions cation assessed by Months Man- H=
required proposed the Proposed month/ CxFxG
by the Authority by the Person)
Bidder for each Bidder
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)
IV Other Professional Staff Category–D (OPS)
OPS-1 Field Engineer 9 36
(Civil Construction)
OPS-2 Field Engineer (Systems 4 36
OPS-3 Field Engineer 1 20
OPS-4 Field Engineer 1 20
OPS-5 Document 2 36
Controller for Civil &
Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 580
Other Professional Staff (OPS):
V Support Staff Category–E (SSE)
SSE Bidder to propose 576
various support staff
viz. CAD Operator,
Photocopy Operator,
Office cum HR
Manager, Project
Accountant, Office Boy,
etc. as per their own
assessment including
identifying specific
positions and
deployment man month
duration subject to total
proposed man months
duration not being less
than the man month
duration indicated by
the Authority.

Total Man-Month assessed by the Authority for 576

Support Staff (SSE):
Total Cumulative Man-month assessed by the 2428

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 96 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions
Financial Bid Form – F2

Financial Bid Form – F2: Breakdown of Reimbursable Costs

1. Reimbursable expenses for PMC Services outside project site office- In case PMC Team Member
is required to be travelling out of Ahmedabad for any Inspection/ Discussion/Assignment given by the
Authority, the expert will be entitled for reimbursement of following expenses as indicated below:

A. Within India:

SN Expert Staff Category Travelling Mode Lodging Allowance, Local

Transport allowance & other
incidental & contingent
Expenses (in INR)*
X Class Y Class Other
Cities Cities Places
1. Key Experts KA-1, KA-2, Travel by Air (Economy 9000 6000 4000
KA-3 & KA-7. Class) by direct route will be
2. All other Key Experts Travel by Air (Economy 6000 4500 3000
both in Category-A & B Class) by direct route will be
(KA & KB) other than admissible.
mentioned at SN-1 above.
3. For all Non-Key Experts Travel by AC first class or 4500 3000 2250
(NKC) equivalent in train
4. For Other Professional Travel by AC 2 Tier or 3000 2250 1500
Staff (OPS) & Support equivalent class in train
Staff (SSE)

B. Outside India:

SN Expert Staff Category Travelling Mode Lodging Allowance, Local

Transport allowance & other
incidental & contingent
Expenses (US $)
1. Key Experts KA-1, KA-2, To and Fro, travel by Air 335 (revise rates)
KA-3 & KA-7. (Business Class) by direct
route will be admissible.
2. All other Key Experts To and Fro, Travel by Air 250
both in Category-A & B (Economy Class) by direct
(KA & KB) other than route will be admissible.
mentioned at SN-1 above.
3. For all Non-Key Experts To and Fro, Travel by Air 200
(NKC) (Economy Class) by direct
route will be admissible.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 97 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions
Financial Bid Form – F2

2. Demobilization and Remobilization Allowance

In case, the Authority exercises the option of “Pause in Service” of the PMS Assignment and asks
the PMS Agency to demobilize certain Experts/Other Staff for a certain duration and which may need
to be remobilized subsequently as per the requirement and directives of the Authority, following LS
allowance shall be payable towards Demobilization and Remobilization expenses of the Experts/
Other Staff as the case may be.

SN Expert Staff Category Travelling Mode De-mobilization or

Allowance (In INR)
1. Key Experts KA-2, KA-3 & Travel by Air (Economy 50,000
KA-7. Class) by direct route will be
2. All other Key Experts both in Travel by Air (Economy 40,000
Category-A & B (KA & KB) Class) by direct route will be
other than mentioned at SN-1 admissible.
3. For all Non-Key Experts (NKC) Travel by AC first class or 25,000
equivalent in train
4. For Other Professional Staff Travel by AC 2 Tier or 15,000
(OPS) & Support Staff (SSE) equivalent class in train

3. Indicative Remunerations for Specialist Experts to be engaged through the PMS Agency as per
requirement of the Authority on Intermittent Basis for short durations (as per provisions of
Clause Note-11):

SN Specialist Expert Staff Travelling Mode Daily Remuneration for

Equivalent level each Business Day of
working at the Project Site
(in INR)
1. Equivalent to Key Experts To and Fro, travel by Air 40,000/-
KA-1, KA-2, KA-3 & (Economy Class) in case of an
KA-7 in terms of Indian Expert and by Air
Qualification & (Business Class) in case of an
Experience. Overseas Expert by direct route
will be admissible.
2. Equivalent to any other To and Fro, Travel by Air 25,000/-
Key Experts both in (Economy Class) by direct route
Category-A & B (KA & will be admissible.
KB) other than mentioned
at SN-1 above.

a) The Allowances as indicated in table A & B above will be payable for stay at the destination on
per day basis for period exceeding more than 12 hours in a day including one night (between
21:00 Hrs. to 06:00 Hrs.). In case stay period is less than 12 hours and more than 6 hours in a
day, 40% of allowances will be payable.
b) For Specialist Experts to be engaged through the PMS Agency as per requirement of the
Authority on Intermittent Basis for short durations will be paid the allowance @ 150% rate of
what is payable to the equivalent level Expert Staff of the PMS Agency as per Table at A above.
c) * List of X and Y class cities are mentioned in Financial Bid Form-F3.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 98 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – F: Bidder’s Financial Proposal Submissions
Financial Bid Form – F3

Financial Bid Form – F3: Breakdown of Reimbursable Costs
List of Class X & Y cities for Reimbursable Expenses
SN States Cities Cities classified as “Y” class cities
classified as
“X” class cities
1 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Vijayawada (UA), Warangal (UA),
(UA) Visakhapatnam
(UA), Guntur,
2 Assam Guwahati (UA)
3 Bihar Patna (UA)
4 Chandigarh Chandigarh
5 Chhattisgarh Durg – Bhilai Nagar (UA), Raipur (UA)
6 Delhi Delhi (UA)
7 Gujarat Ahmadabad (UA), Rajkot (UA), Jamnagar (UA),
Bhavnagar (UA), Vadodara (UA), Surat (UA)
8 Haryana Faridabad
9 Jammu & Srinagar (UA), Jammu (UA)
10 Jharkhand Jamshedpur (UA), Dhanbad (UA), Ranchi (UA),
11 Karnataka Bengaluru Belgaum (UA), Hubli- Dharward, Mangalore
(UA) (UA),
Mysore (UA)
12 Kerala Kozhikode (UA), Kochi (UA),
13 Madhya Gwalior (UA), Indore (UA), Bhopal (UA),
Pradesh Jabalpur
14 Maharashtra Greater Amravati, Nagpur (UA), Aurangabad (UA),
Mumbai (UA) Nashik
(UA), Bhiwadi (UA), Pune (UA), Solapur,
Kolhapur (UA)
15 Orissa Cuttack (UA), Bhubaneshwar (UA)
16 Punjab Amritsar (UA), Jalandhar (UA), Ludhiana
17 Pondicherry Pondicherry (UA)
18 Rajasthan Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur (UA), Kota (UA)
19 Tamil Nadu Chennai (UA) Salem (UA), Tiruppur (UA), Coimbatore (UA),
Tiruchiappalli (UA), Madurai (UA)
20 Uttarakhand Dehradun (UA)
21 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad, Meerut (UA), Ghaziabad, Aligarh,
Bareilly (UA), Lucknow (UA), Kanpur (UA),
Allahabad (UA), Gorakhpur, Varanasi (UA),
22 West Bengal Kolkata (UA) Asansol (UA)

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 99 of 103

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – G: Affidavit



(To be uploaded of the Bidder as part of Technical Bid)

(To be executed in presence of Public notary on non-judicial stamp paper of the value of [Rs.300/-]. The
stamp paper has to be in the name of the Bidder) **.
I ....................................... (Name and designation) ** appointed as the attorney/authorized signatory of the
Bidder (including its constituents), M/s. (herein after called the Bidder)
for the purpose of the Bidding documents for the work of Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway
Station as per the RFP No. RLDA/RFP/CT-23 of 2023 dated 11.10.2023, do hereby solemnly affirm and
state on the behalf of the Bidder including its constituents/Associates as under:

1. I/We the Bidder(s), am/are signing this document after carefully reading the contents.
2. I/We the Bidder(s) also accept all the conditions of the tender and have signed all the pages in
confirmation thereof.
3. I/We hereby declare that I/We have downloaded the Bidding documents from the E-Procurement
Portal. I/we have verified the content of the document from the website and there is no addition, no
deletion or no alteration to the content of the Bidding document.In case of any discrepancy noticed
at any stage i.e., evaluation of bids, execution of work or final payment of the Contract, the master
copy available with the Authority shall be final and binding upon me/us.
4. I/We declare and certify that I/We have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms,
statements and attachments in proof of the qualification requirements.
5. I/We also understand that my/our offer will be evaluated based on the documents/credentials
submitted along with the offer and same shall be binding upon me/us.
6. I/We declare that the information and documents submitted along with the bid by me/us are correct
and I/We are fully responsible for the correctness of the information and documents submitted by us.
7. I/we certify that I/we the tenderer(s) is/are not blacklisted or debarred by Railways or any other
Ministry / Department of Govt. of India from participation in tender on the date of submission of
bids, either in individual capacity or as a HUF/ member of the partnership firm/LLP/JV/Society/Trust.
8. I/We undersigned that if the certificates regarding eligibility criteria submitted by us are found to be
forged/false or incorrect at any time during process for evaluation of bids, it shall lead to forfeiture of
the Bid Security besides banning of business for a period upto 5 (five) years. Further, I/We (insert
name of the Bidder)** and all my/our constituents understand that my/our Bid shall be summarily
9. I/We also understand that if the certificates submitted by us are found to be false/forged or incorrect
at any time after the award of the Contract, it will lead to termination of the Contract, along with
forfeiture of Bid Security/ and Performance Security besides any other action provided in the Contract
including banning of business for a period up to 5 (five) years on entire Indian Railways.



Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for Page 100 of 103
Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station


This affidavit is to be given by each member of JV.

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services for

Redevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station Page 101 of 103
Volume – 1: Request for Proposal
Appendix – H

Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services

forRedevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station Page 102 of 103
Digitally signed
Appointment of Agency for providing PMS services KUMAR
forRedevelopment Project of Ahmedabad Railway Station Page 103 of 103 Date:
21:43:47 IST
Reason: PDF

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