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Digital Marketing (DM)

Pertemuan 15 – Mobile Marketing

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Fakultas Ilmu Komputer

DM 2020/15 1
Dilarang memperbanyak karya tulis ini, termasuk fotokopi, tanpa ijin tertulis dari Universitas Pelita Harapan
• Mobile Marketing Association’s formal
– “A set of practices that enables organization
to communicate with and engage with their
audiences in an interactive and relevant
manner through and with any mobile device
or network”

DM 2020/15 2
Four-Step Mobile Marketing Process
1. Opportunity

4. Analyze
2. Optimize
App development
Mobile sites
Emerging trends

3. Advertise
Mobile advertising
Proximity marketing

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Stage 1: Opportunity 1. Opportunity

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Key benefits of mobile
• Personal connection
• Access/immediacy
– Always on, always with you
• Distribution
• Seamless UX (User Experience)
– Interactive experience
• Cross platform capabilities

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2. Optimize

Stage 2: Optimize App development

Mobile sites

• Mobile optimized websites

– 57% of people will not recommended a
business with a poorly designed mobile
– 40% have turned to a competitor site after a
bad mobile experience

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DM 2020/15 7
Characteristics of an Effective
Mobile Site
• Prioritize content over navigation
• Create large tap targets
• Remove unnecessary content
• Provide for quick tasks
• Consider download speed and power usage
• Know your limits
• Understand interactions (touch Vs Click)

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Advantages of Mobile Sites
• Immediacy
– Instantly available
• Compatibility
– Mobile-optimized site will work across all devices and
on desktops too
• Easily upgraded
• Longer life cycle
• Cost/time-effective
• Support and sustainability

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Advantages of Mobile Apps
• Uninterrupted Internet access not required
• Better phone integration
• Platform-specific
– Built for specific purpose

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App Development
• Platform specific
• Java/Kotlin/C++ ( Programming language),
Android Studio (Integrated Development
Environment for Windows)
– iOS
• Swift 4 (Programming language), Xcode
(Integrated Development Environment for MacOS)

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Android Studio IDE

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Xcode IDE

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App Development
• Needs fulfillment (functions)
• Integration
• Simplicity
• Interactivity
• Accessibility
• Security

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Apps Development Process
• Justify
– Why this app is needed?
– Fulfill a specific purpose that will make users want to interact
with it
• Build
– How much will this cost?
– Depends on the functionality of the apps – processing features
– You get what you pay for
• Go live
• Promote
• Measure
• Update
DM 2020/15 15
3. Advertise

Stage 3: Advertise SMS

Mobile advertising
Proximity marketing

• SMS Marketing
• Mobile advertising can help to achieve
– Business goals
– Product goals
– Communication goals
– Marketing goals

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Mobile Ad Formats

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Proximity Marketing

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Stage 4: Analyze 4. Analyze
Emerging trends

• Mobile Analytics
– Using the most relevant metrics
– Measuring a campaign effectiveness
– Optimizing based on the results

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Mobile Device Information within Google

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Current Trends
• M-Commerce
• Geolocation
– Knowing exactly where the users are
• Showrooming
– Users in physical store checking online to see
what a certain product might cost elsewhere...
• Wearable computing
– Apple watch, Samsung Watch, Oculus Rift

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Mobile Standards
• E.g., Mobile Marketing Association
(MMA guidelines)
– Data protection and privacy
– Copyright
– Cookie policies
– Accesibility

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