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"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to

understand more, so that we may fear less."
-Marie Curie

The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the normality of modern living. Social distancing has
become mandatory. Face masks and disinfectants are now vital weapons against this generation’s
biggest threat. This is far from what I expect it to be. As to my own story about this pandemic, I can say
a lot. I am an active volunteer in our barangay and a front liner. Being one is hard and stressful yet,
nothing can tantamount the joy and experiences. My role as a front liner is to come to people and serve
them their ECQ passes, relief goods, vitamins, sanitizers and etc. This is what I meant as hard and
stressful. People tend to scold or insult me sometimes if their demands are not met. People really is just
human, that needs and asks so much. Having to encounter them puts so much learning within me
because more often, people give you their most genuine smiles and thank yous which put so much joy in
my heart.
With so much time in our hands due to enhanced community quarantine, I have come to realize a
few things.
1. HEALTH IS WEALTH – This is what I sometimes taken for granted before but now, it is in
my full sense that I need to take care of my body because there are those that still love me and I still
have so many dreams to fulfill.
2. GOD IS THE WAY- We are called to have more time for God, for solitude and contemplation
because it is only Him that can save us.
3. MAKE MORE TIME WITH OTHERS - I am blessed that I got to experience interaction with
the members of our communities and this is a good time for families to be and talk with each other.
4. CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS - I learned to develop self-discipline and
communal discipline, which we are now forced to practice out of necessity to avoid the spread of the
virus and to develop better health and hygienic habits which we have acquired since the beginning of
this crisis
5. SHARING IS LOVING - I learned to develop and exercise compassion for the poor and
needy and to extend help in my own simple ways.

Let us turn this coronavirus crisis into an opportunity to do good things to oneself and to others.



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