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Week 5 - Laboratory Activity 1

Name: _Macalintal, Alexandre Jedric S.______________ Score:

Student Number: __202110299________ Date: __23/02/2024_________
Section/Schedule _29068- 1030-1330 Wed_______ ______
Subject: Object Oriented Programming Lab Professor:_Mr. Archie G. Santiago_

a. Design and perform correct usage of a Java programming constructs using Conditional
Statements and using JOptionPane Class for the User Input.

A. Using Conditional Statement

Problem: Create a Java Application that will let the user enter two numbers (positive or negative
integer value) that will represent the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of a point in a
Cartesian Plane. Then determine if the inputted coordinates of a point belong to Quadrant
I, Quadrant II, Quadrant III, or Quadrant IV. Refer to the figure below (Cartesian Plane).
Note: If the Coordinates are 0,0 display the Remark : “Point of Origin”.

• Point(3,2)
Point(3,2) is in
Quadrant 1.


Step 1. Open your NetBeans IDE.

Step 2. Write the intended program for the problem. Note: use Conditional Statements.

Step 3. Save your program using the written Class Name as the File Name and with the File
Extension name – .java.

Step 4. Compile and Run your Java Application.

Step 5. Provide the following:

a. Source Code Listing. (10 points)

b. Screenshots of the Final Output (at least three, including the Point of Origin) (15
c. Selfie with the Final Output (5 points)

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