SOAL LATIHAN ATT I (30) Marvel Kepedulian Lingkungan

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Soal soal Latihan untuk ATT I


1. Marpol 73/78 consist of Articles from Marpol 73,Protocol

I,Prototocol II ,Protocol 1978 and Protocol I997. Protocol I is
mention about:
A. Provisions concerning Reports on Incidents involving Harmful
B. Arbitration
C. Adoption TSPP into Marpol
D. Addition of sixth annex
2. According to Marpol 73/78 "Harmful substances" means:
A. Petroleum produduct and peetrochemicals only
B. Hydrocarbons in any form
C. Any substances creating harm to health and life or able to
damage amenities
D. Oil and Noxious Liquid substances only
3. "Discharge" in relation to harmful substances means:
A. Dumping or disposal from ship
B. Sppilling ,leaking, or escape from the ship
C. Pumping,emptying or emitting from a ship
D. Any release however caused
4. "Incident" means:
A. Actual discharge into the sea of a harmful substance or
effluents containing such substances
B. The probable discharge into the sea of oils or of any oil
C. The actual or probable discharge into the sea of a harmful
sebstance or effluents containing such substances
D. The actual or probable discharge into the sea of oil or of an
oily mixture
5. Annx I Marpol 73/78 is aplied to:
A. All ships
B. All oil tankers
C. Every oil tanker of GT 150 above
D. Every oil tanker of GT 150 or above and other ship of GT 400
or above
6. An International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate shall
be issued after initial or renewal survey to:
A. All ships
B. Every Oil tanker
C. Every oil tanker of GT 150 or above
D. Every oil tanker of GT 150 or above and every other ship of GT
400 or above
7. According to Annex I of Marpol73/78 the term "oil" means:
A. Any grade of crude oil or fuel oil
B. Any grade of crude oil ,fuel oil or refined products
C. Oils in any form
D. Petroleum in any form,including crude oil ,fuel oil,sludge
oil, oil refuse and refined products
8. Initial survey carried out before a ship put in service in
order to ensure compliance with the applicable regulation shall
A. A complete survey of all wing tank,center tanks and slop tanks
B. A complete survey of the associate pumping and piping systems
including oil discharging monitoring system,oil filtering and
separating systems
C. A complete survey of all piping systems
D. A complete survey of its structure, equipment, fittings,
systems and arrangements and materials in so far as the ship is
covered by this annex
9. Substance which is not include as oil according Marpol Annex I
A. Blending stocks
B. Diesel oil
C. Petrochemical oil
D. Clarified
10. The term "from the nearest land" means:
A. From the nearest island
B. From the nearest shoreline
C. From the lowest waterline in the nearest island
D. From the baseline from which the territorial sea is
established in that territory
11. Operations which not to record in Oil Record Book Part I is__
A. Cleaning or ballasting fuel oil tank
B. Disposal oil residue to the sea from sludge tank
C. Disposal oily mixture to sea from slop tank
D. Bunkering bulk lubricating oil
12. Oil Record Book Part i have to kept on board ship for a
A. Two years after the book is full
B. Three years after the book is full
C. At least three years from last entry
D. Five years from the last entry
13. As per Marpol 73/78, the contents of lines and pumps on oil
tanker at completion of discharge must be :
A. Drained and then pumped either ashore or to cargo tank or slop
tank on board
B. Cleared to shore by the use of compressed air
C. Drained directly to shore
D. Discharged a shore or retained on board as per the pre
discharge agreement made between the shiping and shore
14: According to Marpol 73/78 the instantaneous rate of discharge
of oil content means:
A. Total quantity of oil discharge at any moment
B. The rate of oil discharge in litres per hour at any instant
divided by speed of the ship in knots at the same instant
C. The total quantity of oil discharged divided by total
mileage covered during the time of discharge by the ships.
D. The total rate of oil discharge per hour divided by 3600
15. A routine cause of operational oil spill is__
A. The tendency of the vessel to report a lesser amount of
bunkers than actually remains on board
B. Miscalculation
C. The tendency of the vessel to report a lesser amount of
bunkers than actually remains on board and sole dependency on
remote gauging systems
D. Sole dependency on remote gauging system
16. The operation below shall be recorded in Oil Record Book Part
II, Except__
A. Loading of oil cargo
B. Discharge of ballast from Dedicated Clean ballast tanks
C. Discharge of ballast from Segregated ballast tanks
D. closing of all applicable valves after slop tank discharge
17. Since 1st January 2007, as per changes introduced by
amendment to Marpol and IBC Code, it has become mandatory for
vegetable oil to be carried in :
A. Double hull tankers
B. Integrated cargo tanks only
C. Tanks fitted with heating coil or in line heater charge only
D.IMO TYPE II chemical tanker only
18. SOPEP shall be prepared base on guide lines developed by
Organization by__
B. By Ship's Master
C. By Shipping Company
D. By the Administration
19. Since 1st January 2007,as per changes introduced by amendment
to Marpol and IBC Code, it has become mandatory for vegetable oil
to be carried in __
A. Double hull tankers
B. Integrated cargo tanks only
C. Tanks fitted with heating coil or in line heater charge only
D.IMO TYPE II chemical tanker only
20. Solidifying substances means a noxious liquid substances
A. In case of a substance with a melting point of less than 15
degrees C ,at the temperature of less than 5 degrees C above its
melting point at the time of loading
B.In case of a substance with a melting point of less than 20
degrees C ,at the temperature of less than 5 degrees C above its
melting point at the time of loading
C. In case of a substance with a melting point of equal to 15
degrees C, at the temperature less than 5 degrees C above its
melting point at the time of unloading
D. In case of a substance with a meting point of greater than 15
degrees C, at the temperature less than 15 degrees C above its
melting point at the time of unloading
21. High viscosity substances means:
A. High viscosity substance means a noxious liquid substance in
category X or Y with a viscosity equal to or greater than 60
mPa's at the unloading temperature
B. High viscosity substance means a noxious liquid substance in
category X or Y with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50
mPa's at the unloading temperature
C. High viscosity substance means a noxious liquid substance in
category X or Y with a viscosity equal to or greater than 40
mPa's at the unloading temperature
D.High viscosity substance means a noxious liquid substance in
category X or Y with a viscosity equal to or greater than 30
mPa's at the unloading temperature
22. NLS which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning are
deemed to present a hazard to marine resources and therefore
justify a limitation on quality and quantity of the discharge
included in category__
A. Category X
B. Category Y
C. Category Z
D. Category OS
23. Which is not sewage according to Marpol Annex IV is__
A. Drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets and urinals
B. Drainage from medical premises via wash basins, wash tubs and
scuppers located in such premises
C. Drainage from Bilge in Machinery space
D. Drainage from spaces containing living animals
24. Annex IV Marpol 73/78 shall apply to__
A. All ships
B. All passenger ships
C. New ships of GT 400 and above or ships which are certified to
carry more than 15 persons
D. New ship of GT 500 engaged in international voyage
25. Surveys for International Sewage Pollution Prevention are __
A. Initial survey, Intermediate Survey. Renewal survey and
Additional Survey
B. Initial survey, Intermediate survey and Renewal Survey
C. Initial Survey, Annual Survey, Intermediate Survey, Renewal
Survey and Additional Survey
D. Initial Survey, Renewal Survey and Additional Survey
26. According to MEPC 201(62) as the amendment of Marpol Annex V
disposal garbage into the sea is prohibited except :
A. The disposal of operational wastes as dunnage, linning and
packing material at 25 miles from nearest land
B. The disposal of domestic waste like papers , metals and
bottles 12 miles from the nearest land
C. Outside Special area disposal of food wastes that have not
been passed through a comminutor or girder 12 miles and food
wates which have been passed through a comminutor or girder 3
miles from nearest land
D. The disposal of incinerator ashes from plastic products
27. Placards which notify the crew and passengers of the disposal
requirements of garbage shall be display on board ship of:
A. All ships
B. Every ship of 12 metres or more in length
C. Every ship GT 100 and above and every ship which is certified
to carry 15 persons or above
D. Every ship of 24 metres or more in length
28. Garbage Management Plan shall be carried on board ship of:
A. All ships
B. Every Ship of GT400 and above
C. Every ship of GT100 and above and every ship which is
certified to carry 15 persons or more
D. Every ship of GT 400 and above and every ship which is
certified to carry 15 persons or more
29. According to Civil Liability Convention 1992,No liability for
pollution damage shall attach to the owner if he can proves that
the damage cause by, but not include:
A. Resulted from an act of war, hostilities or natural phenomenon
of an exceptional, inevitable and irresistible character30.
B. Wholly caused by an act or omission done with intent to cause
damage by a third party
C. Wholly caused by the negligence of any Government responsible
for the maintenance of lights or other navigational aids in the
exercise of that function
D The discharge into the sea of oil or oil mixture necessary for
the purpose of securing the safety of the ship or saving of life
at sea
30. As per requirement of the Ballast Water Management Convention
oil tankers must have a plan on board to achieve__
A.80 % of volumetric exchange to the ballast taken on board at
the previous port
B.85 % of volumetric exchange to the ballast taken on board at
the previous port
C.90 % of volumetric exchange to the ballast taken on board at
the previous port
D.95 % of volumetric exchange to the ballast taken on board at
the previous port

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