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Ban-Doh: *

The Most Authentic*

Taiwanese Eating Experience

Task 1 : Describing a Scene
Task 2: Writing a Description with More Sensory Details

Thinking Ahead
1. Watch the video and write T (true) or F
(false) before each of the following
statements. Scan and Watch
(1) A ban-doh chef’s job includes designing the
menu, ensuring the food quality, and paying
attention to the serving speed.
(2) At a traditional Taiwanese banquet, nine main
dishes are usually served so that every guest
will be satisfied.
(3) A tsui-kha is someone who serves food to guests.

2. Look at the pictures below and discuss the following

question with your partner. Which type of banquet do
you like most? State your reasons.
I like...most because....

Reading Strategy
Summarizing is an effective skill that enhances your understanding of what
you have read. After reading a text, you briefly retell the main idea and the
important details in your own words, without giving any personal ideas.
When making a summary, you state what and who the text is about, when,
where, and how the event happens, and why the text is written.

Read the Instagram posts on the next page, and then check which summarizing
sentence is the best one.
□ The author ran out of his or her hotel to an ice cream truck
because it was very hot.
□ It seems that the garbage trucks in Taiwan were made in the
First Post
author’s home country.
□ The music coming from the garbage truck confused the
author, who mistook it for an ice cream truck.
□ After an earthquake, the author noticed that a bag of chips had
fallen down in a convenience store.
□ The author, the only one in the store who got shocked, shares
Second Post
his or her first experience of an earthquake in Taiwan.
□ I think the author was so shocked during the earthquake
because he or she had never had such an experience before.

Reading Comprehension
According to the texts, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The earthquake did little harm to the convenience store.
(B) The author was the only customer who ran out of the 7-Eleven.
(C) For the author, the garbage truck looked like an ice cream truck.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience


You’re probably thinking this truck looks

like a normal garbage truck, right? Well
you’ll never guess what it sounds like—an
ice cream truck! This is what I thought
when I heard it coming down the street
toward me. Today was an extremely hot
day, and I had a real craving to eat some ice
cream, so when I heard the sound of the
truck, I ran out of my hotel as quickly as I


I just experienced my first earthquake! I was

browsing the shelves in a 7-Eleven when
everything started to move. At first, I felt
scared and thought about running outside, 8
but then when I looked around me, I realized
that the Taiwanese people in the store didn’t
seem all that worried. I guess it can’t have
been a very strong one because this bag of
chips was the only thing that fell off the shelf!

Reading Selection 課文動畫

Language Highlight 1 aking part in a student exchange1 program has
In Paragraph 3, find the really opened my eyes to the cultural differences
sentence that describes
between my country and Taiwan. One of the most
how the neighbors would
help out at a ban-doh in memorable parts of my trip was when my host family
the old days. Then circle
5 invited me to a wedding banquet* in Kaohsiung.
the two words that refer to
the neighbors. What
words did you circle?
Observe how the author
uses these two words to Different Types of Ban-Doh
list items.

A wedding banquet A birthday banquet is A full-month banquet

is a lavish meal served after a held to celebrate the is held to celebrate a
marriage ceremony. Cuisines birthday of a person who newborn’s first full
with names derived from puns is over 60 years old. Ham month of life. Sesame
of Mandarin words are hock rice noodles are oil chicken is usually
featured. For instance, sweet usually served because served to represent the
tangyuan represent a couple’s noodles symbolize wish for a rosy future
blissful union. longevity. for the newborn.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

Reading Strategy
Upon arriving at the banquet, I soon realized that it was
• Below are sentences
totally different from what I’d expected . Back in the US,
from a summary of this
passage. First, delete
banquets are usually held in large dining halls. This one, on
the sentence which is
the other hand, was taking place right out in the street! Put not necessary, and then
organize the rest into a
10 up to shelter3 all the guests from the fierce4 sun, a huge
tent* occupied5 nearly half the street. However, none of the (A) At this banquet, the

pedestrians or the people in passing vehicles6 looked like author learned some
facts about the
they cared. Under the tent, guests sat at large round tables, ban-doh custom.

chatting cheerfully. At one end of this temporary7 tent, (B) I think that the
author was amazed
15 there were cooks and assistants working energetically to
by the ban-doh

prepare platters* of delicious-looking food. custom.

(C) T
 he author felt lucky
Being quite curious about how this fascinating custom
to have such an

of “open-air” banquets had come about, I asked my host experience and

wanted to share it
parents. The host father explained that this kind of banquet,
with others back
known as a “ban-doh” in Taiwanese, originated9 in the home.


(D) T
 he author
countryside. In the old days, when people gathered for a
experienced a local
special event10 such as a wedding or an elder’s11 birthday, wedding banquet in
everyone in the neighborhood12 would cooperate13 to
→ →
arrange14 a ban-doh. The host would prepare all the
Note the Details
25 ingredients for the meal, and the neighbors would help out.
1. What was one of the

Some would do the cooking, while others might provide most unforgettable
experiences for the
tables, chairs, and eating utensils* or assist in other ways.
author during the
exchange program? 179
2. What is the origin of They would then all relax15 and enjoy the banquet together.
the “ban-doh”?
The ban-doh back then was all about enjoying a sense of

30 community and togetherness.

3. What would the host My host mother added that toward the end of the
of the ban-doh
banquet, the host would provide containers16 for the guests
prepare for the guests
when they were about to pack up the leftovers* and take them home. Since it was
to leave, and why?
usually late and dark when the guests started leaving, the

35 host would also often hand out torches to them to help

light their way home. Seeing lines of people strolling17

home with torches and bags of food in their hands is

Although some aspects of the ban-

doh have changed in modern times,
the spirit of gathering together to
have fun has always remained.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

something that older folks* in Taiwan still remember.

Although some aspects of the ban-doh have changed in

40 modern times, the spirit18 of gathering together to have fun

has always remained.

Having the chance to experience this fascinating event,

I feel truly lucky. It is the first story that I will share with my

friends and family when they ask me about my student

45 exchange experience in Taiwan.

—Written by André Louw and Nick Kembel

Reading Comprehension
_________ According to the passage, which of the following is the proper content for the
blue part in the picture?
(A) Places where ban-dohs are
usually held.
(B) People who are responsible for
the cooking.
(C) Typical Taiwanese cuisine which ban-dohs ban-dohs
features local ingredients. in modern times in the past
(D) The spirit of spending quality
time with family and friends.

Graphic Organizer
A topic should be well supported by subtopics and related details. Use the graphic
organizer to review what a ban-doh is and what is special about it. Fill in the blanks
with words or phrases from the passage, and then match the following summarizing
sentences to the correct subtopics.

■ A huge, temporary tent was put up to 1 wedding guests from the fierce sun.
■2 prepared food at one end of the tent.

( )

( )

■ The 3 prepared the Spirit

ingredients for the meal, and the ( )
would help out.
■ The host would provide the guests ■ Although some aspects of the ban-
with 5
to pack up the doh have changed in modern times,
leftovers and 6
to the spirit of 7

help light their way home. has always remained.

(A) The ban-doh was an “open-air” banquet taking place out in the street.
(B) From the old days to modern times, the ban-doh has always been about getting together
and enjoying a banquet.
(C) Originating in the countryside, the ban-doh was arranged by everyone in the neighborhood
for any special event.
Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

Comprehension Practice
1. What is the second paragraph mainly about? General Understanding
(A) How to arrange a ban-doh.
(B) How to pay for a ban-doh.
(C) How to entertain the ban-doh guests.
(D) How to choose an ideal ban-doh location.

2. What is the main purpose of the passage? Author’s Purpose

(A) To introduce a wide selection of ban-doh dishes.
(B) To share a fascinating Taiwanese eating experience.
(C) To express gratitude to the author’s host family in Taiwan.
(D) To show how an authentic Taiwanese wedding should be prepared.

3. How did the author feel upon arriving at the wedding banquet? Inference
(A) Hungry.
(B) Amazed.
(C) Embarrassed.
(D) Disappointed.

Think and Reflect

1. Do you think ban-dohs will disappear in our society? Why or why not?
Yes, I think ban-dohs will disappear in our society because....
No, I don’t think ban-dohs will disappear in our society because....

2. If there are foreign exchange students staying at your home, what Taiwanese experience
will you introduce to them?
If there are foreign exchange students staying at my home, I will them because....

Vocabulary & Phrases 字彙朗讀

Words for Production

1. exchange ▲ n. [C] (不同國家人民的)交流,交換(計畫) an arrangement by
[ɪks`tʃendʒ] which people from different countries visit each other’s homes, schools,
or companies
• While taking part in a six-month exchange program in Canada,
Heather improved her English as well as her French.
n. [C, U] 交換

• This meeting was held to promote an exchange of ideas and

information among scientists from around the world.
• During his travels in Australia, Leo worked in exchange for food
and a place to stay.
exchange vt. 交換

[ɪks`tʃendʒ] • Betty exchanged gifts with her friends at the Christmas party.

2. expect vt. 預期 to hope, believe, or think that someone will do something or

[ɪk`spɛkt] that something will occur in the future

• Most passengers expected that the train would be on time, but it
was half an hour late.
expectation n. [C, U] 期望;預期

[ˏɛkspɛk`teʃən] • Most parents have high expectations of their children. They hope
that their children can make them proud.
• The magician’s fans waited in expectation of what trick would
come next.

3. shelter vt. 遮蔽 to provide someone with cover or protection from the weather

[`ʃɛltɚ] or danger
• Flora usually uses an umbrella to shelter herself from the sunshine.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

shelter n. [C] 庇護處

[`ʃɛltɚ] • The government is planning to build a new shelter for the stray
animals in the city.
n. [U] 遮蔽

• Caught in the thunderstorm, several people took shelter from the
wind and rain under the roof of a bus stop.

4. fierce adj. (天氣狀況)強烈的 (of weather conditions) strong and powerful

[fɪrs] • The weather forecast suggested that people stay indoors to avoid
the fierce midday heat.
adj. (動作或情感)激烈的

• There has always been fierce competition between the twins. Each
is desperate to be better than the other at everything.

5. occupy vt. 占據(時間或空間) (occupied—occupied—occupying) to use up,

[`ɑkjəˏpaɪ] or to take up, a certain amount of space or time

• When Joyce went shopping, finding a new dress occupied most of
her time.
vt. 占領

• During World War II, most regions of Southeast Asia were

occupied by Japan.
occupation n. [C] 職業

[ˏɑkjə`peʃən] • Please write your name, age, and occupation in the blanks below.
6. vehicle n. [C] 車輛;交通工具 a machine for transporting people or things,

[`viɪkḷ] especially a car

• Scooters are vehicles commonly seen on the roads in Taiwan.

7. temporary adj. 臨時的;暫時的 lasting just for a short time

[`tɛmpəˏrɛrɪ] • People whose homes were destroyed by the earthquake can stay in
a temporary shelter while their houses are being rebuilt.

8. assistant n. [C] 助手;助理 a person who helps someone in a higher position

[ə`sɪstənt] do a job
• Dr. Barry has hundreds of students, so he relies on a teaching
assistant to help manage his classes.
assist vt. vi. 幫助
[ə`sɪst] ▲ • This newly created app assists people in finding the nearest bus
• The manager is looking for a new secretary to assist with her
routine work.
assistance n. [U] 幫助

[ə`sɪstəns] • When Freddy failed to find a pair of shorts in his size, a friendly
clerk came to his assistance.

9. originate vi. 起源 to occur or appear for the very first time

[ə`rɪdʒəˏnet] • Fortune cookies, which are normally served at Chinese restaurants

in the US, actually originated in Japan.
origin n. [C, U] 起源

[`ɔrədʒɪn] • New York is also known as the “Big Apple,” a name said to have
its origins in horse racing circles.
• The word “kindergarten” is German in origin and means
“children’s garden.”
original adj. 原本的

[ə`rɪdʒənḷ] • Our original plan for the weekend was to go camping, but it was
canceled due to a typhoon.

10. event n. [C] 事件 a thing that occurs, especially something important

[ɪ`vɛnt] • You can learn much about the world by reading newspaper articles
that discuss current events.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

11. elder n. [C] 長輩 an older person, especially someone who has considerable

[`ɛldɚ] experience and authority
• In many African villages, elders are deeply respected for having
the experience and wisdom that come with age.
elder adj. (家庭成員)較為年長的

[`ɛldɚ] • Judy’s elder sister finished school two years ahead of her and
currently works as a nurse.
elderly adj. 年紀大的

[`ɛldɚlɪ] • Two friendly teenagers assisted the elderly lady in crossing the
street safely.

12. neighborhood n. [C] 鄰近地區 the area which someone or

Word Power
[`nebɚˏhʊd] something is in neighborhood
• It will be convenient for us to exercise after neighbourhood
the new sports center in our neighborhood

13. cooperate vi. 合作 to work with someone in order to complete a task or achieve a

[ko`ɑpəˏret] goal
• Fast-food restaurants often cooperate with toy makers in providing
toys to attract more children.
cooperation n. [U] 合作

[koˏɑpə`reʃən] • On Saturday, the zoo will be hosting a special outdoor event in

cooperation with a science museum. 8
14. arrange vt. vi. 安排 to organize or plan something

[ə`rendʒ] • Mike has arranged a trip to Japan with his family during Chinese
New Year.
• If necessary, the hotel can arrange for a shuttle to take its guests to
and from the station.

arrangement n. [C] 安排

[ə`rendʒmənt] • Before they set out, the couple had made many arrangements for
their journey across the US, including booking flights, hotels, and

15. relax vi. 放鬆 to rest by doing something pleasant

[rɪ`læks] • With a whole day to spend at the beach, the family could just relax
in the sun and take it easy.

16. container n. [C] 容器 an empty object, such as a bottle or box, made for holding

[kən`tenɚ] things
• If you want to heat up food in the microwave, be sure not to put it
in a plastic container.
contain vt. 包含

[kən`ten] • When Janice opened the envelope, she found that it contained a
handmade card from her best friend.

17. stroll vi. 散步 to walk slowly and easily, usually simply to relax or to look

[strol] around
• Hand in hand, the young lovers strolled along the lakeside without
a care in the world.
stroll n. [C] 散步

[strol] • There’s still an hour before the movie begins, so why not go for a
nice stroll in the park first?

18. spirit n. sing. 基本精神;本質 the unifying nature or quality of something

[`spɪrɪt] • All of these baseball players have a strong team spirit.

n. [U] 精神;心靈

• Although Kate’s parents couldn’t attend her first piano concert in

person, she felt they were with her in spirit.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

spiritual adj. 精神上的

[`spɪrɪtʃʊəl] • The Pope is the spiritual leader of Catholics around the world.

Idioms and Phrases

1. take part in 參加 to participate in; to be involved in
• Over ten thousand people from around the country took part in the singing contest.
2. take place 舉行;發生 to happen, especially after being arranged
• The FIFA World Cup takes place every four years.
3. come about 發生 to happen, especially in a way that is not planned
• This book explains how extreme weather on earth has come about.
4. help (...) out 幫忙 to assist others, especially when they are not able to do something
• The breakfast shop is always busy on weekends, so the owner’s sons usually help him out.
5. hand out 發放 to give things to individual members of a group
• As Mrs. Brink concluded the day’s lesson, she handed out a reading list to all the students.

Words for Recognition
1. ban-doh [`bænˏdɔ] n. [C] (臺語)辦桌
2. authentic [ɔ`θɛntɪk] adj. 道地的;真正的
3. banquet [`bæŋkwɪt] n. [C] 宴會
4. tent [tɛnt] n. [C] 帳篷
5. platter [`plætɚ] n. [C] 大淺盤
6. utensil [ju`tɛnsḷ] n. [C] (廚房或用餐的)器具
7. leftovers [`lɛftˏovɚz] n. pl. 剩菜
8. folks [foks] n. pl. 人們

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

Sentence Pattern

Scores Schedule News Video Standings Stats Players Teams

LeBron James May Return from May 13, 2021

Ankle Injury Next Week

After taking a long break, LeBron James has

finally recovered from his ankle sprain and is
expected to be back on court next week.

在此語境中,新聞的副標題主要報導LeBron James傷後將重返球場的消息,而他長時間休養則是背

(Conj.) V-ing/p.p...., S + V….

1. 此句型是由從屬連接詞(when、while、after、before、because、although 等)連接的從
(1) 省略連接詞與主詞。
(2) 將動詞改為分詞,主動用現在分詞(V-ing),被動用過去分詞(p.p.)。
(3) 若要簡化的子句為否定句,則在分詞前加上not。
• When she cleaned her son’s room, Rita came across an old family photo.
→ Cleaning her son’s room, Rita came across an old family photo.

• Because it didn’t know how to get out of the cage, the dog barked angrily.

→ Not knowing how to get out of the cage, the dog barked angrily.
2. 將從屬連接詞省略後,若會造成語意不清,則可保留從屬連接詞。
• Before going to her office, Amanda always gets a cup of coffee at the convenience

3. 分詞構句主要是讓從屬子句更為精簡,經簡化後,分詞的功能為提示背景資訊或說明主詞特
• Although born without arms and legs, Nick Vujicic has overcome all his challenges
and lives a life of joy and fulfillment.

1. Put up to shelter all the guests from the fierce sun, a huge tent occupied nearly half the
street. (line 9)
2. Being quite curious about how this fascinating custom of “open-air” banquets had
come about, I asked my host parents. (line 17)
3. Having the chance to experience this fascinating event, I feel truly lucky. (line 42)

Practice A
Rewrite the following sentences using the above pattern. The first one has been
done for you.
1. After I took off my coat and shoes, I entered Andy’s house.
(After) Taking off my coat and shoes, I entered Andy’s house.
2. While she was taking a shower in the bathroom, Lisa heard her cellphone ring.

3. When she doesn’t know what to say, Cherry remains silent.

4. If it can be properly sorted and recycled, our trash won’t have such a serious impact
on the environment.

5. Although she didn’t have a Harvard degree, Oprah Winfrey was invited to deliver a
speech to Harvard’s graduating class of 2013.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

Practice B
Read through the following short story and complete the sentences using the above
pattern. The first one has been done for you.
Mathilde was a middle-class woman married to a minor clerk in the government.
1 Wishing to be rich, she spent all day dreaming (wish to be rich / she / spend all day dreaming)
about the perfect life she did not have.
One day her husband came home with an invitation to a fancy dance party. Though
he had gone through a lot of trouble to get the invitation, Mathilde wasn’t excited about
it. 2

(wonder what to wear / she / feel worried and

depressed) Her husband suggested she go see her wealthy friend, Mrs. Forestier. 3

(when / visit Mrs. Forestier / Mathilde / borrow a diamond

necklace from her) With the necklace, Mathilde knew she was sure to amaze everyone at
the party.
On the night of the party, Mathilde had the time of her life. 4

(be admired by all the other guests / she / smile with joy) However, as soon as
they came home, Mathilde discovered that the necklace was missing!
Mathilde had no choice but to buy Mrs. Forestier a new necklace. Unfortunately, it
cost her twice what her and her husband’s property* was worth. 5
(be trapped by their debt* / the couple / lose their house and comfortable lifestyle)
After ten years, Mathilde and her husband finally paid off all their debts. One day
Mathilde came across Mrs. Forestier in the street. She decided to tell her friend everything
that had happened. 6

(after / hear Mathilde’s story / Mrs.

Forestier / look astonished) She told Mathilde that the missing necklace was just a fake*
which only cost five hundred dollars!
☺Word Bank property 財產 debt 債務 fake 贗品
Language in Use
Explore & Discover
Explore & Discover L T
LT News
1 hr
Upon arrival at the airport,
Tom Cruise, one of the

world's hottest superstars,

was greeted by hundreds of
screaming fans.

7,382 742 Comments 1,060 Shares

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Read the first two sentences carefully and mark the final four sentences accordingly.
1. Upon hearing Jack’s proposal, Linda burst into happy tears.
2. I’ll respond to your email on my return from my business trip.
3. On seeing the rat, Emma let out a scream of horror.
4. Upon arriving home, Willy put down his luggage and took a shower.
5. Upon your arrival, please give us a call and report your location.
6. On hearing the bell ring, the students ran back into the classroom.

There are two events in each sentence above. What is being emphasized in the
parts you marked?
□ The two events share something in common.
□ The two events happen at almost the same time.
□ The two events have a cause-and-effect relationship.

Upon arriving at the banquet, I soon realized that it was totally different from what I’d
expected. (line 6)
Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

Apply & Practice

Step 1 : Pair up. Take turns rolling a dice. Each number on the dice refers to a cue. Come up
with a complete sentence using “Upon/On + V-ing/N..., S + V....” and the cues given.
Step 2: Both students must make a sentence after rolling the dice. Then repeat Step 1, and
write all your sentences in the chart below.
Step 3: Share your sentences with your classmates.

Cue: Rodney turned the corner.
→ On turning the corner, Rodney saw a ball bounce across the road.

Cue: Allen heard the good news.

Cue: Sandy received your email.

Cue: Ms. Connie left the classroom.

Cue: Vanessa saw a cockroach flying toward her.
Cue: Everyone got off the train.

Cue: I finished my dinner.

Listening Strategy Scan and Listen

Vocabulary Preview
Listen and repeat.

1. Taiwanese fried 2. stinky tofu 3. balloon shooting 4. shrimp fishing


Listening Strategy
Guessing the Meaning from Context Clues
When listening, you might encounter an unfamiliar word. You can often figure out its
meaning based on context clues—the words or phrases surrounding it. These clues
take such forms as definitions, synonyms, and examples and can help you guess
what the word means.

Listen for the Gist

Listen and check the correct answer.
What are the speakers in the dialogue mainly talking about?
□ Delicious food at night markets.
□ The top five night markets in Taiwan.
□ The interesting things at the night market.

Lesson 8 Ban-Doh: The Most Authentic Taiwanese Eating Experience

Listen for Details

Listen again, and then listen to the questions that follow the conversation. Choose the
correct answer(s) to each question.
1.1 □ amazing □ terrible
1.2 □ juicy □ stinky □ tasty □ yuck
2.1 □ had a hard time □ had a good time
2.2 □ it was hard □ won a prize
□ a pretty good shot □ play the balloon shooting game


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