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Central Mindanao Colleges Score:

Osmeña Drive, Kidapawan City

Tel.# (064) 577-170 Fax #(064) 5038
Subject EDUC 107: The Teacher and the Community, Time:
School Culture and Organizational Leadership
Teacher DR. MARK GENNESIS B. DELA CERNA, LPT Date: 20-11-2023
◻ Prelim ◻ Midterm ◻ Pre-Final ◻ Final Permit #:



1. In her leadership in the community, a professional teacher shows no signs of ethnocenricism? What does this
A. Does not belittle other peoples’ culture
B. Looks at her culture as superior to other’s culture
C. Is ashamed of her own culture
D. Does not mind other people’s culture

2, The professional teacher is quite xencocentirc. How is this manifested?

A. Looks at her culture as superior to that of others
B. Looks at her culture as inferior to that of others
C. Does not mind if her culture is inferior or superior
D. Is at home with all cultures

3. Which is a policy-making body composed of internal and external stakeholders with whom school head and
teachers relate?
A. Parents Teachers Association
B. Supreme Student Council
C. School Governing Council
D. Faculty Club

4. Who is not a member of the Parent Teachers Association?

A. Parents with no child currently enrolled in school
B. Parents of children currently enrolled in school
C, School head
D. Teacher representative

5. As a teacher, you are a facilitator of learning? What is expected of you?

A. Do not fail anyone
B, Make teaching-learning interactive and exciting.
C. Use video clips.
D. Allow them to use their cellphones in the classroom.

6. Which is TRUE of a school and community partnership?

A. Community helps school.
B. School is a recipient of assistance from community.
C. Both school and community benefit.
D. Both school and community lose.

7. Which program is a proof of school and community partnership where every month of May education stakeholders
contribute their time, talent and treasure to ensure that school facilities are set in time for the school opening?

A. Parents and Teachers Association Assembly

B. School Governing Council Annual Assembly
C. Brigada Eskwela
D. Palarong Pambansa

8. Which statement is TRUE of school and community partnership?

A. Elders in the community can be key informants of a research in local history.
B. Parents can help school only in terms of school facilities.
C. Donations from politicians are not accepted to prevent electioneering.
D. Only school benefits from the partnership

9. “It takes a village to educate a child.” Which does this statement imply?
A. PTA is more than enough partnership.
B. Institutionalize school-community partnership.
C. School can substitute for absentee parents.
D. Children need more models.
10. Adopt-A-School Program allows private entities to assist which schools?
A. public elementary schools
B. public secondary schools
C. public tertiary schools:
D. public schools in all levels


1. Here is what one Dean of a College of Education to her freshmen teacher education students in her Welcome
Address on Orientation Day:

Believing that you don’t learn everything in the classroom, the College of Education, which will be your home for four
years has prepared a menu of annual co-curricular activities for you. All of these are meant to help you become the
true professional teacher that this College and University have envisioned you to become.

a) What message do you get from the Dean's Welcome Address?

- The message of the dean implies that at the tertiary level, students will gain an experience of being a true
professional teacher. Colleges and universities prepare annual co-curricular activities that will help us to develop
skills, teach, mold, and learn approaches and strategies to become effective and productive teachers.

b) In the context of this Welcome Address, what does this Statement “... do more, learn more, and have more...”
(Pope Paul VI, Populorum Progressio, 1967) What message do you get in relation to your pre-service education?
- In my own view, the relation in this statement shows essential to learn everything you can get in your four years in
college since pre-service education will test how you apply your learnings in the field of teaching. A good educator
should be able to make teaching-learning interactive and exciting.

2. A professional teacher creates a conducive learning environment to facilitate learning. Based on experiences,
illustrate with a drawing or comic strip what a conducive learning environment is.

3. The Bible says: “You are the salt of the earth. Bus if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no
longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built
on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and
it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good
deeds and glorify your father in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16)

Based on this Chapter on the teacher as a community leader, How do these biblical passages apply to the
professional teacher?
- The biblical passage shows that teachers as community leaders have a vital role in affecting the future of a child.
Teachers have a light that could mold, enlighten, and encourage the learners to see and be able to attain skills and
ambitions that could help them to become professionals or successful in many ways. Indeed, teachers should not be
hidden because they hold a power that could change the lives of every individual.

4. “I don’t hear what you are saying because who you are speaks louder than what you say”. How does this quote
apply to the professional teacher as a community leader? Discuss.

- For me, this saying suggests that we should act in accordance with our profession, particularly if we are teachers.
Every teacher is entitled to adequate social respect, which he or she must conduct himself or herself with honor and
dignity at all times and refrain from activities like gambling, smoking, inebriation, and other excesses, let alone illicit
relationships. Obviously, how can you have moral authority as a professional educator if you are a compulsive
gambler, chain smoker, and drinker, or if it is widely known that you are involved in an illegal relationship? Who will
listen to you when you tell your students not to smoke, drink drugs or alcohol, or gamble? It comes down to "do what I
say, not what I do."
5. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to salvation. As a result, she
proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation We all justify her proselyting? Why or Why not?
- The response illustrates that there is no justification for her proselytization as long as she does not force her salvation
on a specific person. It is acceptable to act on free will and conviction if no compulsion is involved, as most faiths
publicly announce that their religion is the only salvation.

6. As a community leader, what will you do if you see something negative in the community culture? Example.

- Every teacher must live for and with the community, thus we must learn about local customs and traditions in order
to be compassionate and abstain from insulting the community. Professional educators are neither ethnocentric nor
xenocentric. He or she is not ethnocentric, and so does not regard the culture of the community as inferior since he or
she believes his or her culture is superior to the culture of the community. Neither is he/she xenocentric, viewing
his/her culture as inferior to that of other communities. The community is fortunate and grateful to have teachers who
live among them and make an effort to learn their local customs, and traditions to live in harmony. No civilization is
flawless. Every culture, like any other, has both positive and negative attributes. We must pass on the beneficial
qualities of the culture. We must cleanse the undesirable qualities, with the teacher pointing them out gracefully and

7. Your mayor has a teacher candidate for a teaching position. Your ranking is over. Your mayor’s candidate
was not part of the ranking and is not a licensed teacher. As a professional teacher, what would you do?
- If this happened to me, as a professional teacher I would address this issue through legal action. A mayor has no
role in hiring school employees because the school and the city are legally separate and the public school cannot
hire a licensed teacher except if that teacher is a substitute for a maximum of 45 days per school year. a school can
a car and analyzes teachers without applying for and receiving a waiver from the Department of Education so I will
really complain and bring this issue to the Department of Education because this is really so unfair for those teachers
who really work hard just to be hired and a mayor's candidate who is unlicensed will easily hard just because he is or
where mayors candidate that's a big issue that a mayor should face as what I've said a mayor has no rule in hiring a
school employees because the school district is separated from a city.

8. Cite at least 3 specific ethical behaviors of a professional teacher based on Article III of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers. Discuss.
- Based on Article III of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers the three (3) specific ethical behaviors are
teachers should provide a conducive learning environment that helps to create a positive setting to ensure an
efficient procedure of teaching and learning, provide leadership and initiative to participate in community
movements, social, educational, economic and civic betterment, and teachers should behave with honor and
dignity at all times and refrain from such activities gambling, smoking, drunkenness and other excesses and much
less illicit relations because teachers should be the role model to the learners, parents, and community.

9. Illustrate with a cartoon school and community, or a diagram the partnership between school and community.

10. Develop a tool to evaluate the extent and quality of school and community partnership.
- community school coordinator
-sufficient staff
-sufficient resources
-available/relevant partners
-leadership & initiative-level infrastructure
-support from schools and community
11. Pretend you are an Instructor /Professor in this professional course, The Teacher and the Community, School
Culture and Organizational Leadership. Your lesson has this learning outcome: To explain the sociological and legal
bases of school and community partnership. How will you proceed? Deliver your lecture.
 Explain first what is sociological and legal basis what is important and what uses by using technology such as
PowerPoint presentations or a video. Then, discuss what the school can give to the community and what the
community can give to the school. Next, discuss the legal basis for why these 2 needed to be enacted and
needed to be aligned. Lastly, make a quiz after for assessment of their learnings.

12. School and community partnership enhances sense of ownership and sense of belonging. What do these
mean? How will these impact on schools and communities?

 Personally, it does mean that the school can’t stand alone and that is why the community help the school to
be fulfilled. The school provides what the community need which is to produce competent graduates, and
professionals who will work in the community, and the community provides opportunities that the school
produce. Therefore, school and communities should work together to create a progressive society.

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