Soal Kelas Xii-Pas Feb 2023

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1. Husband: What do you think about the car?

Wife : …. We have to consider the budget that we have.
A. It’s too expensive
B. We need to buy it
C. We should get it now
D. It’s so sophisticated

2. Teacher : Can we use the cash register from the students’ laboratory?
Mechanic: I’m sorry, you can’t use it. ….. It’s out of order.
A. It’s still a new one
B. It has to be replaced
C. It needs to be repaired
D. It’s in a good condition

3. Sue : Why did you come late this morning?

Jane : I’m sorry. .... because I forgot to bring my notebook. It’s really important for
A. I’m going to report it to the office
B. I need to cancel the presentation
C. I had to call my brother
D. I had to go back

4. Maya : Does your brother have coffee for breakfast?

Yani : ..., eventhough it’s not good for his health
A. Yes, he did
B. No, he doesn't
C. He always does
D. He never does it

5. Tasya : Are you busy right now?

Anisa : ...
A. I’m just trying to see what is wrong with my computer.
B. I will do something for my brother’s birthday.
C. I was calling my friend in Yogyakarta
D. I am going to buy some shirts

6. Helen : What do you think of last night's concert?

Wanda: I thought it was very interesting.
Helen : I enjoyed it too, but ..
A. In my view that was extraordinary
B. In my opinion it was a bit boring
C. It seemed better than previous
D. It seemed enjoyable and fun
7. Adelina : I don’t feel well today. I have problems with my stomach.
Devi : ….

Adelina : Thanks. I’ll do later after work.

A. Do you want to lie down?

B. Why don’t you see the doctor?
C. How about going to the movie?
D. What about something to drink?

8. Customer : Is the new edition of this book already available?

Publisher : Not yet, ....
A. It is printing
B. It was printed
C. It is being printed
D. It has been printed

9. Iqbal : Do you work around here?

Haura : Yes, I am a nurse at General Hospital. ….
A. I prepare food
B. I clean bedrooms.
C. I take care patients
D. I write prescriptions

10. Ardi : How about going camping next weekend?

Sabri : …. We should prepare ourselves for the test.
A. I don’t think so
B. That’s a good idea
C. I couldn’t agree anymore
D. It’s better for us to go

11. Indah : It was a nice party. … Thank you.

Rina : You’re welcome. I’m glad you could come.
A. I don’t think it was interesting.
B. I was sorry for the invitation.
C. I enjoyed it very much.
D. I’m really happy too.

12. Rafa : Hello, would you like to come to my house tonight? We’ll have a birthday party
for my youngest sister.
Rio : Yes, sure. ....
A. I’d love to
B. I don’t think so
C. I have a lot of works to do
D. Would you like to have dinner with me?
13. Mr. Jimmy : Where’s Ms Adams? She is not in her office.
Mr. Lucky : I don’t know. ....
Mr. Jimmy : If you see her,would you tell her I’m looking for her.
Mr. Lucky : Certainly, Mr Jimmy.

A. She might be at a meeting

B. She feels terrible today
C. She is waiting for you at this moment
D. She has to tell you where she is

14. Mother : Don’t forget to bring the rain coat! The weather forecast said, it’s going to rain this
Allya : …. Thanks for reminding me, Ma’am!
A. It doesn’t look as though it will rain
B. I don’t think it’s possible
C. Yes, that’s quite possible
D. It’s not likely to rain.

15. Rara : What does your mother do every Sunday?

Ana : She usually goes to the market because . . . .
A. she loves shopping
B. her hobby is sewing dress
C. she likes fishing very much
D. her interest is reading books

16. Fika : How did you learn to drive for the first time?
Rika : . . . .
A. I drive myself
B. I learn it from a toddler
C. I take an English course
D. My father taught me patiently

17. Anila : I’m still searching for the best chicken satay in town, do you have
any recomendation?
Eka : Of course! You should . . . . It’s the most delicious one I think.
A. eat at Gemini Juice Hut
B. ignore him, he’s not worthy
C. tell me about your problem
D. try Agan’s Satay House near the bank

18. Rayhan : Why don’t we invite some friends to spend the weekend together?
Bunga : …. Mom doesn’t allow us to have a party at home this weekend.
A. It’s a good idea
B. I’m not on your line
C. I couldn’t agree more
D. It’s better for us to go on it.
19. Sandra : . . . and celebrate my birthday now?
Arman : Actually I would, but I’m busy with my job at the moment.
A. Would you like to come to my house
B. Why don’t you go
C. what about to see
D. Why don’t you stay at home

20. Justin: Next week We will have a long holiday. So, on your holiday what are you going to do
A. You don’t know where I go
B. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you
C. This is not your business
D. I’m thinking of going to Jogja.

21. Wildan: It is a brilliant idea that the government prohibits smoking in public places.
Tasya : ... . It's awful sitting next to someone smoking.
A. I disagree
B. I don't think so
C. That's really true
D. Probably not

22. Dinda: It's midnight and I am trying to sleep.

Koko: I'm sorry. Do you think the volume of the radio is too loud .... ?
Dinda: Thanks. You are so kind.
A. could you turn your stereo down
B. would you turn your radio up
C. would you please speak louder
D. would you like me to turn it down once

23. Andrian: There is a problem with this camera. It doesn't work. ... ?
Hadi : I am not sure I can fix it. Let's find a repair shop.
A. Do you know how to use it
B. Would you mind checking it out
C. Can you take some pictures for me
D. Will you show me the instruction

24. Chandra : Hello, It’s Chandra. Can I help you?

Bams : Can I talk to Mr. Budi?
Chandra : Sure, ….
A. He is in a meeting now
B. Any message?
C. Just a moment, please
D. Call him later
25. Septian: Did you read the headline of today's newspaper?
Ayu : ... I was only interested in the entertainment section.
A. I read it yesterday.
B. I didn't read the front page.
C. Yes, I saw it this morning.
D. No, I didn't see him.

26. A: How about this red gown, is it nice for me or not?

B: ….
A. If I were you, you should try the blue one.
B. If I were you, I should try the blue one
C. If you were me, tried the blue one
D. If I were you, tried the blue one

Questions 27 - 28 are based on the following short text.

Please join us
as we celebrate our
40th Anniversary
Rahmat and Wati Juminten
Friday, May 7th
6.30p.m -10.00 p.m
Pondok Indah, South Jakarta
(Dinner is available)
RSVP 65412397
(Nanang/ Nini/ Nita)

27. The type of the party above is …

A. Birthday Party
B. Graduation Party
C. Marriage Party
D. New year party

28. The purpose of the invitation text above is…?

A. To tell an good relationship
B. To describe a certain party
C. To persuade people to have marriage
D. To invite people to join the party

Questions 29 – 31 are based on the following short text.

Follow these following steps to reset your facebook account due to forgotten password.
1. Firstly, click on the forgotten account button on the right hand side of the login page.
2. Then, search for your account on the “find page”. Type either your username, email, or
phone number in the box provided.
3. When you see your account, confirm it by clicking “this is my account”.
4. After that, reset your password. Don’t forget indicate how you want to receive your
code. If you choose email, you’ll get the code in your inbox.
5. When you get a notification in your email, click the link provided in your email to have
the password reset.

29. Procedure text is mainly talking about ....

A. How to reset a Facebook account
B. How to email a Facebook account
C. How to create a Facebook account
D. How to search for a Facebook account

30. How can you receive the new code?

A. By searching for it on the Facebook login page.
B. By clicking the link provided on the email.
C. By indicating how we want to get the code.
D. By typing our username, email, or phone number.

31. “..., confirm it by clicking ....” (Step 3). The word “confirm” in the text has a similar
meaning with....
A. verify
B. declare
C. confess
D. permit.

Questions 32 – 34 are based on the following short dialogue.

Della : Hi Fiza, have you decided what seminars to take at the training sessions next week?
Fiza : I've still got a lot of work to catch up on. Honestly, I don't see how I'll be able to
squeeze it in.
Della : You do know it's mandatory for all staff members, right? Why don't you sign up for an
evening or weekend session if that works better for you?
Fiza : I guess I'll have to. I have a lot of meetings with clients on weekdays.

32. The staff members should join the seminars because ….

A. It is the training sessions
B. It is a mandatory for them
C. They have a lot of work to do
D. They need to meet the clients

33. What will Fiza probably do?

A. She is going to meet the clients on weekend.
B. She will miss the training sessions next week.
C. She is going to attend the meetings in the evening.
D. She will sign up for the evening or weekend session.

34. “You do know it's mandatory …”.

The underlined word has the closest meaning with ….
A. Crucial
B. Principal
C. Required
D. Significant

Questions 35 – 37 are based on the following short dialogue.

A : Morning, what time do you come to your office everyday ?
B : I always come at 08.00 o’clock in the morning
A : What are you doing after that ?
B : I usually have breakfast first
A : Have you ever seen Amy?
B : No, I haven't. Why?
A : She has to hand over her work today at my office.
B : Just wait, maybe she just busy

35. When does the conversation happen?

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In the evening
D. At night

36. What does he do at that time?

A. having breakfast
B. looking for Andi
C. reading newspaper
D. reading magazine

37. The “hand over” synonym to?

A. Submit
B. Do
C. Take care
D. Go

Questions 38 – 40 are based on the following short dialogue.

Director : What about the annual meeting with the branch managers?
Secretary : According to the schedule it will be held on February 25.
Director : Every department must prepare the report for the meeting, then.
Secretary : What about the invitation, Sir?
Director : It must be sent in this week.
Secretary : Alright. I will do it.

38. What is the dialog about?

A . The schedule of the meeting.
B . Sending invitation to the guests.
C . Writing the report for managers.
D. Preparation for yearly meeting
39. What can be infer from the text?
A . She will arrange another report.
B . She will prepare some report.
C . She will sent the invitation
D . She will invite all department staff.

40. The “annual” synonym to?

A. monthly
B. weekly
C. yearly
D. Daily


1. Fill in the blank with MUSN’T or DON’T/DOESN’T HAVE TO

A. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You_____ be late.

B. You _____ tell anyone what I just told you. It’s a secret.
C. The museum is free. You ______ pay to get in.
D. Children _____ tell lies. It’s very naughty.
E. John is millionaire. He _____ go to work.

2. Answer the questions using Conditional Sentences. What will you do?

A. If you can fly in the air,

B. If you are agenius,
C. If you have super computer,
D. If anything you touch turns to gold,
E. If you have a time machine,

---Good luck for you and thank you for not cheating---

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