655bca15883e3 Test Results

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Parentage Test Report - Final

PaternityLab.com Case # PL_nvm htjjj Report Date: Novem ber 20, 2023

Testing for Paternity Analysis w as performed for the follow ing persons:
Race Collected Date
Child: Elena Leslie Torres 11/14/2023
Alleged Father: Alfredo Torres Hispanic 11/14/2023
Alleged Paternity
Locus Child Father Index
D3S1358 15, 18 18, 18 4.068
D1S1656 16, 17.3 14, 16 1.422
D2S441 11, 14 11, 14 2.054
D10S1248 14, 15 14, 15 1.917
D13S317 10, 11 8, 11 1.146
Penta_E 7, 11 11, 15 3.277
Penta_D 10, 12 11, 12 1.588
D16S539 11, 13 11, 13 2.817
D18S51 13, 14 13, 16 2.034
D2S1338 19, 25 17, 19 1.297
CSF1PO 10, 10 10, 10 4.214
D5S818 12, 13 10, 12 0.737
D7S820 10, 12 9, 12 1.616
D8S1179 14, 15 14, 14 1.903
D19S433 14, 14 14, 14 2.826
D21S11 30, 30 29, 30 1.829
FGA 22, 22 22, 23 3.025
TH01 6, 8 6, 6 2.089
TPOX 8, 11 8, 8 1.031
vWA 18, 18 18, 18 5.552
D12S391 16, 19.3 16, 18 5.896
D22S1045 16, 17 16, 16 1.430

Com bined Paternity Index = 15,203,772

Based on the analysis of the DNA loci listed above, the probability that the alleged father, Alfredo Torres, is the
biological father of the child is greater than 99.9999%. This probability is calculated using the National Institute
of Standards and Technology 1036 database utilizing ethnicity-specific data compared to an untested, unrelated
random individual (assumes a prior probability of 0.5). Based on these results, the alleged father, Alfredo Torres,
cannot be ruled out as the biological father of the child, Elena Leslie Torres.

This report is intended for personal use only and is not admissible in court.

Novem ber 20, 2023

Diane I. Scaduto, Ph.D. Date
Laboratory Director

11150 S. Wilcrest Drive

Houston, Texas 77099 866 - 522 - 1142

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