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Consumer Product Safety Commission § 1201.

(C) The probable effect of the stand- proposed standard should not have im-
ard on the various glazing materials pacts of significant magnitude on the
within the scope of the standard will availability of architectural products
differ. The retail price of laminated within the scope of the standard, since
glass used in some Category II applica- domestic production capacity appears
tions will probably increase by 10 to 15 to be sufficient to handle any increased
percent per square foot. The incre- demand for glazing material to be used
mental cost to consumers for ungraded in those products. In addition, an in-
laminated glass is estimated to be ap- creased demand for raw materials nec-
proximately $0.14 per household, annu- essary to manufacture glazing mate-
ally. The cost to consumers for tem- rials that comply with the standard
pered glass, organic-coated glass, and will be small in comparison to the vol-
plastics is not expected to increase be- ume of raw materials currently used
cause of the standard. Information for glazing for the products that will be
available to the Commission indicates subject to the standard. Furthermore,
that the technology needed for pro- no major change in demand for the ar-
ducing wired glass which can comply chitectural products subject to the
with the standard is not readily avail- standard incorporating glazing mate-
able. See appendix A of the Economic rials which would affect production is
Impact Statement, pp. 45–56, for the in- expected. The Commission finds that,
cremental cost calculation by product in the absence of technological ad-
category and application.
vances, certain glazing materials will
(iii) Probable effect of the standard
no longer be available for particular
upon the utility of architectural glazing
applications. Unless technological ad-
materials and architectural products in-
vances are made, wired glass will be
corporating the glazing materials to meet
unavailable for use in the architectural
the need of the public for the products.
The probable effect of the standard in products within the scope of the stand-
regard to the utility of architectural ard with the exception of fire door ap-
glazing materials and the architectural plications where special provisions of
products incorporating glazing mate- the standard apply. Similarly, organic-
rial should be to increase the utility of coated glass which has the film applied
the products. The basic effect of the to annealed glass at the factory may
standard would be the substitution of no longer be available for Category II
certain safer glazing materials for an- products due to an inability to pass
nealed glass in certain architectural those impact test provisions of the
products. The Commission believes standard. The availability of glass re-
that such a substitution would increase placement glazing in residential appli-
utility for most consumers because of cations may be reduced, since plastic
the usually increased durability of the glazing often will be the only economi-
glazing material that complies with cal material available to consumers
the Commission’s standard, and the when immediate replacement is need-
knowledge that the product incor- ed.
porating the glazing material is safer. (4) Any means of achieving the objec-
There will be disutility for those con- tives of the standard while minimizing ad-
sumers who prefer non-complying verse effects on competition or disruption
wired glass and organic-coated glass or dislocation of manufacturing and other
when these materials become unavail- commercial practices consistent with the
able for certain applications due to public health and safety. The Commis-
their likely inability to comply with sion has considered other means of
the standard. However, the share of the achieving the objective of the standard,
glazing material market claimed by or- but has found none that it believes
ganic-coated and wired glass is small. would have fewer adverse effects on
(iv) Probable effect of the standard competition or that would cause less
upon the availability of architectural disruption or dislocation of manufac-
glazing materials and architectural prod- turing and other commercial practices,
ucts incorporating the glazing materials to consistent with the public health and
meet the need of the public for the prod- safety. For the glazing industry in gen-
ucts. The Commission finds that the eral, the disruptions and dislocations


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