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Ranking Sentences for Extractive Summarization

with Reinforcement Learning

Shashi Narayan Shay B. Cohen Mirella Lapata
Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, {scohen,mlap}

Abstract 2017) is an encoder-decoder architecture mod-

eled by recurrent neural networks. The encoder
Single document summarization is the task
of producing a shorter version of a docu-
reads the source sequence into a list of continuous-
arXiv:1802.08636v2 [cs.CL] 16 Apr 2018

ment while preserving its principal informa- space representations from which the decoder gen-
tion content. In this paper we conceptualize erates the target sequence. An attention mecha-
extractive summarization as a sentence rank- nism (Bahdanau et al., 2015) is often used to lo-
ing task and propose a novel training algorithm cate the region of focus during decoding.
which globally optimizes the ROUGE evalua- Extractive systems create a summary by
tion metric through a reinforcement learning
objective. We use our algorithm to train a neu-
identifying (and subsequently concatenating)
ral summarization model on the CNN and Dai- the most important sentences in a document.
lyMail datasets and demonstrate experimen- A few recent approaches (Cheng and Lapata,
tally that it outperforms state-of-the-art extrac- 2016; Nallapati et al., 2017; Narayan et al., 2017;
tive and abstractive systems when evaluated Yasunaga et al., 2017) conceptualize extractive
automatically and by humans.1 summarization as a sequence labeling task in
which each label specifies whether each document
1 Introduction
sentence should be included in the summary. Ex-
Automatic summarization has enjoyed wide popu- isting models rely on recurrent neural networks to
larity in natural language processing due to its po- derive a meaning representation of the document
tential for various information access applications. which is then used to label each sentence, taking
Examples include tools which aid users navigate the previously labeled sentences into account.
and digest web content (e.g., news, social media, These models are typically trained using cross-
product reviews), question answering, and person- entropy loss in order to maximize the likelihood
alized recommendation engines. Single document of the ground-truth labels and do not necessarily
summarization — the task of producing a shorter learn to rank sentences based on their importance
version of a document while preserving its infor- due to the absence of a ranking-based objective.
mation content — is perhaps the most basic of Another discrepancy comes from the mismatch
summarization tasks that have been identified over between the learning objective and the evaluation
the years (see Nenkova and McKeown, 2011 for a criterion, namely ROUGE (Lin and Hovy, 2003),
comprehensive overview). which takes the entire summary into account.
Modern approaches to single document summa- In this paper we argue that cross-entropy train-
rization are data-driven, taking advantage of the ing is not optimal for extractive summarization.
success of neural network architectures and their Models trained this way are prone to generating
ability to learn continuous features without re- verbose summaries with unnecessarily long sen-
course to preprocessing tools or linguistic annota- tences and redundant information. We propose
tions. Abstractive summarization involves various to overcome these difficulties by globally opti-
text rewriting operations (e.g., substitution, dele- mizing the ROUGE evaluation metric and learn-
tion, reordering) and has been recently framed as ing to rank sentences for summary generation
a sequence-to-sequence problem (Sutskever et al., through a reinforcement learning objective. Sim-
2014). Central in most approaches (Rush et al., ilar to previous work (Cheng and Lapata, 2016;
2015; Chen et al., 2016; Nallapati et al., 2016; Narayan et al., 2017; Nallapati et al., 2017), our
See et al., 2017; Tan and Wan, 2017; Paulus et al., neural summarization model consists of a hierar-
1 Our code and data are available here: chical document encoder and a hierarchical sen- tence extractor. During training, it combines the
maximum-likelihood cross-entropy loss with re- The main components include a sentence encoder,
wards from policy gradient reinforcement learn- a document encoder, and a sentence extractor (see
ing to directly optimize the evaluation metric rele- the left block of Figure 1) which we describe in
vant for the summarization task. We show that this more detail below.
global optimization framework renders extractive
models better at discriminating among sentences Sentence Encoder A core component of our
for the final summary; a sentence is ranked high model is a convolutional sentence encoder which
for selection if it often occurs in high scoring sum- encodes sentences into continuous representa-
maries. tions. In recent years, CNNs have proven
We report results on the CNN and DailyMail useful for various NLP tasks (Collobert et al.,
news highlights datasets (Hermann et al., 2015) 2011; Kim, 2014; Kalchbrenner et al., 2014;
which have been recently used as testbeds for the Zhang et al., 2015; Lei et al., 2015; Kim et al.,
evaluation of neural summarization systems. Ex- 2016; Cheng and Lapata, 2016) because of their
perimental results show that when evaluated auto- effectiveness in identifying salient patterns in the
matically (in terms of ROUGE), our model out- input (Xu et al., 2015). In the case of summariza-
performs state-of-the-art extractive and abstrac- tion, CNNs can identify named-entities and events
tive systems. We also conduct two human eval- that correlate with the gold summary.
uations in order to assess (a) which type of sum- We use temporal narrow convolution by apply-
mary participants prefer (we compare extractive ing a kernel filter K of width h to a window of h
and abstractive systems) and (b) how much key words in sentence s to produce a new feature. This
information from the document is preserved in the filter is applied to each possible window of words
summary (we ask participants to answer questions in s to produce a feature map f ∈ Rk−h+1 where k
pertaining to the content in the document by read- is the sentence length. We then apply max-pooling
ing system summaries). Both evaluations over- over time over the feature map f and take the max-
whelmingly show that human subjects find our imum value as the feature corresponding to this
summaries more informative and complete. particular filter K. We use multiple kernels of var-
Our contributions in this work are three-fold: a ious sizes and each kernel multiple times to con-
novel application of reinforcement learning to sen- struct the representation of a sentence. In Figure 1,
tence ranking for extractive summarization; cor- kernels of size 2 (red) and 4 (blue) are applied
roborated by analysis and empirical results show- three times each. Max-pooling over time yields
ing that cross-entropy training is not well-suited two feature lists f K2 and f K4 ∈ R3 . The final sen-
to the summarization task; and large scale user tence embeddings have six dimensions.
studies following two evaluation paradigms which
Document Encoder The document encoder
demonstrate that state-of-the-art abstractive sys-
composes a sequence of sentences to obtain a
tems lag behind extractive ones when the latter are
document representation. We use a recurrent
globally trained.
neural network with Long Short-Term Mem-
2 Summarization as Sentence Ranking ory (LSTM) cells to avoid the vanishing gra-
dient problem when training long sequences
Given a document D consisting of a sequence of (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). Given a
sentences (s1 , s2 , ..., sn ) , an extractive summarizer document D consisting of a sequence of sentences
aims to produce a summary S by selecting m sen- (s1 , s2 , . . . , sn ), we follow common practice and
tences from D (where m < n). For each sentence feed sentences in reverse order (Sutskever et al.,
si ∈ D, we predict a label yi ∈ {0, 1} (where 1 2014; Li et al., 2015; Filippova et al., 2015;
means that si should be included in the summary) Narayan et al., 2017). This way we make sure that
and assign a score p(yi |si , D, θ) quantifying si ’s the network also considers the top sentences of
relevance to the summary. The model learns to as- the document which are particularly important for
sign p(1|si , D, θ) > p(1|s j , D, θ) when sentence si summarization (Rush et al., 2015; Nallapati et al.,
is more relevant than s j . Model parameters are de- 2016).
noted by θ. We estimate p(yi |si , D, θ) using a neu-
ral network model and assemble a summary S by Sentence Extractor Our sentence extractor se-
selecting m sentences with top p(1|si , D, θ) scores. quentially labels each sentence in a document
Our architecture resembles those previously with 1 (relevant for the summary) or 0 (otherwise).
proposed in the literature (Cheng and Lapata, It is implemented with another RNN with LSTM
2016; Nallapati et al., 2017; Narayan et al., 2017). cells and a softmax layer. At time ti , it reads
Candidate Gold
Sentence extractor summary
y5 y4 y3 y2 y1 summary

Sentence encoder
Police s4
still s3 s5 s4 s3 s2 s1
for s2
driver s1
Document encoder REINFORCE

[convolution] [max pooling]

Update agent
s5 s4 s3 s2 s1

Figure 1: Extractive summarization model with reinforcement learning: a hierarchical encoder-decoder

model ranks sentences for their extract-worthiness and a candidate summary is assembled from the top
ranked sentences; the REWARD generator compares the candidate against the gold summary to give a
reward which is used in the REINFORCE algorithm (Williams, 1992) to update the model.

sentence si and makes a binary prediction, con- cross-entropy loss at each decoding step:
ditioned on the document representation (obtained
from the document encoder) and the previously la- n

beled sentences. This way, the sentence extractor L(θ) = − ∑ log p(yi |si , D, θ). (1)
is able to identify locally and globally important
sentences within the document. We rank the sen- Cross-entropy training leads to two kinds of
tences in a document D by p(yi = 1|si , D, θ), the discrepancies in the model. The first discrep-
confidence scores assigned by the softmax layer ancy comes from the disconnect between the
of the sentence extractor. task definition and the training objective. While
We learn to rank sentences by training our MLE in Equation (1) aims to maximize the
network in a reinforcement learning framework, likelihood of the ground-truth labels, the model
directly optimizing the final evaluation metric, is (a) expected to rank sentences to generate
namely ROUGE (Lin and Hovy, 2003). Before we a summary and (b) evaluated using ROUGE
describe our training algorithm, we elaborate on at test time. The second discrepancy comes
why the maximum-likelihood cross-entropy ob- from the reliance on ground-truth labels. Docu-
jective could be deficient for ranking sentences ment collections for training summarization sys-
for summarization (Section 3). Then, we define tems do not naturally contain labels indicating
our reinforcement learning objective in Section 4 which sentences should be extracted. Instead,
and show that our new way of training allows the they are typically accompanied by abstractive
model to better discriminate amongst sentences, summaries from which sentence-level labels are
i.e., a sentence is ranked higher for selection if it extrapolated. Cheng and Lapata (2016) follow
often occurs in high scoring summaries. Woodsend and Lapata (2010) in adopting a rule-
based method which assigns labels to each sen-
tence in the document individually based on their
3 The Pitfalls of Cross-Entropy Loss semantic correspondence with the gold summary
(see the fourth column in Table 1). An al-
Previous work optimizes summarization models ternative method (Svore et al., 2007; Cao et al.,
by maximizing p(y|D, θ) = ∏ni=1 p(yi |si , D, θ), 2016; Nallapati et al., 2017) identifies the set of
the likelihood of the ground-truth labels sentences which collectively gives the highest
y = (y1 , y2 , ..., yn ) for sentences (s1 , s2 , . . . , sn ), ROUGE with respect to the gold summary. Sen-
given document D and model parameters θ. This tences in this set are labeled with 1 and 0 otherwise
objective can be achieved by minimizing the (see the column 5 in Table 1).
sent. pos.
CNN article Multiple



Sentences Oracle
0 A debilitating, mosquito-borne virus called Chikungunya has made its way to 21.2 1 1 (0,11,13) : 59.3
North Carolina, health officials say. (0,13) : 57.5
1 It’s the state’s first reported case of the virus. 18.1 1 0 (11,13) : 57.2
2 The patient was likely infected in the Caribbean, according to the Forsyth County 11.2 1 0 (0,1,13) : 57.1
Department of Public Health. (1,13) : 56.6
3 Chikungunya is primarily found in Africa, East Asia and the Caribbean islands, 35.6 1 0 (3,11,13) : 55.0
but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been watching the virus,+ (13) : 54.5
for fear that it could take hold in the United States – much like West Nile did more (0,3,13) : 54.2
than a decade ago.
4 The virus, which can cause joint pain and arthritis-like symptoms, has been on 16.7 1 0 (3,13) : 53.4
the U.S. public health radar for some time. (1,3,13) : 52.9
5 About 25 to 28 infected travelers bring it to the United States each year, said 9.7 0 0 (1,11,13) : 52.0
Roger Nasci, chief of the CDC’s Arboviral Disease Branch in the Division of (0,9,13) : 51.3
Vector-Borne Diseases. (0,7,13) : 51.3
6 ”We haven’t had any locally transmitted cases in the U.S. thus far,” Nasci said. 7.4 0 0 (0,12,13) : 51.0
7 But a major outbreak in the Caribbean this year – with more than 100,000 cases 16.4 1 0 (9,11,13) : 50.4
reported – has health officials concerned. (1,9,13) : 50.1
8 Experts say American tourists are bringing Chikungunya back home, and it’s just 10.6 0 0 (12,13) : 49.3
a matter of time before it starts to spread within the United States. (7,11,13) : 47.8
9 After all, the Caribbean is a popular one with American tourists, and summer is 13.9 1 0 (0,10,13) : 47.8
fast approaching. (11,12,13):47.7
10 ”So far this year we’ve recorded eight travel-associated cases, and seven of them 18.4 1 0 (7,13) : 47.6
have come from countries in the Caribbean where we know the virus is being (9,13) : 47.5
transmitted,” Nasci said. (1,7,13) : 46.9
11 Other states have also reported cases of Chikungunya. 13.4 0 1 (3,7,13) : 46.0
12 The Tennessee Department of Health said the state has had multiple cases of the 15.6 1 0 (3,12,13) : 46.0
virus in people who have traveled to the Caribbean. (3,9,13) : 45.9
13 The virus is not deadly, but it can be painful, with symptoms lasting for weeks. 54.5 1 1 (10,13) : 45.5
14 Those with weak immune systems, such as the elderly, are more likely to suffer 5.5 0 0 (4,11,13) : 45.3
from the virus’ side effects than those who are healthier. ...
Story Highlights
• North Carolina reports first case of mosquito-borne virus called Chikungunya • Chikungunya is primarily found in
Africa, East Asia and the Caribbean islands • Virus is not deadly, but it can be painful, with symptoms lasting for weeks

Table 1: An abridged CNN article (only first 15 out of 31 sentences are shown) and its “story highlights”.
The latter are typically written by journalists to allow readers to quickly gather information on stories.
Highlights are often used as gold standard abstractive summaries in the summarization literature.

Labeling sentences individually often generates content and appear frequently in the summaries:
too many positive labels causing the model to sentence 13 occurs in all summaries except one,
overfit the data. For example, the document in Ta- while sentence 0 appears in several summaries
ble 1 has 12 positively labeled sentences out of 31 too. Also note that summaries (11,13) and (1,13)
in total (only first 10 are shown). Collective labels yield better ROUGE scores compared to longer
present a better alternative since they only per- summaries, and may be as informative, yet more
tain to the few sentences deemed most suitable to concise, alternatives.
form the summary. However, a model trained with
cross-entropy loss on collective labels will under-
fit the data as it will only maximize probabilities
p(1|si , D, θ) for sentences in this set (e.g., sen- These discrepancies render the model less ef-
tences {0, 11, 13} in Table 1) and ignore all other ficient at ranking sentences for the summariza-
sentences. We found that there are many candidate tion task. Instead of maximizing the likelihood of
summaries with high ROUGE scores which could the ground-truth labels, we could train the model
be considered during training. to predict the individual ROUGE score for each
Table 1 (last column) shows candidate sentence in the document and then select the top
summaries ranked according to the mean of m sentences with highest scores. But sentences
ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L F1 scores. with individual ROUGE scores do not necessar-
Interestingly, multiple top ranked summaries have ily lead to a high scoring summary, e.g., they may
reasonably high ROUGE scores. For example, convey overlapping content and form verbose and
the average ROUGE for the summaries ranked redundant summaries. For example, sentence 3,
second (0,13), third (11,13), and fourth (0,1,13) despite having a high individual ROUGE score
is 57.5%, 57.2%, and 57.1%, and all top 16 sum- (35.6%), does not occur in any of the top 5 sum-
maries have ROUGE scores more or equal to maries. We next explain how we address these is-
50%. A few sentences are indicative of important sues using reinforcement learning.
4 Sentence Ranking with Reinforcement in our case) can be computed as follows:
∇L(θ) = −Eŷ∼ pθ [r(ŷ)∇ log p(ŷ|D, θ)] (3)
Reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998)
has been proposed as a way of training sequence- While MLE in Equation (1) aims to maximize
to-sequence generation models in order to directly the likelihood of the training data, the objective
optimize the metric used at test time, e.g., BLEU in Equation (2) learns to discriminate among sen-
or ROUGE (Ranzato et al., 2015). We adapt re- tences with respect to how often they occur in high
inforcement learning to our formulation of extrac- scoring summaries.
tive summarization to rank sentences for summary 4.2 Training with High Probability Samples
generation. We propose an objective function that
combines the maximum-likelihood cross-entropy Computing the expectation term in Equation (3) is
loss with rewards from policy gradient reinforce- prohibitive, since there is a large number of pos-
ment learning to globally optimize ROUGE. Our sible extracts. In practice, we approximate the ex-
training algorithm allows to explore the space of pected gradient using a single sample ŷ from pθ
possible summaries, making our model more ro- for each training example in a batch:
bust to unseen data. As a result, reinforcement ∇L(θ) ≈ −r(ŷ)∇ log p(ŷ|D, θ)
learning helps extractive summarization in two n
ways: (a) it directly optimizes the evaluation met- ≈ −r(ŷ) ∑ ∇ log p(ŷi |si , D, θ) (4)
ric instead of maximizing the likelihood of the i=1
ground-truth labels and (b) it makes our model bet-
Presented in its original form, the REINFORCE
ter at discriminating among sentences; a sentence
algorithm starts learning with a random policy
is ranked high for selection if it often occurs in
which can make model training challenging for
high scoring summaries.
complex tasks like ours where a single document
can give rise to a very large number of candidate
4.1 Policy Learning
summaries. We therefore limit the search space
We cast the neural summarization model intro- of ŷ in Equation (4) to the set of largest prob-
duced in Figure 1 in the Reinforcement Learning ability samples Ŷ. We approximate Ŷ by the k
paradigm (Sutton and Barto, 1998). Accordingly, extracts which receive highest ROUGE scores.
the model can be viewed as an “agent” which in- More concretely, we assemble candidate sum-
teracts with an “environment” consisting of docu- maries efficiently by first selecting p sentences
ments. At first, the agent is initialized randomly, from the document which on their own have high
it reads document D and predicts a relevance ROUGE scores. We then generate all possible
score for each sentence si ∈ D using “policy” combinations of p sentences subject to maximum
p(yi |si , D, θ), where θ are model parameters. Once length m and evaluate them against the gold sum-
the agent is done reading the document, a sum- mary. Summaries are ranked according to F1 by
mary with labels ŷ is sampled out of the ranked taking the mean of ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and
sentences. The agent is then given a “reward” r ROUGE-L. Ŷ contains these top k candidate sum-
commensurate with how well the extract resem- maries. During training, we sample ŷ from Ŷ in-
bles the gold-standard summary. Specifically, as stead of p(ŷ|D, θ).
reward function we use mean F1 of ROUGE-1, Ranzato et al. (2015) proposed an alternative to
ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-L. Unigram and bigram REINFORCE called MIXER (Mixed Incremental
overlap (ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2) are meant to Cross-Entropy Reinforce) which first pretrains the
assess informativeness, whereas the longest com- model with the cross-entropy loss using ground
mon subsequence (ROUGE-L) is meant to assess truth labels and then follows a curriculum learning
fluency. We update the agent using the REIN- strategy (Bengio et al., 2015) to gradually teach
FORCE algorithm (Williams, 1992) which aims to the model to produce stable predictions on its own.
minimize the negative expected reward: In our experiments MIXER performed worse than
the model of Nallapati et al. (2017) just trained on
L(θ) = −Eŷ∼ pθ [r(ŷ)] (2) collective labels. We conjecture that this is due
to the unbounded nature of our ranking problem.
where, pθ stands for p(y|D, θ). REINFORCE is Recall that our model assigns relevance scores to
based on the observation that the expected gradient sentences rather than words. The space of senten-
of a non-differentiable reward function (ROUGE, tial representations is vast and fairly unconstrained
compared to other prediction tasks operating with • A SkyWest Airlines flight made an emergency landing
in Buffalo, New York, on Wednesday after a passenger
fixed vocabularies (Li et al., 2016; Paulus et al., lost consciousness, officials said.

• The passenger received medical attention before being
2017; Zhang and Lapata, 2017). Moreover, our released, according to Marissa Snow, spokeswoman for
approximation of the gradient allows the model to SkyWest.
• She said the airliner expects to accommodate the 75
converge much faster to an optimal policy. Advan- passengers on another aircraft to their original destination
tageously, we do not require an online reward esti- – Hartford, Connecticut – later Wednesday afternoon.
• Skywest Airlines flight made an emergency landing in

See et al.
mator, we pre-compute Ŷ, which leads to a signifi- Buffalo, New York, on Wednesday after a passenger lost
cant speedup during training compared to MIXER consciousness.
• She said the airliner expects to accommodate the 75
(Ranzato et al., 2015) and related training schemes passengers on another aircraft to their original destination
(Shen et al., 2016). – Hartford, Connecticut.
• A SkyWest Airlines flight made an emergency landing

in Buffalo, New York, on Wednesday after a passenger
5 Experimental Setup lost consciousness, officials said.
• The passenger received medical attention before being
released, according to Marissa Snow, spokeswoman for
In this section we present our experimental SkyWest.
• The Federal Aviation Administration initially reported
setup for assessing the performance of our a pressurization problem and said it would investigate.
model which we call R EFRESH as a shorthand • FAA backtracks on saying crew reported a pressuriza-

tion problem
for REinFoRcement Learning-based Extractive • One passenger lost consciousness
• The plane descended 28,000 feet in three minutes
Summarization. We describe our datasets, discuss Q1 Who backtracked on saying crew reported a pressuriza-
implementation details, our evaluation protocol, tion problem? (FAA)
Q2 How many passengers lost consciousness in the incident?
and the systems used for comparison. (One)
Q3 How far did the plane descend in three minutes? (28,000
Summarization Datasets We evaluated our feet)
models on the CNN and DailyMail news high-
Figure 2: Summaries produced by the L EAD base-
lights datasets (Hermann et al., 2015). We
line, the abstractive system of See et al. (2017) and
used the standard splits of Hermann et al.
R EFRESH for a CNN (test) article. G OLD presents
(2015) for training, validation, and testing
the human-authored summary; the bottom block
(90,266/1,220/1,093 documents for CNN and
shows manually written questions using the gold
196,961/12,148/10,397 for DailyMail). We did
summary and their answers in parentheses.
not anonymize entities or lower case tokens. We
followed previous studies (Cheng and Lapata,
2016; Nallapati et al., 2016, 2017; See et al.,
2017; Tan and Wan, 2017) in assuming that the size 10, and hierarchical softmax 1. Known words
“story highlights” associated with each article were initialized with pre-trained embeddings of
are gold-standard abstractive summaries. During size 200. Embeddings for unknown words were
training we use these to generate high scoring ex- initialized to zero, but estimated during training.
tracts and to estimate rewards for them, but during Sentences were padded with zeros to a length
testing, they are used as reference summaries to of 100. For the sentence encoder, we used a list of
evaluate our models. kernels of widths 1 to 7, each with output channel
size of 50 (Kim et al., 2016). The sentence em-
Implementation Details We generated extracts bedding size in our model was 350.
by selecting three sentences (m = 3) for CNN arti-
cles and four sentences (m = 4) for DailyMail ar- For the recurrent neural network component
ticles. These decisions were informed by the fact in the document encoder and sentence extractor,
that gold highlights in the CNN/DailyMail vali- we used a single-layered LSTM network with
dation sets are 2.6/4.2 sentences long. For both size 600. All input documents were padded with
datasets, we estimated high-scoring extracts us- zeros to a maximum document length of 120. We
ing 10 document sentences (p = 10) with highest performed minibatch cross-entropy training with a
ROUGE scores. We tuned the initialization pa- batch size of 20 documents for 20 training epochs.
rameter k for Ŷ on the validation set: we found It took around 12 hrs on a single GPU to train.
that our model performs best with k = 5 for the After each epoch, we evaluated our model on
CNN dataset and k = 15 for the DailyMail dataset. the validation set and chose the best performing
We used the One Billion Word Benchmark cor- model for the test set. During training we used
pus (Chelba et al., 2013) to train word embeddings the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with
with the skip-gram model (Mikolov et al., 2013) initial learning rate 0.001. Our system is imple-
using context window size 6, negative sampling mented in TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2015).
Evaluation We evaluated summarization qual- Our second experiment assessed the degree to
ity using F1 ROUGE (Lin and Hovy, 2003). We which our model retains key information from
report unigram and bigram overlap (ROUGE-1 the document following a question-answering
and ROUGE-2) as a means of assessing infor- (QA) paradigm which has been previously used
mativeness and the longest common subsequence to evaluate summary quality and text com-
(ROUGE-L) as a means of assessing fluency.2 We pression (Morris et al., 1992; Mani et al., 2002;
compared R EFRESH against a baseline which sim- Clarke and Lapata, 2010). We created a set of
ply selects the first m leading sentences from each questions based on the gold summary under the as-
document (L EAD) and two neural models similar sumption that it highlights the most important doc-
to ours (see left block in Figure 1), both trained ument content. We then examined whether partici-
with cross-entropy loss. Cheng and Lapata (2016) pants were able to answer these questions by read-
train on individual labels, while Nallapati et al. ing system summaries alone without access to the
(2017) use collective labels. We also com- article. The more questions a system can answer,
pared our model against the abstractive sys- the better it is at summarizing the document as a
tems of Chen et al. (2016), Nallapati et al. (2016), whole.
See et al. (2017), and Tan and Wan (2017).3 We worked on the same 20 documents used in
In addition to ROUGE which can be mislead- our first elicitation study. We wrote multiple fact-
ing when used as the only means to assess the in- based question-answer pairs for each gold sum-
formativeness of summaries (Schluter, 2017), we mary without looking at the document. Ques-
also evaluated system output by eliciting human tions were formulated so as to not reveal answers
judgments in two ways. In our first experiment, to subsequent questions. We created 71 ques-
participants were presented with a news article tions in total varying from two to six questions
and summaries generated by three systems: the per gold summary. Example questions are given
L EAD baseline, abstracts from See et al. (2017), in Figure 2. Participants read the summary and
and extracts from R EFRESH. We also included answered all associated questions as best they
the human-authored highlights.4 Participants read could without access to the original document or
the articles and were asked to rank the summaries the gold summary. Subjects were shown sum-
from best (1) to worst (4) in order of informative- maries from three systems: the L EAD baseline, the
ness (does the summary capture important infor- abstractive system of See et al. (2017), and R E -
mation in the article?) and fluency (is the sum- FRESH . Five participants answered questions for
mary written in well-formed English?). We did each summary. We used the same scoring mech-
not allow any ties. We randomly selected 10 arti- anism from Clarke and Lapata (2010), i.e., a cor-
cles from the CNN test set and 10 from the Dai- rect answer was marked with a score of one, par-
lyMail test set. The study was completed by five tially correct answers with a score of 0.5, and zero
participants, all native or proficient English speak- otherwise. The final score for a system is the av-
ers. Each participant was presented with the 20 erage of all its question scores. Answers were
articles. The order of summaries to rank was ran- elicited using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk crowd-
domized per article and the order of articles per sourcing platform. We uploaded data in batches
participant. Examples of summaries our subjects (one system at a time) on Mechanical Turk to en-
ranked are shown in Figure 2. sure that same participant does not evaluate sum-
2 We
maries from different systems on the same set of
used pyrouge, a Python package, to compute all
ROUGE scores with parameters “-a -c 95 -m -n 4 -w 1.2.” questions.
3 Cheng and Lapata (2016) report ROUGE recall scores
on the DailyMail dataset only. We used their code 6 Results
( to pro-
duce ROUGE F1 scores on both CNN and DailyMail We report results using automatic metrics in Ta-
datasets. For other systems, all results are taken from their ble 2. The top part of the table compares R E -
4 We are grateful to Abigail See for providing us with FRESH against related extractive systems. The bot-
the output of her system. We did not include output from tom part reports the performance of abstractive
Nallapati et al. (2017), Chen et al. (2016), Nallapati et al. systems. We present three variants of L EAD, one
(2016), or Tan and Wan (2017) in our human evaluation
study, as these models are trained on a named-entity is computed by ourselves and the other two are
anonymized version of the CNN and DailyMail datasets, and reported in Nallapati et al. (2017) and See et al.
as result produce summaries which are not comparable to (2017). Note that they vary slightly due to dif-
ours. We did not include extracts from Cheng and Lapata
(2016) either as they were significantly inferior to L EAD (see ferences in the preprocessing of the data. We re-
Table 2). port results on the CNN and DailyMail datasets
Models CNN DailyMail CNN+DailyMail
R1 R2 RL R1 R2 RL R1 R2 RL
L EAD (ours) 29.1 11.1 25.9 40.7 18.3 37.2 39.6 17.7 36.2
L EAD∗ (Nallapati et al., 2017) — — — — — — 39.2 15.7 35.5
L EAD (See et al., 2017) — — — — — — 40.3 17.7 36.6
Cheng and Lapata (2016) 28.4 10.0 25.0 36.2 15.2 32.9 35.5 14.7 32.2
Nallapati et al. (2017)∗ — — — — — — 39.6 16.2 35.3
R EFRESH 30.4 11.7 26.9 41.0 18.8 37.7 40.0 18.2 36.6
Chen et al. (2016)∗ 27.1 8.2 18.7 — — — — — —
Nallapati et al. (2016)∗ — — — — — — 35.4 13.3 32.6
See et al. (2017) — — — — — — 39.5 17.3 36.4
Tan and Wan (2017)∗ 30.3 9.8 20.0 — — — 38.1 13.9 34.0

Table 2: Results on the CNN and DailyMail test sets. We report ROUGE-1 (R1), ROUGE-2 (R2), and
ROUGE-L (RL) F1 scores. Extractive systems are in the first block and abstractive systems in the second.
Table cells are filled with — whenever results are not available. Models marked with ∗ are not directly
comparable to ours as they are based on an anonymized version of the dataset.

and their combination (CNN+DailyMail). Models 1st 2nd 3rd 4th QA

L EAD 0.11 0.21 0.34 0.33 36.33
See et al. (2017) 0.14 0.18 0.31 0.36 28.73
Cross-Entropy vs Reinforcement Learning R EFRESH 0.35 0.42 0.16 0.07 66.34
G OLD 0.39 0.19 0.18 0.24 —
The results in Table 2 show that R EFRESH is su-
perior to our L EAD baseline and extractive sys- Table 3: System ranking and QA-based evalua-
tems across datasets and metrics. It outperforms tions. Rankings (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th) are shown
the extractive system of Cheng and Lapata (2016) as proportions. Rank 1 is the best and Rank 4, the
which is trained on individual labels. R EFRESH worst. The column QA shows the percentage of
is not directly comparable with Nallapati et al. questions that participants answered correctly by
(2017) as they generate anonymized summaries. reading system summaries.
Their system lags behind their L EAD baseline on
ROUGE-L on the CNN+DailyMail dataset (35.5%
vs 35.3%). Also note that their model is trained Human Evaluation: System Ranking Table 3
on collective labels and has a significant lead over shows, proportionally, how often participants
Cheng and Lapata (2016). As discussed in Sec- ranked each system, 1st, 2nd, and so on. Per-
tion 3 cross-entropy training on individual labels haps unsurprisingly human-authored summaries
tends to overgenerate positive labels leading to are considered best (and ranked 1st 39% of the
less informative and verbose summaries. time). R EFRESH is ranked 2nd best followed
by L EAD and See et al. (2017) which are mostly
Extractive vs Abstractive Systems Our au- ranked in 3rd and 4th places. We carried out pair-
tomatic evaluation results further demonstrate wise comparisons between all models in Table 3 to
that R EFRESH is superior to abstractive sys- assess whether system differences are statistically
tems (Chen et al., 2016; Nallapati et al., 2016; significant. There is no significant difference be-
See et al., 2017; Tan and Wan, 2017) which are tween L EAD and See et al. (2017), and R EFRESH
all variants of an encoder-decoder architecture and G OLD (using a one-way ANOVA with post-
(Sutskever et al., 2014). Despite being more faith- hoc Tukey HSD tests; p < 0.01). All other differ-
ful to the actual summarization task (hand-written ences are statistically significant.
summaries combine several pieces of informa-
tion from the original document), abstractive sys- Human Evaluation: Question Answering The
tems lag behind the L EAD baseline. Tan and Wan results of our QA evaluation are shown in the
(2017) present a graph-based neural model, which last column of Table 3. Based on summaries
manages to outperform L EAD on ROUGE-1 but generated by R EFRESH, participants can answer
falters when higher order ROUGE scores are used. 66.34% of questions correctly. Summaries pro-
Amongst abstractive systems See et al. (2017) per- duced by L EAD and the abstractive system of
form best. Interestingly, their system is mostly See et al. (2017) provide answers for 36.33% and
extractive, exhibiting a small degree of rewriting; 28.73% of the questions, respectively. Differ-
it copies more than 35% of the sentences in the ences between systems are all statistically signif-
source document, 85% of 4-grams, 90% of 3- icant (p < 0.01) with the exception of L EAD and
grams, 95% of bigrams, and 99% of unigrams. See et al. (2017).
Although the QA results in Table 3 follow the used in the context of traditional multi-document
same pattern as ROUGE in Table 2, differences summarization as a means of selecting a sentence
among systems are now greatly amplified. QA- or a subset of sentences from a document clus-
based evaluation is more focused and a closer re- ter. Ryang and Abekawa (2012) cast the sentence
flection of users’ information need (i.e., to find selection task as a search problem. Their agent
out what the article is about), whereas ROUGE observes a state (e.g., a candidate summary), ex-
simply captures surface similarity (i.e., n-gram ecutes an action (a transition operation that pro-
overlap) between output summaries and their ref- duces a new state selecting a not-yet-selected sen-
erences. Interestingly, L EAD is considered bet- tence), and then receives a delayed reward based
ter than See et al. (2017) in the QA evaluation, on tf∗idf. Follow-on work (Rioux et al., 2014) ex-
whereas we find the opposite when participants tends this approach by employing ROUGE as part
are asked to rank systems. We hypothesize that of the reward function, while Henß et al. (2015)
L EAD is indeed more informative than See et al. further experiment with Q-learning. Mollá-Aliod
(2017) but humans prefer shorter summaries. The (2017) has adapt this approach to query-focused
average length of L EAD summaries is 105.7 words summarization. Our model differs from these
compared to 61.6 for See et al. (2017). approaches both in application and formulation.
We focus solely on extractive summarization, in
7 Related Work our case states are documents (not summaries)
Traditional summarization methods manually and actions are relevance scores which lead to
define features to rank sentences for their sentence ranking (not sentence-to-sentence tran-
salience in order to identify the most important sitions). Rather than employing reinforcement
sentences in a document or set of documents learning for sentence selection, our algorithm per-
(Kupiec et al., 1995; Mani, 2001; Radev et al., forms sentence ranking using ROUGE as the re-
2004; Filatova and Hatzivassiloglou, 2004; ward function.
Nenkova et al., 2006; Spärck Jones, 2007). A vast The REINFORCE algorithm (Williams, 1992)
majority of these methods learn to score each has been shown to improve encoder-decoder text-
sentence independently (Barzilay and Elhadad, rewriting systems by allowing to directly optimize
1997; Teufel and Moens, 1997; Erkan and Radev, a non-differentiable objective (Ranzato et al.,
2004; Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004; Shen et al., 2015; Li et al., 2016; Paulus et al., 2017) or to in-
2007; Schilder and Kondadadi, 2008; Wan, 2010) ject task-specific constraints (Zhang and Lapata,
and a summary is generated by selecting top- 2017; Nogueira and Cho, 2017). However, we are
scored sentences in a way that is not incorporated not aware of any attempts to use reinforcement
into the learning process. Summary quality can learning for training a sentence ranker in the con-
be improved heuristically, (Yih et al., 2007), via text of extractive summarization.
max-margin methods (Carbonell and Goldstein,
1998; Li et al., 2009), or integer-linear 8 Conclusions
programming (Woodsend and Lapata, In this work we developed an extractive summa-
2010; Berg-Kirkpatrick et al., rization model which is globally trained by opti-
2011; Woodsend and Lapata, 2012; mizing the ROUGE evaluation metric. Our train-
Almeida and Martins, 2013; Parveen et al., ing algorithm explores the space of candidate sum-
2015). maries while learning to optimize a reward func-
Recent deep learning methods (Kågebäck et al., tion which is relevant for the task at hand. Exper-
2014; Yin and Pei, 2015; Cheng and Lapata, imental results show that reinforcement learning
2016; Nallapati et al., 2017) learn continuous offers a great means to steer our model towards
features without any linguistic preprocessing generating informative, fluent, and concise sum-
(e.g., named entities). Like traditional methods, maries outperforming state-of-the-art extractive
these approaches also suffer from the mismatch and abstractive systems on the CNN and Daily-
between the learning objective and the evaluation Mail datasets. In the future we would like to focus
criterion (e.g., ROUGE) used at the test time. In on smaller discourse units (Mann and Thompson,
comparison, our neural model globally optimizes 1988) rather than individual sentences, modeling
the ROUGE evaluation metric through a rein- compression and extraction jointly.
forcement learning objective: sentences are highly
ranked if they occur in highly scoring summaries. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge the
Reinforcement learning has been previously support of the European Research Council (Lapata; award
number 681760), the European Union under the Horizon Ziqiang Cao, Chengyao Chen, Wenjie Li, Sujian
2020 SUMMA project (Narayan, Cohen; grant agreement Li, Furu Wei, and Ming Zhou. 2016. TGSum:
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