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o The poet uses vivid imagery, such as "My strength plucked up the hills"
and "My might shadowed the world," to convey a sense of power and
dominance. These images evoke a grand and majestic presence.
2. Symbolism:
o The mention of "Dapple" and the phrase "When Dapple runs no more"
suggests a shift or decline in fortunes. "Dapple" could symbolize a source
of strength, authority, or a companion. The cessation of Dapple running
may signify a loss or change in the circumstances that were once
3. Emotional Tone:
o The tone appears reflective and contemplative, expressing a sense of
nostalgia or regret for the times when the speaker's strength was at its
peak. The question "What then can I do?" suggests a feeling of
helplessness or uncertainty in the face of changing circumstances.
4. Rhetorical Question:
o The line "What will your fate be?" is a rhetorical question directed at Yüh,
introducing an element of anticipation and curiosity about the future. It
implies that the speaker is concerned or curious about Yüh's destiny in
light of the changing times.
5. Loss and Transition:
o The overall theme seems to revolve around the idea of loss and transition.
The speaker reflects on a time when their strength had a significant impact,
but circumstances have changed, and the once-powerful Dapple no longer
runs. This transition raises questions about adaptation and the acceptance
of changing fortunes.

Overall, the excerpt exhibits strong imagery, symbolism, and a contemplative tone,
inviting readers to reflect on the themes of power, change, and the inevitable shifts in
life's circumstances
1. Imagery:
The poet uses vivid imagery, such as my strength plucked up the hills and my might
shadowed the world to convey a sense of power and dominance these images evoke a
grand and majestic presence.
2. Symbolism:
The mention of “Dapple” and the phrase “When Dapple runs no more” suggests a shift
or decline in fortunes. Dapple could symbolize a source of strength, authority, or a
companion. The cessation of Dapple running may signify a loss or change in the
circumstances that were once empowering.
3. Emotional Tones:
The tone appears reflective and contemplative, expressing a sence of nosg

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