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7E’s Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 Determine the relationship among temperature, pressure, and volume of gasses at
constant number of moles.
 Participate in class activities and class discussion, and
 Take and pass the test with a mastery level of 75%.

A. Topic: Combined Gas Law

B. Reference:
Teachers Guide: pp. 272-273
Learner’s materials: pp. 380- 383
C. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Activity sheets, Video clips.
D. Values Integration: Interest, Cooperation, Critical-thinking, Open-mindedness and

II. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
“Good morning class!” “Good morning, Sir!”

“Before we formally start our lesson for (A student will lead the prayer)
today. Let’s have a short prayer. Let’s
put ourselves in the presence of our

“Class at this point Before we start let “The class monitor will check the attendance.”
us check your attendance First. Who is
absent for today?

B. Statement of the Aim

“Class our lesson for today is all about

Behavior of Gas. Under this lesson we
will tackle the relationship between
temperature, pressure, volume. On this
lesson class, you must be able to: First,
determine the relationship among
temperature, pressure, and volume of
gasses at constant number of moles.
Second, participate in class activities
and class discussion, and lastly, take
and pass the test with a mastery level
of 75%.

“Is it clear to you class?” “Yes Sir”

C.I. Elicit “Yes, sir.”
“Since you already know the aims for
this lesson, let me present to you the
overview of our lesson. Are you ready
to listen and participate class?”

“But first we have a short review”

“Last, meeting we discussed about

Gay-Lussac law of gases.”
“Temperature of the gas is directly
“What is the relationship between proportional to its Pressure at constant
temperature and pressure?” Volume.”

“Pressure also increases/decreases.”

“What happens to the pressure as the
temperature increase? decrease?”
“Pressure cooker, sir.”
“Will you give me an example of
combined gas law to be applied in our
daily life?”


“Now class we proceed to the new

topics it’s all about Combined Gas
“Me, Sir
“Who among of you have bicycle,
motorcycle, Ferrari?”
“Sir, I noticed that the tire is slowly out
“What do you notice if the tire of air because of too much heat and
suddenly exploded.” pressure.”

“Very Good”

“None, Sir”
“Any clarification?”
At the end of the lesson, the students must be
“If there’s none, let us proceed to our able to:
new topic, but before that everybody  Determine the relationship among
please read our objectives that we must temperature, pressure, and volume of
attain today: gases at constant number of moles.
 Participate in class activity, and class
discussion, and
 Take and pass the test with a mastery
level of 75%.

“Yes, Sir.”
“Are you now ready to listen and
cooperate in our discussion my dear

C. II. Engage

“Since you already knew what does the

properties of gases mean. At this point
I will be giving activity.”

1. P2=V1P1T2/ V2T1
1. Helium gas has a volume of 250 mL at P2= (250 mL) (1.0 atm)
0˚C at 1.0 atm. What will be the final (45˚C+273.15=318.18K) / (100 mL)
pressure if the volume is reduced to (0˚C+273.15= 273. 15K)
100 mL at 45˚C? P2= 79,537.5 atm / 27, 315
P2= 2.9 atm
2. V2=V1P1T2 / P2T1
2. The volume of a gas at 27˚C and 700 V2= (600 mL) (700mmHg) (-
mmHg is 600 mL. what is the volume 20˚C+273.15=293.15K) / (500mmHg)
of the gas at -20˚C and 500 mmHg? (27˚C+273.15=300.15K)
V2= 123,123,000 mL / 150,075
V2= 820.41 mL

C. III. Explore

Activity 2: Pinoy Henyo

“At this point class, let’s have a group

activity, but first I want you to group
you’re self into 4 group.

“Please select your leader and come to

the front.”

“Excellent give yourself some

fireworks clap.”
“None sir.”
“Any clarification”

C. IV. Explain
“Yes Sir”
“Do you have any idea when we talk
about the Volume, Temperature,
Pressure, Amount?

“Very good”

“Today I will explain what is the

Volume, Temperature, Pressure,
Amount, and I will give the formula of
Charles law.”

“No one is credited for the combined

gas law. Putting together Boyle’s Law
and Charles Law together will result to
this statement”

“Volume of a gas is the amount of

space occupied by the gases.”

“Temperature of a gas is the measure

of the hotness or coldness of an

“Pressure of a confined gas is the

average effect of the forces of the
colliding molecules.”

“Amount of a gas or its mass could be

expressed in moles or grams.”

“The pressure and volume of a gas are

inversely proportional to each other,
but are both directly proportional to the
temperature of the gas.”

“The formula of Combined Gas law”


P1V1 = P2V2
T1 T2

“I will give an example just listen ok”

Sample Problem: The oxygen tank

manufacturer used to produce 5.0 L oxygen
tanks at 2000 psi and 25˚C. Statistics suggests
that the 3.0 L oxygen tank at 1500 psi more
marketable. What temperature requirement is
needed to produce a 3 L oxygen tank at 1500

Given: V1= 5.0 L

V2= 3.0 L
T1= 25˚C + 273=298 K
P1= 2000 psi
P2= 1500 psi

P1V1 =P2V2
T1 T2

T2= T1P2V2
T2= (298K) (1500 psi) (3.0 L)
(2000 psi) (5.0 L)

T2= 1,341,000 K

T2= 134 K

To Covert K to ˚C

134 K – 273 =139˚C

“Yes, Sir”
“Okay class did you all understand
now what is the Volume, Temperature,
Pressure, Amount, and the formula of
the Combined Gas law”
“None, Sir”
“Any clarification?”

“If none we will proceed.”

C. V. Elaborate

“At this point class, let’s proceed in the

relationship between temperature,
pressure, and volume at the constant
number of moles.”
“The pressure and volume of a gas are
“What is the relationship among the inversely proportional to each other,
temperature, pressure, volume of but are both directly proportional to the
gases?” temperature of that gas, Sir”

Very Good.”
“The number of moles is the constant,
“How about the number of moles” Sir”

“None, Sir”
“Any clarification?”

“And if none we will proceed to our

new activity.”

C. VI. Extend
Before we proceed with to your quiz
class let’s have another activity.

Activity: Fix Me!

Direction: Below are vocabulary words that
are being jumbled. Read the definition on the left
side to identify and rearrange the jumbled letters
to form the correct word on the opposite side. I’ll
give you five minutes to answer this activity.

Letter Direction
ERUTAREPME a gas is the measure of Answer:
T the hotness or coldness 1. TEMPERATURE
of an object. 2. VOLUME
EMULOV a gas is the amount of 3. AMOUNT
space occupied by the 4. PRESSURE
TNUOMA a gas or its mass could
be expressed in moles
or grams.
ERUSSERP a confined gas is the
average effect of the
forces of the colliding

“Who got a perfect score”

“Very good” “The student raises their hand”


C. VII. Evaluate
“Since you done really well on our
activity. I assume that you’re already
familiar on volume, pressure,
temperature, and the formula.”

“Get ½ sheet of pad paper I will give

you a short quiz if you already know
what is volume, pressure, temperature,
and the formula, or all of you are
listening to our discussion?”

Multiple choice: Read and choose the correct

answer. Answer:

1. Which of the following is constant when

using the Combined Gas Law? 1. A
2. C
a. Amount 3. B
b. Pressure 4. B
c. Temperature 5. D
d. Volume

2. Who is this person stated that the

relationship between the volume and
pressure of gases at constant temperature?

a. Amedeo Avogadro
b. Jacques Charles
c. Robert Boyle
d. Joseph Louis Gay- Lussac

3. The person who is credited with the

determination of the temperature-pressure
relationship in gases at constant of

a. Amedeo Avogadro
b. Joseph Louis Gay- Lussac
c. Jacques Charles
d. Robert Boyle
4. The pressure and the volume of a gas are
__________ proportional to each other,
but are both directly proportional to the
temperature of the gas?

a. Directly
b. Inversely
c. Vertically
d. Horizontally

5. What is the formula that we use in

Combined Gas Law?

a. P1V1= P2V2
b. P1T1= P2T2
c. V1/T1= V2/T2
d. V1P1T2=V2P2T1

“Assignment Class”

“Give an example of Combined Gas

Law application in real life and explain “Yes, Sir.”
you answer.”

“Okay class did you all understand.”

“Yes, Sir.”
“Okay class that’s all for today. Thank
you for cooperating. To my critique
teacher Ma’am Gisela E. PadPad, my
Supervisor Ma’am Irene Grace Berte
from the college of teacher education.
and to Ma’am Cristita O. Alonsagay
the principal III of Northern Antique
Vocational School. Thank you for
sharing your time. May God bless us
all and keep safe everyone.
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