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1) Hello welcome to the Food for Thought presentation to help explore nutritional psychology by

eating the rainbow and how a healthy well balanced diet can improve the performance of your
mind and body as well as how to eat right to support current medications. If you have questions,
you can raise your hand and I can try to answer them the best I will be using a lot of technical
terms which I assume being psychology students you know, however don’t be afraid to ask

2) Hello I am Rev. Jamey Sinardi I am a seasoned health coach with over a decade of experience,
specializing in nutritional psychiatry with my certificate from the Integrative Psychiatric Institute
plus I was born with an autoimmune disease- IGA deficiency Which basically means I can’t
mitigate my own gut biome and I have a ton of food allergies. As we go through this you will see
why I don’t have problems with it any more.
I have faced two battles with cancer and triumphed over both through natural means. I have
Overcome extreme scoliosis, where my entire spine was fused with metal rods, plus I was told I
would have a wheelchair-bound future but by finding the right diet, I have beaten the everyday
pain of a metal rod out of place 2mm from the birth of my first-born son who I was told I would
never be able to have. even returning to play hockey as a goalie at 28 and winning Top Goalie in
the 2018 NARCH tournament if anyone even knows what that is I would be impressed
I was 30 before we discovered that I had extreme neurodivergence with dyslexia and dysgraphia,
going back to school after being a high school dropout, and now I am currently excelling as a
summa cum laude master's student at CLU in public policy and administration, focusing on the
intersection of health and food.
In 2020-2021, I became a minister and I went back to school online to earn diplomas as well as
became in herbalism, mycology and psychotropic plants, mind-gut health, and drug
commercialization. Plus being Raised on a regenerative farm cattle farm in Washington state, I
recognized the significance of clean, organic, non-GMO food. Diagnosed with bipolar 2 at 13
after moving from sunny CA to gloomy WA state, I din’t think that was my fate and learned how
to heal through diet, which not only helped my mental but my physical pain which can lead to
the cycle of depression and anxiety.
Does anyone here deal with chronic pain?
Does anyone here recognize the depression anxiety cycle with pain?
It is very real. My sister has MS my partner has lupus, my mom has fibromyalgia, and not only
have I helped them mitigate their pain and depression cycles I have assisted countless individuals
dealing with autoimmune issues and specific dietary needs.
So that is me and my background if you would like to talk privately about yours my door is
always open.
My information today will be directly from Dr. Mary Rondeau, ND, RH(AHG) and Crystalin
Montgomery, ND from the Integrative Psychiatric Institute with specific references throughout
the slide
3) When diet is wrong medicine is of no use and when diet is correct medicine is of no need this is
a very relevant ayurvedic proverb

4) Our brains are made of molecules

Our brain uses molecules to function
These molecules come from our diet
Our diet affects our brain

We can use this to help people

We eat many different molecules and some help the brain while some harm the brain

Some people need more of some molecules than others

While most people don’t get all the molecules their brain needs

So if our brain doesn’t obtain all of the molecules that it requires it doesn’t work as well

Modern Psychiatry is built on the theory that abnormal amounts of specific molecules in certain
areas of the brain related to mental illness

Modern psychiatry uses some molecules to alter brain function

However modern psychiatry ignores the molecules that we are eating

5) There are 4 common ways to alter brain biochemistry

1- Synthetically ingest synthesized foreign molecules
2 – Nutrition Ingest nutritional molecules with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, oils this
includes supplementation
3 – Botanical with herbs and natural herbal remedies
4 – Diet to alter and change your diet completely
We will be discussing these but we will be leaving out other ways like dancing singing and
laughing they wont be considered here even though they have been known to also alter brain

6) So why does this matter? If we look at overall diet, quality and mental health we see that this is
been studied actually quite extensively. Showing that a healthy a whole foods diet can help in
altering brain biochemistry
Now the scientific understanding and background of this there was a meta-analysis of 17
different studies with a total of over 127k people that showed having a regular “healthy dietary
pattern” was associated with significantly reduced depression risk
Coupled with “Healthy food groups” (Including fish, veggies, and fruit) was associated with
significantly reduced depression risk
World psychiatry stated a meta-analysis of the Mediterranean diet that showed those who ate a
Mediterranean diet significantly reduced depressive symptoms as well
A meta analysis fo 7 studies showed that Risk of depression is significantly lower for those with
greater vegetable intake, higher dietary zinc and fish
Most of the foods in a Mediterranean diet are low inflammatory and Low inflammatory diet
index is associated with a reduced risk of depression with a Pro-inflammatory diet was
significantly at greater risk of depression

7) Looking at pediatrics and a little more at the pediatric diet quality this was a prospective study of
7,675 children from the ages of 1-9 years old and they were followed for 2 years and found that
the highest intake of fruits and vegetables were associated with improved well being, and that
the highest intake of fish in the diet also was related to improved self-esteem and fewer peer
problems so the conclusion was that a child physical and mental development is dependent
upon the nutritional quality, and what we see clinically time and time again is that just improving
a child’s diet, improving what is going into their bodies with every step of the meal we can get
very good results from a behavior aspect.

8) So now lets take it a step further and look at one reason why diet quality improves our mental
well being. Well one part looks specifically at those micronutrients and also USDA looked at the
US population and how many people were not meeting the recommended intake for specific
nutrients as you can see there is a large percentage of the population 72%, are not meeting their
calcium needs from the diet 75% are not getting their needed folate intake which is crucial for
mental health, Magnesium is another important one not only for the brain but the heart and
many vital functions in the body. It has so many functions in the brain and 68% of the population
in this study were not getting the recommended daily intake.
Our diets are not just lacking the amount of quantity but also quality especially when we talk
about micro and macronutrients across the board.
Well what about vegans right or people who eat a plant-based diet? You would think they are
more healthy right?
Not necessarily if we look at the mineral content of fruit and vegetables in the last 50-80 years…
Growing up on a farm ans studying agricultural land management with my focus in my masters
program being the intersection of health and food policy I would some very enlightening things
not only about our food but how it is grown

9) What has changed in the last 100 years?

According to the Nutrition Security Institute and Michigan State University, we have seen
diseases up by 80% with 85% less minerals in our food, with industrial monocropping that is one
large field of the same crop and big pharma owning 90% of the seeds meaning more GMO food
with less nutrition. The same people who are growing the food is the same people who also sells
you the medication when you don’t get the nutrients the mind and body need for optimal
growth and performance.

10) Here we see a decrease in mineral content in vegetables in the UK from the British food journal
over a 50 year time period, the red is from 1997 and the green is from 1947. That means that
the carrot or broccoli that we eat today is not nearly as nutritious as it was 50 years ago, that
means to reach the needed daily intake we would need to eat that much more servings of
vegetables in our day to make up for our depleted soils. As the fungi hold the minerals in the soil
so when we use chemicals in the fields and pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides it kills the
ability for the soil to retain these nutrients.

11) We see here from the Nutrition Security Institute an 80 year decline of mineral content in one
apple starting with calcium at 13.5mg in 1914 and only having 7mg by 1992 with a 48% decrease
We see Iron with the highest decrease of 96.09% in 1914 an apple had 4.6mg of iron and by
1992 it only had .18mg of iron
So does being vegetarian or vegan mean you are healthier not anymore, there is a lower risk of
death from heart disease along with lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes, lower
body mas index and lower cancer rates but then we have nutritional deficiencies like Protein,
B12, D3, omega-3 fatty acids as we need an even balance of omega 3s and omega 6s, we see
calcium, iron, choline and even some creatine deficiencies. We see higher rates of depression,
SAD anxiety and self-harm behaviors, and is worse in females with severe eating pathology
Its not controversial that you need to eat your veggies though (unless you are a lobbyist for the
meat industry) and the more the better. I personally try to stick to an 80/20 split of 80% veggies
and 20% meat. With a 90/10 rule of I do that 90 percent of the time and 10% of the time is
reserved for eating out, going to parties, and not shaming or guilting myself when I just need to
eat. Especially being pregnant I have even less restrictive eating but keeping to the same

12) This is a pretty powerful statement from the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
Think about it as an input system when one input in the metabolic network is inadequate, we
will see those repercussions on a large system and if the reproductions are large enough the
deficiencies are inadequate enough that will lead to disease and we have a huge array of
nutrients that alter brain function.
Nutrients that can alter your brain function include Folate, Cobalamin, Thiamine, Pyridoxine,
Calcium, Chromium, Magnesium, Iron, Choline, Zinc, Vitamin E and Selenium. They have also
found a link to decreased levels of Vitamin D and schizophrenia.

13) B vitamins and folate have a massive effect on the mind and body.
B6 is a needed cofactor for serotonin synthesis
B12 and folate are needed for methylation of the cells
Folate is crucial in DNA plus metabolic and amino acid synthesis and is a proven monotherapy in
depression which the depressed population has been found to have low folate levels
Best sources of folate in the diet are green leafy veggies, beef liver I know is not a common
favorite but its very high in folate, lentils, beans, citrus fruits, bananas and melons
Folate is essential for baby development in pregnant woman

14) Nutrients from foods will always be better absorbed in the body here are some suggestions on
how to get your folate intake in I personally have a food intolerance to FODMAP foods these are
the foods that cause gas like spinach, kale, cabbage, chard, mustard green beans ect…FODMAP
stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. It’s a type
of carbohydrate that can resist digestion. Some people with digestive issues can benefit by
reducing these in their diet. FODMAPs are types of carbohydrates found in certain foods,
including wheat and beans. Studies have shown strong links between FODMAPs and digestive
symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, and constipation.
As you can see here that can make my diet pretty limited in folate so I supplement daily with it.
Low folate levels are also associate with socio economic status being the highest groups for lack
of deficiencies in folate.
We also are learning about folate receptor antibodies that can basically inhibit or block folate so
this a multileveled issue that we see with folate another reason for malabsorption is celiac
disease, IBS colitis which we find are typically from food intolerances that usually are not caught
right away and cause chronic inflammation in the gut. When we have inflammation it triggers
immune responses that stress the body. When the body is in a state of stress the functions of
healing, digestion and sleep shut down for that fight or flight response

15) Looking at B vitamins they are Essential in the regulation of metabolism, hemoglobin synthesis
and maintaining skin and nervous system integrity
They are important for the methylation cycle b9 is folic acid that turns into folate and b12 is
specifically involved with the metabolism of homocysteine high levels which is the end product
of the methylation cycles and is associated with cognitive impairment, dementia, depression and
more which makes it a good biomarker in the blood for blood tests. There is considerable
evidence to suggest that folate, B12 and B6 have protective effects on cognitive function and
potentially against depressive symptoms in ageing
Adding greens to your meal two times a day can greatly help, like spinach to your eggs or a side
salad at lunch or dinner. Seafood like salmon and clams can be added to soups and pasta
Incorporating eggs daily and instead of grain based snacks try kale chips, almonds, hummus or
bananas exploring options will help diversify your taste pallet and add more nutrients into your
diet for better mental stability.
It is important to get your blood work done to see if you have an intolerance or allergy to a
specific B vitamin
B12 is not very well absorbed from a capsule unless it’s a methylated form along with most B
vitamins and folate is best as methyl folate, folinic acid and natural folate found in food

16) Zinc, why is zinc important? Here I listed the journals as links from NCBI, Science Direct and
The role of zinc in the brain is pretty important as it functions as a co-factor in antioxidant
defense systems and is needed for dopamine transport. It gives structure and function to the
brains membranes and it modulates melatonin which regulates dopamine metabolism. When
you are low in zin you have slow healing, decreased taste and appetite, depression, dermatitis,
night blindness tremors frequent infections and even difficulty concentrating.
- Zinc added to methylphenidate therapy results in greater improvement than
methylphenidate alone and added to SSRIs is more effective than the SSRI alone. S severe
zinc deficiency correlates with the severity of a depressive state.
- Moving on to copper its important to actually have an even zinc-to-copper ratio and excess
copper-to-zinc can cause mental health symptoms as well as lower dopamine levels and
increase norepinephrine levels with imbalances associated with Anxiety, ASD, violent
behavior, paranoia and depression
- Low Iron causes developmental delays in in children and is associated with ADHD, increased
anxiety, depression as well as altered dopamine levels. An overload is linked to
neurodegenerative disorders and anxiety-like behavior
- Magnesium is super important for the brain. It affects the brain's limbic-hypothalamus-
pituitary-adrenocortical axis, influencing sleep patterns and hormones. Magnesium seems to
reduce stress-related hormone release, impact brain chemicals, and interact with proteins in
the brain barrier. These effects are linked to systems associated with depression. A
deficiency is seen to be higher in ADHD populations, one study even found it helpful in
treating depression in diabetics as well as effective for mild anxiety and PMS related anxiety.

Looking at pumpkin seeds they are so high in magnesium and zinc it’s a great way to get these
into your diet just snacking on some organic non gmo pumpkin seeds. 1 service in about 1 oz and
that has 37% of your daily magnesium and 14% of your zinc, but they also have 33% phosphorus,
23% iron and 42% manganese with 7% protein plus even more nutrients but these are a great
snack to start incorporating and if you are worried about lectins you can soak them for 15 mins
and then put then in a skillet and add your own flavoring

17) Moving on to Omega 3 fatty acids with quite a lot of research looking at mood disorders
especially those who had a lot of fish in their diets like fatty tuna and salmon
- Effective Augmentation for Bipolar patients and major depression
- Effective treatment for Borderline P.D.O
- Effective treatment for attention and focus
- Help with PMS
- Prevention of Breast cancer
A review of 16 randomized control studies with a total of 1514 children and young people with
13 studies showed benefits in helping ADHD symptoms particularly hyperactivity, impulsivity,
attention and visual learning along with word reading and working short-term memory.
Omega 3s support our brain through signaling mediums and help with membrane flutily but
these are not immediate fixes they take time to change so changing diet over the long term
shows benefits since the brain is 60% fat we need those lipids to function properly to help
restore oxidative balance.
If you are not a fish person we see a good amount of omegas in flax seed, hemp seeds, chia
seed, walnuts and pecans as well as grass fed/pasture-raised meat, and eggs. Purslane and other
leafy greens
The American Psychiatric Association recommends a consumption of at least one gram per day
for all patients with psychiatric disorders

18) Polyphenols are a category of plant compounds, my favorite ways to get them into the diet is
with edible flowers in salads and on sandwiches. This is truly eating the rainbow! They help with
blood flow, and are a great antioxidant which means they take oxidative stress out and help
prevent against cancers. Helps with neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity as well as learning and
nuero-cognitive performance
Flavonoids. Are a one of 8000 types of polyphenols These account for around 60% of all
polyphenols. Examples include quercetin, kaempferol, catechins, and anthocyanins, which are
found in foods like apples, onions, dark chocolate, and red cabbage

One study from PubMed reports that drinking grape juice, which is naturally rich in polyphenols, helped
significantly boost memory in older adults with mild mental impairment in as little as 12 weeks
19) This came directly out of a journal from NCBI link is at the bottom that scientists are exploring
natural substances, like plants, that could help treat brain-related disorders. They're particularly
interested in Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a protein linked to brain health. This
review looked at different plants like green tea, ginseng, and olive oil, to see if they affect BDNF
positively. The findings suggest that these plants might be useful in supporting brain health here
is a list of flowers that have found

20) This is from the same article Simply put, scientists are studying plants to see if they can influence
a protein called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) in the brain. This protein is crucial for
brain health. The review found over a hundred scientific papers on this topic, suggesting a strong
interest in using plants to influence conditions that affect the central nervous system. The results
indicate that certain plants might prevent or correct changes in BDNF caused by experiments.
This could offer a new way to approach treatments for brain-related issues.

Implement more berries, bright colored fruits and vegetables especially reds, yellows, orange
colored, make smoothies, even teas like hibiscus, rosehip and rose ect. Sweet potato fries.
Zucchini noodles, green apples for less sugar content. Spices like paprika, turmeric, saffron,
parsley, cinnamon cloves ect.
I find the best healing fresh press juice for maximum enzyme and polyphenols is three carrots
and one green apple. Simple and very effective,
21) This information is from a group of articles from PubMed, science direct and Science Hub to
summarize everything.

ADHD- Diet and nutrition are key components to managing ADHD and should emphasize food
that balance blood sugar, encourage healthy elimination, support balanced gut flora, are anti-
inflammatory and nutrient-dense whole unprocessed foods. Gluten intolerances are also linked
to ADHD. This population has shown low levels of copper, iron, zinc, magnesium and Omega 3.
Vitamin D3 is vital and is usually low in this group as it acts as a neuroactive steroid and supports
the synthesis of serotonin while supporting energy levels, mood and immune function plus so
much more. However, D3 does interact with some medications and lowers its efficacy so its
important to discuss these things with your doctor after a blood panel;

In autism we see a higher prevalence of overweight, decreased concentration of Pantothenic acid or

B5, biotin, folate Vitamin B12, D, and E along with calcium, magnesium, iodine, chromium, selenium,
lithium and iron. With elevated copper, phosphorus, boron, mercury and lead and usually lacking
fiber. Usually its difficult to get extremely autistic children to eat different foods or textures and
parents often get frustrated and give up but it takes about 60 times of introducing a food for it to
take. So at first you don’t succeed try 59 more times.

Depression- There is a wide array of nutritional deficiencies that can lead to depressive
symptoms like an unbalanced omega 6 to omega 3 ratio, low vegetable intake, less nutrition
density fast and processed food or food high on the glycemic index. Agave spikes your glucose
even worse than sugar so I would avoid it in this category. The Mediterranean diet works well in
this group. Melancholic depression is related to reduced appetite and weight loss whereas
atypical depression is related to increased appetite and weight gain. Try consuming 7-10 servings
of fruits and vegetables per day and a weekly intake of fish, poultry, beans, and eggs. Limiting
dairy and being physically active is key to helping methylation. Vegetarians are at a 67% higher
risk for depression as this limits b12 intake. Zinc and Iron deficiency are also associated with
mood disorders. Low B1 is linked in women with poor mood. B6 for PMS depression and 1/3 of
of this group have lo folate, Magnesium treatment has also shown to be very effective in treating

MTHFR gene mutation is prevalent in 70% of MDD patients which is a genetic in-born error impairing
their ability to reduce folic acid to L-methyfolate as folic acid is not an active form of folate and this
can cause a lot of enzyme deviancies that can affect mood. About 45% of the population has this
gene mutation and its important to get that checked if depression is persistent.

Now people with high anxiety we see a little different deficiencies along with some of the ones we
have discussed like the uneven balance of Omegas, low iron, magnesium high sugar and carbs but
we also see Low Glycine and B8 or Inositol along with the need for better cellular methylation. DNA
methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that is essential for regulating gene transcription. DNA
methylation is modified by environmental factors such as diet that may modify cancer risk and tumor
behavior. Abnormal DNA methylation has been observed in several cancers such as colon, stomach,
cervical, prostate, and breast cancers. Methylation nutrients include B12. B6, betaine, choline and
methionoine. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the
methyl cycle, and it is encoded by the MTHFR gene. In otherwords The MTHFR gene provides
instructions for your body to make folate. Choline acts as a Mthyl doner found in animal sources as
well as vegetarian souces. Its important for the animals to eat the natural greens to provide it though
that is why pasture raised is so important. A Hordaland Health Study found significant associations
between Choline and high anxiety but not depression. Inositol or B8 is part of the cell membrane
and helps maintain and restore serotonin found in foods like organic meat, whole grains and leafy
greens and has been found effective for panic attacks and OCD in a double blind controlled crossover
trial of Inositol vs fluvoxamine. Lastly we have Glycine a non-essential amino acid and an inhibitory
neurotransmitter that can be found in bone broth, pultry skin, seafood, animal protein, legumes,
spinach, asparagus, cabbage and watercress along with seaweed. Imagine your brain is like a big city,
and there are messengers in the city called neurotransmitters. These messengers help different parts
of the city (your brain) communicate with each other.

Now, some of these messengers have a special job – they're like traffic controllers. Their job is to
say, "Hold on, slow down!" to the messages in the city. When they do this, it helps keep
everything in order.
So, inhibitory neurotransmission is like the traffic controllers telling the messages in the city to
calm down. They make sure things don't get too busy and chaotic. It's a way for your brain to
keep everything balanced and working smoothly! Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a
common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Its binding to receptors
usually results in a calming effect, reducing the likelihood of the postsynaptic neuron firing.
Inhibitory neurotransmission is essential for maintaining the balance and control of neural
activity in the brain and spinal cord.
High glucose in the blood from sugar, HFCS, Alcohol all effect how this process works and can
cause anxiety as well as candida in the gut which then just throws everything off causing
inflation witch in turn is linked to fear based disorders as stated by neuropsychopharmacology

we can see its important to have a well rounded diet to stabilize the mind and the gut. As we can
also see with bipolar and schizophrenia.

In The British journal of psychiatry from a 2019 systematic review and meta analysts of 58 studies
and over 35k people with a mix of serious mental illnesses there was a higher energy and sodium
intake along with higher carbonated beverages, caffeine, sweets, white bread, and hydrogenated oils
with lower fruit and vegetable intake. This means lower folate, D3, Omega 3, Vitamin C and Zinc. In a
meta review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials it was found that a B vitamin
combination supplement significantly reduced PANSS total scores after 3 months. What that means
is The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) is a medical scale used for measuring symptom
severity of patients with schizophrenia. We also see Omegas again playing a huge role in managing
mania with Bipolar disorder. We actually see that Vitamin C really reduces oxidative stress and
improves outcome of schizophrenia by a Dakhale in 2005, but there has actually been a lot of studies
on this as it is a co-factor for multiple enzyme pathways and helps modulate acetylcholine release
while inhibits N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Plus Vitamin C helps modulate dopaminergic

Alright, imagine your brain is a team working together to send messages. N-methyl-d-aspartate
(NMDA) receptors are like special doors that let important messages through. Now, think of
them as bouncers at a club – they decide which guests (messages) are allowed in.

When something inhibits NMDA receptors, it's like telling the bouncers to be really picky or take a
break. They become less likely to let messages through. So, it's a way of controlling how much
information gets in, almost like adjusting the volume on your brain's radio.

This can be useful in certain situations, helping your brain manage the flow of messages. We also see the
common deficiencies like magnesium which is useful in helping to treat bipolar and oral magnesium may
help improve the antimanic effectiveness of mood stabilizers in stable BPD

Zinc sulfate added to the treatment of schizophrenia has significant improvement in PANSS score
with no side effects noted as well as it helps regulate GABA

Choline helps bipolar as a necessary precursor for synthesis of acetylcholine which low levels have
been associated with some cases of mania and depressed mood.
We also see Gluten sensitivity play a vital role in mania

The gut is something we touched on but it is a big factor in people with SMI showing structural damage
to the GI tract is highly associated with colitis, enteritis and gastritis. GI disease leads to immune
dysregulation and impacts the ability to absorb nutrients to suboptimal levels or deficiencies over time.
Which I could do an entire lecture on the GI tract and the mind-gut connection.

This is also important to cognitive disorders like demntia and alzthymers I am not really going tog
et into this one as it not as important to you all. I was in a webinar last year where I heard
scientist and dietitions talk about actually reversing these issues with diet and eliminating gluten
and sugar in the diet. It blew me away but they had the stats to prove it as well as the first hand
patient accounts.

- Child obes 2013;9:125-31 Advances in nutrition July 2015;397-407, D’ Eufemia et al 1996, Oddy,
W.H. ADHD is associated with a western dietary pattern in adolescents 2011, 15, 403-411, Woo,
et al. Dietary Patterns in Children with ADHD. Nutrients 2014, 6, 1539-1553, Pediatrics
international {2014} 56. 515-519, European journal of integrative medicine 25 {2019} 28-33,
Palatniak A, Frolov K, Fux M, Benjamin J. (2001 Journal of clinical Psychopharmacology,
21(3):335-9, Teasdale, S, et al. The British journal of psychiatry, 2019; 214(5), 251-259, Firth J et
al. World Psychiatry 2019 Oct;18(3):308-324, Br J Psychiatry. 2006; 188:46-50; Biol Psychiatry.
2006: 60: 1020-1022; Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009: 63:1037-1040 Biol Psychiatry. 1996;40:382-388.
Evidence of drug-nutrient interactions with chronic use of commonly prescribed medications

22) Here is a summary Micronutrient status for bipolar and schizophrenia we see folate, D3,
Omega3, Vitamin C and Zinc along with the studies
23) Here is the study for Inositol vs fluvoxamine for the treatment of panic disorder
24) And here is the study which incorporates B vitamins for help with schizophrenic populations

25) According to many studies in the National Library of Medicine The long-term use of prescription
and over-the-counter drugs can induce subclinical and clinically relevant micronutrient
deficiencies, which may develop gradually over months or even years.
We see antacids leading to calcium, folate, iron, B12, D, and magnesium deficiencies
Antipsychotics lead to lower B12
Oral birth control is related to deficiencies in folate, magnesium, vitamin b6
Statins deplete fat-soluble vitamins like D,K, A and E
Diabetes meds deplete folate and B12
ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers lead to a zin and potassium deficiency
Along with metabolic syndrome which impairs glucose tolerance and insulin resistance with
increased inflammation elevated Triglycerides, Reduced HDL the good cholesterol as well as
raised blood pressure which means there is an increased need for nutrients and intermittent

26) Some of my references

27) I will have these available if anyone would like to take a deeper dive into this and thank you so
much for your interest in your health as diet matters in how we manage our mind and bodies.
Thank you any questions?

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